6th Annual WZ Tournament Bracket Unveiling

Eddie and Owen are great but both overrated. And why wouldn't a 5 time WCW champion go over Christian in the WCW region? Christian isn't exactly a perennial main eventer. He and Booker have had very similar careers.

My "HA!" was directed towards the Christian comment. I too believe Owen is overrated and his talents were glorified post-death, Eddie however I feel is rather fairly. In-terms of Christian/Booker, I know for a fact more people like Christian than they do Booker T, you'll have a very hard time swaying votes. Plus if I remember they had a feud in TNA and didn't Christian come out on top?
OK, the first matches:


Owen Hart VS Eddie Guerrero
Bruiser Brody VS Blue Demon
Rikidozan VS Goldust
Mil Mascaras VS Sgt. Slaughter


Booker T VS Christian
Lex Luger VS Davey Boy Smith
Ultimo Dragon VS Steve Williams
Diamond Dallas Page VS Greg Valentine


Scott Hall VS Dynamite Kid
Jack Brisco VS Billy Graham
Rob Van Dam VS Gene Kiniski
Scott Steiner VS Tully Blanchard


Jeff Jarrett VS Rick Rude
Brock Lesnar VS Antonino Rocca
Kevin Nash VS Jeff Hardy
Jake Roberts VS Barry Windham

This may be the most star studded first round of the tournament that i've ever seen. All of these guys could have been booked as believable world champs in their prime except for Dragon and valentine. Brisco vs Graham looks particularly captivating though
Here are the #24 Seeds:


International Region #24: Raven (#93 Seed Overall)


ECW Region #24: Gory Guerrero (#94 Seed Overall)


WCW Region #24: Big Bossman (#95 Seed Overall)


WWE Region #24: Big Daddy (#96 Seed Overall)
This may be the most star studded first round of the tournament that i've ever seen. All of these guys could have been booked as believable world champs in their prime except for Dragon and valentine. Brisco vs Graham looks particularly captivating though

Ultimo Dragon didn't need a World Heavyweight Championship in his prime, he was too busy being one of the most over and talented wrestlers in the world.
Here are the #25 Seeds:


WWE Region #25: John Bradshaw Layfield (#97 Seed Overall)


WCW Region #25: Rick Martel (#98 Seed Overall)


ECW Region #25: Bam Bam Bigelow (#99 Seed Overall)


International Region #25: Taz (#100 Seed Overall)
Kevin Nash vs Jeff Hardy is just... just going to be wonderful. That matchup has Lulz written all over it.
I can already tell it's going to be a bloodbath. I'm just wondering who the irrational Nash-backers will be.
My "HA!" was directed towards the Christian comment. I too believe Owen is overrated and his talents were glorified post-death, Eddie however I feel is rather fairly. In-terms of Christian/Booker, I know for a fact more people like Christian than they do Booker T, you'll have a very hard time swaying votes. Plus if I remember they had a feud in TNA and didn't Christian come out on top?

I know Christian has more fans here which is why I said Booker SHOULD go over. And in the TNA feud Booker actually got the better of Christian at almost every turn. The only singles match they had was at Turning Point 08 and Booker won.
Here are the #26 Seeds:


International Region #26: Abdullah The Butcher (#101 Seed Overall)


ECW Region #26: James Storm (#102 Seed Overall)


WCW Region #26: Kenta Kobashi (#103 Seed Overall)


WWE Region #26: Ken Shamrock (#104 Seed Overall)
Here are the #27 Seeds:


WWE Region #27: Jim Duggan (#105 Seed Overall)


WCW Region #27: Pat Patterson (#106 Seed Overall)


ECW Region #27: Samoa Joe (#107 Seed Overall)


International Region #27: Tiger Mask (#108 Seed Overall)
Of course I mean the success he endured against opponents the calibre of the Undertaker, John Cena, Eddie Guerrero and the Big Show is obvious...oh wait...

No but the success he endured over opponents the caliber of Nick Bockwinkel, Mitsuharu Misawa, Ric Flair, and Jerry Lawler should

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