What would be WWE's best move for the next "Big Return"?

James Greiga

Pre-Show Stalwart
People are wondering who will return next but i think that the best move WWE can do right now is to bring back a midcarder from the 2000-2008 era that never won the title, hasnt fell into a career turmoil, hasnt gotten too old (over 32) and hasnt been forgotten. They brought back Rock they brought back Brock, they brought back Nash and they brought back Jericho but these are veteran wrestlers who all have made it to the big title. WWE brought them back because they wanted to be retro-progressive and give the people a taste of the good ole' days while still moving forward.

WWE has achieved exactly what they set out to do and now with Rock gone, Brock returning to take down Cena and Jericho in a pretty boring/pointless storyline with Punk, and Nash forgotten completely they need a guy who can come in and capitolize. A guy who people will say "Wow i can't believe he's back!" like Lesnar instead of saying "Wow why the f*ck is he back?" like nash. This particular person can't be a guy who will only come for a few shows like Rock, can't only be there for a very limited time like Jericho, can't be there just as a money maker just to pick up where Rock left off like Brock and cant just be there to recapture a career that he lost and cannot retrieve. It has to be a guy who had good success as a midcarder without being the guy that nobody takes seriously as a main eventer.

My question who do you think that should be?
My first response to this would be MVP, but from what i hear he's having a pretty good run in japan soo i guess he's outta the question. Shelton Benjamin has always been a great talent, personally im a fan of him and it was a shame he was never acknowledged in the wwe as a main eventer soo he would be a good option to push if he ever decides to come back.
I would like to see the return of Rob Van Dam but not have him come back to the mid card but to the main event and given a world title. A guest apperance return for like Wrestle Mania or one PPV is Goldberg just one more match too see some one get speared and jack hammered and crushed in less than a minute. I would love to see them cut his schedule and bring back Kurt Angle. He is aging but he can still put on a great match and I would love too see him challenge the streak or get one more title run. Last but certainly not least one more match out of the Texas Rattlesnake Stone Cold Steve Austin and I don't wanna see him fight Punk I wanna see him battle Lesnar, Triple H, or Randy Orton. Honorable mentions on a return is Batista he was so dominate during his heel run wanna see him battle some of the current top faces.
Mrrr Kenneddddy, I know he's under contract wit TNA and has issues with Orton and Cena but I'd be pretty hyped for this. He is great on the mic, had tremendous potential was pretty over and in-line for his big push with the illegitimate son storyline when he got injured. I'd love to see him make a come back.
John Morrison will probably be this guy. Its to soon now but give a few years, hopefully his attitude and mike skills improve cuz the guy could have a bright future with the WWE.

Id like to see The Brian Kendrick come back. Loved that character, there was always something about TBK that kept me intrigued.

Another would be Ken Kennedy whenever his contract expires though i highly doubt WWE is gonna take the risk with him again.

Id like RVD to make a return but it wouldn't be for a very lengthy time maybe 2-3 years i think his career is winding down.

And lastly Id like to see Bobby Lashley make a return. I thought he was pretty good in the ring and he could get the crowd excited. I was surprised when he left since he was on such a roll at the time.
Kennedy would be great addition.

But let me remind you, by the time of the "son of mcmahon" storyline, he was suspended not injured.

Anyway, kennedy and/or MVP would be amazing.
I've got two.

First, I'm gonna go with Morrison. This will probably be the consensus answer when this thread dies, but that's because it's the most likely. John left on good terms, he's great in the ring (if you say he's "just" a spot monkey, you're ignorant), and he's working on his mic skills in improve classes.

IMO if WWE lets Morrison come in to a main event feud when he returns, and lets him show a little cockiness as a face, he can be over big time.

Next, the answer nobody else will have, Matt Hardy. He was in line for a big push towards the title, but a series of unfortunate events lead to those plans being scrapped. Everyone here knows he's had a slew of problems since leaving, but from what I've seen and heard, he's in a better place now. He seems to have beaten his drug problem, he's in much better shape than when he left, and he has name value. Matt Hardy has always been super over. He can manipulate a crowd as a face or a heel, he's real good in the ring, and underrated on the mic. If he truly has gotten over his problems, it would be a good pick up for WWE.
I honestly don't think WWE need a big returning mid-carder. If anything, they should be bringing up guys like Alex Riley, McGillicutty and Tyson Kidd to mid-card level. But, if WWE were to bring back a fully active wrestler, I'd love to see Kurt Angle return. He's one of my all time favourite wrestlers, and is the only reason I sit through that pile of dross TNA every week.

I'm always happy to see big guys return to only make sporadic appearances anyway, it gives us something to look forward to. The Rock has said he will still be a part of the WWE, we will definitely see him again and no doubt he'll compete. I have a feeling he'll have a full-time run next year and have a break from movies. Brock Lesnar will be making a couple appearances each month, hopefully working a few feuds. We still have Foley floating about backstage, he has said if he were to return to the ring it would be to put over one of the younger guys. Booker T is the same. HHH will continue to make sporadic appearances in the ring. Undertaker will be the special attraction at Wrestlemania for a few more years. Jericho will take a hiatus in the summer, but hopefully return in the last quarter of the year and have a much longer run. Now all we need is Goldberg and Austin to return and have one more match. I'd also love to see JBL come back and work a feud as a heel again.

WWE is looking very promising at the moment.
Rob Van Dam.

Hasn't appeared on TNA television in a long time, sources claim he is tired of the companies direction, he is slower than he used to be but as a former WWE Champion and still a popular figure in professional wrestling he'd do well to get some of the young guys over. He is a top face talent, only ever been heel twice in his career and even through both runs was getting cheers, has been grossly misused during his TNA run, is only working house shows and his contract is said to be up in the first half of 2012.

Bring back Rob Van Dam, get him over for the first month or so and then push a younger guy by feeding him to them or getting him in a long program with Dolph Ziggler or somebody of that ranking in the roster.
I won't say John Morrison because I have no doubt he'll be back (I'm guessing in Royal Rumble)

But i've always wanted to see Shelton Benjaman come back, same goes with MVP. I wish the WWE would bring some decent tag teams back (Bashams, Duece and Domino, etc) hell, bring back Benjaman and Haas as W.G.T.T

Also as mentioned above, I think Bobby Lashley would be a good return. He could be great for Smackdown!

I doubt he'd go for it, but i'd love to see the in-ring work of Lance Storm again, even if it's just to put a couple of people over in a feud
Batista. I know this probably won't be a popular choice, but I have always been a big fan of him. As well with the return of Lesnar, I would enjoy seeing him in a feud with Batista. I would honestly much rather see this feud as opposed to Lesnar and Cena.

Even besides the possibility of Lesnar vs Batista, I want to see Batista return just because apart from the Undertaker he was one of my favorites & I feel when he was around that he added a lot to WWE programming.
I want somebody to come back full time to WWE , not this 1 year, come some of the weeks contract reutrn. I want somebody like.... MRRRRRRRR. KENNNNEEEEDY. I loved this guy and I was sad when he got released from WWE. I think he had a bright future ahead in WWE but he was just to injury prone I guess. But somebody who I'll like to come back for who might just do it for a short period of time is RVD, he returned at royal rumble one year and I thought he was back but I guess not.
When Batista returns.

Ooops I didn't mean to spoil it!

They should try to get it as secretive as possible. He probably was backstage at WM and signed a deal and we don't even know it. Hell they're doing a good job so far. I can't wait to see him destroy Sheamus.
As far as "BIG" returns go, the Shelton Benjamins, John Morrisons, and MRRRRRRRRRR KENNEDYS of the business don't count. We're talking about guys who were on top of the game at one point and would draw a few dimes.

Mark my words. As far as big returns go, the next one will be Batista. He has done a couple movies, tried MMA, and has trashed the WWE and TNA. At the end of the day, when he needs a big payday, there's nowhere else for him to turn that WWE. That day will be coming sooner rather than later.
Batista. It's a shame he left when he did because he became incredibly entertaining as a heel during his final feud with Cena. I grew to enjoy the grumpy, angry Batista. I'll never forget his reaction when he came out after Cena had cheated by using duct tape. Bloody hilarious. His character really grew on me, then he left. I would certainly like to see him back.
When Batista returns.

Ooops I didn't mean to spoil it!

They should try to get it as secretive as possible. He probably was backstage at WM and signed a deal and we don't even know it. Hell they're doing a good job so far. I can't wait to see him destroy Sheamus.

I saw the reports that he was in Miami, but haven't spotted anything about a possibility of coming back.. Not sure if it has been reported or not? However I definitely hope you're right. I wouldn't care if it was spoiled or not, I'd still be just as excited :p

I would enjoy seeing Batista vs Sheamus now that I think about it.. I also wouldn't mind seeing Cena vs Batista again. I'd love to see Batista vs Rock, but I have a funny feeling that will never happen.
Rob Van Damn i think he will return and start a feud with the miz.Miz doesnt have a rival right now and i think thats great competition and he may even get a shot at the Intercontinental Championship!:worship:
RVD won't do a full time schedule nor will he pass a wellness test, lets be real with this. Mr Kennedy has a lot of negative around him but there is a one who I can think of who would actually already have a program in place and that's MVP.

Why MVP? Well look at Raw and the debut of Lord Tensai, as Cole described a former WWE wrestler who went to Japan and change his ways and Lawler backing it up by talking about the competition in Japan being tough. Have Lord Tensai a serious threat and then bring back MVP, claiming to defeated the best in Japan and talks about not being serious for never beating Lord Tensai. MVP defeats him and you have a credible upper midcarder ready for a big push.
I'll throw one out that no one has said yet and would possibly be one of the very best to return in the exact scenario the OP said...unfortunately it will likely never happen as he's moved on from wrestling.

I'm talking of course about Muhammad Hassan.

Threads pop on the forums every so often about his brief stint in WWE, controversial departure, and his life since. This guy just had IT and you knew it from day one. A large part of it was his Arab gimmick which was perfect for a heel in that time, and still would be a good one today. But Hassan was much more than just that...he was great in the ring and on the mic, sold the gimmick like a pro, and moved up the ladder VERY quickly. He was in line for a WHC program and likely title run before the Smackdown segment with the Undertaker which got WWE a considerable amount of bad press and was torn apart by critics. They took it a little too far then, but I've always wanted him to return since then and try his hand again...even in the same gimmick, just not quite to that extreme.

Hassan was going to be a star in WWE if not for the unfortunate terrorist attacks in London. The only others who had as quick of a rise from debut to world title scene would be Angle and Lesnar.
If I was to pick a mid-carder, it would be MVP or Shelton Benjamin.

However, the wrestler I want to make a return is Goldberg.

The man can still wrestle, some people consider him over-rated, but he can entertain.

There were rumors swirling around that he'd make a return toward the end of 2011, but that hasn't happened, he came back to wrestle, but it was in an event somewhere in Africa.
My first response to this would be MVP, but from what i hear he's having a pretty good run in japan soo i guess he's outta the question. Shelton Benjamin has always been a great talent, personally im a fan of him and it was a shame he was never acknowledged in the wwe as a main eventer soo he would be a good option to push if he ever decides to come back.

Shelton Benjamin was the first one that came to my mind
With the invention of the inter-web the days of true surprise returns are over! Batista is a very popular choice I see and for good reason. I seen his movie, so a wwe return is in his future. A program with Cena would be in order.
The problem that any big name return is that person will instantly get a pop, making them heel is the tough part!

Goldberg is a name being knocked around too. I could see him coming back to face some one like the Miz. Miz could go on a nice run, cut a promo about who he beat and who's next! Same thing with Cena, have the Brock thing over, he cuts a promo about first the Rock then Brock, who's next? Goldberg through the crowd, jackknife power bomb, I'm next!
I have two that no one has mentioned
1) Paul Burchill. I mean the WWE gave him lemons and he made Lemonade. They gave him a crappy pirate gimmick and he made it fun (and lets face it Vince missed the boat by dropping it as think of he kiddy merchandise they could have done) Then he got the incest gimmick and then the ripper (who should have had a mask)
2) Rikishi Yeah I liked him he was fun, the stink face was hilarious and he could actually move. If his weight issues are behind him bring him back and give him the Usos as backup
Who's left as far as a big name return??

goldberg?? never liked him

batista?? ever liked him either

I wouldent mind seeing Hogan come back thoe not as a wrestler but as a manager he could start a stable or something I wanted him to be the anonymous raw gm but I dont think we will ever find out who that was.

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