All things Owen Hart

Johnny Q Public

Dark Match Jobber
Well I'm reading on various sites that the WWE has settled an Owen Hart lawsuit and can now use his image and likeness. Apprently they will compensate Martha Hart for the use. So what do you think this means? I know we will never see Over The Edge PPV where Owen actually died, but is it possible to see an Owen Hart DVD or retrospective? Owen Hart was always one of my favorites, from what I've read he was an all around nice guy as well , his fued with Austin was so much fun to watch, I rememebr watching Dude Love and Hart wrestling on War and Austin was in Foley's corner and the entire match Austin has head down because Foley and Hart had him laughing so hard. Could this mean we could finally see Owen Hart in WWE hall of fame poshumously?
I am happy Martha finally settled this fued. Owen was a really good wrestler and was very charismatic. I think it means HOF for Owen for sure in the future as well as DVDs/Merchandise. It's really good news because finally younger people will get to learn about one of the best WWF wrestlers to never win the championship.
I don't think Owen Hart is a hall of famer but if Koko B. Ware is in, I can't really make arguments against ANYONE being inducted.

He is worthy of having his own DVD obviously. They did one for John Morrison for gods sake.
I think Owen Hart is worthy of Hall Of Fame, think about at one point he was a top heel in the company in the Camp Cornette days, his match with Bret Hart where the towel got thrown was epic. Owen also reinvigoarated the Nation Of Domination by joining and keep that angle going a whole lot more than it should have. He was slated to the win Intercontinental title when the tragic Over The Edge happened, true story, watch the wrestlers after that happened if you can find any video of it online, the look scared...Jerry Lawler on camera shortly the accident is as white as a sheet. Hindsight twenty twenty I wonder if they should have gone on with the PPV. BUt I digress.

I think if OVer The Edge hadn't happened we would have seen Owen postioned for main event status, he was already close. So who knows if Over THe Edge hadn't happened the WWE landscape might look very different.
I think Owen Hart is worthy of Hall Of Fame, think about at one point he was a top heel in the company in the Camp Cornette days, his match with Bret Hart where the towel got thrown was epic. Owen also reinvigoarated the Nation Of Domination by joining and keep that angle going a whole lot more than it should have. He was slated to the win Intercontinental title when the tragic Over The Edge happened, true story, watch the wrestlers after that happened if you can find any video of it online, the look scared...Jerry Lawler on camera shortly the accident is as white as a sheet. Hindsight twenty twenty I wonder if they should have gone on with the PPV. BUt I digress.

I think if OVer The Edge hadn't happened we would have seen Owen postioned for main event status, he was already close. So who knows if Over THe Edge hadn't happened the WWE landscape might look very different.

1) Owen was never a TOP heel in the company. He wasn't even the top heel in Camp Cornette. Vader was.

2) The "throwing in the towel" match was Bret vs. Backlund. Owen was just the one who got Mrs. Hart to throw in the towel.

3) He "reinvigorated" the Nation and "kept it going"?? HOW? After the Montreal Screwjob, he failed to get over as a top face when the cards were perfectly lined up for him. He then got thrown in the Nation and was just sort of "there". The most memorable thing about him being in the Nation was his ridiculous "road sign" outfit and Jason Sensation doing a hilarious parody of him.

Wow, you put on quite a display of revisionist history and flat out falsehoods. Take a bow.
1) Owen was never a TOP heel in the company. He wasn't even the top heel in Camp Cornette. Vader was.

2) The "throwing in the towel" match was Bret vs. Backlund. Owen was just the one who got Mrs. Hart to throw in the towel.

3) He "reinvigorated" the Nation and "kept it going"?? HOW? After the Montreal Screwjob, he failed to get over as a top face when the cards were perfectly lined up for him. He then got thrown in the Nation and was just sort of "there". The most memorable thing about him being in the Nation was his ridiculous "road sign" outfit and Jason Sensation doing a hilarious parody of him.

Wow, you put on quite a display of revisionist history and flat out falsehoods. Take a bow.

You're 100% right. Owen really isn't a HoF caliber performer, but he's probably going in anyway. They'll do it for the publicity and for they'll do it for Bret.
Sorry it;s been a long night...I forgot it was backlund, i just remeber Hart and the towel, it's been years...and in my opinion he was a good heel, and Nation Of Domination was stale and in my opinion he did help the NOD angle, and given the right circumstances he could have gone main event. His Blue Blazer gimmick was silly but he was getting over with it. I think he could have really gone to the top.
Now that WWE can use Owen Hart's likeness in their product I think they definitely gotta run an angle with the Harts where CM Punk and Paul Heyman mock Owen's fall for entertainment purposes. Punk can claim to have Owen's ashes and he can throw them at Bret Hart. Anybody who finds that disrespectful can be written off as 'butthurt' as it'll be completely fine with Bret. It'll make for great TV, improve ratings and make Punk more hated than he already is.

I'm being totally sarcastic but I'd love to hear what Jackhammer thinks WWE should do now that they have the right to do whatever with Owen Hart.
Are people seriously suggesting that Owen Hart isn't Hall Of Fame worthy?! Owen was a solid mid carder throughout the 1990s, he held a few straps and is part of one of the most famous Wrestling families in the industry!!! Mr Perfect is in there? They were pretty much at the same level all their respected careers, neither held the big one or had the main event but both were charismatic and could wrestle a bag of spanners.

HOF is definately something we will see with Bret inducting him.

He will probably be a legend in the next WWE video game.

There will be a DVD showing his career from his Blue Blazer days, to High Energy, to his fued with Bret and then the Hart Foundation days followed by teaming with Jeff Jarrett etc.
without a doubt a dvd of owen from his days in the hart dungeon with bret and stu to his rise in wwe to one of the best wrestlers there with maybe a vague short few mins mention to his untimely death.

But HOF that will happen was he top heel no was he top face no but he is without a doubt one of the best in ring performers ever anyone who says he not watch his matches a great wrestler he told a good story in the ring he could have a bad match and still out preform some of the other wrestlers. imo he a better wrestler than bret but he was in bret's shadow but i don't think he really cared that much i think he just loved to preform. the only reason he is not in already is because of the law suit
Are people seriously suggesting that Owen Hart isn't Hall Of Fame worthy?! Owen was a solid mid carder throughout the 1990s, he held a few straps and is part of one of the most famous Wrestling families in the industry!!! Mr Perfect is in there? They were pretty much at the same level all their respected careers, neither held the big one or had the main event but both were charismatic and could wrestle a bag of spanners.

HOF is definately something we will see with Bret inducting him.

He will probably be a legend in the next WWE video game.

There will be a DVD showing his career from his Blue Blazer days, to High Energy, to his fued with Bret and then the Hart Foundation days followed by teaming with Jeff Jarrett etc.

You think that Owen Hart was as over as as Mr. Perfect? Are you serious??

If the criteria is being a solid mid-carder, and "holding a few straps", I guess we can expect to see Kofi Kingston inducted in 10 years or so. Yeah, when I think of "Hall of Fame", I think of serviceable mid-carders.
I don't think Owen should get in the HOF, but he probably will get in. Owen was an excellent wrestler, just not an elite one. No disrespect intended. There is no shame in being excellent, just not HOF. I think he will get in for many reasons like Bret, the marketability, the number of guys getting in and on. I also don't know about where Owen would have gone, because he planned to retire in a couple years anyway and unlike most retireed wrestlers, I think Owen actually meant it.
If the WWE Hall of Fame were serious I think there could be an argument made for Owen not going in. It has Koko B Ware in it though so clearly anyone can get in.

Owen was a tag team specialist when you look back on his career. His teams with Bulldog and Yokozuna were awesome, he played the annoying pest standing beside the big man and taunting you perfectly.

Owen vs Bret was also one of my favourite programs ever, but a lot of that was down to Bret selling the emotion of not wanting to fight his brother
All the debate about Owen Hart not being a Hall of Fame wrestler seems silly. His resume is pretty good:
- 2-time IC champion
- 1-time European champion
- 4-time Tag Team Champion
- 1994 King of the Ring

His resume is similar to the British Bulldog (another guy who should be a HOFer one day in my opinion) and yes, he was one of the top heels in the WWF in 1996-97. The only ones above him were MAYBE Vader, maybe Mankind, and eventually Steve Austin until the crowds started loving him in early to mid-97. That's it. He was a guy you have to take serious. I've seen Koko B. Ware mentioned, but there are some other wrestlers inducted that had a similar or less impressive run than Owen including Jim Duggan (1st Royal Rumble Winner, ZERO WWF/WWE titles runs, WCW US and Hardcore Champ, 1-time each), Bob Orton Jr., George "The Animal" Steele, Greg "The Hammer" Valentine (1 tag title reign, 1 IC title reign...extremely comparable to Owen), The Junkyard Dog, and Tito Santana (extremely comparable to Owen - 2-time IC champion, 2-time Tag champion, King of the Ring 1989).

So if you're looking at the quality of work and his run/title reigns symbolizing that run, then it's hard to say Owen Hart isn't a Hall of Famer given the comparable guys from different eras that got in.
There are 3 things I remember Owen's career for:

1 - His feud with Bret.
2 - He broke Austin's neck with a botched tombstone piledriver
3 - He died in horrible circumstances.

Yeah he did a lot of other mid-card stuff but, to me, he wouldn't be anywhere near a legitimate HOF if he hadn't died so horribly. A solid hand but that's about it. But Koko's in so it's fair game to put Owen in...although if Owen goes in at 30 instead of Macho Man (as the dead guy inductee) that would be complete rubbish
The debate of credentials is silly, since credentials wont really have anything to do with WHY he WILL be put in. He will be put in because he died in the ring for one, and to make nice with the Harts, namely bret, for two. Watse of time arguing credentials.

Im more excited for him to be included in WWE14, personally.
Ah, I see this turned into the old Owen Hart HoF debate. A bunch of people think it's shame he hasn't been in there for ages already, another bunch thinks he was a glorified midcarder that would never be considered for the HoF if he wasn't a Hart and/or dead.

Speaking for myself, I belong to the first bunch. And here is why:
When I was a kid I loved Owen. He was a tremendous technical wrestler and awe-inspiring high flyer at a time when those were still few and far between. In today's day and age he wouldn't necessarily stand out as much, but back then he was a desert flower and a pioneer.

Added to that, Owen Hart had the ungrateful role of standing in the shadow of his overachieving older brother. Boy, did I know what that felt like!
So I immediately gravitated towards Owen. I was so glad when all that New Foundation and High Energy nonsense ended and he stopped wearing that ridiculous baggy outfit. Finally he turned on Bret. At that point in time he was by far my favorite wrestler. I celebrated like crazy when he beat Bret at Wrestlemania X, striking a blow for oppressed little brothers everywhere! Then he went on to win the King of the Ring tournament and I was on cloud 9, jumping around the living room like a lunatic. Following that was the high point of his career when he fought for the WWF title at Summerslam 94 (which should have been the main event instead of Undertaker vs. Underfaker…). I was heartbroken when Owen didn't win. In hindsight it's obvious that he never had a prayer, but hey, I was still a kid and I desperately wanted to believe!!!!

Following that he had fun programs in tag teams with Yokozuna and Davey Boy Smith, as well as his involvement with the reformed Hart Foundation. He won the IC, European and tag titles and was involved in one of the WWFs most infamous historic moments when he botched a piledriver and almost paralyzed Steve Austin…

The rest of his career is a bit of a mystery to me because that was a time in my life when I didn't follow the product. Puberty had struck and I was more interested in girls than in half-naked oiled up men, and, oddly enough, being a big time wrestling fan was considered a huge turn-off to the ladies…
I learned of his death through a regular newspaper. It was one of those rare events in wrestling that the press in the real world covers. That was quite a blow. My early teens hero was dead. At the time I felt any chance of me watching wrestling again was gone for good. … Obviously I was wrong, but that's another story.

Does Owen Hart belong in the WWE Hall of Fame?
I understand those who feel Owen was never really too important. With some rare exceptions he never got beyond midcard status. If his name wasn't Hart and if his end wasn't so tragic, would he still be remembered?
Again, I can only speak for myself, but I definitely would still remember him most fondly and as far as I am concerned he deserves the HoF more than many who are already in there.

In a fake sport it's not just the measurable achievements that matter, how many titles you won or how many main events you have wrestled. Wrestling is basically a clown show and if a clown manages to connect with the crowd with the role that he is given and he becomes a memorable tiny part of that audience's life, he has succeeded. That is why the likes of the Birdman Koko B. Ware are in the Hall of Fame. He's certainly not in there for main eventing Wrestlemania or an impressive winning streak, he is in there because even today people smile when they reminisce and go "Oh, yeah, the guy with the parrot."
Owen Hart touched my life. That is more than I can say for many other performers with more successful careers. And if I feel that way, chances are others do so as well. And that's a crystal clear Hall of Fame ticket in my book.
While I had nothing special for Owen, this seems like the best thing. He gets to go in the HOF. Koko B. Ware is in there and while that isn't a it is. He deserves to go in I guess, was a good hand, too whiny for me, but was a class act.
If the WWE Hall of Fame were serious I think there could be an argument made for Owen not going in. It has Koko B Ware in it though so clearly anyone can get in.

Owen was a tag team specialist when you look back on his career. His teams with Bulldog and Yokozuna were awesome, he played the annoying pest standing beside the big man and taunting you perfectly.

Owen vs Bret was also one of my favourite programs ever, but a lot of that was down to Bret selling the emotion of not wanting to fight his brother

Just to tell you Koko B Ware most likely got into the HoF because he was big in the Memphis Territories.
The story of Koko and his induction is more to do with what Bret told in his book, Koko got screwed by Vince in 92... his HOF induction was a "make up", if you don't know the story read the book...

First off on Owen it is very positive if it is true that this is done with for all concerned, I can understand Martha's stance but never agree with it as she loved, married, mourned a wrestler... How does it play out, well Owen goes in next year to the HOF as co-headliner with DX most likely but I can also see that even though he himself does deserve it solo the probable way will be as part of the Hart Foundation stable. That way Bret becomes a 2 time inductee and will show up to induct Owen, Davey and Pillman get covered with guys like DH and Tyson there and Neidhart/Natalya are there to bring up the rear. To be honest, the thing I would love to see is his kids there in the front row, not Martha (although she has every right) but let his kids go alone if she hates wrestling so much. Let the kids who are now adults hear the "Thank You Owen" chants and know how much their dad meant to the fans cos you know they have never heard them from their mom... then they have closure/healing and Owen takes his rightful place in the history of the business...he was never gonna be the champ or most marketable, but he was amongst the elite... and was loved by more of his peers than almost any other... if this suit etc is over, that one of the "good guys" of the business can finally get his due is awesome.

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