Superstar of the Decade 2000 - 2010

Why do people bring up the fact that a certain wrestler has a certain amount of title wins? The fact that Cena, Edge, and Triple H have so many is actually a FAIL! That means that the WWE did a piss poor job of creating new stars, and that no one backstage was really able to step up. The WWE usually had no choice but to put the title on one of those men.

But I digress. The only person that qualifies is John Cena, much as I hate his character. Scripted title wins aside, he's the only wrestler nowdays that makes a cultural impact (save The Miz as of late). Triple H actually does also, but he's been hurt a lot.
My favorite superstar of 2000-2010: JoMo
Real superstar of Decade: Cena. It is cena because he's gone through so many gimmicks in his time.Mid card to Rapper to Hustle Respect Loyalty. He hasn't been a heel since USA champ. Cena rocks this. JoMo will win his match vs Miz tommorow, defend against cena at WM and be the superstar of 2010-2020.
Well, let me tell you that I ALREADY admitted that there's a difference between John Cena and Kurt Angle. I can't tell if you read all of my responses.

John Cena is the draw. Kurt Angle isn't...

Kurt Angle is the better wrestler. John Cena isn't...

ONCE AGAIN, it depends on how you see it. Wrestler or entertainer. I go for wrestler but since this thread is in WWE territory, it doesn't surprise me that most go for Cena. I'm talking ALL-AROUND. Sure, Kurt Angle wasn't the absolute top guy, but he was ONE OF THEM. Cena is the top guy, no doubt about it. This decade though, we witnessed a legend in Kurt Angle created in this decade. Cena is not a legend. You can pull out numbers and how he's carried the company but I'm going wrestling-wise. If you wanna go by how Cena's been the face of the WWE and made an impact, go ahead. I already made a Wrestler of the Decade poll at the end of '09, and it was almost a tie with Cena and Angle.

So for any of you WWE fans on this thread, READ THIS BEFORE YOU GET SMART. There's no need to be like that. Lighten up..

Hmm, well it depends on your definition of 'wrestler.' More people pay to see John Cena wrestle and pay to see Kurt Angle...surely that means he's better? I mean, what is your basis for saying that Angle is Cena's superior? Because he knows more moves? Wrestling isn't about the numer of moves, it's about entertainment. More people are entertained by Cena's wrestling than Angle's, thus, he is the better wrestler. There is a reason that Angle wasn't the top guy: he wasn't as entertaining. He wasn't the better wrestler. He wasn't better fullstop. Oh and your Wrest;er of the Decade poll means shit, sorry to say. This is a forum, it isn't an accurate represntation of wrestling fans.

At the end of the day, this decade will forever be associated with John Cena; Hulk Hogan was the 80s, the 90s belonged to Stone Cold and The Rock, and this decade is Cena's. Thus, Cena is the biggest draw, most entertaining superstar, and best wrestler.
Merchandise sales is nothing compared to what The Rock or Stone Cold ever did. It was MORE than just selling T-Shirts. Ratings and buyrates have gone at an all-time low with Cena as well so go ahead and accept mediocrity. And another reason why WWE has gone downhill since Cena took over is because they pushed him to the moon and got rid of many or most die-hard WWE fans with how they changed the product and the people they've pushed.

When did this thread become about merchandise sales and ratings? A quick fact about ratings though; when you see Raw doing a 3.4 now as compared to a 6.2 back in 2002, it means nothing. The number isn't the number of viewers, its the percentage of households watching. This can easily be explained by the expansion of cable and media outlets within the past 8 years. You've let your bias against Cena cloud your sense of logic here.

Anyway, the superstar of the decade is John Cena. He debuted in 2002 with the "ruthless aggression" gimmick, against none other then Kurt Angle. He went on to push Angle and other top stars such as Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit to the limit before ultimately losing. It wasn't until he developed his rapper gimmick in 2003/04 that and had feuds with Undertaker, Brock Lesnar, and Big Show that he found his niche, and began winning titles and becoming the face of the company the way he did.

Cena is the superstar of the decade because of his steady improvement and the way he's diversified his character. He transitioned seemlessly from his rapper gimmick to his Hustle Loyalty Respect gimmick of today. He's main evented numerous Wrestlemania's and has defeated the best in the business, often by submission.

After winning the WWE title from Edge at Unforgiven 2006, Cena held the WWE title for over a year. That's the longest title reign of the decade, easily. In fact, it was the longest championship reign in over 19 years, since Hulk Hogan. He's a 9 time World Champion and was the PWI wrestler of the year in both 2006 and 2007. Not only that, he won the PWI feud of the year in 2006 with Edge, and the 2007 match of the year with HBK on the 23rd of April's Raw.

Cena has progressed in every way since his debut. He's introduced a technical wrestling aspect to his skillset that has only improved his storytelling within the ring. Noone within the business has mastered the art of storytelling and in-ring psychology the way Cena has, none more evident then through his feuds with Randy Orton and Nexus. His feud with Nexus has brought out a new aspect to his character as well, which has opened the door for numerous future feuds.

John Cena has been the undeniable face of the company for 5 years now. Nobody has adapted more over the time, or has improved more. He's a tireless worker whose the biggest draw and sells the most merchandise. He's able to have a good match with virtually anybody, which you can't say for all of the top superstars. Outside his nine World Championships, he's held the World Tag Team Championship twice, and the US title 3 times. Noone has accomplished more then Cena has this decade overall, making him most deserving of superstar of the decade.
[QUOTE="Stone Cold" John Hogan;2718365]Hmm, well it depends on your definition of 'wrestler.' More people pay to see John Cena wrestle and pay to see Kurt Angle...surely that means he's better? I mean, what is your basis for saying that Angle is Cena's superior? Because he knows more moves? Wrestling isn't about the numer of moves, it's about entertainment. More people are entertained by Cena's wrestling than Angle's, thus, he is the better wrestler. There is a reason that Angle wasn't the top guy: he wasn't as entertaining. He wasn't the better wrestler. He wasn't better fullstop. Oh and your Wrest;er of the Decade poll means shit, sorry to say. This is a forum, it isn't an accurate represntation of wrestling fans.

At the end of the day, this decade will forever be associated with John Cena; Hulk Hogan was the 80s, the 90s belonged to Stone Cold and The Rock, and this decade is Cena's. Thus, Cena is the biggest draw, most entertaining superstar, and best wrestler.[/QUOTE]

Oh c'mon!, any true wrestling fan would tell you that WRESTLING is about WRESTLING. That's why there's "Sports-Entertainment" and "Wrestling". John Cena is the best in "Sports-Entertainment" and Kurt Angle is the best in "Wrestling" in a mainstream environment. Kurt Angle would wrestle circles and triangles on Cena, even to this day. You may be entertained by it, but it might be because you're a WWE fan.

And say what you want about my "Wrestler of the Decade poll" I made at the end of '09. I put the most deserving names (Including Cena) and I got answers. So putting your opinion on it in a thread that's basically almost the same subject in a year later means none. You're a year late...
Oh c'mon!, any true wrestling fan would tell you that WRESTLING is about WRESTLING. That's why there's "Sports-Entertainment" and "Wrestling". John Cena is the best in "Sports-Entertainment" and Kurt Angle is the best in "Wrestling" in a mainstream environment. Kurt Angle would wrestle circles and triangles on Cena, even to this day. You may be entertained by it, but it might be because you're a WWE fan.

And say what you want about my "Wrestler of the Decade poll" I made at the end of '09. I put the most deserving names (Including Cena) and I got answers. So putting your opinion on it in a thread that's basically almost the same subject in a year later means none. You're a year late...

What makes Kurt Angle the better wrestler though? What is your statement based on? Is it purely because Angle executes a larger range of moves? If so, how does that make him a better wrestler? Or do you just dislike Cena because he's mainstream? At the end of the day, you can't disregard the fact that more people pay to see Cena wrestle. You claim that Sports Entertainment and Wrestling are different, but isn't the better wrestler the one who entertains more? Isn't the better wrestler the one that more people enjoy watching? You have to take these things into account. At the end of the day, the fans decide who the best wrestler is, and at the moment, more people pay to see Cena and more people enjoy his matches, meaning he is the better wrestler.

As for you poll; the opinions of those on this forum is no indication of the general consensus of fans. Only a minority of wrestling fans are part of the IWC, only a minority of the IWC have a Wrestlezone account, and I'm guessing only a minority of those with a Wrestlezone account voted on your poll. Because Angle and Cena were even on you poll, doesn't mean they provide an equal quality of wrestling.
as a john cena fan(which is not so common) i'd say cena was the superstar of the decade..was/is the top guy..but his reign is pretty much endin..wwe is pushin orton hard and now its orton or cena b4 it was just cena as the kids choices...cena's basically sharing spotlight with orton..and maybe in the future we have orton bcome bigger than cena ..even miz has a chance...the way they're pushing him
[QUOTE="Stone Cold" John Hogan;2719866]What makes Kurt Angle the better wrestler though? What is your statement based on? Is it purely because Angle executes a larger range of moves? If so, how does that make him a better wrestler? Or do you just dislike Cena because he's mainstream? At the end of the day, you can't disregard the fact that more people pay to see Cena wrestle. You claim that Sports Entertainment and Wrestling are different, but isn't the better wrestler the one who entertains more? Isn't the better wrestler the one that more people enjoy watching? You have to take these things into account. At the end of the day, the fans decide who the best wrestler is, and at the moment, more people pay to see Cena and more people enjoy his matches, meaning he is the better wrestler.

As for you poll; the opinions of those on this forum is no indication of the general consensus of fans. Only a minority of wrestling fans are part of the IWC, only a minority of the IWC have a Wrestlezone account, and I'm guessing only a minority of those with a Wrestlezone account voted on your poll. Because Angle and Cena were even on you poll, doesn't mean they provide an equal quality of wrestling.[/QUOTE]

Might be a little late, but let me finish you off here. First of all, my statement on Kurt Angle being a better wrestler comes from the fact he's an Olympic Gold Medallist, a brilliant amateur wrestler, and puts on wrestling clinics against the best in the world.

And don't make me laugh saying that most people pay to see Cena wrestle. It's mostly kids and women that pay to see him, and that's the truth. Grown guys that pay to see him wrestle over Angle? I wouldn't know what they're thinking nor would I care because they're probably casual fans. Then again, they probably don't even know who Kurt Angle is..:rolleyes:

Look up wrestler in a dictionary; It doesn't tell you that they are mainstream entertainers more than wrestlers. You're blurring this whole thing about wrestling by telling me about what is a "WWE Superstar". Hold for hold, move for move...Kurt Angle would destroy Cena. Paying to see someone wrestle DOES NOT justify that they are the better WRESTLER. You're just an attraction if you draw people, not a wrestler. And I don't care about how many people voted on my poll. I wasn't expecting a large number of people to respond. It's all about quality over quantity. Don't you forget that...
I totally agree with Chicago, Kurt Angle is the Superstar of the Decade.

He's the best worker in the business and has been for the last 10 years. The only other guy that even comes close is Shawn Michaels. I wouldn't have a problem if someone picked HBK, but he's been too inactive at times for him to get my vote.

Kurt Angle may not have been the biggest draw when he was in the WWE, but he was always a big draw and has earned the respect of the fans, both smarts and marks alike, and he hasn't lost a step at all in TNA. In fact, I'd say his feuds with Samoa Joe and AJ Styles were as good as any he had in WWE.

The question wasn't who's the most popular or who's the most over wrestler of the past decade, if that were the question I would have voted for John Cena, but it isn''s who's the BEST wrestler over the past decade, and to me that's Kurt Angle. It's real, it's damn real!!!!
You know sadly I have to say Cena.

I say sadly because just about anyone could have filled his shoes. The WWE pushed him unlike any superstar that has been pushed before. Granted, he has the good looks, charisma and mic skills they needed to be a top guy but I think anyone else with these attributes could be just as big as Cena. He pretty much ran over the entire roster and held the World titles longer then anyone else. How could he not be a mega star?

But then you look at guys like HBK, Stone Cold, the Rock, the Undertaker etc. Nobody could take their place. They made their characters and the fans responded to them well enough to get them where they were.

But in all fairness I guess Hogan also got the exact same treatment as Cena. Any big American guy could have filled his boots.

*EDIT: If you think anyone could take the Undertakers place look no further then Kane. Pretty much the same gimmick but he will never be half the legend the Undertaker is (although he is a future hall of famer, he will never be an icon). Then look at complete failures like Khali.
Eh. Tell me which of the actor of the decade, ok?

Actor A) A former respected government agent turned action actor. He played supporting roles in a number of big movies (using his past as motivation/inspiration) at the beginning of the decade before fading into obscurity and taking part in low budget movies.

Actor B) A Robert Pattison kinda guy that became a pop culture icon amongst kids and girls despite playing similar (lead) roles all the time, similar roles that people actually pay to see..

Former respected government = Kurt Angle’s Olympic wrestling background
Actor = Wrestler
Supporting roles = Never the face of the company
Low budget movies = TNA

Might be a little late, but let me finish you off here. First of all, my statement on Kurt Angle being a better wrestler comes from the fact he's an Olympic Gold Medallist, a brilliant amateur wrestler, and puts on wrestling clinics against the best in the world.

Get it? Kurt Angle’s history counts for nothing when it comes to the professional wrestling we actually watch and enjoy. Do you watch Olympic Wrestling? No. No you don't. And I don't hear you saying that (who ever won the 2008 Olympic Wrestling Gold Medal) is the best wrestler of the decade.

And don't make me laugh saying that most people pay to see Cena wrestle. It's mostly kids and women that pay to see him, and that's the truth. Grown guys that pay to see him wrestle over Angle? I wouldn't know what they're thinking nor would I care because they're probably casual fans. Then again, they probably don't even know who Kurt Angle is.

Yeah, it's mostly kids and women. But then how come Cena draws so much? Has it occured to you that 'most people' or the average wrestling fan these days is not a member of the IWC, but in fact, a women, kid or 'casual'? They're fans too, you know. And don't you realise that the fans determine who good/bad wrestlers are? And they don't know who Kurt Angle is for a reason ;)

Look up wrestler in a dictionary; It doesn't tell you that they are mainstream entertainers more than wrestlers. You're blurring this whole thing about wrestling by telling me about what is a "WWE Superstar". Hold for hold, move for move...Kurt Angle would destroy Cena. Paying to see someone wrestle DOES NOT justify that they are the better WRESTLER. You're just an attraction if you draw people, not a wrestler. And I don't care about how many people voted on my poll. I wasn't expecting a large number of people to respond. It's all about quality over quantity. Don't you forget that...

Yeah, and Henry Cejudo would destroy Kurt Angle, but no one is saying he's the wrestler of the decade. Do you know why? Because there's an obvious differences between olympic or ameteur wrestling and professional wrestling, surely you know that. Professional wrestling factors in more things than just holds.

And wait, the few people who voted Kurt Angle and your poll are more 'quality?' Mixed in with 'Fuck mainstream' underneath your name, I'm starting to thing your just the average Cena hater.
[QUOTE="Stone Cold" John Hogan;2737813]Eh. Tell me which of the actor of the decade, ok?

Actor A) A former respected government agent turned action actor. He played supporting roles in a number of big movies (using his past as motivation/inspiration) at the beginning of the decade before fading into obscurity and taking part in low budget movies.

Actor B) A Robert Pattison kinda guy that became a pop culture icon amongst kids and girls despite playing similar (lead) roles all the time, similar roles that people actually pay to see..

Former respected government = Kurt Angle’s Olympic wrestling background
Actor = Wrestler
Supporting roles = Never the face of the company
Low budget movies = TNA

Get it? Kurt Angle’s history counts for nothing when it comes to the professional wrestling we actually watch and enjoy. Do you watch Olympic Wrestling? No. No you don't. And I don't hear you saying that (who ever won the 2008 Olympic Wrestling Gold Medal) is the best wrestler of the decade.

Yeah, it's mostly kids and women. But then how come Cena draws so much? Has it occured to you that 'most people' or the average wrestling fan these days is not a member of the IWC, but in fact, a women, kid or 'casual'? They're fans too, you know. And don't you realise that the fans determine who good/bad wrestlers are? And they don't know who Kurt Angle is for a reason ;)

Yeah, and Henry Cejudo would destroy Kurt Angle, but no one is saying he's the wrestler of the decade. Do you know why? Because there's an obvious differences between olympic or ameteur wrestling and professional wrestling, surely you know that. Professional wrestling factors in more things than just holds.

And wait, the few people who voted Kurt Angle and your poll are more 'quality?' Mixed in with 'Fuck mainstream' underneath your name, I'm starting to thing your just the average Cena hater.[/QUOTE]

I dislike almost everything mainstream, not just wrestling. I used to be a hardcore Cena hater, but I have learned to respect the guy for his effort over the years.

You're right; I don't watch amateur wrestling. But Kurt Angle's the ONLY Olympic Gold Medallist in mainstream wrestling. He became successful this whole decade by his in-ring work. It's what made him who he is. He's in mainstream wrestling, sure, but it's the few guys like him who I truly admire and keeps wrestling at an acceptable level.

And if fans out there don't know who Kurt Angle is, then in my eyes, are missing out on a hidden gem. Again, I'm going by quality over quantity.

Cena = Quantity, being about the draw, number of fans, and fame.
Angle = Quality, great wrestler, isn't the biggest draw but has great competitive spirit.

And to let you know, I'm a proponent of the athletic, intense, and WRESTLING aspect of Pro Wrestling. You're on the "Sports-Entertainment' side of things and I'm on the wrestling side of things. Oil and water. That's all it is...
It's gonna be Cena. As good as Kurt is/was/whatever, unless you were a major fan of amateur wrestling or the kind of guy who has a fan fetish for technical wrestling, Angle was never the top draw. Sure, he was big, but he was never THE guy of the company. Cena, on the other hand, pretty much became one of the largest success stories in the history of the company. When he started, he was pretty much in the bottom of the card, but fans started liking him when he switched to his rapper gimmick and he eventually became the modern equivalent to Hogan. Of course, like Hogan he was pushed beyond his abilities, but at the very least I think we can agree that Cena's a better in ring performer than Hogan ever was.
My favortie wrestler is The Rock but I think there are 2 superstars that deserve to be superstars of the year, they are Triple H and Chris Jericho and also Shawn Michales, but HBK returned in 2002, thats why i didn't count him as best from 2000-2010
I'm actually going to say that it's HHH. I know John Cena has dominated the time he has been on top, basically the second half of the decade, but HHH has dne everything and more and been on top for almost all of it, that is when he wasn't injured. Just watch this:

- Ushers in 2000 as part of the dominating McMahon-Helmsley era winning his third championship on the opening edition of Raw by beating the Big Show and capped off with a win in the fatal four way at Wrestlemania, one of the rarer occasion where the champion has retained at the event since Hulk Hogan.
- Shortly thereafter a feud with austin, forms the two-man power trip with vince mcmahon and stone cold dominating TV once again and feuding with kane and undertaker.
- Returned early 2002 after his career-threatening injury to win the royal rumble and beat chris jericho at wrestlemania to become the second undisputed champion of all time.
- Started a legendary feud with HBK that culminated in a three stages of heel match at Armaggedon.
- Forms the group known as evolution that dominates the Raw brand for no less than 2 years, guiding two new superstars in Randy Orton and Batista to super stardome under the guise of 16 time world champ ric flair, until it eventually completely disbands in 2005 after HHH loses many matches to batista.
- June 2006, he reformed DX with shawn michaels and terrorised vince mcmahon and feuded also with rated rko and many other top class superstars.
- Reformed DX again few years later and held the undisputed tag titles for the first time.

The second five years of his reign were less remarkable but he still main evented a great deal of raws and smackdowns, and a great number of PPVs also. Along the last 10 years he held a world championship belt 11 times, more than any other in main stream wrestling over that time. He is recognised as the first world heavyweight champion for the smackdown brand. I'm not particularly a HHH fan but it would seem apparent to me that this decade belong to the game.

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