Recent content by whufc1994

  1. W

    Y2J's leave this time.

    I think a good way for Jericho to go out would be the Wyatt Family. Have him feud with them for a while, culminating in a match with Bray at SummerSlam where Wyatt goes over and the 3 of them take him out. That way he can come back whenever he does and rekindle the feud with the Wyatt Family. It...
  2. W

    What would be WWE's best move for the next "Big Return"?

    I honestly don't think WWE need a big returning mid-carder. If anything, they should be bringing up guys like Alex Riley, McGillicutty and Tyson Kidd to mid-card level. But, if WWE were to bring back a fully active wrestler, I'd love to see Kurt Angle return. He's one of my all time favourite...
  3. W

    **MERGED** John Cena & The Rock: Match fallout, etc.*KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!*

    I'll tell you exactly 'why people hate The Rock'. It's as simple as this, the IWC are an extremely fickle bunch. One minute they are for The Rock and hate Cena, next minute they are for Cena and hate The Rock. Same with Y2J/CM Punk etc. Some people do have legitimate gripes with him, and to be...
  4. W

    Awesome Kong... Er, Kharma?

    Names don't bother me if I'm honest. As long as she's as scary and badass as hyped up to be then I'll be happy.
  5. W

    Lockdown 2011: The Aftermath

    I thought it was a pretty good show and was satisfied with it. X Division XScape Match This match was good for what it was; a PPV opener, nothing amazing, but very decent. It got me, and the crowd, warmed up for the rest of the night and delivered some very good action and the finish was...
  6. W

    Wrestlemania 28: John Cena VS The Rock

    I am personally glad they both shook each others hand and showed respect for one another. For neither of them to not have respect for each other would make it stupid. Both of these men have accomplished amazing things in the WWE, they both know that, they both aren't stupid. As The Rock said...
  7. W

    What's Next for Triple H

    I have 3 hopes for HHH; 1) He feuds with Miz/Cena and has one last title reign 2) He turns heel and starts a new stable, preferably this would be to put over younger superstars like Ted DiBiase, Zack Ryder, Mason Ryan. 3) Feud with The Rock. Simply for nostalgia. These two haven't been face...
  8. W

    Is The Rock Getting Stale?

    I agree he is stale, and it's quite disheartening as I'm a huge fan. I think he just needs to target other superstars who would be funnier to mock and downgrade, to be fair the fruity pebbles stuff isn't that funny, people just use it because they don't like Cena. In ring he can easily gain...
  9. W

    The Miz Retains The WWE Championship

    Miz's slogan of 'the must see WWE champion in history' is starting to see true, a dude who gets the shit beaten out of him most matches, but still finds a way to win is definitely must see, especially when it's against wrestling cyborgs like John Cena.
  10. W

    [OFFICIAL] Wrestlemania 27 Aftermath and Reviews

    You DOUBT the creative said for him to come out? If you really think that then you are a completely deluded moron. The whole thing is scripted, that is a known fact, superstars can't just waltz into matches whenever they want to, they do it because it's part of the script. Yes, Wrestlemania 27...
  11. W

    Who should get into HOF first.. KANE or BIG SHOW??

    Tough decision, both of these guys are pretty much granted to go into the HOF, and both have contributed a hell of a lot to the WWE. But I'm gonna go with Kane, the impact he has made on the WWE when he debuted was incredible, in the top 5 debuts IMO. With Kane I don't think it's necessary to...
  12. W

    The Next Miz Feud

    HHH has literally no place in the ring any more. He even said himself his only challenge left was Undertaker, despite putting up a tremendous battle last night, and coming extremely close to winning, he failed. It wouldn't surprise me if he went full time in WWE creative.
  13. W

    How excited are you about this weeks shows?

    Well The Rock has a 'special announcement' and Stone Cold is on RAW tonight, so I'm pretty psyched for tonight's show. Not looking forward to Smackdown because I don't really watch it
  14. W

    The Next Miz Feud

    Realistically I can see the Cena feud carrying on for possibly the next 2 PPVs. No way can they leave it hanging like that from last night, I think Cena will most likely be awarded a rematch at Extreme Rules. I personally would like to see John Morrison be the number 1 contender, but the only...
  15. W

    Snooki for future WWE appearances?

    Her fake tan, her failed attempt at sounding like a female version of Don Vito and her tree trunked thighs are not welcome in the WWE universe. The match last night was vulgar, complete waste of time, should of set free my 6 hour awaiting turtle head whilst that match was on. But I decided to...