A Message To Disturbed

Johnny Scumm

InZayn In The Membrane
Please don't try to get me to sign up to your own Wrestling Forum. I looked at it and there are 12 Members. I signed up to that first one that you hadn't created, but stayed for two days, 'cos it was pointless. Once you start off somewhere, I don't believe you should go anywhere else, that's why I am staying here.

WZ is like my second home really. Despite being in The Prison, I like the guys here, even the ones who dislike me, I find nothing wrong with. Please, stop using the "There's no Prison on my Forums" reason for me joining, because that doesn't cut the Mustard. What does is that you have plenty of people joining, to make a credible Wrestling Forum, which is certainly not what you have. Now, I'm not trying to have a go at you, just telling you that I'm here to stay at WZ, even if I am in the Prison, 'cos I like it here. So, to answer your "Join up here" thing, the answer is no.
I kinda agree. Sorry Disturbed..if it was some other brand of forum, I would..but Wrestling..what's the point in talking wrestling when you can do it here. Like my football forum..there isn't much football here...so I figured why not make one all about football. Even though that one doesn't get much attention either.

I'm fine with WZ. No point in talking WWE on another site, when I need to bring up my post count here. Really..the only positive thing would be less assholes...and I don't really have that problem much anymore.
Sully, that's what I'm saying. You look at what they're all talking about and it's just looking like it's been taken from here, same topics etc. Not wanting to put it down, but it is. WZ is the ultimate Wrestling Forum, so it's the place to be.
Yeah, like the guys are saying above; it's not something you should do.

Take me for example; I got sentenced to who knows how long in prison for merely just fucking around and "stealing years of ideas", whereas you're trying to start your own forum and advertising it on the site. Not one hundred percent sure if thats not tolerated here but just watch out.
Technically, he was advertising it through Rep. He was repping me and then posting the link to it in the Comment Section. Now that just seems a bit desperate to me.
Encore, stop your moaning. You fucked up and deserve to be in prison because what you did was plagiarism.

Disturbed is basically treading a fine line. I suspect its the same forum.
why would anyone want to use another forum to discuss wrestling?

WZ if by better than any other forum I have seen, the people are great, there are sections for other topics other than wrestling.

So why would you want to go anywhere else?!
It's not against the rules. If he made a thread in the GSD, or the WWE section, then obviously it would be an infraction (or worse), but if you advertised in The Cage, or through rep, I'm guessing your fine.
I think it's annoying and if you take action on it, then that's for the better. I mean, to try to wean someone from such a good site, to something so... well, mediocre is probably too nice, is just silly. If you look at the site, no-one has any method. They have low rate Posters on a low rate Website if you ask me.

One line Wrestling posts are not my thing.
Encore, stop your moaning. You fucked up and deserve to be in prison because what you did was plagiarism.

Disturbed is basically treading a fine line. I suspect its the same forum.

I wasn't moaning. I was using myself as an example as it involved another federation. Get your shit straight before you talk, slapnuts.
Yeah, like the guys are saying above; it's not something you should do.

Take me for example; I got sentenced to who knows how long in prison for merely just fucking around and "stealing years of ideas", whereas you're trying to start your own forum and advertising it on the site. Not one hundred percent sure if thats not tolerated here but just watch out.

Look knob, this is you moaning. Glad to see your behaviour in the fed extends to your prison behaviour. You haven't changed.
I am annoyed at how bitter he is, it's just pathetic. But he's in prison so there's only so much I can care about him.
Numbers, because I can't communicate with you any other way. This is a whole new one. I know the one you're on about though.

"Insert naff Website name here"
I created it today and I am the admin... No Prison there! Lol you should sign up.
was the comment I received just yesterday.
I just don't understand what he wants out of a different wrestling forum. Like I said..I can see if he wanted to make a forum on food...or basketball..something all around something...but if you're a member on the best forum out there for wrestling...why make another one.

My guess..is power. He didn't like the respect he got..and felt he'd rather have his own forum. Whenever I made my football forum...I just wanted to know what it felt like to be Admin. It's not fun being admin when you don't have anybody there to administrate (Did that make sense?).
Not like banning him matters....he's on his awesome forum all the time anyways....the only thing that we'd cut off is his means of advertisement..and I'm sure he'll find other ways.
Yeah, true.
Then again, we've lost LilacFray, Crooked I & Disturbed that would mean.
Not like it's a loss though.
Then we might lose Hamler as well, although I do doubt he'd stay over there. Then again, he is a Mod.
Oh, and if you want something for KB to get REALLY annoyed about, someone's created a Klunderbunker profile over there, talking about him and Lucy.

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