Gabby Giffords on Senate Filibustering Background Checks on Guns

Also these background checks are even easier than those. It's literally filling out some paperwork and nothing more. Giffords' husband hid a camera in his shirt and filled out one without the guy selling it knowing about it. He filled out the papers and left with the gun in about five minutes.

That's what people are, no pun intended, up in arms over: five minutes and answering questions like "have you ever been diagnosed as mentally ill" and "are you a convicted felon". It's more complicated filling out a survey for a free taco from Taco Bell.
I'm saying there's better ways than having a universal registry of who owns a gun. People are still going to buy them regardless. The only surefire way is to ban all guns but that's never gonna happen.

I'm fairly certain there's a universal ban on heroin, but yet it still finds its way into someone's hands if they want it badly enough and are willing to take the risks.

The idea of making the risks greater may act as a deterrent for some people who want a gun for questionable reasons.

I despise the half-measures of our society. The idea that welfare recipients shouldn't have to take a drug test is insane. I had a performing employee last week who was promoted to a management role have that promotion taken away from him because he failed a drug test - we can't take welfare funding away from people who squander it on drugs? We can't require so-called law-abiding citizens to register their firearms?

Gifford is spot on, and for more reasons that just this, America needs to wipe its political slate clean and start fresh. I'm running on the "Re-Elect Nobody '16" campaign.
I think there is a serious need to ask yourself who owns your country. Is it the voters and those they are elect or is it big business lobbying for their own personal interest?
I think there is a serious need to ask yourself who owns your country. Is it the voters and those they are elect or is it big business lobbying for their own personal interest?

Apparently not the 86-90% (depending on which poll you look at) which favors universal background checks.
I think there is a serious need to ask yourself who owns your country. Is it the voters and those they are elect or is it big business lobbying for their own personal interest?

It's big business in this case. The NRA is funded by gun manufacturers, so that's why you keep hearing the NRA try to scare everyone into thinking there's going to be a revolution or into thinking the government is going to confiscate the guns.

And since most of the people who listen to something like that come from the South and are uneducated, it resonates well.

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