Spinner Belt

Spinner Belt. Good or Bad

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The spinner belt sucks and is so gimicky. PLEASE throw it away or melt the gold and make a chain out of it and bring back the old belt, the one that Brashdaw and Eddie Guerrero and Brock Lesnar had. At least that belt looked nice.
i think the world heavyweight belt is a rip off of the wcw belt.

Good job, you figure that one out all by yourself, but anyway, I like the spinner, even though no body spins it anymore, personally, i like the attitude era belt, i dont like the Screwjob Era belt, i've seen it too much, just like the undisputed version, theres just something about the attitude belt, maybe because there's blue on it, that would be the only thing a can really think of, but anyway, SPINNER STAYS!!!
What a good topic for my first ever post. I think it's funny that we are having this discussion at all because the belt that Randy Orton has doesn't spin in the first place. It didn't spin when Cena had it in his last reign if you noticed. It hasn't spun since it was thrown in the river by Edge.

At any rate, I like the new belt, I think it represents the rock star energy that is Raw. I just hope they never change the World Heavyweight title because I'm an old school WCW fan and I like that they keep that belt around.

As a side note, when just talking about cool looking belts, you have to give it up to the TNA World Heavyweight Championship.
for cena it fitted his gimmick having a spinner belt and it wasnt traditional but with wwe these days they are always changin things. it fitted cenas gimmick of being a rapper but he doesnt rap these days so i see it as pointless and unnecassary
I enjoy the Undisputed belt that Brock Lesnar and Eddie Guerrero wore (after they made it larger with the black outline). To me it gives me the memories of the Angle/Lesnar feud and the Rock's return to the world title. (Not sure what year it was). Those were good feuds that went for more than a week. They built up really well, had some comedy...some good feud mixed tags...Just complete awesome, even if wrestling was tanking back then, good stuff...

But I digress...I just like that belt...
i hate all da new belts da old 1'z were betta i hate da spinner belt a whole lot my favorite belt was the old intercontinental belt

DUDE learn how to spell.
it's a New Era of sports entertainment
stone cold had his snake skin smoking skull belt.
or what about the million dollar belt from the early 90's
things change often, what happen to the cruiserweight belt?
the only belt that hasn't changed over the years is the BIG GOLD but even with the prestige and history behind it it still fell victim to change
but don't get me wrong, I have an ultra deluxe wcw big gold and deluxe a wwe big gold and the freakin huge
I don't like Cena's spinner belt. I didn't like Austin's smoking skull belt. I don't like the specialised belts for people. I think the same belt should just change hands, from one champion to the other. That way it also has a lot of history attached to it, and the current champion would have to wear it with pride. In recent years, the belt hasn't been goven respect In my opinion, it's just been passed on, and replaced, and given to any wrestler.

Also, I hate Cena, so really I don't think he should have had the belt, never mind his own specially made one. Haha :lol2:
I HATE the spinner belt but I do believe that it fit John Cena's character. I'm not a huge Cena fan but the belt fit the image he was going for. IMO when they added the spinner to the belt it took away what the the belt stood for and turned it into a "toy" for kids.
However, I did like Edge's belt once he got one of his own.
For god sakes this belt has to go. This is such a disgrace to all who were wwe champion b4 this belt was out. It fit for Cena and should stay HIS belt...like austin. They need to bring back the winged eagle belt but make it a lil bigger.
IMO when they added the spinner to the belt it took away what the the belt stood for and turned it into a "toy" for kids.

Haha! highlights the biggest problem in WWE, and why Cena was champion.
WWE only push the people they think are going to make them money. Sad but true. John Cena brought in the women and the kids, ultimately bringing in more money. The WWE has become more commercialised recently, and I hate it.
Horrible, i don't understand WHY they kept it this long, i can understand why they gave cena the belt because he was still doing the rap thing, his rap cd was coming out, it appeals to the younger crowed but its just horrible.. they need to go back to the original IMO
I dont hink that the belt is going anywhere anytime soon. It seems as if it doesnt even spin while Orton has had the belt. They probally have had that part of the belt locked/removed so that the Wwe logo holds steady. IMO, Vince is going to keep it for awhile, if he likes it it stays no matter what we think.... (besides they spent money on it) so it has to be used.
I personally despise that belt, but given that cena is/was the champion, i think its okay. Him being the champ, he can do whatever he wants with it, no matter how utterly stupid it may be.

But the moment it changes hands, i think they should shift back to the original belt. Look at the smoking skull belt (which i personally liked, btw), no one else but austin really used it right? whenever austin dropped the title they would revert back to the old belt. thats how it should be done. after all, it is CENA'S BELT. ergo, if cena isnt the champ, it shouldnt be the belt.

Am i the only one who found it totally wrong when triple h was wearing the damn thing? it just didnt look as badass of hhh when he was wearing a spinner belt.
I agree with everyone who hates the spinner belt. I feel that it takes away from the prestige of the title, wrestlers might need gimmicks, but the championship belt sure as hell shouldn't. I understand why the WWE would use it, to connect more with today's youth...I am sure there are some kids out there that think the spinner belt is the coolest thing ever. But, as an older fan, I like the more traditional style, where the belt looks professional, and not like bling.

This belt is very underrated, and I don't believe the Spinner belt should be worn by anyone besides Cena, unless it was part of the angle. I noticed that Randy Orton's belt doesn't spin, but the week Cena returned it was spinning again, so that's odd. I was hoping Orton would return the Undisputed Title back into it's original form, but it appears WWE is sticking with Cena's version of the belt for now.

I really never have liked gimmick belts (Smoking Skull, Smoking Bull, Rated R Spinner, Cena Spinner...etc).
I really dislike the current spinner belt. It makes it seem as if they want to be too "hip" and "with it." It really just looks like a giant, classless peice of bling. I will say that it does have two great qualities though. It looks like it hurts more when used as a weapon and there aren't two of them.
Honestly i think its completely and utterly retarted... i mean its like in boxing say, mayweather wants to change his title into some kinda spinner thing LOL im sure they wouldnt let him do that.... or the super bowl trophy, the winning team decides to have they're big team logo welded onto it... yup i can deffinetely see all that happening (sarcasm) but yeah. Really they just gotta go back to the original belt.. unless they're completely just telling us that we're gonna be stuck wit cena for a good LONGG time to come.
first off, a belt's looks shouldnt be changed just because it changed hands. the current spinner belt imo is a complete joke. an alright looking belt, but its too tacky, it should never have seen the light of day. the belt that JBL had was tonnes better. That design was great, and it was what a WWE championship belt should look like.
I also thought that they shouldnt have put the spinner thing on the US title neither. I think they should go back to the way it was, but we all know thats not going to happen, while Cena's going to be champ for the next 10 years lol.

just a thought.
I say it is bad because now The WWE has damned the WWE title to always land on John Cena's lap and therefore never giving another living breathing wrestler a main storyline with the WWE title. To add one more thing, Changing the way the belt looked took away all of its prestige.
The Spinner Championship shouldn't be seen as an actual World Heavyweight Championship, as its technically "not." Its a person-specific Championship.

Yes, they currently have a "non" spinning version being seen/viewed as the W.W.E. Championship, but I'm assuming, or rather hoping that come Wrestlemania.. assuming John Cena doesn't win the Championship back, the title itself will be changed back to the Undisputed Championship, or it'll be given a completely new belt to start a "new era."

Either way, the Spinner belt is nice and all, I don't have any huge problems with it, with exception of seeing it as a legit World Heavyweight Championship that can be viewed by anyone holding it. It was created by John Cena. Its like saying Steve Austin's Rattlesnake Championship could be worn by Triple H.. its not forseeable.
Now Orton has it the spin has gone it's just a fixed WWE Logo. I like the belt it just looks like a main event title with the design and detail. It could do without the "CHAMP" bit on it - sounds disrespectful using a slang word on a WORLD Title considering all the greats that have held the WWE/F Title in the past.
The spinner belt is completely and utterly ridiculous. I hate rap and all the materialistic, sexploitaiting crap that comes from it...Then one magical and wonderful day in WWE history they decide to leach off it with the U.S. Spinner Belt. Then I see the US Belt destroyed and cheer in sheer joy of the fact that this crap is gone from WWE...

Fast forward a bit...Cena wins at WrestleMania 21...My heart sinks...not because he is champion, because I know what is coming. Another spinner belt :(...and this one is worse. It says "CHAMP" On it. That sounds official and drawing of integrity.

Fast Forward...Edge wins the title and throws it in a lake :) we're gonna see a new title here. I'm overjoyed. The smoke clears and its the same freaking belt but with "Rated R Superstar" as the spinner. Now Edge, a rocker has a rap-style belt. Not saying the belt should have a rocker aura to it, but I was expecting a new (or old) belt design more suited to a champion.

Fast Forward...Orton wins the the title. Maybe he will use the Winged Eagle belt to mock the legends. But no...instead he alternates between a belt with a fixed emblem and a title with a spinning one...

I still want to know why it was kept a spinner belt when Cena switched from his rapper/thug type character to his current Marine who enjoys the occasional rap song character (wasn't that character transition obvious.)

This belt is basically horrible, I don't care who holds it.
The spinner belt is awesome. People just dont like it because they stick to the tradiotinal stuff but come on this is the 21st century and things need to change. Also however a championship is recreated that doesnt make the champion the person does! Cena made it spinner because it represented him and he wanted to show that he appreciates being the wwe champion and that he wont give it up. I hate when people get so mad at him for making a championship to fit with his persona. Come on people Stone Cold made the smoking skull championship which was utterly ridiculous and had no meaning, but when cena makes a belt suddenly everyone is against it..thats ******ed
The spinner belt is awesome.

Awesome at being a utter disgrace for a world title?

People just dont like it because they stick to the tradiotinal stuff but come on this is the 21st century and things need to change.

Like wrestling as a whole in general.

Also however a championship is recreated that doesnt make the champion the person does!

But doesn't it look quite shit when the championship is for a wigger gimmick instead of the champions? They should at least have a belt that would fit someones gimmick.

Think of how much a jackass HHH would look like with that garbage.

Cena made it spinner because it represented him and he wanted to show that he appreciates being the wwe champion and that he wont give it up.


No, WWE made it for the little brats in the audience to beg their mothers for one. That's all it is, is a marketing tool. A shit one at that.

I hate when people get so mad at him for making a championship to fit with his persona.

Last I checked it only fit with HIS persona. Nobody elses. What's the point of having a world title when it's gimmicked out for one wrestler?

Come on people Stone Cold made the smoking skull championship which was utterly ridiculous and had no meaning,


That's just being a hypocrite.

Stone Cold's was meaningless as well but at least they didn't use it as the world title to represent that era.
The Smoking skull belt fuckin owned, firstly. Secondly, no one else ever wore it, so it doesnt have the same deteriorating effect that the Cena belt does. STone Cold owned the smokin Skull belt, while Cena now has his belt the only one anyone wears.

Think of how much a jackass HHH would look like with that garbage.

It happened wes. No Mercy 2007. and he did. as does Randy Orton presently.

And whats even more dumb, is the belt doesnt even fit CENA anymore. If they want a belt that truly fits cena, they need to bring back the belt that Hogan wore for 5 years. lol

Im all ok for Cena Having it becuase its his, but everyone else, I think they need to bring back the last iteration of the belt, the one that Cena won from JBL. Or make a new one, that looks like the WHC. I like the bigger more prestigous looking belts. The spinner belt is neither of those. And as far as the marketing goes, little kids would still buy the spinner belt even if the world title went back to something traditional, becuase the spinner belt would still be super cool awesome guy cenas. It would still sell.

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