Bar Room Confessional (Wink, Wink... Nudge, Nudge)

FTS, I don't know about that song or video but if you want a great song and video or performance, here you go:

[youtube] <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object> [/youtube]
1) I'm sincerely a good person
2) I sincerely like just a handful people on the forum, and can't stand a whole LOT of people on here. It's a FORUM, not high school.
3) I know 5 people that are similar, if not like Xfearbefore. Two are close friends.
4) I know a LOT of Billy Joel songs, and not liking him is weird.
5) I've grown accustomed to the WZ forums, but at the same time, I've also felt that my days here are numbered.
6) I've only slept with four people in my whole life, and two of those were in relationships.
7) I watch a LOT of Sportscenter, but don't post a lot in the Sports section because I really don't like 48.7. Strikes me as a major ******** I'd like to punch in the jaw.
8) My life's relatively normal. Although I've tripped shrooms, lost my virginity in a devil's FOUR WAY, cried during Pay It Forward, and used to be a major pot head. We're talking everyday for a year. And I've interviewed Bill Clinton.
9) I hold grudges.
10) I always give people the benefit of the doubt. This has burned me on many occasions.
And just because you're a mod doesn't mean you missed Razorback more than I did. He's good people. Only X would probably have a case for being better buds with him. The rest can suck one.
Let's just settle this like men do and agree that we'd all pee in Razorback's butt.

Bonerjam. One day it shall happen Razor.

And Lariat...WZ is more important than High School, fucking DUH man!
FTS, I don't know about that song or video but if you want a great song and video or performance, here you go:

[youtube] <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object> [/youtube]

Used to be my ringer.

In the future, if you want to post a video, all you need to do is

And just because you're a mod doesn't mean you missed Razorback more than I did. He's good people. Only X would probably have a case for being better buds with him. The rest can suck one.

All of you want to pee in his butt, I did. Tell em buddy. Who peed in your butt?
Let's just settle this like men do and agree that we'd all pee in Razorback's butt.

Bonerjam. One day it shall happen Razor.

And Lariat...WZ is more important than High School, fucking DUH man!

Fair enough.

And like, as if and stuff, X. How could I EVER forget? And helluva post in my Old School thread. I responded.

Still brings a tear to my eye.

That is a good one aswell, but this:

[youtube] <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object> [/youtube]

is the greatest MJ performance or the greatest performance by anyone ever!
7) I watch a LOT of Sportscenter, but don't post a lot in the Sports section because I really don't like 48.7. Strikes me as a major ******** I'd like to punch in the jaw.

It's not my section, first of all. Second, I'm actually a really nice person. I do regret the person that I made myself on this forum. I'm not like that in real life, at all.

And just because you're a mod doesn't mean you missed Razorback more than I did. He's good people. Only X would probably have a case for being better buds with him. The rest can suck one.

I was the first on the Razorback bandwagon out of this entire forum, and to this day, I remain his biggest fan. I'm that creepy stalker type of person to Razorback, except he likes me.
It's not my section, first of all. Second, I'm actually a really nice person. I do regret the person that I made myself on this forum. I'm not like that in real life, at all.

But you're a Yankees fan, man. But I hope so.

I was the first on the Razorback bandwagon out of this entire forum, and to this day, I remain his biggest fan. I'm that creepy stalker type of person to Razorback, except he likes me.

I hate to dig for it, but I know that there's a thread where Razor said that he thought it was awesome that a Razorback and a Wildcat fan were side by side and how awesome of a posting tandem we'd be. It's there. I can try to find it.
We had a legit tussle over Doctor Euthanasia a few months ago. In fact, maybe a day or so before I had to take my hiatus. You were good, and had me on my toes. I barely pulled out the win on that one.

Whoa whoa whoa, who started that thread and went punch for punch with you at the start? Yeah thanks a lot. :icon_cry:
1.) I never cut my balls shaving. I did it for attention.

2.) I love Shawn Michaels, I did that one for attention too.

3.) I think I'm an attention ****e.

4.) :\ I like a girl from Britain. We met at a football game 3 weeks ago, and she moved back to Britain. We still talk on the Net daily. I miss her very much. Shes got high hopes to get in an Ivy Leauge school.

5.) I'm talking to a girl that has high hopes to go to Harvard, not just false ones. This makes me feel epic, and better than all of you.

6.) I've ran out of confessions, but felt like having more than 5. Because I like even numbers.
1) Milky is up himself

2) Im glad that I am not one of those people that get up Milky

3) I love you Milky
I don't like sports. I think maybe it's because I hated jocks in high school and it pisses me off that those same type of douchebags get paid that kind of money.
I will agree with the fact that people in sports get paid too much for excessive movement, but I do like sports myself. One of lifes greatest inventions I cannot live without.

I will admit to being a music junky, social bug & uber-wrestling fan... as well as sports. Then again, you will literally be killed if you dont like sports Down Under.

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