Bar Room Confessional (Wink, Wink... Nudge, Nudge)

I love sports.

The guys, and girls, here on WZ are awesome. Even ambiguous ones like you FalKon lol.

Music calms me down.

I have only had one legit relationship in my life.

My parents divorce when I was 9 made life suck for 3 years.

I had an "incident" when I was 8.

My career goal is to broadcast games for the White Sox, Bears, or Blackhawks.

I am truly glad I met up with Thriller, and hope more meetings occur.

I find Futurama to be awesome.
FalKon, you choose to be guy and girl. Ambiguous. Or a hermaphrodite. FalKon are you a hermaphrodite?
Fine, I shall confess.

I like to watch girls on toilets.

"raises eyebrow"

I hope only for one deed Doc. Lol.

It's cool though. Everyone has their little fetish and what not. Look at FalKon, he/she likes to be ambiguous, or just simply a hermaphrodite. Not that there is anything wrong with either one.
FalKon, you choose to be guy and girl. Ambiguous. Or a hermaphrodite. FalKon are you a hermaphrodite?

*Checks self*


Fine, I shall confess.

I like to watch girls on toilets.

Not as bad as 2 girls, 1 cup

It's cool though. Everyone has their little fetish and what not. Look at FalKon, he/she likes to be ambiguous, or just simply a hermaphrodite. Not that there is anything wrong with either one.

Damn you CH David again... I do have a fetish...

I like the Mickie James fetish photo's... :disappointed:
Ew, 2g1c.

I don't like scat/urine porn, and I don't really like regular porn all that much. It doesn't really turn me on.
I don't know what it is. Regular porn just kinda...disgusts me. I only like the girls-on-toilets stuff if it isn't explicit.
I'd rather look at cute girls with clothes on and fantasize.
I tell you what... Book This! threads are hard work. It took me an hour to figure out the card, another hour for the introduction segment & I am working on the other promo segments. I got five matches to still do :(

All in the name of womens wrestling.

I also have photos of me in a dress.
Ew, 2g1c.

I don't like scat/urine porn, and I don't really like regular porn all that much. It doesn't really turn me on.
I don't know what it is. Regular porn just kinda...disgusts me. I only like the girls-on-toilets stuff if it isn't explicit.
I'd rather look at cute girls with clothes on and fantasize.

You have a creative mind, hence your beautiful sig making skills
Ew, 2g1c.

I don't like scat/urine porn, and I don't really like regular porn all that much. It doesn't really turn me on.
I don't know what it is. Regular porn just kinda...disgusts me. I only like the girls-on-toilets stuff if it isn't explicit.
I'd rather look at cute girls with clothes on and fantasize.

Doc, you have to be careful when you are eye-raping girls. Can't have too many people spot it, it looks bad.
I like the Mickie James fetish pics too.

I drink WAY too much soda (usually dr pepper)... as much as 4 or more a day. I decided yesterday I was going to stop drinking soda entirely. Nothing but water for me from now on.

I'm drinking a starbucks frappuccino right now. Somehow, I feel like I'm breaking my vow. Yeah, it's not soda but it's not much different.
Nah, I don't eyerape :lmao:

I think about it later.

Also, I'm sneaky and have skillz.
This really did catch on after a while didn't it :)

1) (Yeah I will go along with the numbers- its what all the cool kids are up to :) )
I was a bit of a tomboy during my teenage years. I had two brothers and so I listened to metal and wrestling and played football. Needless to say I was a bit of an outsider for most of school, though I did manage to settle down in the final two years before Uni.

2) I really like arguing. Its a bit of a problem with me, I find the actual arguments more interesting that what they are actually fighting about. So yeah that’s been something I have been trying really hard to keep a control of in here. Some of the replies in the Cigar room-chit-chit threads annoyed me due to their faulty reasoning (in my eyes at least)

3) One of the worst things I ever did was a couple of years ago when I kissed another boy, due to feeling that my boyfriend was ignoring me, and then ringing him up to have a drunken fight afterwards. Yeah this is something that I can't believe I did. Haven’t cheated on any partner since- but my foolishness still destroyed one of the best things I ever had.

4) I check my user cp first thing every time I log in :(
I think we all do that, Nita. I check mine between posts sometimes. It's not that the rep is that important, I just like the positive feedback.
I am forced to go to user cp as my computer hates loading up WZ Forum pages. My internet freezes up. Oh well :shrug: an excuse to check my rep in all of its 7 power glory :rolleyes:
Oh, and another confession...

I don't like this recent trend of female singers. The fact that Nightwish can pull it off doesn't mean we need 98727834 copycat bands with female singers. Evanescence fucking sucks. I'm sorry if that comes off sexist. I don't mean it to be. I just don't think most women have the voice to pull off metal vocals and they need to quit pretending they do.

There is one exception though, and thanks NSL for turning me onto this band.

She's fucking fantastic. She's the exception rather than the rule, though.
Dexter you forgot to hit submit reply. I was looking for your epic post that I know was coming. Not there.
Dexter you forgot to hit submit reply. I was looking for your epic post that I know was coming. Not there.

I'm sorry about that then, David. I'll type another up. It's a great thread that deserves a response. I'll get one in there in a few minutes.
I'm sorry about that then, David. I'll type another up. It's a great thread that deserves a response. I'll get one in there in a few minutes.

Take your time. I was just like, "Where is Dexter? I know this is a topic he would respond to." I'm off to class, if it is typed up, I look forward to reading it, and am glad it is a topic you wanted to post in. Also, in the Lounge lol. And not here in the Bar Room. That is a step up for me right? haha.

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