Because I was right?
Funny logic you have there.
He has been wanting to do gun control since he won the first time. There is national demand for it, you really think that one online petition had anything to do with this? Come on.
It is very representative of the country's feelings on this subject. For you to argue otherwise makes you seem incredibly petty when you've been proven wrong.
You claimed it would be ignored. You were wrong. Just admit you were wrong.
Yeah, because the outcry against SOPA and PIPA wasn't global and backed by billion dollar companies. Come on Sly. Was there even a petition for that on this site?
Over 100,000 signatures.
Source said:
Today, the White House Blog reports that 103,785 people signed petitions through the We The People website asking the president to protect a free and open Internet.
And it was backed by billion dollar companies, but it was American citizens who were outraged by it which led the charge. CNN didn't report on SOPA/PIPA because Google was against it, they reported on it because Americans showed they were significantly interested in defeating those two bills.
At the end of the day, for you to argue that Americans are ignored by the government is simply ridiculous. Just like the protests against SOPA and PIPA, the amount of feedback to the government, including this petition which garnered a video from the President himself, makes a difference.
And that was the point from the beginning.
The fact you bothered at all and quoted past comments, combined with with the current post indicates otherwise.

I quote and post on the forum all the time. Hardly means I'm bothered.
I just like to gloat when I'm right. Hence why it appears as if I gloat all the time.
The video from the President proves otherwise.
but the the effort you are putting in trying to hide the fact you are is a little funny. Some of us don't buy the Government cares what we think, because history shows they don't 99% of the time.
This is completely fictitious and an incredibly simple-minded way to look at politics.
At the end of the day, you can try and spin it any way you want, but the fact is you said the government ignores petitions like this, and you were wrong. Just admit you were wrong, swallow your embarrassment and move on.
Go find out who made the petition and the reasons why. Because I saw them, and one was New York. I am pretty sure a democratic stronghold wants out. Those are jokes man, most likely not made by the Government and have no legal power. It is also extremely difficult for any state to secede, if they even legally can anymore.
What are you talking about? I have this feeling you have misunderstood something, whether it's something I said or how this thing works. I know why they (whoever they are) made the petition, they were pissed Obama won re-election. As for you talking about how the petition was not made by the government...umm, duh?
Again, I have no idea what you are talking about.
EDIT: Nevermind, I see where the confusion is. The state of Texas didn't try to secede, Rick Perry even said that was stupid (if I remember correctly). But what I was talking about was a We the People petition, signed by regular citizens, which garnered the 25,000 votes necessary for a response from the White House.