Zack Ryder intentionally left off of RAW as a rib?

Thats pretty messed up. The guy has been working hard to build his popularity and make his way up the ladder and this is how they treat him? I understand that Vince may not like the show and he probably doesnt appreciate the little jabs at the company, but the whole fake script and the fact that its in his hometown and he has been hyping it for a while on twitter seems a bit too harsh.

I was at Raw on monday and just about anytime there was nothing good going on, there were loud "we want ryder" chants. Vince may not care about the fans too much, but it also was a rib to the fans as well. The thing I was looking forward to the most was seeing Zack Ryder and I'm sure there are others that went to see him. It is what it is, but they could have at least done what they have been doing and have fist pump with Cena or something.
I want this to be false. But isn't the Pro Wrestling Observer more trustworthy than other wrestling news sites?

If it's real, then it's very low and actually quite nasty. Dolph Ziggler put it best on Twitter by writing "You didnt rib 'the kid' tonight, you ribbed the fans, Long Island & the boys in the back! AND kicked him in the nuts!".
Shitting in someone's gym bag? That's funny. Gluing their boots to the floor? Gets a good laugh. This? Not cool. If no one in the back finds it funny, and your top stars past AND present are speaking out against it? Then it is not funny. The guys should come together to get Undertaker back to put Vince through "Wrestler's Court".
I see we have a lot of over sensitive people here. Didn’t you guys ever play pranks on any of your buddies? This is far from bullying. And the Mark Henry thing? What was so bad about that? That was about as tame a rib as there could be. I don’t know how Ryder or Henry feel about any of this, but if this is something they’re crying over they wouldn’t have lasted a week in the business 20 or 30 years ago. I still say if this happened to someone like Dibiase you guys would be singing a different tune and claiming it was a good rib.
You the suprised that anyone believes even a fucking shred of this report? Yes, me too.

THe most clearly contrived and likely out and out lie of a report ive ever seen

Then how do you explain wrestlers going onto their Twitters and bitching about this?

Take Dolph Ziggler for example:

HEELZiggler said:
You didnt rib 'the kid' tonight, you ribbed the fans, Long Island & the boys in the back! AND kicked him in the nuts! #RyderOrRiot

So very clearly there IS some truth to this story.
True or not, I think it's pretty mean. But this isn't the first time Zack didn't make an appearance at Nassau. Usually the hometown boy has some kind of appearance on the show,so it makes since especially now with him being internet famous and such.
I see we have a lot of over sensitive people here. Didn’t you guys ever play pranks on any of your buddies? This is far from bullying. And the Mark Henry thing? What was so bad about that? That was about as tame a rib as there could be. I don’t know how Ryder or Henry feel about any of this, but if this is something they’re crying over they wouldn’t have lasted a week in the business 20 or 30 years ago. I still say if this happened to someone like Dibiase you guys would be singing a different tune and claiming it was a good rib.

This isn't a "prank among buddies" though Brain. This is your boss playing a prank on you. That's not a friendly prank, that's flat out bullying/embarrassment. That's Vince saying to Ryder "Hey kid, you know how you've put your entire fucking LIFE into working for me and are doing everything in your power to improve yourself and my company? Well yeah, fuck that, I don't fucking care because you're not a member of my boys club. Have fun being made a fool out of in front of all of your family and friends!"

Seriously, how anyone could defend this is beyond me.
How the fuck is a text message any different from a phone call?

No voice attached, ergo who knows who really is sending it. No conversation so no follow up questions or perceptions of tonality. One text message with vague opinions is a pretty crappy thing to build a whole story on.
This isn't a "prank among buddies" though Brain. This is your boss playing a prank on you. That's not a friendly prank, that's flat out bullying/embarrassment. That's Vince saying to Ryder "Hey kid, you know how you've put your entire fucking LIFE into working for me and are doing everything in your power to improve yourself and my company? Well yeah, fuck that, I don't fucking care because you're not a member of my boys club. Have fun being made a fool out of in front of all of your family and friends!"

Seriously, how anyone could defend this is beyond me.

Maybe this is some sort of initiation into the boys club. Sounds like a lot of effort was put into the rib. In a way that’s better than just being ignored isn’t it? This could be a test to see how Ryder reacts. If he wines and bitches he will fail the test. If he takes it all in stride he may show the boss something and get more attention.
Maybe this is some sort of initiation into the boys club. Sounds like a lot of effort was put into the rib. In a way that’s better than just being ignored isn’t it? This could be a test to see how Ryder reacts. If he wines and bitches he will fail the test. If he takes it all in stride he may show the boss something and get more attention.

Okay even if this were some sort of hazing/initiation, it's flat out childish and wrong to begin with, regardless of the fact that this is common place in wrestling history. This isn't a good tradition to pass down, it's a totally childish, immature, and juvenile one that was maliciously intended to break down another man's SPIRIT. Seriously, that is just soul crushing stuff here and that's not an exaggeration because Ryder has dedicated his entire life and being to professional wrestling and to dangle all of his dreams right in front of him and then rip them away while pointing and laughing is so cruel and juvenile that I can't even begin to explain how utterly disappointed I am in Vince McMahon for the ten thousandth time. You'd think maybe with old age he's gain some wisdom, or atleast some karma.

No voice attached, ergo who knows who really is sending it.

I didn't literally ask you what the difference was. I'm well aware that a phone call involves two people speaking by voice and a text message involves words sent over an electronic device. But fundamentally, they are the same thing in their method of delivering information. Getting information from a phone call or a text message is no different, you're still getting that information.

And I highly doubt Meltzer would print/run a story like this based entirely on a text message from an ANONYMOUS person. The guy has a ton of sources in the company that talk to him on a regular basis, so the assumption here is that's the case again.

But I've also read rumblings that Meltzer didn't actually run this story, and that it was mis-attributed to him. It seems to have some validity regardless based on wrestlers comments on Twitter.

No conversation so no follow up questions or perceptions of tonality. One text message with vague opinions is a pretty crappy thing to build a whole story on.

How do you know it was one single text message? At no point in that article did it ever even imply that he received only ONE text. You have no clue if there was follow up questions or back-and-forth communication. If there wasn't any, I highly doubt Meltzer would run the story (if he did).
No voice attached, ergo who knows who really is sending it. No conversation so no follow up questions or perceptions of tonality. One text message with vague opinions is a pretty crappy thing to build a whole story on.

Welcome to the 21st century, where the majority of people receive their news from Twitter and Facebook and journalists are a dying breed.
How hard is it to send a text on another person's phone?

There is a huge difference between the idea that something happened (likely true) and that what happened is exactly as reported (extremely unlikely IMO). Thus, I find it dumb the amount of people commenting on the latter while attempting to justify said complaints by suggest the truth of the former. I said one text because the Vince hates the internet thing seemed to be a quote.

Welcome to the 21st century, where the majority of people receive their news from Twitter and Facebook and journalists are a dying breed.

Not true. Caring about being accurate is also dying.
Good thing we aren't talking about something unknowingly coming off of a person's phone and getting disseminated across the internet. Oh wait ...
I think everyone is flipping out because it's being called a "rib." I would rather call it a "lesson."

Ryder is bashing his own company on a public platform. Do you honestly think Vince would allow him to succeed after doing it? Vince is a powerful man, especially in the company that Ryder works for.

I don't condone what Vince did but I know exactly why he did it. So for all of you fanboys that are crying bloody murder, remember that Ryder brought it upon himself.

EDIT: That is, IF any of this is true.
Ryder wouldn't be in any position to be pushed if it weren't for his show. This, I believe, is what they call a Catch 22.

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