2/21/11 Raw LD is Yabba Dabba Doo-Doo

Well that was a good one.

I did think the Taker/Trips promo was brilliant, absolutely brilliant. The fact they told a story with just facial expression and head movements was interesting. I think that Sheamus going after Daniel Bryan is highly interesting, where we may see Sheamus become the United States Champion. It would be strange, but it is something I would like to see. As well as Lawler vs Cole. Do you know how much I LOVED that "Interview"? Cole was a fucker as always, Lawler just looked pissed continuously. I'd thought Cole would've accepted the Challenge there and then, but was not surprised he didn't. Suppose it leaves more to coming weeks then. Then there's the Main Event. I thought it was brilliant. Cena and Miz winning the Titles made me happy, then the Rematch came. I thought that the two were actually going to be a great team. With Miz being beat on in the Corner, once Cena got in, I was like "Yeah, that's it now". Then Miz done the Skull Crushing Finale while Cena had Slater in the AA. Woah, that was awesome. Thought it was a great way to end Raw. Punk entertained as well, but I'm not going into detail.

Anyways, it was a good Raw.
I think tonight Raw's rating will be a 3.8, it could break 4.0 but I'd be shocked.

^on first page of this thread.

I'm good! Raw did a 3.9 with both hours doing 3.85.

I think the week before that's rating when Rock showed up was a 3.1

I'm not sure what the rating could be this upcoming monday, did people who tuned in like what they saw last week?

I think Raw this week will do a 3.6-3.7

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