I Hate Zack Ryder

*insert comment regarding someone who insulted or praised Zack Ryder here*

*Candle Jack mock-insult here*

*rebuttal about this thread related to Zack Ryder here*

*insult or complimentary remark about OP's opinion regarding Zack Ryder here*

It's my standard cutout form for Zack Ryder threads now. Like a hall pass, but for Zack Ryder threads. Fill out as desired.
What reasons do people have to like Ryder to the point he seems to have gained this inexplicable popularity?
Three reasons cuz three people asked:

1) He looks like a total douchebag from the Jersey Shore.

2) He is a fucking jobber that needs to learn that his job is to put other people over; not to try to get himself over.

3) His catchphrases are more annoying than Tyson Kidd's old hair cut.. And man, did that shitty cut make me want to shoot him dead.
Three reasons cuz three people asked:

1) He looks like a total douchebag from the Jersey Shore.

2) He is a fucking jobber that needs to learn that his job is to put other people over; not to try to get himself over.

3) His catchphrases are more annoying than Tyson Kidd's old hair cut.. And man, did that shitty cut make me want to shoot him dead.

1. That's not a legitimate reason. I don't like the way The Miz looks, he looks like the reality TV star he used to be. He was still a WWE Champion. Besides, he only looks that way because it's his gimmick. At least he has a look, he doesn't look like a bland vanilla wafer like Evan Bourne.

2. So just because he is low on the card he shouldn't try to get himself over? That is stupid. They told Jericho, Benoit, Malenko, and Guererro the same thing in WCW. Three of them turned out to be World Champions in WWE.

3. That's his gimmick. Act like a goofy, annoying douche. Miz and Cole are annoying too, but they get praised for being good heels. Ryder gets degraded.

I didn't see a legitimate reason in there. Sorry.
Three reasons cuz three people asked:

1) He looks like a total douchebag from the Jersey Shore.

Granted, but at least he doesn't look like everybody else in the locker room.

2) He is a fucking jobber that needs to learn that his job is to put other people over; not to try to get himself over.

NO NO NO! Did you actually think about this one? Really? It follows logically that the more over a wrestler is, the more benefit there will be to someone who goes over them, no?

3) His catchphrases are more annoying than Tyson Kidd's old hair cut.. And man, did that shitty cut make me want to shoot him dead.

I have no sensible rebuttal to this. You're right. However, personally, I find his catchphrases have grown on me, kinda like a bad hair-cut, or a tumour.
I put him in the same category as Santino and Eric Young. Except he has less television time. You can put Ryder on television every week, but unless they are in Long Island you are not going to hear a massive ovation. Once he finally gets exposure he will become abysmal again. He is a the flavor of the month which will soon be forgotten about and the IWC will move on to another obscure jobber like Yoshi Tatsu to worship.
One thing we can all agree on is that by now he could have been the face of WWECW. And who ever thought that 3 years after he was edges follower / jobber he would have this following? Yea in my eyes hes pretty damn good.
I can see this thread is going to go on for page after page, so I thought I'd add my two cents that will eventually get lost in the shuffle.

It's opinion.

I don't like Steve Austin, or The Undertaker, or Samoa Joe, or Kurt Angle; they all bore me in and out the ring. Though every man and his dog love these guys to death. I could easily make a similar thread, stating the same reason as the OPs opinion on Zack Ryder; but I won't.
Yes, reactionary hatred is far more endearing than someone trying to gain career advancement through initiative. God forbid someone get people to care about him when it's not his turn. Well played, all.
Three reasons cuz three people asked:

1) He looks like a total douchebag from the Jersey Shore.

2) He is a fucking jobber that needs to learn that his job is to put other people over; not to try to get himself over.

3) His catchphrases are more annoying than Tyson Kidd's old hair cut.. And man, did that shitty cut make me want to shoot him dead.

1) Thats his fucking gimmick, he's supposed to act and look that way.

2) If the Miz hadn't tried and succeed to get himself over he'd still be hosting Smackdown, but he did get himself over and is now a former world champion. It's every wrestlers job to get themself over, no matter what spot on the card they have. If you can't understand that then there's something wrong with you.

3) Thats completely subjective, just because you find his catchphrases annoying doesn't mean they are. I personally love his catchphrases but I'm smart enough to know that not everyone does, apparently you're not.

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