Hey bro, you think you can make me a sig of Christian holding the World title? possibly with a cool Blueish type background, and maybe a couple ladders in the background? Plus the text could say "Captain charisma- Canadian greatness!!!" lol. Sorry if that's too complicated though, your free to improvise or customize.

It would be cool, thanks :)


Hey homie, I saw that you repped me for the Hopsin sig. Truth is, I don't like it. I just found it surfin through Google. But if you want, you should make me a good one. You have complete creative control, just make it cool and I'll rep you for it.
Hey homie, I saw that you repped me for the Hopsin sig. Truth is, I don't like it. I just found it surfin through Google. But if you want, you should make me a good one. You have complete creative control, just make it cool and I'll rep you for it.

Thanks Man :)

I've been saving this for a couple of days and I'd love for you to wear it. I'm pretty proud of it and I'd feel prouder to see a guy of your stature using it.

If it's not your thing then I can make you something else :)


Hey Arlo, I brought a request to FSWWE but the final result wasn't quite what I had in mind so I'd like you to give it a bash if you'd be so kind!

Quite a basic premise, I'd like a picture of James Storm's head but with a Terminator effect like so...


It's been a challenge to find an image of Storm looking straight ahead without sunglasses/hat and the only one I found he is smiling like a bit of a clown, so if you can work some magic on this I'll love it. james storm/sanjitatu/James Storm/7.jpg

As far as text goes, I'd like it to say on one side of the head, "Sorry about your dam luck," and "A Storm's coming" on the other.

Looking forward to see what you can come up with and rep/credit will of course be given!
Hey Arlo I was wondering if you could make me a sig. I tried asking Stinger and Angelic Diablo but they have not responded in days so here is the request I gave them.

Hey im looking for a new sig for the new awesome story for punk the voiceless and the wwe

What it is about: A Cm punk group called the voiceless against the wwe stars.
Who's in it: On the left side is the voiceless with CM Punk, Colt Cabana, Kings of wrestling, Zack Ryder ( because Punk was sticking up for him at the WWE part of comic-con) and Tyler Black. On the Right side the WWE logo, Cena, HHH, Orton, Del Rio, and Vince Mcmahon.

Credit and rep will be given at the best I can give. Sorry if this is a really big task but if you can't do it just take out the wwe side of it and include all of the people from the voiceless group i had and put them in a sig with the text above them saying the Voiceless.

Thank you I will greatly appreciate if this is done.

Sorry that it is a really big request but I think it would be awesome thanks again ARLO. :)
Thanks Man :)

I've been saving this for a couple of days and I'd love for you to wear it. I'm pretty proud of it and I'd feel prouder to see a guy of your stature using it.

If it's not your thing then I can make you something else :)



I think we missed each other. I was actually hoping you could make me a better Hopsin sig. Don't get me wrong, the Punk sig is pretty dope. There's just a million people using Punk sigs right now and I don't really want to do it. It is pretty cool though, so I'd let someone else use it.

Also, I am not anybody on here. Post count/rep doesn't mean anything, I'm not a mod or nothing, just been here for a while. lol. But I'll gladly use a Hopsin sig if you'll make it for me.
Hey arlo, can i get a sig like you posted today? CM Punk in his new shirt...and the background the white and black with the red stars (the same as the earlier one you did) if so thatd be awesome, take as much time as you need

Arlo, all of these were great, and I was just wondering if you could make just 2 more match cards with the exact same background.

The matches are:

Marcus Cor Von vs. MVP

Alberto Del Rio vs. Rikishi

Thanks man, and keep up the good work.
I think we missed each other. I was actually hoping you could make me a better Hopsin sig. Don't get me wrong, the Punk sig is pretty dope. There's just a million people using Punk sigs right now and I don't really want to do it. It is pretty cool though, so I'd let someone else use it.

Also, I am not anybody on here. Post count/rep doesn't mean anything, I'm not a mod or nothing, just been here for a while. lol. But I'll gladly use a Hopsin sig if you'll make it for me.

OK man, I hear ya. I'll give it a go.
And I'm not talking about rep either, I just love your posts.

Hey Arlo I was wondering if you could make me a sig. I tried asking Stinger and Angelic Diablo but they have not responded in days so here is the request I gave them.

Hey im looking for a new sig for the new awesome story for punk the voiceless and the wwe

What it is about: A Cm punk group called the voiceless against the wwe stars.
Who's in it: On the left side is the voiceless with CM Punk, Colt Cabana, Kings of wrestling, Zack Ryder ( because Punk was sticking up for him at the WWE part of comic-con) and Tyler Black. On the Right side the WWE logo, Cena, HHH, Orton, Del Rio, and Vince Mcmahon.

Credit and rep will be given at the best I can give. Sorry if this is a really big task but if you can't do it just take out the wwe side of it and include all of the people from the voiceless group i had and put them in a sig with the text above them saying the Voiceless.

Thank you I will greatly appreciate if this is done.

Sorry that it is a really big request but I think it would be awesome thanks again ARLO. :)

That's too much to cram into one sig. Wait for AD or Stinger. Sorry.

Hey Arlo, I brought a request to FSWWE but the final result wasn't quite what I had in mind so I'd like you to give it a bash if you'd be so kind!

Quite a basic premise, I'd like a picture of James Storm's head but with a Terminator effect like so...


It's been a challenge to find an image of Storm looking straight ahead without sunglasses/hat and the only one I found he is smiling like a bit of a clown, so if you can work some magic on this I'll love it. james storm/sanjitatu/James Storm/7.jpg

As far as text goes, I'd like it to say on one side of the head, "Sorry about your dam luck," and "A Storm's coming" on the other.

Looking forward to see what you can come up with and rep/credit will of course be given!

I'm sorry man. I gave this a go but I simply can't do it. I'm sure if you saw AD he'd do it. But be patient, he's focusing on real life and may take a while.

Hey arlo, can i get a sig like you posted today? CM Punk in his new shirt...and the background the white and black with the red stars (the same as the earlier one you did) if so thatd be awesome, take as much time as you need

OK, I'll start this soon.

Arlo, all of these were great, and I was just wondering if you could make just 2 more match cards with the exact same background.

The matches are:

Marcus Cor Von vs. MVP

Alberto Del Rio vs. Rikishi

Thanks man, and keep up the good work.

No worries man, they're fun to make :)

Thanks everyone. Oh and Futurshock, you can use the CM Punk sig as long as you don't mind me using it as well. I love it so I'm adding it to my rotation.
Hey homie, I saw that you repped me for the Hopsin sig. Truth is, I don't like it. I just found it surfin through Google. But if you want, you should make me a good one. You have complete creative control, just make it cool and I'll rep you for it.



Hey arlo, can i get a sig like you posted today? CM Punk in his new shirt...and the background the white and black with the red stars (the same as the earlier one you did) if so thatd be awesome, take as much time as you need



Arlo, all of these were great, and I was just wondering if you could make just 2 more match cards with the exact same background.

The matches are:

Marcus Cor Von vs. MVP

Alberto Del Rio vs. Rikishi

Thanks man, and keep up the good work.




hey Arlo if you wouldnt mind id appreciate a sig with christain zack ryder and rvd sayin the ultimate peeps or something like that with a green backround please
arlo, this is copyed form what I posted in your showcase. agains sorry for posting

it there. if i could please request a sig for my book this! if i could please have the sig read 'Rebel Rules Open Invitational" in some really cool text. could the background be something smokey wispy with a black & red color scheme. also somewhere off to the side if it fits I would like this text is a list form like this
"No Pins
No Tapping out
KO Only" again in some cool text that matches the other text. (I couldnt get a better quality image than the one I posted before so I edited the request a little)

thank you man. rep will be provided.
arlo, this is copyed form what I posted in your showcase. agains sorry for posting

it there. if i could please request a sig for my book this! if i could please have the sig read 'Rebel Rules Open Invitational" in some really cool text. could the background be something smokey wispy with a black & red color scheme. also somewhere off to the side if it fits I would like this text is a list form like this
"No Pins
No Tapping out
KO Only" again in some cool text that matches the other text. (I couldnt get a better quality image than the one I posted before so I edited the request a little)

thank you man. rep will be provided.


Hey Arlo, I'm looking for a sig. A Dolph Ziggler sig. If it's not too much to ask I would like your current R-Truth sig but with the red smudge being blue and the text being "I Am Perfection" and obviously Truth being Ziggler. I will definitely rep you and credit you beneath the sig and put a link to your request page. So thanks in advance.
If you're not already making it I want it to be CM Punk with white/blue mix (his current colors) and have the writing Best In The World. If you have started the Dolph then don't worry.
Hey man, would you be able to make me one with The Miz as WWE champion, and Jeff Hardy as TNA heavyweight saying: The Charasmatic Awesome Ones. with a cool background. you can choose that. thanks man. :)

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