2012 Debater's League: Smack Talk and General Discussion Thread

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All those posts had a 24 hour lapse between each.

Posters must reply to each other within 24 hours otherwise it affects their Punctuality points. However, that does not mean the opponent can make a second post in a row.

That would only happen if the first debater doesn't make their initial post within 24 hours of the home debater making their initial choices in the debate.

Doesn't this relate?
For the record, I don't care whether it gets counted or not. I'd like to win and whatnot, but I also did quote some of the stuff in that post.
You guys really need to read... I stated this very clearly in the rules.

Rojan, you choose a side. Aweome_Miz chooses who goes first. After it's decided, the person chosen to debate first makes an opening statement. Everything after that is a free-for-all (replies and all) but you each have three total debate posts to make.

This was from the ask a question thread. It does kinda imply that you could post again without waiting for a response. From this- as long as the first poster chosen made the opening statement, it kinda means you could post whenever. Free for all rules apply.
I see I didn't get the punctuality mark from FunKay. Wow.

Considering in other debates it was "____ was late, ____ was not", I thought I may have got that one.
It would seem me and the Dirty One might lock horns in another battlefield of the forum. Interesting. Though Stormy is still close.
Well looks I lost this one. It was a fun ride, I'm looking forward to watching my boys like Habs, Trooper, and Rohan kick ass through the debate. Like I said before, it was fun. If their is a debate league next year, I hope I can improve next round.
It would seem me and the Dirty One might lock horns in another battlefield of the forum. Interesting. Though Stormy is still close.
It's 6-4 after 2 judges. I'd hardly say there's any guarantee.

I'm kinda not surprised I'm losing. Considering the judges saying that they already agreed Jose's side before the debate kinda killed my chances of swaying them.
Suppose I'll get to that last one right meow. Was busy marking the fuck out all day. Perfect Game for the White Sox and the Blackhawks win tonight in overtime to send this series to a Game 6.
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