AlbertGo Del Riiiiiiiiiioooooooooooooo

I'm not gonna say i miss him, cause i won't and quite frankly, this is the most interesting thing he has done in months. I thought his in-ring work was great, but his inability to connect with the audience is what really let him down.
He was a good wrestler but I can't say I'm going to miss him all that much.

I just find it so crazy that two days ago the guy was wrestling on Main Event and now he's gone. Hopefully whatever he did to this 'employee' was worth losing his job for.
"Welcome back to Smackdown. Here is what just happened backstage, brought to you exclusively by the WWE App,"

If there ever was a time to put that feature to good use, this was it.
Obviously Zeb Colter has gotten to upper management & they have been picking off the minorities. Lets just look at the list of folks released since dirty Dutch has been spreading his propaganda:

Marc Harris
Yoshi Tatsu
Jinder Mahal
Drew McIntyre
Teddy Long

,,,,,, now Mexico's greatest export Alberto Del Rio. Coincidence or conspiracy?
Falina "Red" Reznikov;4956243 said:
He had an excellent performance on RAW and poured his heart out on a speech during Main Event... wonder if this altercation was intentional?

You watch Main Event?!

Really shouldn't come as a surprise. He was one of the highest paid guys on the roster and they were getting nothing out of him. Hard to feel sorry for a millionaire losing his job.
He'll be fine, he'll find work, and he wasn't planning on staying around anyway.

Still, it was nice having a Mexican to cheer for that wasn't another masked twat.
DirtyJosé;4956879 said:
He'll be fine, he'll find work, and he wasn't planning on staying around anyway.

Still, it was nice having a Mexican to cheer for that wasn't another masked twat.

I'm pretty sure The Masked Twat is a strip club in San Luis Potosí. How else do you think Del Rio can afford all those cars & scarves. Strippers & blow make for a profitable business venture.
Sad. Liked him. Great worker, never found his connection though.

If he slapped Dunn, Cornette might marry him.
"Tha peep-ool 'ave hahd it weeth thees WWE-app boolsheet, perro!"

Spot on del Rio promo there Dirk.

Remember when he was legitimately beating the shit out of Sin Cara, the first one. I've heard a rumour as to why that is involving gangs and stuff, but nonetheless, taking liberties in the ring is a big no-no for me, so good riddance.

Also notice how WWE come right out and say it, effectively: "He was being a dick so we fired him". They know how rumours spread so they're not trying to pretend anything.
One of Sin Cara's bodyguards did, yes. And it was according to Konnan. They could have tried to hand ADR a Cornetto and Konnan would have misheard it as, "he held a gun to him". It is Konnan afterall.

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