2 Things...


Staff member
Well, Global Mods are pretty much allowed to mod anywhere on the forums. There is only one Power mod, and that is Norcal. Norcal has all the power because he's super strong and buff (scary too).

KB and Sly are the ones usually running the show, but the other guys are still Admins outta respect I suppose. Some of them mighta even helped build the site. I wasn't here whenever that was going on.

1. Did NorCal get made a P-mod because he is "buff"... I have never heard a more creepy sentence in my entire stay here and that includes anything ever posted by Game Rage, Noah and anyone else that may have said something creepy.

2. This might be the most ignorant post in the history of this forum. The other admins only got a spot out of respect... Jesus!

If you don't know the answer to something, don't fucking answer it!
I meant that they're still left as Admins out of respect. Not originally getting the job.

And the Norcal thing was a joke.

Rereading my original posts, I found nothing wrong or creepy about it. Numerous people have said Norcal is "buff" or in some form of it. As for the Admins, it was clear what I meant, and I don't even now how it could have been misinterpreted to what you thought.

Not sure why it was so ignorant and important for you to take this into the Cage with. In other news, I put Macca back on my ignore list. Just for shits n giggles.
The reason the other admins hold their positions are because they completely outrank Sly and KB in some form or another. They are either support staff for the forums, hired by the owners of the site to maintain it. Or, they do actually own it themselves.

They need their posting and AdminCP privileges to make sure that they can do their jobs properly. Sly and KB have less powers than the other admins but they are the only admins to be promoted from regular users by posting on the boards regularly.
At least half of what Dave said is what I was referring too. I just thought it'd be simpler to say "Out of respect" had no idea it woulda been blown up into a huge flame war.

As to CH David, I don't really give a fuck what you think, I think you're an even bigger moron, my post was fine, and you probably made yourself even stupider by responding to the so called "moron".
As to CH David, I don't really give a fuck what you think, I think you're an even bigger moron, my post was fine, and you probably made yourself even stupider by responding to the so called "moron".

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Please state where I've made myself look like a moron.

NorCal is a P-Mod because he is buff and scary. If you aren't attempting flattery, then moronic statement.

Also the other Admins are only Admins due to respect? Well when you consider that they are Admins because they are either with the main site or with Crave, yeah respect is definitely #1.

Oh and stupider eh? I never pegged you to be that stupid.
Please state where I've made myself look like a moron.

Click on "CH David" > Click on "Find all posts by CH David". There you go.

NorCal is a P-Mod because he is buff and scary. If you aren't attempting flattery, then moronic statement.

Obviously it was flattery. You wonder why you think I'm a moron, because you didn't automatically assume it wasn't flattery. Was it that hard to determine? Apparently I suppose...

Also the other Admins are only Admins due to respect? Well when you consider that they are Admins because they are either with the main site or with Crave, yeah respect is definitely #1.

Another reason you're a moron, read the rest of the fucking thread. I already explained what I meant.

Oh and stupider eh? I never pegged you to be that stupid.

You called me a moron. Pretty much you "pegged" me to be stupid.

Maybe my post was pretty stupid, ignorant, moronic? But bad thing for you, there isn't a damn thing you can do about it...so only thing I can suggest is..

I don't have to be nice to Sully either, Coco. It's pretty much a given that I won't be. No reason really, I just want someone to hate on.
Click on "CH David" > Click on "Find all posts by CH David". There you go.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Obviously it was flattery. You wonder why you think I'm a moron, because you didn't automatically assume it wasn't flattery. Was it that hard to determine? Apparently I suppose...

I just go with the general assumption that Sully = moron no matter what you have to say.

Another reason you're a moron, read the rest of the fucking thread. I already explained what I meant.

I probably overlooked it because you suck so badly.

You called me a moron. Pretty much you "pegged" me to be stupid.

It's a thought held by quite a few posters.

Maybe my post was pretty stupid, ignorant, moronic? But bad thing for you, there isn't a damn thing you can do about it...so only thing I can suggest is..


That's where you are wrong. I can do something about it. I can laugh at how stupid that quote that Dave posted made you sound.
That entire post you just made consisted of nothing but calling me a moron. You had no reason behind any of it. You laugh at how stupid I sounded, but looked completley ******ed, if I was you, I wouldn't have even responded. You spent that long typing that up? Really?

Yeah, there is quite a few people who think I'm a moron, but I really don't care. There is also quite a few people who don't think I'm a moron. The simple fact that you and Macca make little idiotic posts about my intelligence really doesn't insult me too much...I mean..it bothers me a little I'll admit..knowing what human beings are actually alive walking the earth..but Macca is somewhere in the UK, and I believe you're in Chicago..so hopefully I'm safe.

One more thing..please stop using the "lmao" smiley over and over again. It's starting to get annoying.
1-He had a reason to type it, that reason being he felt you are a moron and need e to know

2-You obviously care that people think you are a moron or you would have simply dropped it and moved on by now instead responding to ever post about it


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