To provide some clarity,
Japan has some of the strictest gun control laws in the world. According to people like BigDaddyAwesome, there must be a lot of innocent civilians being killed by criminals with guns. Let's see what the facts say:
In 2008, the U.S. had over 12 thousand firearm-related homicides. All of Japan experienced only 11, fewer than were killed at the Aurora shooting alone. And that was a big year: 2006 saw an astounding two, and when that number jumped to 22 in 2007, it became a national scandal. By comparison, also in 2008, 587 Americans were killed just by guns that had discharged accidentally.
Holy shit...
Contrary to the scare tactics by gun owners, having fewer guns doesn't increase the likelihood of criminals killing you with guns.
Just to clarify, the entire country of Japan had less than half the number of deaths by firearms in the entire year of 2008 than Newton, Connecticut had in 30 minutes.
Are you seriously so naive that you think gun owners are uninformed about the product they have?
Considering the number of accidental gun deaths in this country...yes.
I actually knew of a guy who was killed by accidental gunshot. He was pulling the rifle out of the back of his SUV, the trigger caught on something, and the gun blew a hole in his chest. They had thought they had emptied the gun, but apparently they hadn't. He bled out in the arms of what would soon have been his brother-in-law.
And how about the well publicized incident with Dick Cheney? Luckily, the guy didn't die, but are you going to tell me gun accidents don't happen?
You seriously think we don't train and learn?
Do you even know who Dick Cheney is?
Let me guess you think someone just buys a gun and starts carrying it in their pocket with one in the chamber? 9/10 accidental gun deaths are the result of people being stupid, careless, and not respecting their weapon.
So let me see if I have this right.
We have crazy, stupid and careless people with guns in this country, and you're okay with that?
Seriously dude fuck you for even implying
As someone who has seen what an accidental gun death does to people, kindly go fuck yourself. Hell, I still have his initials and basketball number on my basketball shoes from my junior year, in tribute to him and for respect for the assistant basketball coach at the time, who was a very good friend to him, as well as the senior in high school who was the one who held him as he bled out.
let alone directly referring to a weapon as a toy. They are not toys and no one that has ever actually handle one would ever refer to it that way.
It is a toy for you. Don't kid yourself, you use it as a toy.
How many times have you shot it in self-defense? Are you telling me you take no pleasure in going to the shooting range? Are you telling me you don't have that happy feeling when you shoot a deer or a dove, that you simply do it so you can put food on the table?
It's a toy. Just call it what it is. Of course, the difference between this toy and many others is that your toy is responsible for tens of thousands of deaths a year.
I sincerely hope you experience the true fear of hiding under your fucking bed hoping the cops get there soon, because there is an armed criminal rummaging through your shit and you have no way to defend yourself. Oh, shit now he's in your room and he starts to look under the bed... What now?
So in order to convince me we should have guns in this country, you want me to be terrorized by a gun toting assailant.
Quit saying such stupid fucking things.
We finally agree on something.
Nine out of ten (would like a source on this, as I suspect it's made up) accidental shootings are a result of someone being stupid? I'm pretty sure I don't want that many stupid people possessing firearms.
What's funny is he actually thought this was a point being made in his favor.
I was generalizing, but isn't accidental gun death stupid in nature?
So is allowing an instrument which is manufactured for the sole purpose of shooting people.
How come no one ever blames the knife after a stabbing?
Because a knife has many other potential uses than for stabbing people. A handgun and assault rifle's sole purpose is to shoot people.
Are you really this dense?
It was the same day.
But it really is the root of the problem. When a gun falls into the wrong hands, people go apeshit over it.
But when people die of obesity no one is asking to regulate spoon control because they ate too much ice cream.
Because if you die of obesity, you do so because you chose to eat too much. When those children in Newton Connecticut died, they did so because someone else made the choice for them.
Completely different.
If stupid people with firearms were only killing themselves, I wouldn't have a problem with firearms. If that were the case, I'd be actively promoting them.
Looked this up and seems these are on the rise in China and the one on Friday is the only one in which children didn't die. Seems to be the exception not the rule.
So, let me see if I have your position correct...
Because children were stabbed and only sometimes killed in China with a knife, we should let American children be shot to death?
Is that really what you're advocating?
The only thing is that we're not talking about adding a law. We're talking about changing an amendment.
False, we're talking about changing the INTERPRETATION of an amendment, which is far easier, and many times can be based upon public preference.
Do me a favor. Pull up a copy of the Constitution and tell me if you can find the words "gun" or "firearm" or "pistol" or any other reference to a specific gun in the Constitution. I could be wrong, but I don't believe you'll find it.
The 2nd Amendment only says "right to bear Arms". It never once specifies which Arms, nor does it say citizens have the right to bear any Arms they wish to possess.
*cough*Bill of Rights*cough*
*cough* Makes no specific mention of guns. Oh, and let's not forget that whole "well regulated militia" clause like the Supreme Court did. *cough*
This thread has out lived it's usefulness, clearly. Of course if people think fucking with the bill of rights is such an easy thing to do would give that idea. Would give a couple of other ideas that would be best dealt with by a doctor....and a therapist.
Except, we don't have to fuck with the Bill of Rights, only the interpretation of the 2nd Amendment. It doesn't require a single change.
This has to be one of the worst takes on the 2nd amendment ever made. Go read about supreme court rulings on the amendment before saying stuff like this.
Lets start with DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA et al. v. HELLER, first determine if is still in legal standing and go from there.
You unintentionally proved my point.
DC vs. Heller was COMPLETELY about interpretation of the Amendment. They took the existing language and extended it beyond what is written. Don't tell me it cannot swing back the other way.
Mhm. I highly doubt even you believe that.
FYI, if you had bothered to read my other comments in better detail on the matter; you would have known the last part of your comment doesn't apply to me. Of course the last time I tried to talk about a deeper all encompassing solution to the problem...You know, dealing with all the causes of gun violence instead of just banning guns and calling it a day...Well, some didn't want to hear it.
So, lets just pretend guns are the only problem and forget the host of problems that lead to it. Because our inability to detect people with mental problems and help them is no big deal.
No one disagrees we should address the other issues as well. And that's the point, we all agree on that, so why bother to continue discussing it?