Bar Room Confessional (Wink, Wink... Nudge, Nudge)

As far as I'm concerned, the Lounge is a step up from anywhere else on the forums. I love that place.
It is a great place. And I find myself posting in there more the past like week, than my entire 3-4 months on here as a whole.

Dexter I look forward to your post when I get home from class.
The lounge is a pretty interesting place sometimes. I do dislike the trend of point dissection though, for some reason it always comes across as pety and that the person gets a chance to act superior. Seizing on one sentence rather that the whole article to use as an excuse to pour scorn? Not very mature :( But yeah, posting in the Lounge always makes me feel like a superior poster- tis real argumentative writing. The music section tends to call for emotive writing, the sports section for analysis, and the bar room presumably for wit :)

I know what you mean Dexter about female metal singers- I never tended to take them seriously. Female alternative singers on the other hand :D
Confessions (If you can call them that):

-If I ever dated Maria Kanellis or Hayley Williams, I wouldn't spend so much time on the internet.

-I'm a fan of Chris Brown's music. Despite the fact he's a fucking prick :) (I normally hate all styles of R'N'B etc but I like his randomly).

-Not much of a confession but I've had drum lessons from The Verve's drummer and The Cinematic Orchestra's drummer.

-My favourite posters are FalKon, SavageTaker, Dave, Doc, SK, FTS, NightShiftLoser, Dexter, Becca, Deej, JKO, J-Dogg, CH David, Thriller H and Matt Fox.

I've probably missed some out.
The lounge is a pretty interesting place sometimes. I do dislike the trend of point dissection though, for some reason it always comes across as pety and that the person gets a chance to act superior.

Oh, I absolutely agree. I can't stand that. My posts are complete thoughts. Separating any particular sentence from the whole takes it out of context and diminishes the point of the overall post. No one writes in such a way that each individual sentence is a complete thought worthy of individual analysis. Posts... at least the good ones... are a bit like a pyramid built out of Legos. If you take out one brick, it's just a brick. It's not complete on its own and its removal compromises the overall structure.

I've tried to argue this point in the past and failed miserably though, Nita. Some posters on here just argue that way and won't be talked out of it. When I come up against them, I try to just adopt their style and argue in that manner but it sucks all the fun out of it for me. It's not a debate at that point, it's a nitpick contest.
1) I'm just about to start my 8th year at university and it's starting to get a little old

2) Due to a combination of 1) and the internet, I have forgotten to have a social life of any substance

3) I hold grudges, even with my friends

4) I am overly proud of my memory

5) I tend to overthink situations and the potential consequences of my actions, leading to me doing nothing
I've tried to argue this point in the past and failed miserably though, Nita. Some posters on here just argue that way and won't be talked out of it. When I come up against them, I try to just adopt their style and argue in that manner but it sucks all the fun out of it for me. It's not a debate at that point, it's a nitpick contest.

Yeah I lose all heart for a fight if I have to go through every sentence like that. It just makes me feel shallow and mean and nasty. But yeah as long as you and I argue in the long thread style the lounge has a chance. We just need to inspire all the others ;)
1. I love Michael Jackson.

2. Disney is my favorite television channel.

3. I thought Hulk Hogan's movies were good.

4. I would probably go gay for Zac Efron or any of the dudes from Supernatural

5. I secretly love John Cena.
1) I love Kate Beckinsale, I think she is the sexiest woman in the world
2) I also love Mila Kunis I think shes the second sexiest person in the world.
3) I Hate the Simpsons, It's just not funny. Futurama is awesome though.
4) I recently started to hate Family Guy. Its got shit ever since it came back.
5) I once deliberatly shot my own brother with a pellet gun. He annoyed me
6) I only like a certain amount of people on the forum. Pebble,Dave,Becca and Miko get special mention cos they are awesome. Lee's pretty cool as well. there was more but they left.
7) I'm not a fan of the French
8) Does not understand why Americans say somebody is ''Good People'' insted of good person.
9) I didnt post in the Video Games Tourny because I felt alot of you didnt have a clue what you were on about.
10) I hate Ricky Gervais and Sarah Jessica Parker with a passion, I would happily kill them both if I was allowed.
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I will mark the fuck out for the first time in years when I see Nigel McGuinness in the WWE.

I get girls that are way above my standards and manage to fuck it up every time.

I'd like to be a more regular poster.

I'm nervous as fuck about moving and starting university.

I'm slowly becoming an ROH fan.

The debaters league has taught me twice as much as I knew about wrestling.

I've been to every Liverpool home game for about the last 3 years and have kept all of my ticket stubs and programmes.

I'm a complete geek but I don't show it outside of the house.

I HATE family guy as it's unfunny.

Nic Cage should be banned from acting.
8) Does not understand why Americans say somebody is ''Good People'' insted of good person.

I just had to comment on this one and point out the irony of a Brit talking about strange figures of speech. As you guys might say, bugger that for a lark.
1. For clarity purposes for whoever few still think otherwise(I'm looking at Will's Wifey here) I am white.

2. I keep telling myself to post in the wrestling sections, but forget about 10 minutes later.

3. I think Sly is a better software guru when it comes to computers than I am.

4. I think we're equal on troubleshooting computer problems.

5. I should probably be dead by now one way or another.

6. I didn't think my Hip Hop thread would last very long, and now it's the most replied to thread in the music section.

Yup that's it.
Earlier, I posted that I secretly loved John Cena. Now I have to confess, that was a lie. I can't stand his bitch ass!
I think scotland will get to the world cup

i hate tna, ive never sat through 5mins of it.

I also hate smug english football commentators, liverpool,
celtic, people who still argue when they know their wrong. I also get up in the middle of the night to read the wzcw results
1. My life is rather boring, thus the copious amounts of time spent on here.

2. I enjoy playing devil's advocate.

3. I don't find Paris Hilton attractive, but I'd probably still fuck her in the ass, just to say I did it.

4. I used to be one of those losers that thought the strippers/bartenders really liked me.

5. I may be out of shape, but I'm actually a pretty good athlete.
4. I used to be one of those losers that thought the strippers/bartenders really liked me.

Strippers actually do like me, hence the free lap dances I've gotten in the past. On any given night, when I've gone to a strip club, 1 or 2 strippers have sat with me and my friends 'til the place closed just to chill. Whether or not they did it for money, I'll never know, but they never get it. In fact, I've gotten away with strippers buying me drinks before. Last time I went, this chick introduced me to her friend.. It was Teagan Presley. Hey boyfriend at the time, who apparently is a porn director, showed us clips of his recent work on his I-phone, we told him we were impressed.
...And ya know what else? Shua has the absolute best signature... Makes me laugh, everytime. Good work, Shua.
So, my school is really crowded, and it's insane when passing from class to class. I take advantage of the confusion by accidentally bumping into girls.

Also, I'm on this site instead of doing schoolwork. I'm surprised it isn't blocked; just about everything else is.
I also like to annoy popular kids. Today in math, there's this uberbitch who wanted to get to her seat and was determined to get past me, despite the fact that she could quite easily have gone to her seat the other way. I took my time putting my backpack down, and then casually laid across two desks in order to block her even more. When she eventually shoved past, I kept telling her how much easier it would be if she had went the other way.
It was funny. Too bad my friend wasn't here today.
Haha, oh Doc, getting in the way and such. Damn you for that. Damn you lol.

Good work. Uberbitches needs putting in their place.
Yeah, I only mess with people who are mean to me. It's really simple: Be nice, and I'll be nice back.

I think I scared a kid today. I sit by her in history, and was talking to the teacher about bringing my laptop to school to take notes. I have an IEP (Individualized Education Plan) because of my dyspraxia, and can therefore do stuff like that. And the girl next to me had a weird look on her face, so I said "Yes, technically, I'm a special-ed kid." She responded with "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE THEN?!!!?!"

Um, gee, I don't know, possibly because I need another history credit in order to graduate?

The people I sit near in the history class hate me for some reason. It's kind of funny.
Yeah, I only mess with people who are mean to me. It's really simple: Be nice, and I'll be nice back.

I think I scared a kid today. I sit by her in history, and was talking to the teacher about bringing my laptop to school to take notes. I have an IEP (Individualized Education Plan) because of my dyspraxia, and can therefore do stuff like that. And the girl next to me had a weird look on her face, so I said "Yes, technically, I'm a special-ed kid." She responded with "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE THEN?!!!?!"

Um, gee, I don't know, possibly because I need another history credit in order to graduate?

The people I sit near in the history class hate me for some reason. It's kind of funny.

:disappointed: Not cool for people to hate on kids like you. You seem like a good kid, good head on your shoulders. You should have said "So I can annoy bitches like you" lol.

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