6th Annual WZ Tournament Bracket Unveiling

Punk, Jericho, Austin and the guy I was planning on making my second HQ for, Randy Orton. WCW baby!

...Never thought I'd be sayin' that. I feel dirty.
Here are the #12 Seeds:


International Region #12: Stan Hansen (#45 Seed Overall)

inb4 Lariat inexplicably appears out of nowhere again to push Hansen


WWE Region #12: Jushin Thunder Liger (#48 Seed Overall)

That's more like it
So odds are WWE, WCW, ECW, International and evens are International, ECW, WCW, WWE and then starting at #17 that's inverted. I think I've got it.

No, it's just snake the whole way. Nothing changes throughout. It just keeps going as WWE, WCW, ECW, I, I, ECW, WCW, WWE until you get to the end.
Yep. I'll hurry up to post the first matches once seed 17 is announced.

People, forget the early region numbers. You'll get a list later on.
Here are the #13 Seeds:


WWE Region #13: Mil Mascaras (#49 Seed Overall)


WCW Region #13: Diamond Dallas Page (#50 Seed Overall)


ECW Region #13: Scott Steiner (#51 Seed Overall)


International Region #13: Jake Roberts (#52 Seed Overall)
Orton's in ECW? The boy be fudged for the most part.
I've seen top face Orton put down enough guys in tremendous extreme rules matches over especially the last year to roll my eyes at this. Kane, Sheamus, Rhodes, Barrett, Punk, Christian. Orton ends worlds under ECW rules. The man is battle-tested. Add to the mix his Hell in a Cell victories (one over John Cena) and his Last Man Standing wins over Triple H, and you have the makings of a force to be reckoned with. Orton can take it to the extreme.
Scott Steiner sans blonde hair always looks weird to me. Always.

I've seen top face Orton put down enough guys in tremendous extreme rules matches over especially the last year to roll my eyes at this. Kane, Sheamus, Rhodes, Barrett, Punk, Christian. Orton ends worlds under ECW rules. The man is battle-tested

Coco, you know I like Orton, but for some reason most don't, I can't see him getting past the heavier hitters in ECW. I'll try and help the case, but I'm not sure it'll do much good.
We still havent seen Guerrerro either have we? He could very well be a favorite holding numerous titles in all of these regions
Here are the #14 Seeds:


International Region #14: Kevin Nash (#53 Seed Overall)


ECW Region #14: Rob Van Dam (#54 Seed Overall)


WCW Region #14: Ultimo Dragon (#55 Seed Overall)


WWE Region #14: Rikidozan (#56 Seed Overall)
Coco, you know I like Orton, but for some reason most don't, I can't see him getting past the heavier hitters in ECW. I'll try and help the case, but I'm not sure it'll do much good.

I think if I were to make a list of the biggest names in ECW history, or a list of the most accomplished, Mick Foley would be around the top. Orton has a victory over Foley, clean one too; well, clean for a Hardcore match.

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