Bar Room Confessional (Wink, Wink... Nudge, Nudge)

I also like to annoy popular kids.

Why? I was one of those "popular" kids. Why would you want to annoy me? What did I do to you?

Today in math, there's this uberbitch who wanted to get to her seat and was determined to get past me, despite the fact that she could quite easily have gone to her seat the other way.

You should be a gentleman and let her in. Why would you want to block it off? Is it because she has a lot of friends? That bitch! How could she be well liked?

I took my time putting my backpack down, and then casually laid across two desks in order to block her even more.

Right.....she's the uber bitch. Something is telling me it might be you.

When she eventually shoved past, I kept telling her how much easier it would be if she had went the other way.

It would have been even easier if you weren't a douchebag.

It was funny. Too bad my friend wasn't here today.

I'm imagining this is your only friend?

Was that story supposed to endear you to people? It just makes me think you're a jealous, petty, asshole.
Nothing wrong with having an IEP. I had an IEP myself.

Stop being mean FTS. :disappointed:
Why? I was one of those "popular" kids. Why would you want to annoy me? What did I do to you?

You should be a gentleman and let her in. Why would you want to block it off? Is it because she has a lot of friends? That bitch! How could she be well liked?

Right.....she's the uber bitch. Something is telling me it might be you.

It would have been even easier if you weren't a douchebag.

I'm imagining this is your only friend?

Was that story supposed to endear you to people? It just makes me think you're a jealous, petty, asshole.

Seriously man, what the hell?
Nothing wrong with having an IEP. I had an IEP myself.

Stop being mean FTS. :disappointed:

I'm in the midst of a heel turn.

Plus, I hate it when people say they're mean to the popular kids. It seems a bit hypocritical. It doesn't make you a hero to the common man. It makes you a target and a leper in a high school community.

Odds are they never did anything to him. Maybe someone said something mean, but that's no reason to act like a petulant jackass. If you want to get someone back for being mean, rise above and act like an adult, don't lay across desks and block some girl on her way to her seat. First of all, my mother would know I did it, somehow, and walk into that classroom and slap me. Secondly, how does that get anyone back? She gets pissed, mentions it, he gets beat up, and it all stays the same. It solved nothing, except amusing him, and only him, for a minute or two. In the end, she's got dates and parties and friends and he's got this false sense of accomplishment.

This is my confession. I find nonpopular kids who think they're getting back at the popular kids by being a douche to be annoying and more childish than the children they're protesting.
Nah. I'm taking a more parently tone. All I'm saying is, "Son, what does being a douchebag accomplish? Maybe you should rise above it and show how mature you can be."
Nah. I'm taking a more parently tone. All I'm saying is, "Son, what does being a douchebag accomplish? Maybe you should rise above it and show how mature you can be."

Yeah, I was the picked-on kid in high school and I can tell you definitively, the rise above it approach doesn't work. At all. It's just a sign of weakness.

The only two options are either 1) get whatever minor victories you can here and there or 2) pull a Columbine. Kudos to Doc for taking the better approach.
Oh, I just didn't know if you were saying that I was accomplishing nothing. I mean, honestly I can feel for both sides here. I wasn't exactly one of the "popular kids" in high school, but probably more because I chose not to be. I def. had a lot of friends, but I pretty much kicked it with the same group of people. Mainly because we liked to smoke weed and go to concerts. But I just don't see the point in being a douche to a chick, especially if she's a hot one.. If she's a bitch, I'd just leave her alone. It's hard to tell in high school ya know. Ya never know what's going on in someone's life. Looking back, I would've done all kinds of things differently.
Yeah, I was the picked-on kid in high school and I can tell you definitively, the rise above it approach doesn't work. At all. It's just a sign of weakness.

The only two options are either 1) get whatever minor victories you can here and there or 2) pull a Columbine. Kudos to Doc for taking the better approach.

Come on Dex. How can this be defined as a small victory. It honestly seems like his goal is to make one less person like him every day.

I was the captain of the football team. I went to parties. I had a good time. But, I was also the captain of the debate team, I was in one act play. I was cool with anyone who was cool with me. I never picked on people. But still, some of the kids who felt like I was an ass, would pull this kind of shit. I never let it bother me, and eventually they came around.

In high school everyone is in some kind of clique, but that doesn't mean you shuold instantly go to battle with the other cliques. What does it accomplish? I bet he smiled on the outside, but felt pretty empty on the inside. Is picking on someone really the way to get people to stop picking on you?
I'm in the midst of a heel turn.

Plus, I hate it when people say they're mean to the popular kids. It seems a bit hypocritical. It doesn't make you a hero to the common man. It makes you a target and a leper in a high school community.

Odds are they never did anything to him. Maybe someone said something mean, but that's no reason to act like a petulant jackass. If you want to get someone back for being mean, rise above and act like an adult, don't lay across desks and block some girl on her way to her seat. First of all, my mother would know I did it, somehow, and walk into that classroom and slap me. Secondly, how does that get anyone back? She gets pissed, mentions it, he gets beat up, and it all stays the same. It solved nothing, except amusing him, and only him, for a minute or two. In the end, she's got dates and parties and friends and he's got this false sense of accomplishment.

This is my confession. I find nonpopular kids who think they're getting back at the popular kids by being a douche to be annoying and more childish than the children they're protesting.

And how old are you FTS? Sheesh man Doc is in high school still, my friends and I weren't part of the popular crew, we had the whole punk/hardcore/metal kid crew together and were always pissing people off. We were of course 15-17 years old, soooo what's the problem here?
FTS, seriously, I have absolutely nothing but the utmost respect for you. I really do. But honestly, with all due respect, if you didn't go through it you aren't qualified to comment on it. You can't possibly know what it was like.
And how old are you FTS? Sheesh man Doc is in high school still, my friends and I weren't part of the popular crew, we had the whole punk/hardcore/metal kid crew together and were always pissing people off. We were of course 15-17 years old, soooo what's the problem here?

I just don't understand how picking on people is going to get people to stop picking on you. Seems kind of hypocritical to me.

What does not being a gentleman to a lady accomplish? If he wants to emasculate himself, fine. If he wants to continue getting picked on, fine. It just strikes me that that behavior is a cry for help more than it is a useful action.
FTS, seriously, I have absolutely nothing but the utmost respect for you. I really do. But honestly, with all due respect, if you didn't go through it you aren't qualified to comment on it. You can't possibly know what it was like.

I was the fat kid in elementary. If someone said something, I laughed it off and it stopped. Then I got football, and being the big kid helped.

I respect you too, but I would think you would understand that that behavior accomplishes nothing in the long run. So he's proud of himself, but for what? For being a dick. Isn't he doing so because someone was being a dick to him?

I guess you're right, I'll never understand.
It's the CONFESSIONAL FTS. We're supposed to admit things that were stupid/wrong of us.

Speaking of which...

I've paid for an abortion once.
I confess that I don't understand how Doc was in the right.

I confess that I don't understand how Doc was confessing and not bragging.

I confess that I don't how much I love I had to give until I met X.

I confess that The Texans have passed the Titans as my favorite football team.

I confess that I have some nasty ass feet.
Good work FTS :thumbsup: I am proud of you my son :D

I confess to mugging someone... although in fairness they mugged me a few days earlier.
I just don't understand how picking on people is going to get people to stop picking on you. Seems kind of hypocritical to me.

What does not being a gentleman to a lady accomplish? If he wants to emasculate himself, fine. If he wants to continue getting picked on, fine. It just strikes me that that behavior is a cry for help more than it is a useful action.

I understand where you're coming from dude, but that's because you and I were always going after the ladies, Doc may not care so much about doing so (Not tryin to speak for ya Doc, just using ya as an example). What I"m saying is not everyone had it perfect in high school, shit I wasn't in the "in" crowd at school because I quit sports and other school activities to go work 35 hours a week to make money so I could get fucked up on the weekends, and I hung out with my crew. Fact remains sometimes you just don't give a fuck about getting to be included in the in crowd or popular crowd.

And I'm sorry FTS, I know not all of the "popular" people are assholes, but generally when you aren't one you get looked down upon by most of the popular people, ain't a damn thing you can do about it either. Trust me on this, all through school I was generally the nicest guy in the world, yet still got treated like shit by those that felt they were better than me. I didn't care, I had my crew I ran with and we didn't give a fuck about what these richer motherfuckers who didn't have to do a damn thing in their lives thought of us. We all had jobs, we made our money, we got drunk/high, and we went to punk rock shows. But yet we were sort of second class in the school because of it, so we just pissed those people off and had a good laugh about it. The fuck were they gonna do to us?
I confess I'm really only here to collect rep power and to kill time until a good thread gets started in one of the non-spam forums, or it comes time to go to the bar, either way.
Exactly TY. All I am saying is that the path you took is the proper one. Just rise above the nonsense and move on.

Read what he did. In my opinion that is at least as douchey as what people are doing to him. He was just being a dick for the sake of being a dick. To me, that's not right either. Two wrongs don't make a right, you know.

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