My top 4
Kurt Angle:-Simply one of the very best wrestler who ever enter a ring. Hats off to the guy...almost never had a bad match. The best wrestler of the decade and one of the best ever. He played heel and face perfectly and brought comic relief like nobody else.
Jericho :-Good year 2000 where he proved he was main event worthy. 2001 was amazing for him and he became the first ever undisputed champion. He then became a heel...and he was great at it, much to the surprise of many. He left for some time but came to raise the level, specially as a heel. It`s just sad he haven`t won the World/WWE title too many time..he deserves it.
HHH Many people think he is overrated. He is to certain extent. He does use his influence on the Mcmahon family. Yet you can`t deny there weren`t many to be the top heel back in 2000. He became the top guy...did a great job and hell if it wasn`t for him, who the hell would have been the top hell in 2000? Worked his ass after the terrible injury in 2001. Came back and had some memorable feuds. This guy have put a LOT of quality matches, specially in the brawling (in general) category. He also help pushing new talents like Orton and Bastista (he actually made him looked good). Now I HATE when he uses his influence to for example headline Wrestlemania when neither him or his opponent won the rumble or to switch brand. I hate it. But for me, he is still one of the wrestlers of the decade. HHH would still be where he is in IMO, married or not to Steph...even if he wouldn`t have been champ so many times.
Undertaker:- Well yeah. To be here for yet another decade is huge. He evolved a lot and got better wrestling wise. Less epic than his first 10 years but still very impressive guy.
Specially mention to:
HBK:- He actually had a pretty significant decade. He missed the first 2 years but still proved to be the show stopper afterwards.
Edge-great wrestler..climbed up the ladder impressively..still a lot to give.
Orton-The guy has started a very promising legacy.
Those who missed it:
Brock:- what a waste, he would have been THE man of the decade had he not leave.
Eddie/Benoit:-They had still a lot to give IMO.
Kurt Angle:-Simply one of the very best wrestler who ever enter a ring. Hats off to the guy...almost never had a bad match. The best wrestler of the decade and one of the best ever. He played heel and face perfectly and brought comic relief like nobody else.
Jericho :-Good year 2000 where he proved he was main event worthy. 2001 was amazing for him and he became the first ever undisputed champion. He then became a heel...and he was great at it, much to the surprise of many. He left for some time but came to raise the level, specially as a heel. It`s just sad he haven`t won the World/WWE title too many time..he deserves it.
HHH Many people think he is overrated. He is to certain extent. He does use his influence on the Mcmahon family. Yet you can`t deny there weren`t many to be the top heel back in 2000. He became the top guy...did a great job and hell if it wasn`t for him, who the hell would have been the top hell in 2000? Worked his ass after the terrible injury in 2001. Came back and had some memorable feuds. This guy have put a LOT of quality matches, specially in the brawling (in general) category. He also help pushing new talents like Orton and Bastista (he actually made him looked good). Now I HATE when he uses his influence to for example headline Wrestlemania when neither him or his opponent won the rumble or to switch brand. I hate it. But for me, he is still one of the wrestlers of the decade. HHH would still be where he is in IMO, married or not to Steph...even if he wouldn`t have been champ so many times.
Undertaker:- Well yeah. To be here for yet another decade is huge. He evolved a lot and got better wrestling wise. Less epic than his first 10 years but still very impressive guy.
Specially mention to:
HBK:- He actually had a pretty significant decade. He missed the first 2 years but still proved to be the show stopper afterwards.
Edge-great wrestler..climbed up the ladder impressively..still a lot to give.
Orton-The guy has started a very promising legacy.
Those who missed it:
Brock:- what a waste, he would have been THE man of the decade had he not leave.
Eddie/Benoit:-They had still a lot to give IMO.