Spinner Belt

Spinner Belt. Good or Bad

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Personally, I have never liked the Spinner belt. I wish they would go back to the old belt. The one Eddie and JBL held was nice, even the old winged eagle blet was nice. Although Vince probably wouldn't do the "eagle" belt because of the fact that it would portray the WWF, which personallly I think still sounds better than WWE. N-E-wayz, we need to stop the insanity with the whole spinner belt. When Orton kept it, I was just certain that Cena would get it back. Now that Triple H has it, he needs to know Cena's ass out with it and bring back the older belt. SAVE US TRIPLE H!!!!!
Relax? Relax in comfort observing WWE represent the prestigious WWE Championship with a stupid spinner

Yes relax, besides the spinner ins't that bad.

belt as if it's some kind of frikkin jewellery toy? Personally, I hate the frikkin spinner belt as most of everyone else does.

It is taking advantage of the times, poeple liked the spinner for a while. Although it is getting old now.

Every time I lay eyes on that spinner belt, John Cena emerges in my memories,

Don't be so anti-cena.

holding up that belt aloft, reminding me just who had lit the new torch for a new era in the WWE Championship belt

What's is wrong with the new era. If Cena was great enough to form a new era, it couldn't be all bad right?

by bringing out that blingy piece of spinner crap belt.

Once again, it's not thqat bad.

Damn John Cena, but I ain't here to rant on his ass.

Ironic cause that's exactly waht your doing.

I like the guy, only outside the wrestling biz that is. He's truly a positive guy.


Neways, I prefer the belt prior to this model.

Agreed again.

The one Eddie and JBL wore and if not that one, the classic "eagle" belt. I can't stand to see that spinner belt out there, but what can we do.

We can do nothing, so overreacting is not going to solve the problem.

It's likely the permanent new belt and it slightly puts a nasty taste in my mouth.

At least for a while it is. The fact that is puts a nasty taste in your mouth is a strange metaphor.
As much as the spinny belt suited John Cena's gimmick at the time, I don't really like it when Cena's not champion. I know the fact it's sparkly is a good marketing ploy to get kids wanting it, as is the spinning gimmick, but it doesn't really have the classy look the title needs.
That being said, I don't like the WHC belt that much either. I prefer the belts they used to have which looked like real gold. I think they best represented the look of a champion - but that's just my opinion
I personally can not stand this belt..it's too thick and straight. Makes it come off as cheap looking, whether the W spins or not. I loved the title back during the Brock Lesnar era. The "Undisputed" version. I actually wish at like a Wrestlemania or some other major PPV they would debut a new design. Like they did with the "Eagle" belt so many years ago.
I'm kind of surprised that this belt is still around. I fully expected Triple H to have a more normal loooking belt. Possibly a new one, or the one JBL last held. I always thought the belt was for long Cena reigns and minor champs in between. It looks like it's hear to stay. Shame really, it's one ugly mother.
All I can think is John Cena when u see it. t has a masterlock on it!!!!! Cena wore a master lock. It has nothing to do with them times. If the didnt have Cena's name permently on the US title we still might be seeing that one.
The best custom theme belt for a wrestler, to this day, has to be the Smoking Skull..Also I was never an Ultimate Warrior fan, but I loved how he had different colors of leather backing the old Intercontinental title..it was wild for its time.
I truthfully hate the spinner belt. It might be the fact that i whole-heartedly am against Cena, but that belt makes my stomach sick. The WWE doesn't have a great name to begin with, and things like that just make it worse. The spinner belt was a horrible idea to begin with, and with new champions like Orton and HHH, it just ruins any legacy the WWE Champion has. The WWE has to realize that 8 year old boys aren't the only fans.
I think they added rivets on the top and bottom to keep the "W" from free turning like it used to..not that that makes it any better.

The thing that bothers the most about Cena, I think, is this combination of "soldier/rapper" angle he has right now. He's old enough now to not be seen in sneakers and jeans shorts (as the actual wrestling attire I mean, I have no problems with pre match ala Austin).

I strongly believe if he would come to the ring in some sort of tights, boots, etc...normal wrestling gear..with his splash on it of course..he would be accepted a lot better. I honestly believe that right there is part of the problem.

And if you are gonna salute me, don't be coming down the ramp like a punk immediately afterwards lol.
The belt really needs to go. When it first changed, I was a bit of Cena mark, actually didn't think much of it and considered it a good little change of pace. Now, it's like acid to one's retinas. No matter what wrester brandishes the damn thing, all you can see is a dog tags wearing yahoo, saluting every-damn-body then rushing down the ramp like a crazed madman who's ready to stick his member in Vince's hindside... it burns us. Seriously, I want the old Undisputed title back... or at least a new STATIONARY WWE title that doesn't really represent any particular wrestler, or that at least doesn't represent Mr. 5-Moves of Doom.
Yes, the belt needs to be changed back to the old one or something similar. It's just doesn't feel or look good with Triple H or even Orton. The World heavyweight champion belt is much better and more suitable for wrestling. Spinner belt is just getting old and clearly stupid.
I thought for sure that when Trips won the belt back from Orton, that we would see the return of the classic WWE Title...I am disappointed that he has chosen to keep the spinner. The spinner makes sense for John Cena, it fits within his character's persona. It does not fit with HHH's. Even with the spinning mechanism disabled, it just looks wrong for Triple H.
I truthfully hate the spinner belt. It might be the fact that i whole-heartedly am against Cena, but that belt makes my stomach sick. The WWE doesn't have a great name to begin with, and things like that just make it worse. The spinner belt was a horrible idea to begin with, and with new champions like Orton and HHH, it just ruins any legacy the WWE Champion has. The WWE has to realize that 8 year old boys aren't the only fans.

How does the WWE not have a great name to begin with... it's without question the single greatest wrestling promotion in history so if it has a bad name than pro wrestling in general doesnt stand a chance. I love how so many people are ignoreing the fact that the spinner belt no longer spins! It's not spun since Randy Orton won it. It's just fine as a belt and represents the WWE reinventing itself and progressing. Maybe it was a bad design choice but I dont think it ruins any legacy of any world champion... when people think of the eagle belt from the attitude era they think of Austin, one of the greatest names in the company... If Cena is as bad as everyone thinks, likewise triple H, then surely people would want them to have a different belt to what Austin and the Rock made great, and different still to what Hogan and well just Hogan made great before them?
In all honestly, I think its been about time for the belt to go. Just seeing it reminds me of Cena (which really isn't a bad thing but come on) and seeing another champion with the belt (other than Cena) makes me think that Cena will eventually regain the belt since it keeps the spinner design.

It seriously needs to go back to the old design so it can look more proper with the other wrestlers that will hold it in the future.
i loved the old wwe belt. the old one looked like the old wwf championship and the wcw spent the night in a motel together and got pregnant and their baby was the wwe championship belt. the spinner belt is ******ed it just looks stupid and is a disgrace. having a championship belt spin is ridiculous and i doubt many old timers would approve of it. while grant i think they got that sucker to stop spinning they should just abolish it. it was john cenas belt, he doesnt have the title anymore so why should everyone else have it. it would be like if vince made the smokin skull belt the world championship belt even if austin didnt have it
The spinner belt needs to go. I'm surprised that they haven't even changed it since Orton won it back at No Mercy and Triple H STILL has the spinner belt. It makes the belt seem more like a toy than the most prestigious championship in the business. If Cena wants to use the spinner belt that's fine. But for the sake of other wrestlers change it back to the old one.
I think the Spinner Belt is okay. I even have the belt buckle of it, but when it debuted it was presented as John Cena's custom belt. This belt is ONLY cool when John Cena is champ. Like Austin's Smoking Skull belt....if The Rock or Brock Lesnar had worn the Smoking Skull belt it would've been just as equally ridiculous. The only other way to pull it off is to make a change to it, like Edge when he had his Rated R spinner. That's my take on it.
They really gotta lose it, it doesnt make sense for a wrestler like randy orton or HHH to have it, sure it DOESNT spin, it only spins when cena has it, maybe it has like a cena dna scanner or some shit...

but in all seriousness, they gotta change it back, or make a new one that fits well as a WRESTLING title, ever seen the TNA one? that baby is pure WIN, I also hate how it says WWE champ, champ? wtf is up with that?
It is the most horrible piece of shit I have ever seen. When Cena was heel it was okay. If he ever wins the WHC and they touch that belt it'd be the beggining of the end. Triple H should turn heel by attacking Mickie James sometime before NOC. Then at NOC he should hand Cena's ass to him. Then throw that belt in the trash and re-introduce the old belt. The end product Vince still gets to wank over HHH as champ and we get that monstrosity of our screens
I think that since triple h is holding the title he should be able to change it back to the original theme because i think that he represents the old school style you know the one where they actualy wrestled but any way if cena wins it back he could always change it back
i dont think it makes a differents. its to shows a new gen. of champions. and more then likly it will change in 5 or 10 years permintly. it also looks so vauable with all that gold and dimonds. the spiner was just a new school kick.
The spinner belt, to me, makes the title in general a very uninteresting championship in itself. I think it looks like a toy. It's bulky, too flashy, and just not cut out to be the WWE CHAMPIONSHIP title belt. I would be extremely excited to see the belt get changed back to a simple, traditional belt like the eagle belt. It has to happen eventually, but the question is when. The sooner the better!
I think we need the old belt back. With that old belt, we watched some of the very best WWE Championship matches ever! Anyone remember the Rock's matches. Or maybe Kurt Angle's matches? Triple H's five runs with the old belt were even good. And I just don't like that spinner belt on him, not when he wore the older belt more often. We've had too many great champions hold the old belt to then have it tossed aside for some pimped out piece of bling. It doesn't even look like a real title belt!
I don't like it at all. It looks dumb for the wrestlers. The old WWE championship is way better. The spinner belt is a toy. WWE should just get rid of it. They should give the spinner belt to ecw and change it with ecw in the middle. Then they should give back the old wwe belt back in 2003 or 2004.
I loved the spinner when Cena debuted it. I just thought it fit his character extremely well, however I will admit that 1- it looks absolutely absurd on anyone else and 2- having the belt say "Champ" seems to cheapen it for anyone but Cena. I'm thoroughly surprised they didn't change it after the end of Cena's first title run, and be done with it. It's not like the Cena persona now would need the spinner, and it would've been an easy way to have it not drag on in the way it is now.

Even though I admittedly loved it when it debuted, as a general rule I agree with the fact that the belts shouldn't be customized. First of all, if this becomes a trend it is going to be absurd during a stretch where the title changes hands several times in the year. Eventually it's going to get to a point where if you don't tune in for a month, you'll see a guy wearing a belt that you'll have no idea what it stands for. The titles should be bigger than the people that hold them. That's the whole point. Customizing the belts in the way that the WWE has been doing cheapens the idea of the title.

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