Superstar of the Decade 2000 - 2010

You are also right about how the business has gone down. But John Cena has also been a part of the reason why they've changed the direction of the company where many long time wrestling fans didn't approve. I can accept change in a company but it could've been better. And of course everyone get's pushed by someone. I just didn't like how they pushed him RIGHT AFTER Brock Lesnar left. And it wasn't just Cena that got pushed simultaneously either.

Wrong. John Cena was NOT the reason they changed the direction of the company.

WWE had to change their image mainly in light of the Benoit tragedy and other wrestlers around a similar period who had died. They had to save their company from all the bad press. Also, Linda at the time was planning on going for Senate, so all those things, among others, led to a change in direction.

And a business lesson for you- they also did it for TV timeslots/ratings/merchandising. Obviously, there's more sponsorship dollars when you're not seen as a ruthless organization who kills their performers. The facts lie in their financials. WWE is still making money, which might not have been the case had they just let things spiral out of control after the Benoit events.

John Cena was seen as a clean cut guy who could lead the company into the next era. Same was true for when Bret Hart carried the WWF during the steroid scandal (remember they changed direction from pushing big muscular guys to smaller guys).
Wrong. John Cena was NOT the reason they changed the direction of the company.

WWE had to change their image mainly in light of the Benoit tragedy and other wrestlers around a similar period who had died. They had to save their company from all the bad press. Also, Linda at the time was planning on going for Senate, so all those things, among others, led to a change in direction.

And a business lesson for you- they also did it for TV timeslots/ratings/merchandising. Obviously, there's more sponsorship dollars when you're not seen as a ruthless organization who kills their performers. The facts lie in their financials. WWE is still making money, which might not have been the case had they just let things spiral out of control after the Benoit events.

John Cena was seen as a clean cut guy who could lead the company into the next era. Same was true for when Bret Hart carried the WWF during the steroid scandal (remember they changed direction from pushing big muscular guys to smaller guys).

I didn't say the he was the sole reason. He was PART OF THE REASON. You can't tell me that he didn't play a part in being the catalyst for the PG change. Once again, you're right with your reasons about why WWE decided to change and I should've included that, but I was just pointing out what Cena's done. You had good points; I'll give you that. You don't have to get smart.

Cena is basically the only one who's done well with himself in the WWE as far as money and carrying the company for the past 5-6 years. I'm not picking Wrestler or Superstar of the Decade based on numbers. Sure, I was making my comparisons but I was just putting out the pro's and con's on both Angle and Cena. It's debatable. Again,

Wrestler of the Decade wrestling-wise has to be Kurt Angle.

Mainstream-wise, it's John Cena.

Just depends on your perspective.
Its a combination of 7 guys. John Cena, Chris Jericho, Kurt Angle, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Edge & The Undertaker.

All have been involved in all the major WWE storylines and moments within the last decade.
Hell in a Cells
Elimination Chambers
Royal Rumbles
King of the Rings
Money in the Banks
Retirement matches
WM streaks (Edge's shortlived run)
Brand Extensions
Intercontinental Title
Us Title
Tag Team Titles
Hardcore Title
European Title
World Titles
WCW/ECW invasion
Title Unifications
Team Angle
Brothers of Destruction
McMahon-Helmsley Regime
Edge & Christian
The Nexus
GMs/Commissioners/CEOs etc

They have together helped shaped the decade and turned wrestling into what it is today. Most people will say Cena or Michaels or HHH or Taker but I think each have played almost equal roles in the WWE between 2000-2010.
Randy Orton: This guy was great in 2007,2008 and 2009 now in 2010 he was a little bit generic but still good. He's just so fun to watch. He's come a long way since Evolution no doubt.
I hate to admit it... But I see no other choice than John Cena. As far as title wins go and all that Triple H, Edge and Kurt Angle definitely deserve to be in the conversation. But the length of Cena's first reign is pretty epic, or at least old school.

In a time when most title reigns are around a month or 2 (Some even less). Cena held the title almost a year straight and then grabbed it right back after he lost it, a few weeks later.

He is the most marketable guy in the business. Kids, Women and more, simply for the lack of a better term, LOVE him. He has basically defeated a who's who in the business over the last 6-7 years.

Cena has won the US Title, Tag Titles, WWE and World Titles.

He is basically unbeatable at Wrestlemania. He has defeated the likes of...

Big Show x2


Triple H


Shawn Michaels


The one time he did not get a victory at Wrestlemania, WM 24 in 08, he was in a Triple Threat Match with HHH and Randy Orton. Orton got the victory by pinning Cena after he was hit with HHH's Pedigree.

Cena is always the most searched wrestler. He gets the most pops for the most part. Sure some people boo him when his music hits and other guys are more liked in certain areas. But overall John Cena consistently gets the better fan reaction when he makes his entrance to the ring.

His merch is the highest selling. He has been in movies. He is definitely WWE's top guy and representative for who they want everyone of their talents to be. His dedication, and as mentioned before, his marketability should be taken seriously, whether you love him or hate him.

Honorable Mention: The Undertaker had the best decade of his career from 00-09. Winning the World Championship multiple times and beating an even more impressive list of opponents at Wrestlemania, than he did in the 90's.

NOTE: Was this thread created because the year just came to an end? 2010 was not last decade by the way. It was the 1st year of this new decade. Technically the decade is 00-09. Just thought I would point that out, even if to just be a dick. LOL
Wow.... this is truly sad, name a superstar who had a bigger decade than Cena? Oh i dont know how about Chris Jericho. The man was out for part of it and still can match toe to toe with the accoplishments Cena had in AND OUT of the ring. Prove me wrong... go ahead, I'll wait....
[QUOTE="The Instant Classic";2716730]Wow.... this is truly sad, name a superstar who had a bigger decade than Cena? Oh i dont know how about Chris Jericho. The man was out for part of it and still can match toe to toe with the accoplishments Cena had in AND OUT of the ring. Prove me wrong... go ahead, I'll wait....[/QUOTE]

Prove you wrong? Are you still waiting? Dude... I am nowhere near a Cena Fan. I definitely like Jericho much better. But just because you prefer Jericho, doesn't mean he had a better decade.

Cena not only won the title more times, he had one of the greater reigns in recent memory when he won the title from JBL at WM 21 and held it till January of the following year and after he lost it to Edge, won it back from him just a few short weeks later.

John Cena has been in wrestling for a shorter amount of time than Jericho and has already had what most people would consider a better career. John Cena is more known than Jericho, and will continue to be so.

Though Jericho is great, he is what could be considered on the downslope of his career. Not to say he will never win the title again, but he is just passed his actual prime. We all just witnessed the prime of Chris Jericho in the last couple years. I am not saying he is OVER, but he is closer to being done than Cena is.

How many times has Jericho won at Wrestlemania? I'll wait....

Also, remember who Jericho failed to overtake in his attempt to become WWE Champion when he left the first time ("Fired" by Bischoff)? John Cena. So essentially, John Cena ended Chris Jericho's career on Raw the first time.

How many times has Jericho Main Evented Wrestlemania? Once? WM 18 right? And what happened then? He was wrecked by Triple H for The Undisputed Championship.

As I said in my first post, Cena's WM record is pretty stellar. Losing only once, but by the way, he has never lost ONE ON ONE yet at Wrestlemania.

As much as I love Jericho, he is nowhere near as marketable or as popular as Cena, and simply never will be dude. I can appreciate a Chris Jericho fan, I AM one myself. But Superstar of The Decade he is not... He isn't even 2nd!! Undertaker, Edge, Triple H, Kurt Angle, Randy Orton and Batista called and they all agree with me. You are an idiot dude.

Straight up FUCK this dude for making me defend Cena!!

These are the top 5 in last decade.

Cena has been the top dog , most days as champ , most WM main events , most popular , this decade belongs to Cena.

HBK returned in 2002 and gave us the most entertaining matches so he goes second.The same deal for Taker.

HHH has been dominant , both heel and face , had feud with a lot of guys and helped company as much as he could.

Edge has been the one who has improved step by step.He was a tag team star at the beginning of 2000 and is a 10 time champ at the end of 2010.

Orton is the second big star of this generation after Cena , If he had started sooner , he'd be higher than Edge.

Remember it's not MY top 5 , this guys has been the big players in last decade like it or not.My top 5 would have Jericho and Angle instead of Taker and Edge.
It's most definitely John Cena. I really don't care for Cena, but he's had the biggest impact on the business since Steve Austin.

After Austin left, you had guys like Lesnar, HHH, Kurt Angle, and even The Rock. The Rock was always second-fiddle to Austin, and that's a fact. Also, Rock didn't stick around long enough after Austin to even be considered. Do I think this award would have belonged to The Rock had he stuck around wrestling as opposed to leaving for Hollywood? Absolutely. If Rock had stayed with the WWE, he might be still be the biggest star on the roster. If Rock had stuck aroun, there might not be a John Cena.

HHH is another guy who was never really the face of the company. He had his moments, but as a heel, it's hard to classify yourself as the most over guy in the business. He has more talent in just about every aspect of the wrestling game than John Cena does, but Cena is a bigger deal. I would say HHH is probably #2 on my Superstar of the Decade.

Lesnar is another guy who just didn't stick around long enough. Brock was very entertaining in the ring, but I doubt he had the all-around qualities a major superstar needs to stay on the absolute top, being the face of the company and all. I also believe Steve Austin could have dominated this decade, if he hadn't been injured so many times.

Cena is the guy. When you are the #1 face people see when it comes to particular promotion, that's it. You can compare ratings, PPV buys, etc., but none of that matters when the guy is the clear-cut face of the company. I'm not saying Cena is the guy I would have picked to lead the company, but it's worked out pretty well for Vince. And if you're bias against Cena leads you to believe otherwise, you really are hopeless.
I'm going to judge this from a Kayfabe standpoint. Here are the accolades for all of the worthy nominees:

-John Cena-
9x World Champion
3x Tag Team Champion
3x US Champion
2008 Royal Rumble Winner

11x World Champion
1x Tag Team Champion
2002 Royal Rumble Winner

-Chris Jericho-
6x World Champion
8x Intercontinental Champion
5x Tag Team Champion
1x European Champion
1x Hardcore Champion
Bragging Rights Cup

10x World Champion
4x Intercontinental Champion
1x United States Champion
14x World Tag Team Champion
2x Mr. Money in the Bank
2001 King of the Ring
2010 Royal Rumble Winner

-Kurt Angle-
11x World Champion
1x Intercontinental Champion
1x European Champion
1x Hardcore Champion
1x US Champion
2x Tag Team Champion
1x X-Division Champion
2000 King of the Ring

Based off of all this information, I am shocked to see that little to no people have even mentioned Edge in the argument. He is the considered by many to be the greatest tag team wrestler of all time, captured all ten world championships in the span of four years or so, and developed one of the greatest gimmicks of the decade: The Rated R Superstar. He has also had great notable feuds with the likes of John Cena, Kurt Angle, Chris Jericho, Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Randy Orton, Rey Mysterio, Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, Batista, and the Undertaker. Edge is the been there, done that of the decade, and has accomplished just about everything there is to accomplish in the business. And you really don't appreciate him the same way after you see exactly what he has accomplished in the span of ten years. All-Around, Edge gets my vote for superstar of the decade.
NOTE: Was this thread created because the year just came to an end? 2010 was not last decade by the way. It was the 1st year of this new decade. Technically the decade is 00-09. Just thought I would point that out, even if to just be a dick. LOL
Incorrect, sir. Despite having a wicked handle (Crooked I is a dope MC), your assertion that 2009 was the end of the decade is false. Since there was no Year Zero, the decades run from the 1-10 (2001-2010, for example). So 2010 was the final year of the decade, not the first of a new decade. This has confused many people, but it really is very simple.

Now, as for the question, it has to be Cena. He has dominated since he won the title at WrestleMania 21. The dude is the WWE like Steve Austin and Hulk Hogan before him. He's the "face of the franchise" and has been for a very long time. Is it any wonder he's been in a WWE or WH title match at EVERY WrestleMania since 21? Cena has done something that NO one -- not Hogan, Austin, the Rock, the Undertaker, Triple H, Hart, Michaels, Foley -- has done before. The company clearly believes he's a draw if they keep putting him in the main event at THE BIGGEST SHOW OF THE YEAR for, what is now, six years running. Yes, some of those were not the last match, but the WWE has called them main events, so it counts.

And to the dude who is arguing for Angle, give your head a shake. You argue about ratings and buy rates to denigrate Cena, but Angle headlines TV shows that get, like, 16 people watching each week and PPVs that are ordered by, what, 7 of those people? Angle is a great wrestler, and one of the best of his era, but he should not be mentioned in the same breath as John Cena in regards to this category. If Cena isn't a draw, what the hell is Angle? And don't give me the bullshit about how he was a "top star" back in the early part of the decade. Angle was NOT the main reason people bought those PPVs or watched Raw and Smackdown. He was A reason, but not THE reason. Angle was, at best, fifth behind Triple H, The Rock, Steve Austin, and The Undertaker. Cena, right now, is #1 and has been since JBL dropped the belt to him. To argue differently is foolish.

Simply put, John Cena is the Superstar of the Decade.
So this is a pretty simple Qeustion like the title says i want to know who you think was the best superstar who wrestled in wwe between 2000 & 2010
just say who you think and why they desserve to be superstar of The Decade

The decade ended in 2009. :banghead:

Even though you failed to realize that fact, I will still answer your question. It will, unfortunately, have to be John Cena. Stone Cold and the Rock were out of the picture by 2003 and Cena started picking up steam at the end of 2004 and has been the biggest draw, the biggest one in terms of merchandise sales and is the face of WWE. It's an easy question and even though I have infinite disdain for Cena, he is obviously the wrestler of the "decade."
Incorrect, sir. Despite having a wicked handle (Crooked I is a dope MC), your assertion that 2009 was the end of the decade is false. Since there was no Year Zero, the decades run from the 1-10 (2001-2010, for example). So 2010 was the final year of the decade, not the first of a new decade. This has confused many people, but it really is very simple.

Now, as for the question, it has to be Cena. He has dominated since he won the title at WrestleMania 21. The dude is the WWE like Steve Austin and Hulk Hogan before him. He's the "face of the franchise" and has been for a very long time. Is it any wonder he's been in a WWE or WH title match at EVERY WrestleMania since 21? Cena has done something that NO one -- not Hogan, Austin, the Rock, the Undertaker, Triple H, Hart, Michaels, Foley -- has done before. The company clearly believes he's a draw if they keep putting him in the main event at THE BIGGEST SHOW OF THE YEAR for, what is now, six years running. Yes, some of those were not the last match, but the WWE has called them main events, so it counts.

And to the dude who is arguing for Angle, give your head a shake. You argue about ratings and buy rates to denigrate Cena, but Angle headlines TV shows that get, like, 16 people watching each week and PPVs that are ordered by, what, 7 of those people? Angle is a great wrestler, and one of the best of his era, but he should not be mentioned in the same breath as John Cena in regards to this category. If Cena isn't a draw, what the hell is Angle? And don't give me the bullshit about how he was a "top star" back in the early part of the decade. Angle was NOT the main reason people bought those PPVs or watched Raw and Smackdown. He was A reason, but not THE reason. Angle was, at best, fifth behind Triple H, The Rock, Steve Austin, and The Undertaker. Cena, right now, is #1 and has been since JBL dropped the belt to him. To argue differently is foolish.

Simply put, John Cena is the Superstar of the Decade.

There wasn't a year 2000? The first ten years of the decade were 2000-09. If not then you would have to assume that 1999 was still part of the old millenium or even that the year 2000 is somewhere in between the first and second millenia. I'll give you time to sort that out.

I agree with you though about Cena. Nobody comes close and that's a sad state of affairs for WWE. Hopefully in the next decade (2010-2019), CM Punk will get the push he deserves and become the new face of WWE. Imagine a straight-edge wrestler being the face of a supposed cleaned-up E. Perish the thought.
Yah that decade ended a year and a day ago. On first glance, I completely agree that John Cena was the superstar of the decade. He's definitely the superstar of his generation. It was his decade. The WWE of these 10 years is defined by John Cena. I do not enjoy him and i do not find him that great a wrestler. He is the biggest superstar, there's no way to argue that. But i gave this question a little more thought, and Cena isn't my personal 'superstar' of the decade. Objectively, he is the biggest cash cow for WWE, but for me personally he doesn't do anything. So, i think to myself objectively, who is my personal favourite who could be everybody else's second or third 'superstar' of the decade? So what about Shawn Michaels? This site is full of obsessed smarks who love him, but why not Shawn? Just cause he was big all throughout the 90s? I preferred Bret as the wrestler of the 90s, Hogan the 80s, and Shawn of the 00s. Sure, he only won one world title and didn't wrestle the first two years (neither did Cena). Cena won many titles, carried WWE on his back and Shawn didn't so the Cena argument is much better. But in terms of putting on a better wrestling match, in terms of entertainment purpose and classic feel why not Shawn?

Shawn put on classic matches on pay per views, he wrestled some of the greatest matches ever. His career ended three months after the decade ended, and he ended on top of his game. In terms of entertainment value, in terms of wrestling performance, in terms of the most influential wrestler i'd argue Shawn has had more influence on the young guys in the business than Cena. In my opinion, Shawn Michaels was the only reason to even watch WWE. I'd only tune in to see Shawn in DX, tune in to see Shawn/Hogan, tune in to see Shawn join NWO, tune in to see Shawn put on an epic match at Wrestlemania. Without Shawn, WWE is just awful. I'd say these are all reasons that Shawn was the wrestler of the decade. Cena's the easy obvious answer for 'superstar' like Hogan was of the 80s, but Shawn Michaels is definitely the 'wrestler' of the decade, and perhaps 'superstar.' If Cena's like Hogan, Michaels would be like Savage. I preferred Savage over Hogan, i prefer Shawn over Cena. Still, Michaels and Savage did not sell merchandise or carry the company on their back like Cena or Hogan. Cena was the best character created, the most appreciated fan favourite like Hogan. But, for wrestling and his ability to wrestle a masterful match, Shawn Michaels is my personal superstar of the decade. Perhaps i'm confusing 'wrestler' with 'superstar' but to me the best superstar is the best wrestler/entertainer. And for me, i'd prefer to watch Shawn any day over John Cena and his generic matches.

And for those saying Kurt Angle isn't even close to superstar of the decade, i say give your heads a shake. His career took off in 2000 and he was solid the whole way through. Who cares if he worked for TNA for part of it, the guy is a more legitimate superstar than Edge. The guy wrestled the best, The Rock, Stone Cold all the guys who re established WWE. Edge and Randy Orton didn't. Orton isn't far off, but he's not as close as Angle. Angle is definitely Top 5 maybe Top 3. He's gonna go down as one of the top 15 superstars ever, Edge and Orton won't.
I'm sorry but Kurt Angle is no where near Superstar of the Decade. I wouldnt even put him in the Top 10.

Cena, HHH, Undertaker, Orton, Batista, Rey Mysterio, Edge and others have been way better this decade.

The only things that Kurt Angle has that most of these guys dont have is King of the Ring champion, and then only thing that no one else in WWE or TNA has that Angle has is a Gold Medal from the Olympics.

No matter whether its TNA or WWE.... Cena is clearly the Superstar of the Decade... with HHH, Undertaker, Orton all close behind.

I mean lets look at this.

Angle can't say he has more WWE or TNA world championships combined then any one of those 4. All of them have had more titles than him.

Angle can't say he's 18-0 in his career at Wrestlemania like the Undertaker.

Oh and Cena, Orton, Undertaker and HHH have had all their success in one company.

Cena is clearly the Superstar of the decade.... He has his own CD, Does his own entrance music, starred in several movies, been on way more TV shows, and is way more of a fan favorite then Angle.....

I'd be willing to bet that if you took a poll from the fans, or other wwe superstars and asked them to vote for this honor... superstar of the decade, the results would prob be as follows

1. Cena
(2-7 in no particular order)
Rey Mysterio
Randy Orton

(8-10)- any number of WWE or TNA Superstars

But I honestly dont think that Kurt Angle can be in the Top 10 list of Superstar of the Decade. Just in the 7 I already listed have had way bigger success this past decade and Angle aint even close.
It's John Cena and there is really no argument that says otherwise. Sure there are others that have had good decades and had the potential to be the wrestler of the decade, like say Brock Lesnar for example, if he hadn't left the WWE then I'm fairly confident this award would have gone to him. Same goes for someone like The Rock.

Then there are people who have stuck around like HHH. Sure he had a great decade and he has been around for the whole thing but it still pales in comparison to John Cena's. That is fairly impressive actually, HHH has been around for the whole decade while Cena missed the first 2 years of it, even then he has only been prominent for 5 years while Hunter has been prominent the whole decade. That is kind of embarrassing for HHH actually.

Anyway onto why it should be Cena. There are a multitude of reasons, firstly he has been the face of the company for the past five years, as such he sells the most merchandise by far and gets pops that can only be rivalled by The Undertaker. He has had nine world title reigns including a year long one. He has won a Royal Rumble. He has had consistently good feuds with whoever he has been put up against, be it Randy Orton, HHH, Wade Barrett, Edge, HBK he has had good feuds and matches with them all. He has main evented two Wrestlemanias for the title and won both times, against two of the biggest names ever on HHH and HBK. Adding to that he has been in title matches for the past seven Wrestlemanias and he has only lost one, out of those six of them were for the world title.

As you can see his list of accomplishments is unparalleled and even more impressively 90% of those things have been accomplished in the past five years.
The Superstar of the Decade Award goes to…it’s a tie!!

Between the year 2000 and the year 2010, we saw this generation’s Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan of the 80’s and the Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin of the 90’s. My favorites are Chris Jericho and Kurt Angle, but I can’t honestly say that they are the Top 2 of 2000 to 2010. Like the others have said, Triple H and John Cena, in my opinion, are the Superstars of the Decade.

Out of the 3,650 days in this decade, give or take a couple of days for leap years, Triple H and John Cena were Champions 30% of the time. 3rd place is far behind.

On Wrestling’s Biggest Stage, WrestleMania, Triple H and John Cena have been in the WWE / World Heavyweight Title Main Event from WM 2000 to last year’s WM XXVII, with the exception of WM X-Seven in 2001. What more do you need then that fact??

The “King of Kings” and the “Champ”. With those nicknames, they better be the best two Superstars of this Decade.
I didn't say the he was the sole reason. He was PART OF THE REASON. You can't tell me that he didn't play a part in being the catalyst for the PG change. Once again, you're right with your reasons about why WWE decided to change and I should've included that, but I was just pointing out what Cena's done. You had good points; I'll give you that. You don't have to get smart.

Cena is basically the only one who's done well with himself in the WWE as far as money and carrying the company for the past 5-6 years. I'm not picking Wrestler or Superstar of the Decade based on numbers. Sure, I was making my comparisons but I was just putting out the pro's and con's on both Angle and Cena. It's debatable. Again,

Wrestler of the Decade wrestling-wise has to be Kurt Angle.

Mainstream-wise, it's John Cena.

Just depends on your perspective.

Well, it's all a business. Vince McMahon saw a man who went beyond what was asked, saw a guy with an amazing work ethic, saw a guy who was built and had the charisma/mic skills to succeed, and he ran with it. I still disagree with you in the thought that Cena was part of the reason. Cena was just chosen by the fans/management as the leader of the era, before the official change and after the PG change.

I'd compare it to a company naming a guy CEO or CFO. It's the shareholders who want to succeed, and they put their faith in a guy to lead them.

As far as wrestling wise goes, we could probably go on for ages supporting a certain wrestler as the best in the decade. Wrestling wise, I dont think Cena even fits in there. But in todays age, a "wrestler" and "WWE Superstar" is like comparing a cat to a lion (if that makes sense).
I'm going to judge this from a Kayfabe standpoint. Here are the accolades for all of the worthy nominees:

-John Cena-
9x World Champion
3x Tag Team Champion
3x US Champion
2008 Royal Rumble Winner

11x World Champion
1x Tag Team Champion
2002 Royal Rumble Winner

-Chris Jericho-
6x World Champion
8x Intercontinental Champion
5x Tag Team Champion
1x European Champion
1x Hardcore Champion
Bragging Rights Cup

10x World Champion
4x Intercontinental Champion
1x United States Champion
14x World Tag Team Champion
2x Mr. Money in the Bank
2001 King of the Ring
2010 Royal Rumble Winner

-Kurt Angle-
11x World Champion
1x Intercontinental Champion
1x European Champion
1x Hardcore Champion
1x US Champion
2x Tag Team Champion
1x X-Division Champion
2000 King of the Ring

Based off of all this information, I am shocked to see that little to no people have even mentioned Edge in the argument. He is the considered by many to be the greatest tag team wrestler of all time, captured all ten world championships in the span of four years or so, and developed one of the greatest gimmicks of the decade: The Rated R Superstar. He has also had great notable feuds with the likes of John Cena, Kurt Angle, Chris Jericho, Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Randy Orton, Rey Mysterio, Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, Batista, and the Undertaker. Edge is the been there, done that of the decade, and has accomplished just about everything there is to accomplish in the business. And you really don't appreciate him the same way after you see exactly what he has accomplished in the span of ten years. All-Around, Edge gets my vote for superstar of the decade.

Obviously you didn't read my post I posted about what 4 or 5 paragraphs about why Edge should be considered superstar of the decade so yea I agree with you Edge totally deserves it. Check out my post because I think that you and I are the only two too pick Edge.
It's John Cena, and there's not even any question about it. This is the guy that has become a 9 times champion in the past 5-6 years time. John Cena has been holding gold 15 times, as well as 2 slammy awards and a Royal Rumble victory. He has main evented every single Wrestlemania since Wrestlemania 21, and doesn't seem to be at a point where he's about to back down.

John Cena have been involved in the majority of great storylines throughout the past decade. He's been involved with a great feud with Edge, a great feud with Triple H and generally just great feuds. He's been able to put on great matches with more or less everybody, and have been featured in more or less every single gimmick match there is to present to the guy, and has managed to work them very well.

How anybody could possibly question the fact that it's John Cena, and only John Cena is beyond me.

However, I'll drop a honorable mention to Triple H. This is the guy that went on to really up his game in 2000 where he became more or less the most hated wrestler in the entire WWE, and had a great storyline going on with Stephanie McMahon, as well as continued to put on great matches with numerous talents like Chris Jericho, The Rock and Mick Foley on numerous occasions.

And then there's Evolution. The time where Triple H really showed that he could pull the company, and pull it big time. Triple H dominated on RAW, and solidified himself as one of the best things WWE or the business had to offer, and solidified his legacy during these days. He became what many would consider the top dog of the promotion, the guy to beat, and the guy to feud with if you wanted to make it big in WWE.

Triple H has held numerous championships as well in the past 10 years. He has been able to work matches with more or less everybody on the roster, and made it work very well. Triple H has truly created stars in the past 10 years, from Batista, Randy Orton to John Cena (To an extend). Triple H has made himself out to be what should be considered the ultimate superstar in the past 10 years. And therefore he definitely deserves a mention.
Cena. He's gone from OVW nobody to the face of the company, and the biggest draw in the industry. However, a few honourable mentions should be thrown in there

- Edge : He's had the complete career. Great tag wrestler (arguably the best tag-turned-single star) onto one of the most popular midcarders around, to one of the best heels in the company, to now where he's the Champion again on Smackdown. DEFINITELY worth a mention.
- Triple H : gotta agree with Ferbian on this one. Triple H pre-2000 wasn't really worth much, but since then he has been in the top 5 or 6 of the best and most consistent WWE performers. When you think of WWE suerstar, you think of him with the big gold belt. Never been the big draw like Austin or Rock, but more than worthy to be a mention here. Hell, think of it this way, hes been a main eventer for over ten years.
- Kurt Angle : Its the Olympic Bald Eagle. Nuff said. It took him till 02/03 to really hit his stride, but when he did he became the best in the world technically in my view.
To me the superstar of the decade is Edge, just look at what he has accomplished in this decade. I know a lot of people say Cena because he is the face of wwe or Kurt Angle because he is such a great wrestler but wrestler of the decade to fans is an opinion and my opinion is that Edge is the superstar of the decade.

Let's see what you've got. I hope it's good.

In this decade Edge has been in two of the most successful tag teams of all time Rated RKO {with Randy and Lita was in there for alitte while} and E&C.


Let's go through Rated RKO's title reign. Beat DX with the help of Bischoff, won the titles from Flair and Piper (that should say how ridiculous) this is, and lost the titles to Cena and Michaels just to further their WM storyline. Rated RKO wasn't even the best tag team that year. I surely hope you were joking.

Hell, I'll take Steve Austin and HHH as a tag team over Edge and Randy Orton. At least Austin and HHH were entertaining.

Those are two tag teams that will always be remebered. Also he has become a multiple time IC champion, 10x world champion, multiple time tag team champion, winner of the first ever money in the bank, 2001 king of the ring, U.S champion and 2010 royal rumble winner. He was also apart of PWI fued of the year 2005 with Lita and Matt.

Cena's a multiple time U.S. champion, multiple time tag champion, 9X world champion, 2008 Royal Rumble winner.

We can do this all day.

He also won the slammy award for couple of the year in 2008 with Vickie G., which was also a storyline that he did good acting in, and in 2010 he won the slammy for meltdown of the year when he destroyed the Raw GM's computer. Then he was with Lita in 2005-2006 and they were one of wwe's most dominate and remerable couples of all time.

Lita and Edge were so dominant that they only held the title for three of the roughly eighteen months that they were together.

What did they do in 2005 again?

Then he earned the nicknames the Rated R Superstar, the manster manipulator and the ultimate opprotunist. He even had hes own customized wwe title.

Doctor of Thuganomics



So as you can see Edge has done a lot in this past decade and he has had a lot of great fueds. Like when he fueded with Underaker and challenged his undeafted streak

Sort of like what Orton, Henry, Batista, and HBK did.

hes fued with Jeff Hardy, Hes fued with Matt Hardy, Chris Jericho and Christian. He is also know as the master of the TLC and is the only man in wwe to have held ever currently active male title in the wwe today.

Damn that Cena for not winning the IC Title.

Edge was also in 2005-2006 wwe's biggest heel and now he is currently sd's biggest face.

HHH was the biggest heel. Edge was just small potatoes. I'll go as far to say that Eddie Guerrero was a bigger heel in 2005 than Edge. Eddie and Rey arguably was the top feud on Smackdown. Can't say the same for Edge and whoever he was facing.

So as you can tell Edge has done a lot in this past decade from being half of one of the funniest tag teams of all time {E&C} to being King of the Ring to being a 10 x world champion. So this is why I think he should be the superstar of the decade.

You did good. I disagree but you did good.
The decade is actually 2000-2009!! and it has been covered a few times!! i.e.
But I think it has to be Triple H..

He has accomplished soo much in the last decade...even before the rock and austin left...he has done it all in the last decade...Now I am a Triple H fan, and some of you will probably say he has been given all these accomplishments because he is sleeping with the bosses daughter...but that shouldn't really be an issue here...he is great on the mic, he had us laughing through the decade, he put people over, lost titles at Wrestlemania and let's not deny it, he is great in the ring...
Incorrect, sir. Despite having a wicked handle (Crooked I is a dope MC), your assertion that 2009 was the end of the decade is false. Since there was no Year Zero, the decades run from the 1-10 (2001-2010, for example). So 2010 was the final year of the decade, not the first of a new decade. This has confused many people, but it really is very simple.

Now, as for the question, it has to be Cena. He has dominated since he won the title at WrestleMania 21. The dude is the WWE like Steve Austin and Hulk Hogan before him. He's the "face of the franchise" and has been for a very long time. Is it any wonder he's been in a WWE or WH title match at EVERY WrestleMania since 21? Cena has done something that NO one -- not Hogan, Austin, the Rock, the Undertaker, Triple H, Hart, Michaels, Foley -- has done before. The company clearly believes he's a draw if they keep putting him in the main event at THE BIGGEST SHOW OF THE YEAR for, what is now, six years running. Yes, some of those were not the last match, but the WWE has called them main events, so it counts.

And to the dude who is arguing for Angle, give your head a shake. You argue about ratings and buy rates to denigrate Cena, but Angle headlines TV shows that get, like, 16 people watching each week and PPVs that are ordered by, what, 7 of those people? Angle is a great wrestler, and one of the best of his era, but he should not be mentioned in the same breath as John Cena in regards to this category. If Cena isn't a draw, what the hell is Angle? And don't give me the bullshit about how he was a "top star" back in the early part of the decade. Angle was NOT the main reason people bought those PPVs or watched Raw and Smackdown. He was A reason, but not THE reason. Angle was, at best, fifth behind Triple H, The Rock, Steve Austin, and The Undertaker. Cena, right now, is #1 and has been since JBL dropped the belt to him. To argue differently is foolish.

Simply put, John Cena is the Superstar of the Decade.

Well, let me tell you that I ALREADY admitted that there's a difference between John Cena and Kurt Angle. I can't tell if you read all of my responses.

John Cena is the draw. Kurt Angle isn't...

Kurt Angle is the better wrestler. John Cena isn't...

ONCE AGAIN, it depends on how you see it. Wrestler or entertainer. I go for wrestler but since this thread is in WWE territory, it doesn't surprise me that most go for Cena. I'm talking ALL-AROUND. Sure, Kurt Angle wasn't the absolute top guy, but he was ONE OF THEM. Cena is the top guy, no doubt about it. This decade though, we witnessed a legend in Kurt Angle created in this decade. Cena is not a legend. You can pull out numbers and how he's carried the company but I'm going wrestling-wise. If you wanna go by how Cena's been the face of the WWE and made an impact, go ahead. I already made a Wrestler of the Decade poll at the end of '09, and it was almost a tie with Cena and Angle.

So for any of you WWE fans on this thread, READ THIS BEFORE YOU GET SMART. There's no need to be like that. Lighten up..
Well, it's all a business. Vince McMahon saw a man who went beyond what was asked, saw a guy with an amazing work ethic, saw a guy who was built and had the charisma/mic skills to succeed, and he ran with it. I still disagree with you in the thought that Cena was part of the reason. Cena was just chosen by the fans/management as the leader of the era, before the official change and after the PG change.

I'd compare it to a company naming a guy CEO or CFO. It's the shareholders who want to succeed, and they put their faith in a guy to lead them.

As far as wrestling wise goes, we could probably go on for ages supporting a certain wrestler as the best in the decade. Wrestling wise, I dont think Cena even fits in there. But in todays age, a "wrestler" and "WWE Superstar" is like comparing a cat to a lion (if that makes sense).

Well, Cena said it himself that he felt that the product had to go PG. He seemed like he was in favor of it so that could be a factor as to how WWE went PG. Again, that's what he said.

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