What would be WWE's best move for the next "Big Return"?

I would have actually rather see Batista come back than Lesnar. I never cared much for Lesnar at all. I thought he was pushed too much too soon and never really gave much to the business. To get all that he got and then walk out cause he didn't like traveling....kinda bogus to me. I'd much rather see Batista. He was EXTREMELY entertaining and he got the right amount of push and got elevated at the right pace.
He'd do a lot in a program vs. the Rock or Cena.
id like to see wwe bring back John Morrison hes 1 of those guys that always put on good matches and should have been a main eventer id love to see him come back as a heel and stay heel and win the title within a year
did I SERIOUSLY make it through all three pages of this thread without reading the name Kurt Angle?!?!?!?!?!? I think someone mentioned him once, but not as a candidate---wtf?!

Ok, I'm sure there has to be an explanation to this, like injury or Olympics or TNA management successfully re-brainwashing him that they can compete with WWE, but I just wanted to voice my opinion that Kurt really really really should finish his career in a WWE ring--preferably at Wrestlemania. I think he could be amazing with Taker, Rock, Cena, Lesnar, and also possibly put over some of the new talent (not sure what his rep. is in that department, but Cena's debut went pretty well with Angle)

One of the best WWE superstars in almost every category as he seemed to have something to offer just about every different brand of wrestling fan out there....
I would like to see the return of Rob Van Dam but not have him come back to the mid card but to the main event and given a world title. A guest apperance return for like Wrestle Mania or one PPV is Goldberg just one more match too see some one get speared and jack hammered and crushed in less than a minute. I would love to see them cut his schedule and bring back Kurt Angle. He is aging but he can still put on a great match and I would love too see him challenge the streak or get one more title run. Last but certainly not least one more match out of the Texas Rattlesnake Stone Cold Steve Austin and I don't wanna see him fight Punk I wanna see him battle Lesnar, Triple H, or Randy Orton. Honorable mentions on a return is Batista he was so dominate during his heel run wanna see him battle some of the current top faces.

All of those people were past WWE or WHC champions, Goldberg and Austin's careers were in the 90's (their very short time afterwards does not count). And every single person was a huge main eventer, did you even read?????
Batista is the main eventer I think would offer the most if he returned, even though he looked like he had lost quite a bit of his mass in a recent pic I saw of him. He'd probably come back for a run rather than a one off match and shouldn't be overly rusty.

For the mid card I think Shelton Benjamin is a good call, he's got a decent enough history and can bolster the IC or US title scene.

I didn't mention JoMo as I think he will be back once he's refreshed.
The Ultimate Warrior. Warrior vs Cena at Wrestlemania 30! Make it happen! Ok, enough dreaming. It would be really cool to see Mike Knox back.
Main Event- Jeff Hardy to start a new chapter of his feud with CM Punk. Batista as a heel. RVD. Kurt Angle.

Mid Card-Muhammed Hassan. Matt Hardy. The Brian Kendrick. John Morrison. Heidenreich. Snitsky. Luke Gallows. Vance Archer. Joey Mercury. Mr.Kennedy.

Tag Team-Shelton Benjamin & Charlie Haas. Deuce & Domino. The Basham Brothers.

Divas-Serena Deeb. Lita. Trish Stratus. Victoria. Torrie Wilson.
nobody and i mean nobody mentioned carlito shame
while it wouldn't be a return or a comeback but samoa joe would make me pop
so would velvet sky
anyways as far as comebacks
how about eugene(nick dinsmore) lance storm(doubtful) ultimo dragon, jamie noble, jimmy wang yang and even yes i said it,

I know you said that it should be a star who never won a title, and I may sound stupid for even suggesting this but I feel JEFF HARDY would garner an awesome crowd reaction if he returned. Would add something different to either title picture as he is a high flyer.
May even be worth having him as a heel.

This next bit will sound ridiculous and I don't know why I'm posting it, but imagine if during the MITB match he ran out of the crowd, threw an over face from the top of the ladder and grabbed the case before fleeing again. He could then just show up sporadically on Raw and Smackdown nailing the Champ with the briefcase.
The next big return should be around February 2013 when The Undertaker starts hyping Wrestlemania again.

Seriously, enough of the returns. Since the beginning of the year we've had Mick Foley, The Rock, Chris Jericho, The Undertaker, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Brock Lesnar, and Albert return to WWE in some form or another. It's obvious why - ratings. WWE wants a big buyrate for WM so they put the big big names on the card, same with the Rumble by having older names enter the match. And putting Brock on the post-WM Raw makes business sense, as a lot of casual fans will be tuning to catch the fallout, and seeing a returning superstar will convince them to watch next week too.

Now, I'm not knocking these superstars from the past; 'Taker and Trips fought the match of the year on Sunday night and created one of my favourite Wrestlemania moments at the same time. But there are only a handful of superstars from past rosters who can perform at full capacity, and who would be worthwhile having around.

Now that the season of big returns and huge matches has come to an end, the talent from the current roster - erstwhile pushed to the wayside to make way for the main events - will be brought back to the fore, shuffled around to create new feuds. Hence why the Draft is usually this time of year.

In essence, big returns take up flagship time that could also be dedicated to WWE's rising stars, and while these huge dream matches never generally disappoint, fans shouldn't rely on them to make the product exciting or even just watchable.

But it's just another example of the IWC's Janus complex:
"X from FCW is awesome he should totally get pushed!"
"Oh they should bring back X, he was awesome in the Attitude Era, imagine how dominating he would be now!"

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