Best & Worst Gimmick of Decade: 2000's

Best Gimmick of Decade??

  • Hurricane - Superhero Parody

  • Matt Hardy - Mattitude

  • John Cena - Rapper

  • JBL -Rich Businessman

  • Mr. Kennedy - Self-announced Wrestler

  • LAX - Latino Revolutionaries

  • Santino Marella - Italian American Stereotype

  • CM Punk - Straight Edge Messiah

  • Undertaker - Bad Ass/Big Evil

  • Eddie Guerrero - Lie, Cheat and Stealin'

  • Edge - Rated R Superstar

  • Randy Orton - Legend Killer

  • Kurt Angle - Smug Olympic Champion

  • Carlito - Cool Guy

  • Other

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Best gimmick- Rated R SuperStar gimmick has to be best gimmick of decade.The live sex celebration, rated R spinner belt and Lita all these were great part of his gimmick.If some thing can change this PG crap and be today's SCSA its Edge with this gimmick.

Worst: Vito the cross dresser,that simply sucked.Every time its came on tv i had to switch channel.
The best gimmick of the last decade was probably mr Kennedy. Kennedy is essentially an average ring worker who was able to become the first wrestler to get over on mic work alone for almost 10 years because he was given a gimmick that allowed him to showboat that immediately. Honestly, how often do rookies get to work the mic as much as he did.

Worst? Well there was a lot of shit at the arse end of the attitude era, so I've almost certainly forgotten something, and I could go with something from TNA. There's loads that have been totally arse like "The Nation of Violence", and others that have overstayed their welcome like Shark Boy, but I think the worst was probably actually in WWE. Festus. I'll admit, it was pretty funny on occasion, but in all honesty, it's one of those things that makes you embarrassed to like wrestling.

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