Recent content by lunghater

  1. L

    How far would you "Push the Envelope" in WWE?

    Honestly, my views on what I think is acceptable in WWE is the edgier the better. Hell, I wouldn't give a shit if RAW was on at 11PM on FX so they could do more insane shit than they ever have before. I personally am a huge fan of the attitude era, and even as a kid who was around 10 years old I...
  2. L

    WWE past its Prime?

    The WWE is unquestionably past their prime, and has been for a number of years now. This is the one persistent, constant thought that I cannot stop from running through my mind every time I sit down to turn on their programming, only to turn it off literally 20 minutes later. It is a sad...
  3. L

    Howard Finkle Back as Announcer - Best Thing I've Ever Heard

    Is it just me, or when you read the replacement for Lillian they'll most likely use, although probably temporarily will be Howard Finkle...did you not feel a certain feeling of joy inside you? With everything so shitty, new and plastic feeling in the WWE as of the last few years it's so great...
  4. L

    Michael Cole

    On certain topics, some people just seem to think too hard about why people's opinions are what they are. I can't speak for anyone else, but as far as I'm concerned; I'm fully aware that Michael Cole does a perfectly satisfactory job at what he is supposed to do, regardless of the insanely...
  5. L

    Kid Hurt By Security At House Show

    Regardless of the new "direction" and PG-oriented content in the WWE as of late, I'm sure that hasn't significantly changed the way a hired and trained WWE security guard thinks. In the heat of the moment of that job, when they see any human being jump that barricade; getting them the fuck out...
  6. L

    Ever heard of these guys?

    Has anyone on this board ever heard of CLASH Wrestling? (Collective League of Adrenaline, Strength, and Honor). From what I've seen they're a pretty good indy fed with great wrestling. They run their shows out of Michigan right now, I've been to a few of them. I was at their most recent show...
  7. L

    The **ALL NEW** Complaint Thread - Infraction Complaints Only

    This is more of a question than it is a complaint, but I have like 10 or 11 posts and I still can't post new threads. What could be the reason for this?
  8. L

    Would a huge star be punished for failing a drug test?

    I don't know man, the only one I absolutely can't see him suspending would be HHH, for obvious reasons. I would be very, very shocked to see him get suspended for anything given his position. Hell, for all we know he's got all kinds of shit in his system right now, we would just have no way of...
  9. L

    Can wwe ever repeat the success of the period 1999-2003

    It's sad to say, it really is, but it's not going to happen. The business is so over-exposed, people know everything. No one gets emotionally involved in stories or characters anymore, and that's the # 1 thing that wrestling relies on to be successful. Back in '98, when Stone Cold's music hit...
  10. L

    Why doesn't anyone care about Ruckus?

    I've always had a great time watching Ruckus matches, whether it be from CZW or anywhere else. Especially back when he was a lot heavier, it was really cool to watch him flip around and do all that crazy shit. And now that he's lost all that weight, his abilities are endless. I haven't...
  11. L

    Spot Monkeys

    I can't believe that out of 5 pages, no one has mentioned good ol' Amazing Red yet! I would DEFINITELY consider him a top contender, if not THE biggest spot monkey of all time. Almost every single move in his repertoire is a high flying, flipping maneuver. I personally love watching him in the...
  12. L

    The Necro Butcher

    I don't know, I'm definitely not a big fan. I've never really respected "hardcore" wrestling all that much. Not that it's not entertaining, I love to watch it, I just don't even know if I'd even call it "wrestling". I liked it in the way ECW would present it, but the way feds like CZW and so...
  13. L

    Spinner Belt

    The spinner belt, to me, makes the title in general a very uninteresting championship in itself. I think it looks like a toy. It's bulky, too flashy, and just not cut out to be the WWE CHAMPIONSHIP title belt. I would be extremely excited to see the belt get changed back to a simple, traditional...
  14. L

    Lance Cade, Bright Future? No Future?

    i think it is odd how quickly and randomly they just gave him a push up to the ranks with the main event players. i'm curious to see how they're going to explain the attack, and where it will progress from there. at this point, i see lance cade as a very boring character with not much character...
  15. L

    Mr. Kennedy: What's the Big Deal?

    I think that one major difference between WWF/WWE programming of old and WWE programming of new is that it lacks major character development. Not to say Kennedy has no character, but along with many of the other wrestlers, it just seems to be very stale. I think he was more entertaining perhaps...