Angle of the Year

Angle of the Year

  • Career vs. Streak

  • THEY Are Coming/Here

  • Nexus

  • Daniel Bryan's Saga

  • Cena Joins Nexus

  • Batista's Heel Turn

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I think that Best Angle of the Year has been the whole Nexus Storyline. The Nexus have made a Huge impact on WWE from the initial debut to the moment that Cena had to join Nexus this storyline has been really good and has established Wade Barrett as a Main Eventer.
I also voted for the Nexus, as it was shocking and nobody saw it coming. Soon after the show was over, threads were made calling it the best RAW ending in the last couple of years.
Hands down, the Nexus storyline is the angle of the year. Hell, it may even be the angle of the decade for the WWE. This is first WWE storyline in recent memory that I can truly say was a complete shock. The initial segment where Nexus invaded RAW and destroyed the entire set was more than memorable. It was groundbreaking and unusually fresh. The WWE has managed to keep the angle going strong for the better part of 6 months, which is very difficult to do.
Is there any way Nexus doesnt win this?

You know what, I'll just go ahead and answer that. No. The Nexus has been one of the biggest angles in the last 20 years. Everyone is saying how much of a roll RAW is on and its all because of Nexus.
I was struggling to pick between nexus & Nexus/John Cena and I went ahead and chose Cena/Nexus, for two reasons:

1: I felt that it breathed new life into the Nexus storyline after it seemed that it was doomed to end at Hell in a Cell.

2: No one else had voted for it.
Hands down again, Nexus. I'm a Nex-head. I don't think anyone since NWO has affected more people on a roster like the Nexus has. Whether causing people to get 'fired' or taking out major superstars, like Undertaker indefinitely. This is such a dominant force that while many probably don't understand the hype, they are doing what they are supposed to do, and that is shake things up and cause trouble. I think this is just what WWE needed to keep my attention. Bra-Vo WWE!! I'm looking forward to your shows a bit more now!!
Career vs. Streak

That was good and all, I guess, but the ending was far too obvious.

THEY Are Coming/Here

Maybe if Abyss wasn't so shit all of the time. Still, didn't think the whole main event and reveal thing was that bad. Could've been much worse.

Yeah, I'd say that was a pretty big deal.

Daniel Bryan's Saga

How much of this really was an angle? I sure as hell still don't know. Anyway, the whole SS thing was cool, but realistically, he's on US champ now. Not like he's done that much.

Cena Joins Nexus

This has actually been quite intriguing. Gave some life to a slowing dying stable. Cena has been great in basically everything this year, and this is no exception. Probably my winner.

Batista's Heel Turn

Most underrated option on this list, I'd say. The whole promo with the tight jacket was very nice. If he would've stuck around all year, this could've been the pick.

Alas, I'll go with Cena in Nexus. It truly was a creative/intriguing thing, which you dont' see much anymore in the WWE, and it's went off just great so far. The payoff should be nice also.
Cena joining Nexus is the first time the angle had any charismatic influence. I seriously got bored of the Nexus after about two weeks, but this was unexpected and well executed.
Nexus. Added new layers to a few characters, and adds intrigue to everything on the A-show.

Created a few stars in the process as well, win-win.
Career vs streak. Mark, smark whatever everyone was really intrigued by taht one. Everyone had great expectations, and the angle was awesome!!
Nexus. That first month of them just coming out of thin air and turning the place upside down was exhilarating.
Nexus is by far most interesting angle of this year. Although, i never saw nexus invading RAW, but i didn't found it interesting that time. But when Cena-has-to-obey-Barret-else-Cena-fired angle started, it was the one of the most engaging moments i have ever experienced on RAW in last few years.

Next one, for me, would be Anonymous RAW GM angle. After the announcement of "Cena will be fired if he didn't obey barret" was made, it made me really probe further on who can this GM be.
Very easily the Nexus angle. WWE Put a lot of time into it, (and it sucks that it's being all wasted now), and Nexus has been the best stable since Evoultion in my opinion. It's been awhile since WWE has had a top stable like Nexus, and it was a huge surprise too. Also, I loved the fact that they had attacked Punk and a face in the match. They said the looked like fools on NXT, and it was a legit promo. Plus, it propelled Barrett into the main event scene instantly.
You are either NEXUS or against us.

Nexus obviously wins this, it was WWE's biggest angle in a long time and has basically dominated RAW for the last 6 months.
I'm going to go with the Daniel Bryan saga,
He went from making an iffy new show called NXT very entertaining with the whole Michael Cole situation, to debuting with the Nexus (surprise of the year), to getting fired for going, "too far" (causing the biggest uproar of the year), to returning to headline SS (The second most hyped PPV for the WWE along with poster boy JC), to the United States championship, all the while simultaneously having a great feud against The Miz and Michael Cole, AND delivering matches on a silver platter one by one.
So, yeah.
Yeah nexus, its really easy, when you have your competition bashing on recorded tv for weeks, you know you have something, not just tna, almost every old washed up wrestler is complaining too. The youth movement is working.

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