Best & Worst Feud of the Decade: 2000's

Best Feud of the Decade?

  • The Rock vs HHH in 2000

  • Shane vs Vince in 2001

  • Brock Lesnar vs Kurt Angle in 2003

  • HHH vs HBK in 2002

  • HHH vs Chris Benoit in 2004

  • Rey Mysterio vs Eddie Guerrero in 2005

  • John Cena vs Edge in 2006

  • Kurt Angle vs Samoa Joe in 2007

  • Batista vs The Undertaker in 2007

  • Chris Jericho vs Shawn Michaels in 2008

  • Kurt Angle vs AJ Styles in 2008

  • Main Event Mafia vs TNA Frontline in 2009

  • Triple H vs Randy Orton in 2009

  • Jeff Hardy vs CM Punk in 2009

  • Other

Results are only viewable after voting.


F*ck Friends, Rather die wiv ma AK!
Quite simple, did the 2000 decade have good feuds? Yes
did it have pointless feuds? Yes

So what I want to know is from what you remember, the best and worst feud to have happened in the last decade?

I would have to go with HHH & lasted 2 years...finally ended in 2004...they had great matches that have to be at least 4 or 5 star match ratings...from unsanctioned street fight to elimination chamber to 3 stages of hell to hell in a cell...what else did they the story behind it was amazing, they were best of friends as well, and it came as a complete shock when HHH turned on HBK..

Worst goes to Chavo jobbing to Hornswoggle back in 2009, seriously what was that all about, damn kids!!

What would yours have to be?

Please post in the multiple choice poll and keep thread on topic..thank you
Best: My favorite feud, and what I would consider to be the best one was Triple H vs Shawn Michaels, I definitely agree with that, it had some epic promos, and some amazing matches, a great way for Shawn to return, and Triple H to become a dominant heel.

Worst: I guess I really have to agree, Chavo Guerrero vs Hornswoggle was indeed nothing worth bragging about at all, and while there's been some boring, or crappy feuds, some that just weren't too interesting to be considered good, I still think this one has to be the worst.
As Much as I loved the HBK/Triple H feud, I had to go in a different direction.

Best Feud: Edge vs. John Cena (2006)
In this fued both Edge and John Cena established themselves as mainstays in the Main Event scene. While Cena was already an established main eventer and world champion, this feud really elevated Edge to the highset level of competition and helped him transform into The Rated R Superstar. This feud also also started the Money in the Bank trend/tradition of cashing in the briefcase on an unsuspecting opponent.

Worst Feud:
It’s hard to argue the Chavo/Hornswoggle feud. It was so repetitive, predictable, unrealistic and lame. I am going to give an Honorable Mention to Kane/Lita/Snitsky feud where Snitsky caused Lita to suffer a miscarriage of Kane’s unborn child. :wtf:
Worst Feud:
I am going to give an Honorable Mention to Kane/Lita/Snitsky feud where Snitsky caused Lita to suffer a miscarriage of Kane’s unborn child. :wtf:

Yes, absolutly, Kane had some of the worst feuds in the decade...with Snitsky, Rey Mysterio in 2008, Big Daddy V in 2007, vs matt hardy & lita in 2004, Shane in 2003 and Triple H in 2002 with the Katie Vick, now that was just low...
Best feud: Damn there's a lot of great feuds. But I'm going to go with Edge and John Cena in 2006. This is what elevated Edge to the main event, starting at the very first PPV of 2006, New Years Revolution. Even when they weren't feuding Edge found a way to get involved, like taking out Cena so Van Dam could win his first World Title. And props to Cena, love him or hate him he can carry a damn good feud. The two put on top notch matches as well, TLC, Steel Cage. Plus who can forget the time Edge went to the Cena childhood home and slapped Cena's own father? Then a matter of weeks later throwing the Spinner Belt in the river before unveiling the Rated-R Spinner Belt. From what I read there was plans for a seperate design completely but they didn't have the time.

Honourable mention goes to Hardy vs. Punk in the Summer of '09. What better way to transform someone from being a face to a top heel by cutting promos against undeniably the top face of the company at that time. Plus the two had some great matches.

Worst feud: Hornswoggle vs. Chavo. Need I say more? A man who has feuded with top stars such as Mysterio, Guerrero, Benoit and Kane to name a few, and can put on top matches was reduced to jobbing to a freakin' midget.

Honourable mention goes to Mysterio vs. Kane. Weeks of hype, people speculating what was in the burlap sack Kane carried around with him and it turned out to be Mysterio's mask. I'm one of those guys who thinks that Kane doesn't need his mask to be scary but I was hoping and was convinced it was his old mask. Plus having Kane being beaten by Mysterio was over the top as well.
I actually think the Jericho/Michaels feud from 2008 was the best of the decade, simply because while Hornswoggle was still pulling his kiddie circus act for all the children to eat up, the WWE in the midst of all it's PG nonsense was actually putting on a rather R-Rated (no Edge pun intended) segment/feud between the two that rivaled anything else going on at the time. Jericho (albeit unintentionally) punched Michaels wife in the face, he sent Michaels through a television screen injuring his eye (kayfabe), etc. The entire feud itself was monumentally greater than the sum of all of RAW's parts at the time and IMO really held the company up for quite a while during it's duration due to the utter lack of anything else of value happening at the time.
How in the hell is THE BEST FEUD OF THAT DECADE (As voted on a Mega Poll by everyone world wide on not up there?

The Rock vs Stone Cold. They feuded 3 times and headlined Mania together 1 on 1 which is a record and it was fresh each time

This was the number 1 feud of all time actually the poll was with Austin/McMahon coming in 2nd, and Rock/HHH coming in 3rd. And this poll was takem within the last 2-3 years so it includes most you all like

Anyway that was a world-wide poll that had way more options and didnt just consist of 14-20+ wrestlezone members so that does say something for hundreds of thousands to have voted

I just feel this one was THE ONE. Those 2 had great chemistry together and are easily the 2 biggest names in wrestling, Flair & Hogan are great, but these two are WOW

I just dont get it. They even won Match of the Decade for their WrestleMania X7 match with HBK/Taker at WrestleMania 25 coming in at #2

Both could work a crowd great and there's a reason the crowd WILL (not I think) pop bigger for them over a Hogan, Flair, returning HBK if he decides etc

As far as Worst Feud: how about Lil Boogey vs Hornswoggle, it was a feud in a way, but yeah Chavo/Swoggle sucked for obvious reasons. Burying Chavo just for entertainment for the kids. I hate that unrealistic shit
"How is THE BEST FEUD OF THAT DECADE (As voted on a Mega Poll by everyone world wide on not up there?

The Rock vs Stone Cold. They feuded 3 times and headlined Mania together 1 on 1 which is a record and it was fresh each time."

i can't speak for everyone, but i'm thinking that the reason this one is not on there is because the Rock/Austin feud within the last decade only saw a couple of matches together. WM17 and WM19. so maybe because it only consisted of a couple of matches inbetween Austin's injuries, Rock's movies and both retiring so early in the decade, that might be the reason. just a guess.

great feuds to choose from. i'll just list a few that i really enjoyed...

Brock/Angle -- these two guys could both wrestle and put on some clinics! the Iron Man match between the two was great as was there Mania match.

Angle/Guerrero -- a couple more clinics put on by these two. seems to be a trend with Angle and Guerrero was of course no joke in the ring. two great wrestlers doing what they loved the most and did the best. how can ya go wrong?

Guerrero/Rey & Chavo -- Guerrero had such convincing feuds with both of these guys and had so much history with both. and the matches were fantastic. this feud really put Chavo on notice for me, as if he already wasn't. but i loved these feuds with Eddie.

HBK/Triple H & Jericho -- HBK is such a good story teller in and out of the ring. his feuds with these two guys are arguably the best of their respective years and there were such good matches between the two and HBK; street fights, steel cages, hell in a cell, elimination chamber, ladder, 3 stages of hell, etc. great story telling by all involved!

Edge/Undertaker -- i may be alone here, but i loved their Mania match and the following angle with Taker repeatedly getting stripped of the title. then the revenge at Summer Slam inside the cell was fantastic. great stuff put on by both men.

Worst Feuds would have to be anything involving Khali or Hornswaggle. both are just not believable or entertaining or high quality ring workers or mic workers. so the fact that they win most of their matches is just sad on so many levels.
The best one goes to Kurt Angle and Brock Lesnar. They had great matches at WM 19 and Summerslam 2003 and a decent Iron Man Match. Lesnar and Benoit are the only two wrestlers I've seen bring out the best in Kurt Angle and it showed.

The worst feud is HHH vs. HBK. It was built up as the most storied rivalry in WWE history but it just failed to live up to that. Other than their Summerslam match, the rest of their matches were mediocre including their Hell in a Cell match. I don't think HBK got a one-on-one victory over HHH which was unbelieveable. They dragged it out too long and should have ended one year earlier.
It didn't last as long as Michaels/HHH, but I'm going with Orton and HHH after the Royal Rumble in 2009. HHH and Orton have had history, so it was easy to build. This was the most personal feud I had seen in years, and I loved every second of it.

Orton came back, from that injury to his collarbone, and was a monster. He was evil, sadistic, and no longer cared about anything, or anyone (as if he ever had). Triple H played the protective husband role about as well as he could have, and it looked great. These two guys do really well together, and have great chemistry.

Orton tortured that family, and made HHH a real babyface, for maybe the first time in his career. Sure, he had played a face before, but never did he get as much sympathy as during this feud. This feud brought out the absolute best in both men, character wise.

Sure, I've heard some of you bitch and complain that the match at Mania 25 wasn't that good, and for the sake of argument, I won't get into that. But this feud was the best I have seen in years, maybe the best since Austin/McMahon.
I'm gonna go with The Rock and Triple H

But I think it has more to do with the previous history of them before the 2000's. It almost seemed like since late 1997 until 2000 it was long feud. Yeah, they did have other feuds in between but they would always wind up against each other at some point and feuding again.

It started with the Nation of Domination against D-Generation X, and it finished with The Rock and Triple H being the last two standing. They feuded over the Intercontinental Title, and then the WWF Title.

Wow, my favorite hasn't even been mentions yet. I gotta go with HHH/Stone Cold in late 2000, early 2001. This thing may have been short, but man was it fuckin sweeeet. It all started with HHH bing revealed as the one who orchastrated Austin being run down at SS '99. The culmination of this was their match at No Way Out '01 in that three stages of hell match. I think that match alone is the reason this is my favorite feud of the decade.


Im gonna have to go with HHH/Scott Steiner on this one. HHH obviously refused to put Steiner over in any way, shape or form. All it was was a series of bland matches with predictable outcomes.
Whoo lots of good choices for both best and worst. Makes ya think

Best: Joe/Daniels/Styles (2005)- Started with Daniels vs Styles, then Joe took out Daniels and eventually led to a series of 3-way matches that have been considered arguably the best matches in TNA history.

Worst: Let's see.... we have Khali/Hornswoggle (which was flat disgusting)...The Katie Vick storyline (necrophilia is going too far)....And this one isn't a feud per se but its still awful: Hogan/Abyss!

If I may I'll add a third category: WASTED feuds. These are feuds that had the potential to be great feuds but completely crapped out.

1. Khali vs Undertaker: We had seen it before- monstrous opponents for the Undertaker to test him. But Khali was different: just as big as Giant Gonzales but far more powerful. This was one of maybe 2 times that Taker actually looked confused/intimidated (the other being Kane's debut in 1996.) In the end, Taker made Khali look bad. This could have gone much further than it did.

2. Sheamus vs Cena: I'm fully expecting part 2 of this feud and that it'll be better than the first round. Sheamus wins the title under questionable circumstances and uses underhanded tactics but is ultimately embarrassed by the phenomenon we know as "Super Cena!"

3. Rey vs. CM Punk: I'm fully expecting heat for this pick. I'm not liking the direction the feud went. Instead of a forced SES Rey "accidentally" costing Punk leading to a retribution match of Rey's mask/career vs Punk's hair/Rey's freedom, we get to see the Straightedge One running around in a MASK hiding his bald head. Only thing that'll save this is an eventual Mask vs. Mask match.
U asking me what is the best feud of 2000's? What? Best feud 2000's? What? Best Feud of 2000's? What?
Well the best of 2000's is hands down : Rock Vs SCSA period.
And that's the bottom line coz a1n1hbk said so.

Well its strange that its not even listed as one of the options. To go from the options i will go with HBK Vs HHH, i mean the feud lasted for almost 2 years. They fought in every gimmick match they could, had a great story line, good matches and well build. HHH came out as real bad guy, stabbing his best friend in the back and all, oh boy did he get some heat, he got a lot of it.Audience was booing him of arenas.Enough said.
Maybe it's not the "best", in terms of storied rivalries, or marquee matches, but the feud between Shawn Michaels and Ric Flair was my personal favorite feud of the decade. Every single promo was golden, to start with. I don't think people are gonna forget the whole "Old Yeller" promos any time soon. What really made this feud amazing, though, was how realistic it was. Everyone knew that Ric Flair's time was running out as an active competitor, and everyone knew how much respect HBK had for Flair. It was amazing to watch HBK go from "I can't retire Flair" to "I will retire Flair" and back again by the conclusion of the match.

The match itself was anything but forgettable, too. We saw that iconic springboard moonsault from HBK, where he landed rib-first on the announce table. We saw Flair go off the top rope for the first time in....well, I can't remember ever seeing him do it before. We saw all of the Dirtiest Player in the Game tactics, like the thumb to the eye.

I was lucky enough to be at Wrestlemania XXIV, too, so I was able to feel how electric the crowd was. Before the gates even opened, you heard "Woooooooo!" coming from everywhere. During every match before Flair/HBK, you heard it, too. The amount of crowd investment really added to the feud, as well as the match.

Everything about the feud was perfect, and the amount of emotion in the feud will likely never be topped.

Also, we don't discuss Flair returning or going to ROH/TNA after this match. That never even happened, as far as I'm concerned.
I dont enjoy HHH V Orton to be honest. I get sick of how it never ends, and always seems to go back to 'Evolution days' with HHH/Orton being the master/apprentice thing.
In the build for Mania Orton punted Vince and after that rather than make Orton face, they made him face HHH and they did violent stuff to each other, but still went on about Evolution!

I voted Batista v Undertaker because it had a good build and the mania match was a pleasant surprise in terms of how good it would be, then it just kept on producing quality stuff in the ring. The 2 have chemistry in the ring.

I also voted Punk v Hardy, Lesnar v Angle and Cena v Edge (except when they redid for Mania 25)

I think that generally with WWE, they need to realise that less is more with feuds. Some of their feuds go on for months and months with multiple PPV matches. Then they are re-done a year or 2 later.
by far my favorite feud of the past 10 years with HHH and The Rock they had a great rivalry building up from the IC title in 1997 through to the world title. The Rock was such a good hero to go up against the evil boss at the time being HHH. Not to mention their matches The Iron Man at judgement day the triple threat at summerslam. Easily two all time greats = one great feud
I got another bad feud..took place during the Summer of 2002...between Lillian Garcia and Howard Finkel...

It was when Lillian took some time off, I don't know what for and then she came back to see The Fink doing her led them to have an evening gown/tuxedo match which Lillian won with the help of Trish and Stacy...
The best one goes to Kurt Angle and Brock Lesnar. They had great matches at WM 19 and Summerslam 2003 and a decent Iron Man Match. Lesnar and Benoit are the only two wrestlers I've seen bring out the best in Kurt Angle and it showed.

The worst feud is HHH vs. HBK. It was built up as the most storied rivalry in WWE history but it just failed to live up to that. Other than their Summerslam match, the rest of their matches were mediocre including their Hell in a Cell match. I don't think HBK got a one-on-one victory over HHH which was unbelieveable. They dragged it out too long and should have ended one year earlier.

My worst one still is the same but I've made a change to the best one.

That honor goes to The Brothers of Destruction vs. The Two Man Power Trip. Everything from when Undertaker and Kane saved Lita to their tag team match at Judgment Day was pure awesome. All four guys were spectacular and their feud led to a great tag team match between Stone Cold, HHH, Jericho, and Benoit. Still a shame HHH got injured because he would have still been great.

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