Spinner Belt

Spinner Belt. Good or Bad

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id like to see the eagle belt back. but i think WWE probably make more money merchandising the spinner. although i hope they get rid of it. i hate it
I noticed the belt does not even spin anymore, probably not a good sign that its not going anywhere, especially when they went through the trouble of having his name engraved on the name plate. If they wanted to bring back JBL wwe championship, they already would have

I only have one thing to say about that belt...its a pile of crap and i wanna see HHH smash it with the sledgehammer

Or have Orton destroy it and bring a new belt in

But Sly u did a good point way back at the begining of this thread...maybe people won't hate it since Cena doesn't have it
i like the one orton has now but they should change the "CHAMP" at the bottom to "CHAMPION" and change "MON-NITE RAW" to something else entirely so it doesnt seem so ******ed
So obviously the belt didn't go away and I think there are a couple of possibilites on why it stayed.

1. Merchandise: Kids, & some adults seem to love the "flashy" belt and buy replica's to be all cool and such. I think wwe probably sell alot of them and make a good profit.

2. It probably would cost some money to make a new belt.

3. They know that once Cena is healed and comes back he will win it so whats the point>?(i hope thats not true)
The belt Orton has is a new belt, with the WWE logo attached and not a "spinner", personally, a part from the CHAMP bit, its a pretty good belt, but I prefer the world heavyweight belt
i think it should be changed its a joke come on bring back the old 1 like thst any 1 can old it
i like the one orton has now but they should change the "CHAMP" at the bottom to "CHAMPION" and change "MON-NITE RAW" to something else entirely so it doesnt seem so ******ed

they should also maybe add a slight curve as well

i think the belt is very attractive it just needs to look more official and not so hip
It looks like a child's plaything... which is the point, I think, merch sales etc. Sadly, this really doesn't make the title seem very credible but making a signiture Randy Orton belt would cost too much considering his reign probably won't last so long. Not with HBK and Y2J returning (playing of their momentum, especially Y2J's could be real profitable) and, naturally, HHH, who never seems to be lurking far from the title picture.

Still, Edge had a new belt design done for him, though it wasn't finished in time for his reign and I really, really can't see HHH coming out with that glitter belt -blinks- so I think there's hope for a better-looking title.
Look people that belt as bad as it is will be here for a very long time. Instead of having it spin once it came off of Cena they locked it so that the logo stays upright. This belt is going to plague us for a very long time and I have no doubt that when Cena gets back....however long that may be from now he will get the belt right back. The only way I can see them changing the belt would be if They had a Triple-Threat Heavyweight Title Unifacation match and reformed the Undisputed Heavyweight Championship belt. However, that is a long shot to say the least.
just to tell you all last night the belt was moving on ortons shoulder and when he got to the ring to raise it , it was completely upside down....so this locked rumor is nonsense

the belt wont go away....it will stay put until the shows merge which i believe is upon us
I was a hater of the belt myself but if you look at the belt its really not so bad. The reason most people (and myself) dislike it because it does remind them of John Cena. I think the Championship is neat and is definitely "up to date". I understand its not something that Bret Hart would have warn, but you have to remember we're now in the 2000s. I wouldn't mind a new title, but I wont bitch about this one either.
I would love to see the return of the Undisputed style WWE title. Or for those that don't recognize that phrase, the one that Cena won originally prior to turning it into the spinner belt. I just feel that the spinner belt for all practicalpurposes has outlived its usefulness now that Cena is gone for injury and that he has been champion for an extravagantly long time. I like him personally, but I feel that it is someone elses time to shine.
I really don't like it because itreminds me of all the posers who think they're gangsta when they're middle to upper class white kids....plus its not as prestigous as any of the belts before it and looks more like an accessory then a championchip belt.
It's growing on me, but I still prefer the old school design of the flying eagle. The same goes for the IC title. I like the old designs. I can understand personalizing a title for a certain wrestler, but they should keep it for that wrestler. Like when Austin had the smoking skull, it was only for him. But yeup, I don't hate the spinner belt, but I prefer the old school design.
It looks like the spinner belt might never go away. which is too bad because i hate it. it looks like a toy or something that spins. why can't wwe get rid of this belt and give Orton a brand new wwe title that doesn't spin? what a joke to still have this spinner belt around..
Bring this back PLEASE!

Im not a huge Cena fan, once he kept winning... and winning... and winning over and over again, but that is a very creative belt.

But viewers and wrestlers alike will relate the current belt to John Cena. There will always be that resentment towards Cena because HE made a custom belt, and the current champion didn't get a chance to. The current WWE belt is Cena, regardless of how you look at it. So, I say if Cena isn't in the storyline to get the belt back, then revert back to the Undisputed WWE championship. I say the spinner belt only worked for Cena. Randy Orton should go back into the vault, and pull the WWE Undisputed Championship, or recreate the classic heavyweight belt into something more modern, more general wrestler oriented.

Hell, when HHH won the belt, I was thinking, "That belt has got to go." It didn't work for him, nor will it work for anyone else. But if that belt stays, Cena will get his title back.
Does anyone realize that the belt that Randy Orton currently holds does NOT spin? The WWE implemented the change just before No Mercy. The center "WWE" logo is stationary on the new belt.
The belt needs to look classy like the one from when Bret Hart was champion, with the eagle on the front. The one Orton holds looks like Mr. T threw up on it!
I don't like the belt personally, the whole bling spinning belt concept started when he had the rap gimmick, but now he has dropped the gimmick there really isnt a point of him having it anymore in my opinion. I think they should go back to one of the old title belts, I dont think personalising a championship belt looks cool tbh, if each champ customized their own belt it would look stupid.
old belts = good
new belts = bad

i think the world heavyweight belt is a rip off of the wcw belt. and the wwe championship looks very wimpy. cheap even. i DO like the world belt better than the wwe. but they both need to be changed.
Ok I think what everyone is saying here is that if they dislike the belt it's regardless of whether it spins or not. It just the way it looks period. It looks like a cheap piece of crap. It reminds me of a movie where an old white guy tries to be cool and dresses like a rapper or a belt that Cryme Tyme would make as a joke. It's just disgusting and I don't think that kids will abandon wrestling if they don't have a blinged out belt. I honestly cannot believe that this belt still exists.
People what I have done is write my hatred towards the spinning title to the WWE, keep sending them emails!!! they do read them, they sent one back to me reading Its unfortunate we can not please every viewer of our product but we will take you opinions for future considerations.

So keep complaning about it to them instead of on here and maybe us the FANS can convince them WE NEED A CHANGE and bring back or create a title that has prestige to it
I dont like the WWE title at all. They should indeed not bring back the old one, but make a new better looking one. Okay if it comes down to keeping this new one or bringing the old one back, bring the old one back. In regards to the WHC, I love the look of it and of cours it looks like the old WCW title, it is the old WCW title... look up the history of the champions of it on WWE.com.

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