Best Shoot In WWE history


Dark Match Winner
This is my first post so moderators forgive me if I put this in the wrong section. Earlier today I was looking at the post about the Air Bourne into the RKO and someone mentioned Brock Lesnar catching Randy Orton from a cross body and rolling through it and delivering an F5 I wanted to see it and while I was looking at it I noticed a video called Paul Heyman shoots on Vince.. and I hadn't seen it in a long time but I loved this shoot. So I was wondering what the rest of the WrestleZone community thinks was the best shoot of all time.
I like this thread, props.
It's a tough decision picking my favorite shoot.... Off the top of my head I'm going to have to say when Joey Styles freaked out on RAW. It was insane and believable. Much like the Daniel Bryan shoot on Cole and WWE management, I felt the intensity and I forgot that it was worked.
That isn't even my favorite Heyman shoot. I love the one where he says to JBL "The only reason you are champion is because HHH didn't want to work Tuesdays" or something like that. At the time I remember hearing that HHH vetoed his move to Smackdown so he can stay on the important show. Heyman was right on about what he said to Bradshaw.
sooooo many to choose from
of course anything by Heyman - favorite would have to be the on from one night stand , to this day it gives me chills
how about the day the The Rock shot about stone cold leaving now there was a shoot ( a bit miss leading all be it) but a great shoot
I would have to say Shawn's shoot on Sycho Sid during the Sycho Sid vs. Bret Hart championship match at the It's Time PPV on December 15, 1996. This is the incident in witch Shawn called Sid WWF's most expensive piece of luggage. It was direct, to the point and most importantly...True
Yeah the Joey Styles shoot was absoloutly great as well. I Never heard the HBK on Sid shoot. if anyone has a link I would love to see it.
That's a difficult one to answer, mainly because we as fans don't know what is a legit shoot, and what is a worked shoot.

The only promo that I know to be a LEGIT shoot was Paul Heyman publicly firing Sabu for no-showing an ECW event, choosing instead to wrestle in Japan.

In terms of in-ring shoots, I would say the Montreal Screw Job was a pretty big shoot-style incident, because it was the biggest break of kayfabe in wrestling at that time, maybe ever (to me, breaking kayfabe is the definition of a shoot)
I think when Shawn Waltman came back to WWE from WCW, in 98, the night after WM, when HHH reformed DX... It was a HUGE moment at the time, after a few years of talent leaving WWE and defecting to WCW and helping them in the ratings. X-Pac came in and made a big impact, and talked some shit LOL... It was like a lot of moments from those days, it had a "real" feel to it! But that to me stands out...
Hmmm...mine technically isn't a "WWE" shoot, since it occurred in ECW, but it definitely helped the individual get a job in the WWE, and the WWE owns all of that footage from ECW anyway, so in a way, it counts...

Pre-Stone Cold "Superstar" Steve Austin's INCREDIBLE shoot interview on ECW regarding being let go from WCW, his thoughts on Eric Bischoff, etc.
Yeah I'm still all for Paul Heyman's shoot during ONS '05. The JBL line was great, but I also liked when he called out Edge. "Two words for you...Matt freakin' Hardy!" Then Edge spits and says, "That's three!"
What a great Thread Topic.Like someone else posted "ONS 05" Where Heyman shoots on WWE is amazing . "Hide your Wives it's Edge"......Classic!!!!

There is a Shoot style incident where Goldberg walked out of a match and Russo told him to get his ass in the ring or he would be sued and fired and Goldberg repsonds with a big F*ck You. I thought this is the biggest OMG Shoot incident ever! Again awesome topic!!
I've gotta go with Paul Heyman when he was in the ring with Vince. It was, quite possibly, the most realistic and passionate speach I've ever heard on wrestling TV. It went on for about ten minutes and, although there was a mix of story stuff in there (about Vince's kids hating him, etc) there was enough real info in there to make it my best ever.

My fave part was Heyman saying to Vince how he stole his dreams, his legacy. Every part of it was awesome. Also give props to Vince for letting Heyman go out there and vent on him like a piece of shit (vince that is, not Heyman) for the whole segment. Top draw!
Err I've got a few actually.

Paul Heyman; One Night Stand 2005. Every inch of it was gold, from laying into Bischoff ("This isn't Paul Heyman, with his tail between his legs, coming to a WCW Pay Per View") to "Hide your wives...its EDGE!" (personally I love when he goes " I have two words for you . . . . MATT FREAKIN' HARDY!" and Edge looks at everyone and goes "Wait, thats three words!") and his shot at JBL. It just felt so intense.

100% Agree with the guy who said Austin in ECW. Without that shoot on WCW, one of the integral cogs of the Attitude Era machine would have never appeared.

Rock's shoot on Austin in 2002 was pretty cool as well. No-one expected Rock to be there and added to what he said, it was just a WTF moment.

Joey Styles laying in to WWE Management after the whole 'SHOW SOME SPIRIT' stuff just pushed him over the edge. Just made me feel good to watch him stick the knife in.
One of the best shoots ever was Shawn Michaels from RAW on 4/7/1997. It was the first time a WWF wrestler gave an interview about backstage/real life stuff about a person (Bret Hart), and he really crossed the line on some of the stuff he said. He talked about Bret't family, money, how Bret used WCW to stab Vince in the back and get his huge contract, and how in real like Bret hated Shawn, and that everybody was wondering why Bret Hart was all of the suddent a "bad guy" when Bret was always a bad guy. Bret put it almost word for word in his book. The funniest part about it was they kept showing Owen and Davey in the back, and JR making comments about them watching. In the beginning they looked like they were supposed to be working, acting like they were interested in what Michaels had to say, and by the end they looked so upset and pissed. JR said "Owen and Davey can't be too happy after that."
I personally liked the Joey Styles shoot on RAW a few years back. To me, it was the start of ECW being "brought back." But aside from that, it had a lot of intensity, cursing, and you really felt the emotion that Joey Styles was putting into the shoot. The fact that Jerry Lawler seemed clueless throughout the whole thing made it pretty memorable as well. While there were many other shoots I enjoyed, this was probably the most exciting for me because Styles was saying what I had been thinking.
I think the ONS 2005 Shredding has to be rated as one of the greatest shoots of all time.
Post-Attitude era, that's the most truthful bashing of top-level superstars I have ever seen.
Love the one about JBL!!!

Also, Heyman coming out and ripping Vince to bits is classic. The amount of honesty and conviction in his voice almost moves you to tears.

My God, Paul Heyman has got to be one of the greatest mic-workers of all time!!
Total Mark for this guy
The Heyman shoot with Vince in the ring...classic..he ripped into him with unbiased fury and anger...his voice cracked, his eyes bulged, he was genuinely pissed the hell off...He mixed in just enough story line things to make it fit what was going on. But we all know he meant 99% of the things he said in that ring...for God's sake, he blasted Tazz as well. Heyman is to me the king of the shoot interview, because his shoot at O.N.S. was also phenomenal. The Shoot interview crown rests firmly on the head of Paul Heyman.
Wow...this is a great thread with LOTS of good potential. I'd say one of the big ones that come to mind is Paul Heyman, there are so many to choose from with him. The 2005 ECW one night stand when the ANTI ECW crusaders came in. He just went to town on those people. His shoot on Edge when he said "You are a homewrecker, you screwed Matt," the whole Matt Hardy shoot. Then the whole audience got into it with the "You screwed Matt" chants.

Another one was the infamous Daniel Bryan speech on NXT about WWE management and how they 'pick' their superstars, and you can obviously see Matt Striker's shocked reaction as he's reaching for the mic probably after someone is shouting in his ear ((cough))McMahon((cough)) to end the final words from eliminated NXT persons in the ring.

I did enjoy the Joey Styles shoot on RAW where he pretty much trashes working for the commentating table with Lawler and then just quit right there. That was classic.

I would say those would be my fave/classic shoots...
The Joey Styles shoot takes the cake. That was a wellt timed, emotion filled, intense shoot. I've always like Joey Styles as a commentator and this made me love him even more. It was also very fittig because it was right around One Night Stand. Honorable mentions are Daniel Bryan on Michael Cole, and Paul Heyman on JBL. Michael Cole made the Daniel Bryan shoot believable, he really looked angry and he deserves a lot of credit too. Paul Heyman always made me laugh, this was pretty true... HHH has always been a bit of a diva and refused to work on Smackdowm... So Heyman made a point out of it.
I agree with Styles, I loved it so much because, Icould agree with everything he was saying. I've never supported the fact that you can't say wrestling, wrestlers, belts, fans, and whatever else they put special terms on. I'm sorry, but no one will ever say "its monday, sports entertainment comes on tonight".
The Joey Styles shoot along with the Paul Heyman shoot at ONS and the one against Vince on Smackdown, were probably some of the best I have seen in WWE. I want to add a few that some haven't said yet. The shoot with Jim Ross on Raw in 1996 was one of the first and best ones I have ever seen. You could call it a heel promo since Jim Ross introduced the Fake Razor and Diesel, but you have to believe that most of his words were true.

ONS 2005 by Heyman was probably one of the best i have ever seen. I also enjoyed matts return calling edge by his real name and saying he was going to make his life hell.
Now one that hasnt been mentioned and i don't know if you would really call it a shoot but Mick Foley in ecw on the cane dewey promo was intense as hell. It was about a real life situation and so i suppose could be seen as a shoot in a way
ONS 2005 is very overrated imo. Rather lame in comparison to some of Heyman's previous shoots. Staying on topic and naming things relevant within WWE history, there was a shoot Heyman did on Smackdown to Vince that was very good. Basically calling Vince out on where the WWF got it's "Attitude."

Outside of WWE, Russo ranting on Hogan in WCW still stands out in my mind ;)

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