All right ladies and gentlemen.... I am done hearing about John Cena's inequities.

I agree, I admit, I have been a Cena hater before. Will I be one of the people holding up a "Marry me Cena" signs? No. I am one who never gave him credit before and feel bad about that. I never realized just how hard he worked until I started watching him more and more, and then here lately with the whole Nexus thing, and slowly started building an appreciation for him. I mean, maybe I'm just growing out of the whole 'Cena sucks' thing, or just realizing his talent. Of course everyone will have their own opinion and think 'So and so is more worthy of a title than Cena.' I mean, call me crazy, but I've not seen his energy back down one ounce since his debut against Angle on Smackdown years ago.

If anything, his energy seems to have intensified and I think that speaks volumes about a person. Most people by now would have probably decided to slow down and take it easy, he doesn't seem to do that. How many injuries has he had and seems to come back with and even bigger intensity to just come back and do what he wants to do? It probably shouldn't be about how many moves you do in the ring, but the charisma with which you do it. Take a look at Hogan, he wasn't the greatest mover in the ring, and yet he's one of the most prolific people in history, there's Flair, again, not the biggest moveset, I mean the list goes on and on, and yet Cena gets singled out. Again, if wrestling was just about moves, then probably more than half of today's wrestlers would be in the category of the "5 moves of doom." Its all about a signature with which you do your moves. Some are hi-fliers, some are mat technicians, some are grapplers, and so on. I think its about Cena just getting a bad rep and unfortunately being a scapegoat because he is the one in the forefront right now with fans. Each era of WWF/E will see someone probably be unfairly singled out for some reason or another, this era happens to be Cena, and I am going to admit that I gave him a bad rap before and will proudly take back anything bad I said about him. I have to give him credit for what he does, its take guts and he does have immense passion for this and I think I have more respect for him now than I used to.
I agree, I admit, I have been a Cena hater before. Will I be one of the people holding up a "Marry me Cena" signs? No. I am one who never gave him credit before and feel bad about that. I never realized just how hard he worked until I started watching him more and more, and then here lately with the whole Nexus thing, and slowly started building an appreciation for him. I mean, maybe I'm just growing out of the whole 'Cena sucks' thing, or just realizing his talent. Of course everyone will have their own opinion and think 'So and so is more worthy of a title than Cena.' I mean, call me crazy, but I've not seen his energy back down one ounce since his debut against Angle on Smackdown years ago.

If anything, his energy seems to have intensified and I think that speaks volumes about a person. Most people by now would have probably decided to slow down and take it easy, he doesn't seem to do that. How many injuries has he had and seems to come back with and even bigger intensity to just come back and do what he wants to do? It probably shouldn't be about how many moves you do in the ring, but the charisma with which you do it. Take a look at Hogan, he wasn't the greatest mover in the ring, and yet he's one of the most prolific people in history, there's Flair, again, not the biggest moveset, I mean the list goes on and on, and yet Cena gets singled out. Again, if wrestling was just about moves, then probably more than half of today's wrestlers would be in the category of the "5 moves of doom." Its all about a signature with which you do your moves. Some are hi-fliers, some are mat technicians, some are grapplers, and so on. I think its about Cena just getting a bad rep and unfortunately being a scapegoat because he is the one in the forefront right now with fans. Each era of WWF/E will see someone probably be unfairly singled out for some reason or another, this era happens to be Cena, and I am going to admit that I gave him a bad rap before and will proudly take back anything bad I said about him. I have to give him credit for what he does, its take guts and he does have immense passion for this and I think I have more respect for him now than I used to.

Great post. I'm no out and out Cena fan either, but no one can deny that he is an extremely hard worker and a very passionate man, when it comes to the wrestling business. No one can deny his sheer work rate and the "pandering to fans" that people often complain about -- that's what he's TOLD to do and that's what many expect of him, even if that isn't to your taste. If you want to lay blame, blame the WWE creative team, or blame WWE for becoming a bit too "PG" for many of our tastes.

Another factor that impresses me about Cena -- he's not a second or third generation star, so he didn't have that advantage when he debuted. He wasn't friends with HHH and wasn't pushed because of that. I truly believe that Cena is where he is today because of his own hard work and dedication, rather than being someone's son or grandson, i.e. he has established his own legacy, very successfully, I might add. Cena also came in when both Rock and Austin were on their way out, so he had some very difficult boots to try to fill. While he hasn't replaced Rock or Austin (no one can), he has become a huge name in his own right.

So what if his character isn't my (or others) cup of tea. I can still take a step back and at least respect him and acknowledge that he is worthy of being in the position that he's in.
Good thread. It is very boring hearing how much everyone on here hates Cena more than the next guy. I like Cena, i respect the way he goes out there everyweek (ok he doesnt exactly do it for free, he is very well paid) to entertain us. But the fact is, you either like or hate him - but we don't need to keep hearing how you hate the guy.

Cena will prob be the first to admit he isnt the greatest wrestler in history, but let's face it if any of us were in his position then i'm sure we'd jump at the chance. If Vinny Mac offered me the chance of a multi-million dollar contract to be the face of the WWE would i turn it down??? Certainly not, and i'm sure Cena is a better wrestler than me. So instead of booing Cena, maybe the haters should actually think of booing the guys who employ him!

On another note, i have not heard one single other pro-wrestler complain about Cena. They all say he is a good worker, trying to improve all the time, and would all be more than happy to work with him (and when you have the likes of Flair, HBK, Angle and Austin saying this then it can't be bad - and face it, these 4 guys i've mentioned know a hell of a lot more about pro wrestling than any of us who post on these boards!)
I don't like Cena, never liked The Crock or The Has Been Kid, Just because you can cut a good promo doesn't mean you can wrestle.

Dude, first off, call them by their real names. Like The Rock and The Heart Break Kid? (If that's who you are talking about.)

And being able to cut a promo is a big part of being an all round good wrestler. You need to be able to talk smack and then follow it up by a good beating. You may not like Cena because he can't wrestle, but you have to give him so credit. He's the face of this company, he's a whole lot better than Hulk Hogan so what's to complain about.

Plus, The Rock and Shawn Michaels CAN wrestle. What have you been living under a rock for the past 20 years? Seriously, Shawn Michaels is one of the greatest wrestlers in WWE history. The Rock wasn't that bad, he's better than Cena. He can entertain me, he's always in a good feud. So I don't give a shit if he "can't wrestle". Cause the whole point of World Wrestling Entertainment is to entertain. And John Cena, The Rock and Shawn Michaels are entertaining.
I'm no Cena fan at all but I do respect him and see him as quite easily the best promo guy the WWE has. His Mike skills are up there with anyone the WWE has ever had, Austin, Rock, HBK, the list goes on.

However, he's just so damn predictable when in the ring and I fully understand why he gets the "You can't wrestle" chants directed at him. He has very few moves and three of these moves come one after another (flying tackle, back drop and YCSM) every time and it's just not convicing. Other than that, he has his finishers and that's about it really.

I'm probably one of these that buys into the "You can't wrestle" chants because I watch guys like Orton, Miz, Morrison, Punk, Swagger and think that Cena is way behind them in terms of selling it in the ring.

I was watching the Bret Hart DVD back the other day and I'm struggling to think of any wrestler in the company who's been as good in the ring or even anywhere near to the Hitman yet some have many more World titles than he got. To compare Cena to that and it makes you think that Cena's titles are really down to how he talks on the mic and that's a sad state of affairs in my eyes.

Cena's no better than Lex Luger and had nowhere near the titles Cena has.
Im sorry but John Cena CANNOT wrestle. Hes got the look and hes definitely got the mic skills. Anyone that knows anything about wrestling knows that as long as you have at least 2 out of 3(the look, mic skills, or actual wrestling talent) WWE will try to shove whomever that may be down our throats. Unfortunately Vince loves Cena Kool aid and thats what hes been serving the last 5 yrs and will continue to do so. He does have the best mic skills in wrestling right now so i will give him credit for that. You have Hogan, Flair and Cena. Then you have Savage, Hart(Bret), Michaels and Angle. The latter 4 had or has all 3.
You can watch any match with any other superstar and they all have "5" moves. Thats the rhythm thats been going on since it began. People dont understand that and just hate cena because he is THE guy and they think its cool to boo the face while trying to act badass and cheer the heels. People who hate Cena are obsessed with the attitude era and still have wet dreams about the rock and austin. All the rock ever did was slap his opponents then spit his hand and give a big slap, throw on the sharpshooter every now and then, spinebuster, peoples elbow or rock bottom. All Austin ever did was the stunner, and....oh wait. Yes i know he had to tone down his moveset after he got injured but still even before that he was using it every single time and its really the only move anyone can remember him doing. Triple H does the irish wip tries to clothesline the guy, the guy ducks, comes back triple h delivers a high knee, triple h runs to the guy delivers a face buster with his knee, then a spinebuster, then a pedigree. HBK does an atomic drop, punch, atomic drop, punch, body slam, elbow drop, sweet chin music. All Randy does lately is the RKO. Benoit did german suplexes forever then a diving headbutt or crossface. Every single match you can tell what the wrestler is going to do next. it is a groove every single one of them develop and stick with it. They are on the road for more then 300 days a year how the fuck do you think its possible to see them do something different in a match every week? Granted I understand people hate cena because they feel his character is old, that i can see why, but hating on him for his wrestling is the dumbest argument you can possibly give about hating him. the wwe is not even wrestling its ENTERTAINMENT. Every single match Cena has everyone in the palm of his hand whether love him or hate him you want to cheer or you want to boo him. its better then the overrated people the IWC loved like benjamin and carlito being in a match where the crowd goes for bathroom breaks or take a nap. Cena can entertain and thats the important thing in the PRO wrestling business. there is a difference between real wrestling and pro wrestling but people are too stupid to realize it.
I was thinking about it,and John Cena hasn't won a match since Over the Limit. So much for your Super Cena theory huh? If he was really invincible he would have won the WWE Title despite the insurmountable odds against him. He's a human just like the rest of us,he has ups and downs but at the end of the day he keeps going. How you can possibly hate a man for TRYING disturbs the hell outta me.
People hate Cena not because he is that bad of a wrestler, its because he is not as good as what WWE is trying to show him as. WWE makes him soooooooo over other wrestlers that whenever he loses a championship match you start thinking "how soon is he going to get the title back?"

Now everyone will say the same about Hogan in 80's, but WWE needed someone like him back then, someone kids would see as a hero. Today there are plenty of superstars and there are so many followers of WWE that you don't need a guy like Hogan anymore. So you don't need Cena winning every match or loosing only if the heel cheats his way out for the win.

The problem is no matter how good other wrestlers are, they can't get a clean win over Cena, they can't overpower Cena even if they win the match. Is Cena really that good? Nearly a year back in 2006-2007 he won against Lashley, Khali, Orton, small guys, big guys, strong guys... C'mon... And these Cena haters didn't start hating Cena today, they started hating Cena from those days.
People hate Cena not because he is that bad of a wrestler, its because he is not as good as what WWE is trying to show him as. WWE makes him soooooooo over other wrestlers that whenever he loses a championship match you start thinking "how soon is he going to get the title back?"

Now everyone will say the same about Hogan in 80's, but WWE needed someone like him back then, someone kids would see as a hero. Today there are plenty of superstars and there are so many followers of WWE that you don't need a guy like Hogan anymore. So you don't need Cena winning every match or loosing only if the heel cheats his way out for the win.

The problem is no matter how good other wrestlers are, they can't get a clean win over Cena, they can't overpower Cena even if they win the match. Is Cena really that good? Nearly a year back in 2006-2007 he won against Lashley, Khali, Orton, small guys, big guys, strong guys... C'mon... And these Cena haters didn't start hating Cena today, they started hating Cena from those days.

With due respect that's the same argument I've heard over and over. Let me say this once again: CENA HAS NO CREATIVE CONTROL. The Bookies are to blame. Is it Cena's fault he's booked as a guy who cannot be beaten? No. Until there is someone that Cena has not beat (Sheamus!!!) Cena is unbeateable. It's what the Face is supposed to do. Hell, Cena is BETTER, yes BETTER than the previous faces of the company (Hogan, Austin) because he is ready to job to someone if needed. Prime example: MITB. Cena could've just said he wants the championship.And he'd get it and the storyline then would be Sheamus, Cena, Orton, Edge, Jericho, JoMo, R-Truth. Burying the rest of Raw midcarders down the hole of jobbers for Nexus. Cena is also not unbeateable as you can recall he had run-ins with Orton and Orton beat him clean. Orton is this era's second biggest face much like Ultimate Warrior and The Rock was. Cena is not unbeatable. Bookers don't book Cena to be unbeatable. They book him as a guy who overcomes obstacles at all costs. You know who is booked as unbeatable? Taker. If there was Cena vs Taker. Kids would cry. Why? Because they'd know Taker would beat Cena. 1.2.3

If you look at Austin he beat everyone. Because he was the rattlesnake. He even beat his biggest rival, the Rock twice as to not diminish his credebility. He beat The Undertaker which made him even a bigger unpredictable face. With respect for Austin, Austin had a little ego on him and he wouldn't job to people. Austin also became the most RR winner in the history of wrestling. Austin left his job because writers wanted him to job to a couple people. As an entertainer Austin was fantastic but as a pro wrestler there was times he was unbeareable.

As far as Hogan is concerned....we already know how much of an ego he is. Not to mention the only Job he was forced to do was to the Ultimate Warrior.

Trips had more titles than Cena, he's still loved by most. He barely wants to Job to anyone that he isn't a fan of and is on his way to become a two or three time champion in order to surpass Flair.

Cena, is the most generous face of the company as of yet. He'll job to anyone, anytime. He'll also become a heel, he'll do anything for Vince. Regardless of how he'll be viewed by the IWC. He took on the botchfester Batista three times, took on Big Show, Took on Khali who could barely wrestler, Took on rookies and made them CREDIBLE as fuck (A la Nexus) and took a midcarder to greatness (The Miz).

Any Questions?
Well many people here have said everything there can be said but i think a lot of people just still hate him because they are just too egotistical and blind to actually ADMIT they are wrong.They found a trend and they are sticking with it.Cena has to be one of the best employee wWE has ever had and they BOO because of that.Cause they think he gets everything handed to him, and although they KNOW that is not true, they still boo him because of the trend.
...just ..
... Blind fools...

I wonder how they handle other life situations when they cant even separate reality from male-soap-opra

Hell i'll go out on a limb saying that after the "You can't wrestle" chants get old the new chant will be "Cena's gay..clapclapclap"; or other pointless sh*t like that, that has no sense whatsoever.
Let's all face it its not John Cena the man the obvious majority has come to hate its his character. I've been watching wrestling sense the late 80's and have never seen a wrestler (try) and hold the same character as long as cena has. Other than hogan. Its been the same thing for sooooo long were all just flat out fed up with it. Every fued its he won't quit never surrender it his biggest challenge ever blah blah and some how the 2 shoulder blocks, sit out power bomb (if that's what he's trin to do) 5 knuckle, and fu/stfu does the job every time. Its not he can't wrestle isee the abillity there he just finishes every match tv or ppv the same exact way. He doesn't need to go heel his characterr just needs tweeked like everyone has done before him. Examples

nation of domination
Peoples champ
Corporate champ
Cocky ext

Sexy boy
Charasmatic fan favorite
Body guard
Dx ext

the rock and hbk are great examples for what cena should do. The rock was soooo over as the peoples champ got cocky and adopted the cocky imagae music ext and was fresh and exiting again even though he was susposed to be a heel.

Hbk had the body guard thing goin couldn't be touched then it got old and dx came shortly after making him a fresh heel again. We as fans "hate him" because its the same thing over and over not just the character but the outcome of matches as well. At wm 25 hbk was praying for a taker countout and would have taken it.HBK has won several matches without scm as has the rock hhh scsa. Why can't cena just every once in a while? Win by count out cause nexsus beat the hell out of him and snuck a win in? Granted he's tried to do the I'm angry cena on a rampage for vengance but in the end its same fan kiss ass cena throwin hats in the stands. Its like the guy who bough the camaro in the 90s and still thinks its the shit now. Cena time for a upgrade man your act is old and outdated.
Honestly, Cena isn't that bad. People just like to find the negatives, all the greats have had the same promos, moves, mannerisms... It's not like they're magicians... Try have to always revert to something they know how to do well. Cena's 5 moves are executed well, and the crowd goes wild... There's nothing wrong with him using those moves. Also, Cena cuts some of the best promos in the biz, sure he has his catchphrases but so does every wrestler.
People just flat out hate the man, but on a personal level, he's probably the most dedicated, giving guy on the roster.

Professionally, no he can't be as technical as Angle, nor can he do a quadruple spinning 360 shooting star press into a hurricanrana off the top of Mt. Rushmore or something along those lines, but he admits he can't. I think it got old back in the day when Bischoff had him against the odds every single Monday, and him always coming out on top, but the man deserves some credit, he puts on a damn good show. He's been in the main event for so long for a reason.
I actually don't mind John Cena. Sure, I don't like his gimmick at all, or how he's booked, but to be honest he's worked hard since he started and he deserves his spot at the top. His moves aren't excellent, but they're better than average and his promos can easily appeal to the majority watching, not to mention his selling and acting is top-notch.

Now, if his title reigns were a bit longer and not so similar to Edge's transitional reigns, I might even be a serious supporter.
I was thinking about it,and John Cena hasn't won a match since Over the Limit. So much for your Super Cena theory huh? If he was really invincible he would have won the WWE Title despite the insurmountable odds against him. He's a human just like the rest of us,he has ups and downs but at the end of the day he keeps going. How you can possibly hate a man for TRYING disturbs the hell outta me.

Just because he has been destroyed and hasn't won a match in around 2 months doesn't mean that he is not Super Cena, he has spent a good 5-6 years overcoming the insurmountable odds that were thrown against him and took down monster heel after monster heel after repeatedly getting destroyed by them before the pay per views only to no sell the beat down that they give them the entire match by miraculously sprint all over the ring for his shoulder blocks, proto-bomb, 5 knuckle shuffle, AA, and then his shitty STF that is apparently so powerful that most wrestlers tap out before he even locks it in all the way. Aside from injuries Cena hasn't been out of the title picture since 2005. With the Nexus angle they're basically saying, inadvertently or deliberately, that it takes an assault by 7 men for him to lose title matches. I won't deny that the man tries his hardest out there and seems to love what he does but he has been in this business for a good 8 years, 5 of those years he has constantly been in the title picture, and he is still unable to remember to sell the injuries he gets in matches. I won't even mention the stale character he has, I don't think anyone has to be reminded of that.
Just because he has been destroyed and hasn't won a match in around 2 months doesn't mean that he is not Super Cena, he has spent a good 5-6 years overcoming the insurmountable odds that were thrown against him and took down monster heel after monster heel after repeatedly getting destroyed by them before the pay per views only to no sell the beat down that they give them the entire match by miraculously sprint all over the ring for his shoulder blocks, proto-bomb, 5 knuckle shuffle, AA, and then his shitty STF that is apparently so powerful that most wrestlers tap out before he even locks it in all the way. Aside from injuries Cena hasn't been out of the title picture since 2005. With the Nexus angle they're basically saying, inadvertently or deliberately, that it takes an assault by 7 men for him to lose title matches. I won't deny that the man tries his hardest out there and seems to love what he does but he has been in this business for a good 8 years, 5 of those years he has constantly been in the title picture, and he is still unable to remember to sell the injuries he gets in matches. I won't even mention the stale character he has, I don't think anyone has to be reminded of that.

Well, the character is stale to older "more informed" fans. To the market he's trying to win over, he's still the freshest thing ever. Remember, kids have a LOVE for things they're familiar with. Superman, in the comics, was always a winner, yet everyone kept buying his comics to see what he'd have to overcome next. It's smart marketing. I'm tired of hearing he's stale. I get it, everyone gets it. But you're not the target group they're trying to get money from.

As far as selling his injuries? I seem to remember another "super" wrestler in the 80's, who would be beat down, just about OUT, and then he'd Hulk Up and the injuries magically went away while he whooped your ass for the win.

It's basically Hulk Hogan all over again, without the yellow boots and trunks, without the receding hairline and without the obvious pandering to the crowd to get them loud before he dropped the "Leg of Doom".

Why fix what ain't broke? Cena is who he is. I've always liked him better CHASING the title than holding it personally, but I like the guy. He's a team player and he's adequate between the ropes. That's what it's all about. You don't have to have the technical expertise of Bryan Danielson/Daniel Bryan to be good. You have to connect with the majority of your crowd, get them to buy tickets, buy merchandise and give them a reason to root for you when you take to the ring.

I think the problem is that the older, informed fans seem to forget that this is about entertainment, not necessarily realism. If it was realism-based, you'd have to be watching it on bootleg YouTube uploads from a cell phone. It wouldn't sell.
As far as selling his injuries? I seem to remember another "super" wrestler in the 80's, who would be beat down, just about OUT, and then he'd Hulk Up and the injuries magically went away while he whooped your ass for the win.

It's basically Hulk Hogan all over again, without the yellow boots and trunks, without the receding hairline and without the obvious pandering to the crowd to get them loud before he dropped the "Leg of Doom".

Why fix what ain't broke?

Well back in the day they didn't fix what was broken with Hulk Hogan and 90% of the fans turned on him and he lost his ability to draw. He didn't get out of that rut until he shocked the world and turned heel with the NWO. Cena already has at least half of the crowd against him at any given ppv, it's only a matter of time before his sales start going down and he virtually becomes irrelevant and if that happens lightning might not strike twice and the heel turn could be too little too late. It would be a damn shame if that happened to Cena, he's a good guy and truly loves what he does but it could be time for a change. Even The Rock and Austin benefited from heel turns later on in their careers and they were the biggest stars of the Attitude Era.

I think the problem is that the older, informed fans seem to forget that this is about entertainment, not necessarily realism. If it was realism-based, you'd have to be watching it on bootleg YouTube uploads from a cell phone. It wouldn't sell.

The problem is though that it doesn't entertain me and hasn't for a good 4 years, each ppv match of his I watch where he roids up at the end and destroys a legitimate contender leaves me angrier and angrier.
finally someone gets it,I love this thread.This is what ive been saying for 5 years to everyone I know that watches wrestling and has a problem with Cena.Not only do people need to cut him slack but give the guy credit,He works harder then anybody in the buisness and has no plans of slowing down or going all Hollywood i.e The Rock.But anytime The Rock shows up on WWEprogramming (once every two years these days) the crowd acts like dude didnt abandon the wrestling world.Cena loves the buisness probobly more then any other top star befor him,so I say give the guy his just due and accept the fact if Cena aint your favorite he cares more about the buisness then your favorite does ,and your favorite would leave WWE on the first thing smoking for an acting gig..
finally someone gets it,I love this thread.This is what ive been saying for 5 years to everyone I know that watches wrestling and has a problem with Cena.Not only do people need to cut him slack but give the guy credit,He works harder then anybody in the buisness and has no plans of slowing down or going all Hollywood i.e The Rock.But anytime The Rock shows up on WWEprogramming (once every two years these days) the crowd acts like dude didnt abandon the wrestling world.Cena loves the buisness probobly more then any other top star befor him,so I say give the guy his just due and accept the fact if Cena aint your favorite he cares more about the buisness then your favorite does ,and your favorite would leave WWE on the first thing smoking for an acting gig..
I think a main reason Cena hasn't left the WWE for the movie business is that both of his movies majorly flopped. People mark out like crazy for The Rock when he makes an appearance on WWE programming because he is a living legend that is nearly as big as Hulk Hogan. The man was amazing on the mic, in the ring, and he knew how to feud with someone, even picking up victories without looking his opponents look like shit. Cena's passion is admirable, I'll give him that, but the man still has some things to work on before I can get behind him. A heel turn would do wonders for the guy's character if they get a new top face of the company to take his place (possibly Orton though I feel that the Cena/Orton feuds have been done to death).
People are always gonna gripe about whoever is on top. Whether it was Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Steve Austin, Rock, Cena etc. People will complain about someone that is at the top of the ladder in wrestling or at any business. Does Cena deserve the criticisms? Not all of them. The man is a hard worker and has paid his dues. He is far from perfect though and gets way too much credibility at times as being "the best wrestler in the world".

If Cena came in around the same time as the NWO in WCW or The Rock, Austin, and Foley in WWF, would he still be as popular? Maybe, maybe not. Overall though the man is just trying to make a living and entertain fans. I think it is pretty immature and childish to chant "Cena Sucks!" at a live wrestling event just to upset small children.
I think a main reason Cena hasn't left the WWE for the movie business is that both of his movies majorly flopped. People mark out like crazy for The Rock when he makes an appearance on WWE programming because he is a living legend that is nearly as big as Hulk Hogan. The man was amazing on the mic, in the ring, and he knew how to feud with someone, even picking up victories without looking his opponents look like shit. Cena's passion is admirable, I'll give him that, but the man still has some things to work on before I can get behind him. A heel turn would do wonders for the guy's character if they get a new top face of the company to take his place (possibly Orton though I feel that the Cena/Orton feuds have been done to death).
Agree with alot you said but The Rock has made some real crappy movies himself but stuck with the acting.I think if Cena wanted to be an actor as bad as The Rock did he'd eventually find his groove like The Rock did.Im a huge fan of the attitude era but I feel as if The Rock and Austin for that matter have told the wrestling world "thanks for making me what I am now go f yourself".I know Austin's knees are sh*t and The Rock dont want to lose his (hold on im gonna laugh) acting credibility,but would it hurt to show up a couple times a year and help the product that made you.Im just sayin Cena is a wrestler first and always will be,just like Hogan dabbled in acting (terribly I might add)Cena does the same.Thats why I see Cena as this generations Hogan the biggest name in the buisness that can help WWE by putting his face out there via movies,commercials,etc but at the end of the day the guy is a wrestler somthing Dwayne johnson,and Steve "I wont use my real last name Williams cause everyone rembers me from my wrestling days as" Austin dont want to be known as any more.
Agree with alot you said but The Rock has made some real crappy movies himself but stuck with the acting.I think if Cena wanted to be an actor as bad as The Rock did he'd eventually find his groove like The Rock did.Im a huge fan of the attitude era but I feel as if The Rock and Austin for that matter have told the wrestling world "thanks for making me what I am now go f yourself".I know Austin's knees are sh*t and The Rock dont want to lose his (hold on im gonna laugh) acting credibility,but would it hurt to show up a couple times a year and help the product that made you.Im just sayin Cena is a wrestler first and always will be,just like Hogan dabbled in acting (terribly I might add)Cena does the same.Thats why I see Cena as this generations Hogan the biggest name in the buisness that can help WWE by putting his face out there via movies,commercials,etc but at the end of the day the guy is a wrestler somthing Dwayne johnson,and Steve "I wont use my real last name Williams cause everyone rembers me from my wrestling days as" Austin dont want to be known as any more.

Well, Austin was basically forced to retire because of injuries and couldn't physically wrestle anymore (he probably can't even hit the Stunner). Austin gave many years to the business and he was considerably older than The Rock. I guess Austin wanted to go out on top, while he could still actually wrestle, rather than just go on making random guest appearances. As for The Rock, it's not that I didn't respect his decision, but I also feel like he used WWE to catapult himself into a Hollywood acting career. The funny thing is, I haven't liked a single movie that he's been in and he is yesterday's news now.

Back to Cena, I agree with you....his acting was limited to WWE films and was basically a "side project", whereas wrestling is what he knows and loves. Like him or not, you can see the passion and the energy he has for the business every time he enters the ring. I think that's why Vince chose him to be the top guy....his sheer workrate. So they packaged him into "Super Cena" and marketed him towards the younger audience - I don't really have a problem with that, because WWE is a business after all and if (as adults) we don't like Cena's gimmick, there are other wrestlers for us to cheer for (e.g. Orton, Jericho, Edge, Morrison).

Cena can cut an amazing promo, he can fire up the crowd (whether for him or against him) and his moveset is no less limited than others before him. Cena is not marketed as a "technical wrestler" and he's not a high flyer or a 6'11 300lb powerhouse. The fans who like him *expect* him to hit those moves in his matches and cheer for them.

As for the complaints, I've been watching wrestling for almost a decade and a half now and the complaints about Cena are EXACTLY the same complaints I used to hear about Rock, Austin and Goldberg. People will always find fault with the man at the top, rather than give him credit.
I really don't like Cena's presentation. His promos really don't do it for me because he is either really loud and with "stupid" material or he is really quiet and mean lookin'. Add some of the ugliest shirts and I am the definition of this: :disappointed: lol

However, I really don't see why people bring up his "rasstlin' skillz" as a reason he sucks. The guy is a quasi-semi rappin' something, all American, do the right thing good guy. He doesn't start fights, but he will finish them. It is suppose to springboard off the top rope into a flying headbutt only to land on his feet and do a senton?

Not just Cena, but I think the WWE kinda has gotten the short end of the stick. People criticizing them have access more than ever before to wrestling matches with an ROH feel (flippy, no selling) or Japanese feel (stiff, no selling). The WWE style has always been booked to get you emotionally involved in what is happening. People say Cena can't wrestle because he doesn't do a lot of moves and/or he doesn't execute well. Well, when has their been a wrestler booked as "Da Man" on a flagship show that doesn't fit that bill? Tully Blanchard used to step on people's toes and try to pull out chest hairs and he gets billed as some great technical wrestler for some reason for crying out loud.
I just rewatched The MiTB PPV. Through out the Championship match were chants of "You can't wrestle!" <clap clap...clapclapclap>. Everyday, I read a thread and someone states Cena can't wrestle, or his promos are bland and stale. Time, to cut the man some slack. NOONE!! And I mean NOONE ever said The Rock's promos were stale, but, you know what, he said just about the same thing week in and out, with just a bit of change per venue or opponent. Yeah, The Rock was edgy and "new". But, would we bash him today for coming out week in and week out and saying "Finally The Rock....".
And, I bet if you watch a Rock're gonna see the same spots. If you watch a HBK match, you'll see the same spots (nip up, corner flippy, etc). If you watch a 'Taker match, you'll see the same spots. So, I sumbit to you IWC, we need to leave the man alone. He is a corporate man, who gives his up his body, his time, and his energy...week in and week out... so we fickle viewers can say he has five moves and his promos are stale. Now, sure it is our perogative to do so...but damn. I say....and I am sure I will take heat for for this... It is time to cut John Cena some slack.

Your thoughts?

And, there you have it.

Hmm another poor poor poor John Cena thread. I love these threads. The Rock was the greatest mic man on the planet, he could improvise and flame people like no other. The only other person I can compare him to mic wise is Chris Jericho, no one could slam stephanie like the Rock and Y2J. Yea the Rock had a set moveset, but it was a hell of a lot more exciting than John bygod Cena. Same could be said for Shawn, but Shawn was able to switch it around. You didn't always see him come off the top with the elbow. Shawn was also money on the mic, after he became born again he kind of lost a little something, I always wished that they would have turned him legit heel before he left.

Super Cena can only hope that one day he is as good in the ring and on the mic as Y2J, HBK, and the Rock.

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