Wrestler of the Decade: 2000's

Wrestler of the Decade: 2000's

  • The Rock

  • Stone Cold Steve Austin

  • Triple H

  • The Undertaker

  • Kurt Angle

  • Rob Van Dam

  • Chris Jericho

  • Samoa Joe

  • Rey Mysterio

  • Randy Orton

  • John Cena

  • Batista

  • Eddie Guerrero

  • AJ Styles

  • Other

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John Cena. Love, hate, like, or mildly irritated n o matter how you feel about this guy he's the biggest guy in wrestling of this decade.
No disrespect to any of the others on that list, but Cena edged them all out. He debut this decade and shot to the top and stayed there. He's sld more merch than any save for probably Austin. Ever go to a live show?? EVERY little bastard there is sportin Cena gear.
Consider the movies, commercials, thousands of personal apperences he's made. I bet not many on the list come close, or exceed it.
No one has had the midas touch since Austin. Cena does.
Also if your a numbers guy/girl who has main evented the most PPVs? Who has held the top title for the most days in the last decade? I'm not crunching the numbers but I'd bet it's Cena for sure.
Kurt Angle - he became possibly the best WWE had from 2000 - 2006 before he went to TNA. In TNA he hasn't lost a step. The performances have always been there, even with rumours of his injuries/neck problems.
He can have great matches with anyone, great on the mic and can go from main event to upper mid-card seamlessly, each time elevating someone (e.g. Edge in 2002 to feud with Hogan)
I voted jericho , becuase he was just the man in the early 2000's. First ever undisputed champion. Thats such a amazing ppv. He won countless titles in the midcard to the top2 belts up and down the decade. I almost said other for EDGE. The guy won 9 world titles, and didn't even make the list. Thats a joke.

I believe the reason edge didnt make the list is because he won those title from 2006 on and fairly quickly like i belive in 2007 or 2008 he lost the wwe title then beat kennedy for the MITB breifcase and beat taker for the World title on Samckdown..whereas in the early 2000s he was in the tag team divison and did well of course but when he left Christian he had a fairly good with the IC title and even winning the tag title with Hogan but i think hed be further along if he wasnt sooo accident prone like broken neck then when he returned he broke his arm like a week later and so on and so forth....no doubt hell go down as one of the best but best of the decade...no
The correct answer here is Triple H! 13time world heavyweight champion. I cannot believe Kurt Angle got so many votes, sure hes a great wrestler, and I think too many ppl took that literally. If it was greatest technical wrestler then Kurt would be at the top, but still not as good as Chris Benoit.

Anyhow, Triple H has done everything and earned it every step of the way! I do believe Triple H was voted Wrestler of the Decade by PWI as well. Some argue that after the attitude era the WWE would have barely survived without Triple H. He carried the company on his back countless times when bigger draws were injured. Triple H is one of the best heels there has ever been, and one of the greatest faces in the business. There should be no arguments here, Triple H made his mark in this decade and he is by far the best current talent that any business could have or ask for. The only way that Triple H will not totally destroy Flairs 16x World title record is if he chooses not to. Without Triple H, Mick Foley would have never won a world title, Chris Benoit made Triple H tap out at WrestleMania because Triple H wanted to put him over! You name em' he has helped em' in some way shape or form. Sheamus and Drew McIntyre have amazing potential due to HHH backing their talents.

Triple H has beaten everybody there is to beat. I like him better chasing the title because he is the Cerebral Assassin and will do anything to get it back. On the same token, he never backs down and always puts his belt up for grabs when he is dissed. John Cena is the only champ that fights more than HHH. The WWE and the future of wrestling goes thru Triple H's blood. Since Shane bailed its all about Paul and Steph once Vince steps down. After that, they have 2 or 3 kids to carry on the legacy. Nobody knows more about the business than Triple H and wrestling will survive because of him for the next 20 or 30 yrs!:worship:
This has to go to Triple H. He was the most consistent performer for the ENTIRE decade. Cena is a fine choice. I can see why people would vote for him, but I think people have short memories. To say he has been the face of WWE for that decade is simply not true. He was the face of WWE for the second half of the decade.

Triple H won his first world title at the end of 1999. The overwhelming majority of his time on top came in the 00’s. This man was involved in a world title match in eight out of ten WrestleManias. It would have been nine had he not been injured in 2007. From the McMahon-Helmsley era to Evolution to DX and everything in between Triple H dominated the decade.

I would say Kurt Angle is a close second and John Cena a respectable third.
I voted for the man himself John Cena.

Simply because he has changed the face of the WWE, whether you like it or not, nine world title runs some US title runs and world tag team title runs.

He's the face of the company, he sells out arenas, sells merchandise, is the face of the main show, and gets the biggest pops EVERY night.

So Cena is by far the biggest superstar of the 2000 decade, and still will be when this poll is open in 2020, for the 2010 decade superstar.

Oh and I'm not a Cena fan so that was hard for me to type! :P
Okay I think this poll is crazy

No one, no not Austin either, deserves to be named the Wrestler of that Decade other than THE ROCK!

Austin had the late 90's but I feel Rock became bigger than Austin in the 2000's, he was getting there in 1999 and really became hot in 2000 more than ever.

Austin walked out at one point too not penalizing him for that much, but just as far as his best years they were in the 90's late and I just think Rock was better than he was in the 2000's overall

The guy had better charisma than anyone else and could work a mic better. The Rock may have gone out to Hollywood after his contract was allowed to expire, but still in the short time he was there he became so damn huge and that's saying something. I really like Austin too and when I think Wrestler of the Decade I think you cant really consider anyone besides these two. Even HBK who's comeback was amazing. Though he may be number 3. Kurt is not on the same level really I dont get why ppl are voting him high. If it's for his amateur background & tech style alone I think that's crap.

Also HHH, come on so the guy is close to beating Flair's record, that's not really as prestigious as Jericho's becoming Undisputed Champion because of how HHH got it. I'm not a HHH basher, but The Game isnt bigger than The Rock and never will be over some damn titles. Rock was a 9-time champ long before Hunter even started gunning to beat Flair's record
And still Rock & Austin are and will be bigger stars than both HHH & Cena despite the length of both their WWE runs, the longevity doesnt make a career. HHH needed that title after title crap, they didnt.
Kurt, again, he's nowhere near Wrestler of the Decade and being a great wrestler is connecting too not just wrestling itself and yes Kurt is great. He can be comical or serious, but The Rock is The Greatest Entertainer in the History of Wrestling and The Master of the Mic
The Perfect Mix of Athlete & Entertainer

It's definately gonna be Rock though. Also he was involved in the Match of the Decade (Rock vs Austin II @ Mania X7, which came in at Number 1 over HBK vs Taker @ Mania 25 coming in at number 2 by WWE)

Rock also beat Austin @ Mania 19, had an epic dream match with Hogan with a great build and that in itself says a lot. I believe that came in somewhere in the top 5 cant remember where, but this isnt a hard decision.

I mean the fact that he went on to Hollywood to be more successful than any other wrestler who's made a transition should say something. The People, not just the fans of wrestling, THE PEOPLE love THE ROCK
Okay I think this poll is crazy

No one, no not Austin either, deserves to be named the Wrestler of that Decade other than THE ROCK!

I have to disagree. A decade consists of a ten year period. The decade in this discussion is 2000-2009. The Rock hasn't wrestled since 2004. He had only one match in 2004. He had about five matches in 2003. He missed about half of 2002. So for the entire decade he was around for about two and a half years. In my opinion the wrestler of the decade should have competed for the majority of that decade.
Even though i dont like him The Wrestler of the 2000's was Triple H the man won his 11 out of 13 world titles during the decade and from 2000-2005 he was the top heel except 2001 due to injury. then from 2006-2009 he was one of the top faces.
I think Chris Jericho because he is still as good as he was back in early 2000s and may be better and "best in would at what i do" is the best line i ever herd in wwe.
I almost made the vote for Cena. I really thought it was the right decision. Because well, he has made it into the mainstream, is one of the biggest names in Wrestling, and has done some impacting things for wrestling. However, during the last decade, a Godfather of wrestling if you will has came about...

Titles after titles. People around who he mentors, became big for some time. Even if they fizzle out, they have a hell of a 15 minutes of fame. Can play both roles very well. Has became an amazing resource of professional wrestling.

If they guy every goes to TNA, or ROH, give them three years, and they can be a much bigger name. The man is none other then.. The Game, Triple H.

He helped get the light shine on Orton and Batitisa. He made Flair's career worth wild again. He can put faces or heels over. Not also that, but I do believe his knowledge of the business, exceeds so many! This guy, right now, could start his own promotion, and make it work. He is the only threat to Vince's company, if a divorce happens, which I doubt it will. Not also that, but when it's all said and done. He is going to have a sweet job in the company. He is going to be incharge. So, Triple H, wrestler of the Decade.
I have to say Y2J on this one. He stormed onto the WWE scene taking on The Rock and then started his road to dominance. He has become a Triple Crown Champion and is one of the favorites of many people on the couch and in the IWC. I'm surprised not many people voted for him after some of his accomplishments. I mean, he beat both The Rock and Steve Austin (and forgive me who else has slipped my mind) to become the first Undisputed Champion, followed by many superstars who were big-time superstars in the Attitude Era, and with the young gun Brock Lesnar. Chris Jericho has also become Superstar of the Year and still is at the level where he can achieve a title like the Intercontinental Championship in a main event feud. Beside the fact that he took time off with Fozzy, which I think affected much of the opinions, before that he had a great feud with Cena, and in my opinion he really gave Cena the boost he needed to go from Smackdown Rising Star to RAW Champion. Y2J has my vote here!
I voted A.J Styles. Not because I am some sort of TNA fanatic, but because when you think of TNA the first person that comes to mind is A.J, and if not then you have never seen TNA. He made a company, that rivals WWE the world's most renown wrestling organization relevant just by his skills. I'm not saying that people watch TNA simply because of him, I'm saying that over the last decade he made a rival company relevant, something people actually tune in to see
I have to disagree. A decade consists of a ten year period. The decade in this discussion is 2000-2009. The Rock hasn't wrestled since 2004. He had only one match in 2004. He had about five matches in 2003. He missed about half of 2002. So for the entire decade he was around for about two and a half years. In my opinion the wrestler of the decade should have competed for the majority of that decade.

I see what you're saying, but in the short time both he AND Stone Cold, as I stated, were in the WWE period even during at Decade, they were both bigger than Y2J, HHH & Kurt, everyone. These are the two biggest names and to do so much with so little time and have others do more and not touch you in rank, legacy, prestige whatever, says something about these two.

And even still you put either one of these guys in an arena and they will cheer harder than they do for HBK, Cena, Taker, Hogan, Angle, Y2J, Flair, Sting

Seriously, but I get what you're saying so ultimately I get that I'm not changing anyone's opinion, but I do think that it says something that these two guys were so hot in a short amount of time whereas others on that list didnt reach that level or arent on their level and wrestled most of that decade

And really I'd label Austin the best of the 1990's decade. I know I'll get heat for that one too, but really I cant say Hogan or Bret for that one and sorry to go off topic I just wanted to give an example of extremely great success in little time within a decade. Though HBK may be the choice for that decade something tells me.
well I've got to say something before I point out my vote:
Cena ISN'T the wrestler of the '00s!why?? simply by the fact that he is the face of the E since 2005, '05!!NOT 2000!!!!yeah he might bleed, sweat and even pee WWE but it is since 2005. before that he had his first match at Mania but I don't remember Cena that much, that he accomplished many many great things since 2000. cause you know if the poll would "who is the greatest wrestler since 2005" I would vote between Cena and Edge, althought I hate Cena.

The Undertaker isn't either cause I think he had an awesome decade but since like '04 he has been with a light schedule. of course he had geat matches and great feuds specially wnning RR and winning the WHC from Batista and reinforcing his legacy through the streak, but besides that IMO he is shown as an E veteran.

Chris Jericho is the best at what he does TODAY! since his heel turn (not since his return) he became a top dog. Ok he might won the undisputed championship (which is extremely impressive) but besides that til his heel turn it wan't really WOW you know? he wasn't a major main eventer all the time. now he is both main eventer and midcarder and put over so may people!!!but not after 2003 til his heel turn.

Randy Orton: my personal fav in the PG era, however I think that we are about to see him at his best!

Eddie Guerrero: my childhood icon! unfortunely he passed away way too soon to say if he is the best wrestler of this decade.

so my vote is a triple threa... I mean tie between Triple H, Shawn Michaels and Kurt Angle

Kurt Angle: probably the best out there in terms of technical wrestling, skills etc.. as many, many said, since his debut with the E he has become a HoF 100% he has won every single title in both WWE & TNA. in my book that screams that you are the best. I'm not quiet sure about his mic skills but damn he is good in everything else!! so many 3-5 star matches and so many great feuds: with Taker, Eddie, Lesnar, Benoit, HBK, HHH. IMO the E needs Angle not some random wannabe like Swagger (he is good but not THAT good). he is one the best not only in WWE but in the whole wrestling bussiness.

Shaw Michaels: talking about making triumphant returns!! I mean this guy has been in about every Mania since his return with great GREAT matches! I mean how many matches of the year can HBK give us!!?? theendless feud with HHH, and with Taker and VKM we're so epics!!gosh I don't even get the words to describe it: T H E B E S T P E R I O D!

Triple H: now this IS a person. guy, wrestler that sweats, bleeds, cry, screams, pee WWE and more important WRESTLING! I mean you can tell that he doesn't want to retire EVER!!lol (kinda Flair right?) plus I mean with Evolution and DX he has dominate the entire WWE! as he said and I QUOTE " my heart, my blood, my sweat made what this bussiness is what it is today!" he is DAMN RIGHT! I mean RAW since 2002 til 2005 WAS HHH! yeah "he bang the daughter bosse's" don't be so naive! he was the biggest heel in both RAW & SD! he has put over Cena, Orton, Batista, Flair (making him relative again) HBK (making his big triumphant return), Legacy, Jeff Hardy, Benoit and even trying with the Great Khali, Carlito, Umaga and Koslov!!

well reading my self I've got to say TRIPLE H IS THE BEST WRESTLER OF THIS DECADE!!!!!!!!!!!! IMO he IS WWE!
I voted for Chris Jericho, The man has made such an impact in the past decade, it's unbelievable. From the Millenium Countdown, to him pissing in William Regal's tea ( I really don't know why this moment sticks out in my mind, it just does.) to his triumphiant return to WWE, every time his music hits, you know somethings gona go down. Not to mention the fact that he's a ten time intercontinental champion! to me no one has made more of an impact on the WWE in this decade.
Triple H has been a constant cornerstone in the company for the last ten years he can be loved he can be hated He has the crowd in the palm of his hand.
Even now that he's getting older he's still a big success and a main man in the WWE.

Just my Two cents
the undertaker hands down. undefeated at the grandaddy ppv. took smart time off to heal himself to comback better and better. about the only one that got greater with age. [face it, he's past hogan and flair]. invented hell in a cell with shawn[ he's right there too]. casket matches, and he wasnt afraid to lose in those matches. he can be good or bad and you still would cheer him. he went from dead man to dead man inc and showed a more human side of himself. it wouldnt be a kane without the taker. beat every major superstar you probably like now. stayed loyal to wwe, and is a locker room leader. first class ticket to the hall of fame. did i mention undefeated at the manias. facts.[ retired shawn too]
Where is HBK in this poll? To me, it's only a 4 man race. HHH, HBK, Kurt Angle, or Undertaker. I chose Angle because of his consistency. He was constantly in main event's, he was constantly in the world title picture, and was not a politician like HHH. HBK has enough classic matches to make him my choice but he was not active for the first 3+ years of the decade. And Undertaker does have alot of classic matches and is one of the greats but isn't quite on the same level as Angle. And I also give Angle credit for going to TNA and helping them as much as he has. But if someone were to choose any of the other 3, I wouldn't argue much.
This topic is "WRESTLER of the Decade: 2000's." That's the key term right there. Wrestler: not personality, not "SUPERSTAR." For me to award any of the above wrestler of the decade, I disqualified anyone that took a break of longer than two years out of wrestling. The reason I say that is because when you look at a body of work over a decade, I think there needs to be some consistency in their time in the ring. So, that disqualified Michaels, The Rock, Austin, and Jericho (who definitely has had a SOLID 2008-2009 wrestling record in terms of 5 star matches). With the other few mentioned and others in my mind, I made my choice based on the number of high-quality matches I thought they had.

Based on that system, I personally believe that Kurt Angle was this decade's wrestler of the year. Regardless of how you feel about Kurt's move to TNA, regardless of what you feel about him personally, Kurt Angle was involved in some of the 2000 decade's best matches. He personified what a wrestler should be in terms of in-ring performance. Angle had phenomenal matches with the likes of Undertaker, Rock, Austin, Benoit, Triple H, Mysterio, Edge, Lesnar, Guerrero, Michaels, Joe, Jarrett, and Styles among others. In addition, Angle helped to elevate the talent that was in the ring with him. Wrestlers who lost to Angle came out looking better for it because they went toe-to-toe with the "Wrestling Machine."

Angle is the Wrestler of the 2000 decade to me with Triple H being a very close second. Another wrestler who deserves to be mentioned in that same category.
Edge anyone? The guy rose from mediocre mid-carder/tag team star to arguably the best heel in the business. And through it all he still remains one of the most popular guys in the company.
I voted for HHH by accident, until i realized after much thought that the 2000's really did belong to Kurt Angle. Debuting at Survivor Series 1999 and winning the King of the Ring, European,Intercontinental,and WWF Title all in less than a year is absolutely amazing. He defeated the Undertaker at "his" pay-per-view,Survivor Series, and he won in a match which IMO is the greatest Multi-Man WWF Title Match in WWE History,which was Austin vs Rock vs HHH vs Undertaker vs Rikishi vs Angle for Angle's WWF Title in Hell In A Cell. He had a less than 10% chance of retaining and he did anyway. Since then he won 12(i believe) more world titles, was the first "TNA World Heavyweight Champion", won 2 King of The Mountain Matches, was the first man to all 3 TNA Titles Simultaneously and while competing in TNA, traveled over to Japan and won the IWGP 3rd Belt from Brock Lesnar. He had some of the best matches in WWE and TNA History. So in my opinion, Kurt Angle, the guy "who won a gold medal with a broken-freaking-neck" is the best wrestlers of the 2000's. Its True,Its Damn True, and Its Real, Its Damn Real
I've Chose 6 people out of them all and it was (not in order) Cena, HHH, Taker, STSA, RKO, and Rocky. Look at these names very carefully. If u know all of these men u know there are the one of the 6 best men in 2000 to step foot in the ring if you like it or not.

Cena: Look at him. 9 time champion. Beat JBL to win his first title. His rapper gimmick is amazing and that brought him to be the name and face of the WWE. He does'nt care if you boo or cheer he still loves this business. Alot of people like Cena and he has good Charisma.

HHH: Do I need to explain? 14 time champion. Became one of the biggest heels after he betrayed HBK. He was in some of the greatest stables DX, Evolution, And two man power trip. He is one of the best and probably will be had a better carrer in 2000.

Undertaker: 7 time champion. He regulates SD and he never had a great moment in his career that we fans hated. I think he might of had one of the greatest carrers ever.

The Rock: Do I need to say anything? He is the greatest ever on the mic and would own anybody in the WWE right now. He is a 7 time wwe champ but also a 2 time WCW WHC so 9 time champ. He had the greatest Rivalries with HHH,STSA,etc.

Stone Cold Steve Austin: Was the most badass man on earth. 6 time champion and was one of the key reason of Attitude era was so great. He did'nt care face or heel your getting stunnered. I also love his promos and when he was heel he was so great.

Randy Orton: Last but not least the Viper Orton. 6 time champion. He beaten some of the greatest from HHH, Taker, Cena, Y2J, Edge, HBK, etc. He has beaten up some of the greateest Legends deserving the nickname Legend Killer.

And not to forget they all won a Royal Rumble with Cena's being the most impressive. So out of these 6 I would have to go with HHH. Been in the 2000 decade the most and became such a sick Wrestler in this decade.
I voted for other as my vote goes to HBK. He is the best entertainer of this decade or any decade. You can say what you want about how good HHH or Angle was but one that sets HBk apart in his class.He held just one world title in this decade and that to for a very short period of time.

Look at all other contender each have more world title than HBK. Its simple there is only man in this business how got over as one of best in almost every ones book with world titles in this decade. How many other can clam that. He has lost every world championship match but one but still every time he was a contender ppl believed him to win.

He was not the best in business on the Mic but still better than 90% of them and in that ring there is no one as good as HBK. Sure u can claim Angle is a better wrestler all you want but not even Angle as good as he is is even close to HBK in ring.If you dont agree just count how many match of year candidates have angle had compared to HBK.

The are icons, legends,champs,kings in this business but there is one and only on ShowStopper and that is not just a cool nick name but a reality.
My vote goes to John Cena basically because he has risen all the way to the top of the biggest company in pro wrestling in one year, won countless championships, headlined many Wrestlemaina's also headlined the countless pay per views. Even though I am not a fan off his I still think he has do-mated this decade with a force and does so much for the WWE to say the least he has had wrestling on his back.

Other candidates are

A.J Styles is basically the face of TNA and has been since 2002 even if he his a heel he will always be the best wrestler in TNA and is the main guy in that company.

Kurt Angle has spent a decade showing fans he is the best wrestler alive today by putting on great matches with anyone that gets put in front off him and is cheered by thousands week after week.

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