Zack Ryder = Eddie Guerrero ???

Hate that people cant read or grasp the idea of a title...OP is not saying Zack Ryder is Eddie Guerrero, has accomplished what Eddie has or even is remotely like Eddie behaviouraly... OP was pointing out that similar to when Eddie first started he built a character that was supposed to be a heel, but still drew reactions from some fans, yes some, there were always those that booed him but alot of us cheered! Zack Ryder is the same, he does stuff like tuants in a ring when hes supposed to wrestle and still draws cheers or follow ons and ofcourse the wwe "edited" boos.

Clearly OP would have got more educated responses if he had titled the thread something else, but why are people so imcompetent to base their response on the title...


You're right. A more intelligent response would be, "What are you talking about? Tons of heels get cheered even when they're not supposed to be. How on earth do you simply get an Eddie Guerrero comparison out of that? Why not the nWo, CM Punk, or Y2J? Heel HBK? Why not call the thread Zack Ryder = The opposite of John Cena?"
Hate that people cant read or grasp the idea of a title...OP is not saying Zack Ryder is Eddie Guerrero, has accomplished what Eddie has or even is remotely like Eddie behaviouraly... OP was pointing out that similar to when Eddie first started he built a character that was supposed to be a heel, but still drew reactions from some fans, yes some, there were always those that booed him but alot of us cheered! Zack Ryder is the same, he does stuff like tuants in a ring when hes supposed to wrestle and still draws cheers or follow ons and ofcourse the wwe "edited" boos.

Clearly OP would have got more educated responses if he had titled the thread something else, but why are people so imcompetent to base their response on the title...

Incompetent. He drew parallels to Eddie Guerrero. He wrote it in the opening post. There are incompetent people around here. And it's the morons who defend these stupid comparisons. Zack Ryder is not a heel who gets cheered. He's a WWE superstar who stupidly decided to break out via an outside source to his own. He's no different from any other idiot who uses a webcam for a "show" via Youtube. You want comparisons? He is a poor man's Kimbo Slice. And by poor, I mean living in a box poor.

And I can't avoid but laugh at the "WWE edited boo's in" claim. Ignorance isn't bliss. It's amusement for others.

Thank you sir, but to be fair. I posted this late last night after coming home from a party. After reading my own post I failed to mention more comparisons between the two's character's and how the fans react to them. But hey, this just shows who reads a thread and who just reads the title.

Who in the blue hell cares where you were? You put dumb ideas on a table, expect opinions. I read both the title and the opening post. And here and above are my responses. Zack Ryder could pretty much be called a D-List celebrity who floats around Raw. And D-List is being considerate.

He is a professional wrestler. But instead he focuses on social media to get over by practically begging for signs and attention. He is pathetic. No wonder Vince McMahon pulled him from his home town on Raw. That's no pro wrestler. That's a social tool.
Does wrestler matter if WWE isn't wrestling?

Seriously though I understand what the poster is saying, and I grasped it from the title of it. I'm not saying he didn't leave it open for interpretation due to the format of his post, but I understood what he was trying to get at. (Maybe's it because I have kids.)

I do like Zack Ryder a great deal, I was a fan of him in the Edgeheads, and I got a kick out of his one legged tights on ECW, it was different and it was unique. I have very much so enjoyed his character, as it is essentially a caricature of Entertainment. I find him entertaining, and I enjoy his matches. I will openly admit to watching Superstars broadcasts only for a match he is in.

As far as any similarities to Eddie Guerrero, I don't see a great deal of them but I can see some strands. Both Eddie and Zack were virtual nobodies to the "casual" fan due to the way their company was booking them. Eddie though offered show stealing performances, his character was often overshadowed by WCW's upper echelon. The difference I see in them, as Hulk Hogan wasn't talking about how under rated Eddie was, where John Cena has been rumored to be a very strong supporter of Zack Ryder backstage.

Eddie got a small chance to get himself over in WCW in the cruiserweight division, seized it and could arguably be considered the reason for the eventual boon in Rey Mysterio's career. The only person Zack ever helped get over was someone who was already over, in Edge.

Eddie left to a company of younger talent, and a more young adult driven (especially audience wise) company in WWF, who was glad to show their competition how they could better utilize his talent then they did. Zack Ryder is still with the company that uses him as warm up fodder.

I will agree though both get/got more positive reactions from audiences then negative, they both use(d) heel tendencies and showed displays of arrogance in their ring work. I would not however say they were on the same page as far as wrestling went; but that does not mean that some day they couldn't be as Zack is very young still.

I will however point out, that is it my opinion that Eddie Guerrero's legacy is made that much more important because he is dead. Galileo Galilei, Edgar Allan Poe and Vincent van Gogh are all people who became most famous or "legendary" posthumously. If Eddie Guerrero were still alive today and wrestling I wouldn't be surprised if people were complaining that he was old and washed up, much similar to the complaints I've read on RVD who arguably was as popular at the time as Eddie. Not to mention, Rey Mysterio would have probably never been a World Champion had Eddie not died untimely. Then again, you never know butterfly effect and all.

Anyway, back on point I would have to say that perhaps no, Zack Ryder does not share a great deal of similarities to Eddie Guerrero, though as I said there are a few fine strands.
No, I don't see it.

But I'm not gonna trash you for pointing out that you thought he reminds you of Eddie like a lot of other people, it's just idiotic attacking a person for posting their opinion.

Now Zack is a great talent with an original gimmick, something you don't see a lot in WWE these days, hell, some wrestlers don't even have gimmicks yet there getting pushed, so I would love to see Zack get a slow push to the top and considering hes very young(what is he like 25?) he has a lot left in him, and if he continues to grow a huge fan base they're gonna be forced to push him.

Now Ryder DOES have talent, he just doesn't get showcased enough to show it, when he was wrestling top matches in WWECW against guys like Christian and Regal, he proved he had a lot in his arsenal, his signature tiger bomb was one of the best I've ever seen, and like I mentioned before his gimmick is really original which you don't get in the WWE these days.

And just look at the guys that praised him ever since he got himself over, Cena, Y2J, SCSA, even JR praised him if I'm not mistaken.

My point is if he continues all the stuff he does to get himself over, he's gonna go far.

But as for the Eddie comparison sorry I just don't see it.
I can see why this would be a question because people are trying to compare new stars to older stars. Like blueskyy said, Comparing zack ryder to eddie guerrero is like comparing him to triple h. The fact of todays wrestling is you cant have a character trying to be similar to an older wrestler, whos gimmick and style is already over. It would look bad for that pearson and in turn make him look as if hes simply copieing ad hopeing to get somewhere with it. Zack ryder is doing extremely well with his online show, and is building his fan base that way. What happens with him is ultimately up to WWE and how they see him being used.
Wow really? Zack Ryder at the same level as Eddie or even a notch bellow. This tread must have been written by Zack Ryder himself or TNA creative. Zack is not even a poor man John Cena or Edge wanna be much lest comparing him to a legend and Hall of Famer like Eddie. Ryder can't even make it into the Jobbers Hall of Fame. He is not even in the same league as Santino, Brooklyn Brawler, SD Jones, Koko B Ware, Repoman, Doink and Eric Young. The guy is even bellow Marty Jannetty when it comes to talent.

Yes because Eddie Guerrero just poofed out of thin air and became an instant success... Because Sean Michaels was totally not some jobber in a dead beat tag team before he became HBK... because Rocky Miavia was pure gold when he came down in his original Cena persona...

I can see a lot of Eddie traits in Zack Ryder... and just like Eddie, it's going to take time for Ryder to mold those traits into gold. Eddie and other legends didn't just come from thin air and automatically hit success... they had to find the gimmicks that fit them.
Yes because Eddie Guerrero just poofed out of thin air and became an instant success... Because Sean Michaels was totally not some jobber in a dead beat tag team before he became HBK... because Rocky Miavia was pure gold when he came down in his original Cena persona...

I can see a lot of Eddie traits in Zack Ryder... and just like Eddie, it's going to take time for Ryder to mold those traits into gold. Eddie and other legends didn't just come from thin air and automatically hit success... they had to find the gimmicks that fit them.

Eddie was a huge international star before wwe, Eddie was a star already at 19 yrs old. WWE aint the only ones that make huge stars. I love wwe to death but they didn't make Eddie a star they only gave him the opportunity to become a mega star and a legend like Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Terry Funk, and HBK, all these guys were huge stars for other wrestling promotions wwe just made them legends and Hall OF Famers. Zack Ryder is 26 yrs old by that age Eddie was a International legend. I see some talent in Ryder but he is just not a major player material and he will never be. I'm willing to go on the record and say Santino will get a major push before Ryder.
No I don't think they are similar apart from the fact they were both wrestlers.

Eddy was at the top of his game, one of the best ever, family lineage and a star in Mexico, Japan, Europe and America. He was in WWE, WCW, ECW and a star everywhere he touched.

He was a World Champion and the fans loved him because of his skill, style and charisma (whether heel or face)

Zack Ryder is a former wwe tag-team champion (who isn't, I think I even might be with Cena at some point) and on superstars. He isn't a very good in ring worker, nobody knows who he is and nobody cares.

I am aware of his internet show, I watched it, I give him its somewhat humorous but in reality nobody really cares. 100k hits are being thrown around, that is assuming its a separate 100,000 people each time he posts (which I doubt) but even so, that is so minor WWE wouldn't even notice. I mean if that was in TNA then sure he has about 70% of their audience.

If he gets on TV and IF he does something for 10 - 15 - 20 years then maybe you can claim ryder = eddie, until then don't please.
nobody knows who he is and nobody cares.

Vince McMahon is scared to put him on TV because he gets more pops then most of his face stars, he gets the most signs in the crowd for every show, when you go to Youtube and put "Zack" in the search he's the most famous option, and he has almost 2,400,000 subscribers, I'm sorry but how is that "nobody knows who he is and nobody cares"?
Zack Ryder in my opinion does not resemble Eddie Gurerro at all. However, i would argue that he is at least midcard worthy. At one time he was wrestling for the U.S. Title in a match against Miz, John Morrison and R-Truth. And the matches he had with these guys were pretty good just like his matches in ECW. But of course, its professional wrestling, you may get a push and you may not.
Wow the original poster is grasping at straws here for attention. The path that Eddie took to stardom is nothing compared to the "Ryder Revolution". Eddie worked his ASS off in WCW having A+ matches with Rey Jr, Dean Malenko and the cruiserweights there. He had a long line of family that wrestled. He was an icon in Mexico.

When the "Radicals" came from WCW to WWE which started the WWE take over, they were over as hell at the time. Aside from Saturn just looking dumb. Eddie and Beniot got pretty good pushes off the bat.

Then the ENTIRE wrestling world fell in love with Guerrero, not just a portion of internet wrestling fans like more of us.

Ryder on the other hand doesn't have any generation of family members to fall back on. He didn't make a name for himself in another promotion and he isn't anywhere near over with the majority of the fans other than IWC.

Therefore to me he can't be the "Next Eddie" because Eddie is a hall of famer that had ALL OF OUR RESPECT. And did so without a youtube show.

Honestly, the main reason there is an infatuation with Ryder is because his show allows the fans to feel like they know him more on a personal level. Thats it.
I like Zack Ryder and think he deserves a push. His internet shows are quite good. I watched Superstars to watch his match and i have to say he was generally good. I thought Primo carried most of the match and it would have been good to see Zack do some more moves, maybe a suplex, ddt or something. He is young and relevant just needs to develop some more in ring moves.

Deserves a push maybe into the midcard belt picture.

This is all we want........for him to actually have something to do on the actual raw.........why is it such a stretch to think he could be out there wrestling the Kofi, DZ, Jack Swagger, Bourne, McIntyre crowd ?

Even his charisma could carry him into the upper midcard against the main eventers......imagine the cool things he could do with ADR, Punk, Miz.
This thread makes me sad, Eddie was so infinitely better than Ryder there aren't words to describe it. This is like those Lebron is better than MJ arguments. Get 1 ring and we can maybe entertain a discussion, same goes for Ryder. Get an actual match on Raw that isn't a squash or recognized by your bookers as worth their time, and then maybe we can start discussing you as a legitimate WWE wrestler. Youtube shows and 15 people chanting at Raw do not make you relevant one bit, and certainly not in the same league as a legend.

I think if you were comparing Ryder to anyone, it would have to be any random jobber in the history of wrestling, because that's what he is right now, a jobber. Eddie Gurrerro? Far from a jobber, so far I can't even imagine it.
Vince McMahon is scared to put him on TV because he gets more pops then most of his face stars, he gets the most signs in the crowd for every show, when you go to Youtube and put "Zack" in the search he's the most famous option, and he has almost 2,400,000 subscribers, I'm sorry but how is that "nobody knows who he is and nobody cares"?

Whoa whoa whoa. Let's get this straight here. He does not have 2,400,000 subscribers on YouTube. He has 2,400,000 views, with all his videos combined. He has 39,600 subscribers. Decent numbers, but let's just be aware of the truth. He is definitely using the internet so the best of his ability. Congrats to him on that.

Not onto the thread. Comparing him to Eddie Guerrero? No, I'm sorry. I'm not sure what the comparison is here? He's a wrestler? Sometimes he cheats? Some people like him? I just don't see anything that could possibly lead me to draw those conclusions. Eddie is a SUPERIOR worker and a member of one of the most revered wrestling families of all time. I wish Zack Zyder luck, but can he be compared to Eddie at this point? No.
Vince McMahon is scared to put him on TV because he gets more pops then most of his face stars, he gets the most signs in the crowd for every show, when you go to Youtube and put "Zack" in the search he's the most famous option, and he has almost 2,400,000 subscribers, I'm sorry but how is that "nobody knows who he is and nobody cares"?
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Holy shit, I cracked up after reading that one. Vince McMahon is scared of Zack Ryder. What a riot. Oh, he has 2,400,000 subscribers on Youtube. Pardon me. How very famous of him. I mean, how could you not be invited to the red carpet with all that media attention? It's absurd. He shouldn't be in WWE. That's small grade and they just play politics with him. He should be in Hollywood.

What a freakin' joke. This just proves my point. He's no damn wrestler. He's an attention ****e. He could be as good as he wants in the ring, but that won't change the smell or the stains of the tool he is. Since when did any great figure of pro wrestling have to kneel on his knees and beg for attention? Let alone outside of the squared circle? He can crack as many fence jokes as he want's and get as many chuckles out of it as possible, he deserves to go nowhere with that attitude. It's an insult to real pro wrestlers who break their bodies from an early age in the ring to make something of themselves to be associated with that socket wrench. Let alone someone with such great family heritage as Eddie Guerrero.
Think of it this way, with the over saturation of the internet today, how is pandering on the internet any different then Mankind going for cheap pops in the middle of the ring? Now I'm not comparing the two of them here, but the methods they used for attention aren't that much different when you compare the times they came from. There was no facebook or twitter when Foley was dropping city names in his promos. Foley used his kids books, and his novels as well as playing the role of a moronic tool in a similar tone to the way Zack Ryder is using the internet. Now Jack you may disagree with me here, but that is how I see it.
Think of it this way, with the over saturation of the internet today, how is pandering on the internet any different then Mankind going for cheap pops in the middle of the ring? Now I'm not comparing the two of them here, but the methods they used for attention aren't that much different when you compare the times they came from. There was no facebook or twitter when Foley was dropping city names in his promos. Foley used his kids books, and his novels as well as playing the role of a moronic tool in a similar tone to the way Zack Ryder is using the internet. Now Jack you may disagree with me here, but that is how I see it.

Well you're pretty damn dead wrong. See, Mick Foley was long past established as an international star and hardcore legend when that cheap pop thing started. It was a simple tool added to make Mick Foley a more comical authority figure due to him following the tyrannical Mr. McMahon. Mick Foley worked his ass off to get to where he is today. A legend of the business. Wrestling around the world in the most brutal of environments. Mick was already established as being a very intellectual promo man by that time. Zack is currently in the bottom of the food chain. Mick was there too. Mick would begin with stunts in his backyard, training, travelling the world, wrestling hardcore matches in Japan and then ECW and so on until today. Zack at the bottom of the totem pole trained and reached WWE's development system. No easy task I admit. He maid it to the main roster which is crammed with developing talent. To stand out he seeks an outside source in order to curve his way around the system and get attention. Let's face it, no matter how you steer it, everyone in WWE who made something of themselves did it by working long and hard in the ring. Not by taking shortcuts, asking for attention and support. Even guys like Kevin Nash, Hulk Hogan and Triple H earned their spots. No Twitter needed.

To simplify it, Mick Foley earned the right to get cheap pops after years of hard work. Zack Ryder? Nope.
I honestly had no fucking clue who Mr. Ryder was until a few days ago on /woo/ when everybody was pissed off that he wasn't in All stars and honestly, he just seems like any other overhyped superstar that sold their soul to Vince to get a spot in the glitsy glamour glow of Monday Night Raw.

And comparing him to......Eddie?

Dude, that's just in poor fucking taste
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Holy shit, I cracked up after reading that one. Vince McMahon is scared of Zack Ryder. What a riot. Oh, he has 2,400,000 subscribers on Youtube. Pardon me. How very famous of him. I mean, how could you not be invited to the red carpet with all that media attention? It's absurd. He shouldn't be in WWE. That's small grade and they just play politics with him. He should be in Hollywood.

What a freakin' joke. This just proves my point. He's no damn wrestler. He's an attention ****e. He could be as good as he wants in the ring, but that won't change the smell or the stains of the tool he is. Since when did any great figure of pro wrestling have to kneel on his knees and beg for attention? Let alone outside of the squared circle? He can crack as many fence jokes as he want's and get as many chuckles out of it as possible, he deserves to go nowhere with that attitude. It's an insult to real pro wrestlers who break their bodies from an early age in the ring to make something of themselves to be associated with that socket wrench. Let alone someone with such great family heritage as Eddie Guerrero.

Shut the Fuck Up! God, are you annoying. Zack Ryder isnt an attention ****e, he just realized he wasn't getting any air time so he went out and found his own way to connect with the fans.

He's trying to take a crappy gimmick and make it work. What the Fuck do you want him to do!? Sit around, do nothing and occasionally float around Superstars?

He has built his own fan base, to the point where people are chanting "WE WANT RYDER" during RAW and during PPVs. You have an Eric Young sig for christ sakes, he is pretty much IWs version of Zack Ryder.

He knew the WWE were planning roster cuts, so he went and took things into his own hands and made sure, if he was going out, that he was going withhout a fight. He's trying to get over on his own. Its called iniatative. How many wrestlers have that now a days? CM Punk, Chris Jericho, John Cena and Stone Cold all praised Ryder on his efforts and the last time I checked, they forgotten more about the wrestling business than you will ever know.
This guy had a great future in front of him, especially when you watch the next edition of Superstars. The man is finally getting a well deserved push.

Look at it this way, he is more entertaining on the mic than most of the roster. The only guys that have better mic skills than him are CM Punk and Cody Rhodes with his new gimmick. The guy is also not that bad in the ring, and is probably better in the ring than someone like The Miz, who is also one of my favourites aswell. He should at least be in the same position as someone like Kofi, who is bland as fuck.

The woo woo woo kid has got a bright future in front of him. WOO WOO WOO, you know it.
Shut the Fuck Up! God, are you annoying.
From my point of view, it's you damn Zack Ryder marks who are annoying. Especially by muttering his stupid catchphrases.
Zack Ryder isnt an attention ****e, he just realized he wasn't getting any air time so he went out and found his own way to connect with the fans.
Without WWE's consent or authority. Then he mocks them.

He's trying to take a crappy gimmick and make it work. What the Fuck do you want him to do!? Sit around, do nothing and occasionally float around Superstars?
If the gimmick is so damn crappy why is he embracing it to the point of being a borderline embarrassment? Did I miss the boat or something? I thought WWE was a family show now? Not a college frat boy thing.
He has built his own fan base, to the point where people are chanting "WE WANT RYDER" during RAW and during PPVs. You have an Eric Young sig for christ sakes, he is pretty much IWs version of Zack Ryder.
Wait. What's that I see? Can it be? Ignorance rears it's ugly head!!! How's Eric Young in any way shape or form like your pretentious tool, Zack Ryder? Because he's a comical character? ...Anything else? would you like a bag to carry those straws? You're drawing an invisible parallel all because of one common thing. While they may be both comical characters, Eric Young has been in TNA since 2004 running a gamut of various gimmicks. Comical or serious. See, unlike Zack Ryder, Eric Young has gotten over by showing his ability to play various characters and gimmicks. No Youtube channel required.
He knew the WWE were planning roster cuts, so he went and took things into his own hands and made sure, if he was going out, that he was going withhout a fight. He's trying to get over on his own. Its called iniatative. How many wrestlers have that now a days? CM Punk, Chris Jericho, John Cena and Stone Cold all praised Ryder on his efforts and the last time I checked, they forgotten more about the wrestling business than you will ever know.
Really? WWE doesn't seem to care much. They'd rather pull him from his own home town than show him on Raw. I'll take a what a wrestler says over Twitter, like I take Dixie Carter's announcements. With a grain of salt and a pinch of rib.
This guy had a great future in front of him, especially when you watch the next edition of Superstars. The man is finally getting a well deserved push.
They still air Superstars? Huh. I wouldn't really call it a push when people are ecstatic over him appearing in a show that isn't even on TV.

Look at it this way, he is more entertaining on the mic than most of the roster. The only guys that have better mic skills than him are CM Punk and Cody Rhodes with his new gimmick.
You have a scale to rate these mic skills or some shit?

The guy is also not that bad in the ring, and is probably better in the ring than someone like The Miz, who is also one of my favourites aswell. He should at least be in the same position as someone like Kofi, who is bland as fuck.

The woo woo woo kid has got a bright future in front of him. WOO WOO WOO, you know it.
Oh, Jesus Christ. You people are hopeless.
The guy is a tool, and couldn't get a job in TNA if it was the last wrestling promotion in the universe. To compare that loser to Eddie Guerrero is insulting to the Guerrero family. And for satan's sake what is it with the IWC these days? There are threads of Zach Ryder and Nation of Domination popping up every day.
From my point of view, it's you damn Zack Ryder marks who are annoying. Especially by muttering his stupid catchphrases.

I'm not a Zack Ryder Mark but kudos to him for showing some ambition

Without WWE's consent or authority. Then he mocks them.

Alright. I don't agree with him mocking the WWE. No matter what profession your in, mocking your employer isnt smart

If the gimmick is so damn crappy why is he embracing it to the point of being a borderline embarrassment? Did I miss the boat or something? I thought WWE was a family show now? Not a college frat boy thing.

He's doing what was expected of him. He's supposed to be embracing his gimmick. What else do you expect him to do, sit around and mope? And the WWE is a family show, what exactly does Ryder do that isnt PG? Enlighten me.

Wait. What's that I see? Can it be? Ignorance rears it's ugly head!!! How's Eric Young in any way shape or form like your pretentious tool, Zack Ryder? Because he's a comical character? ...Anything else? would you like a bag to carry those straws? You're drawing an invisible parallel all because of one common thing. While they may be both comical characters, Eric Young has been in TNA since 2004 running a gamut of various gimmicks. Comical or serious. See, unlike Zack Ryder, Eric Young has gotten over by showing his ability to play various characters and gimmicks. No Youtube channel required.

Eric Young has gotten over? Who hasnt gotten over in the Impact Zone? You cannot tell me that the Zack Pack is any more annoying than the Crucial Crew.

And Eric Young comical gimmick is the only one he can play. Being a Heel in World Elite never worked out, it was god awful to be honest

Really? WWE doesn't seem to care much. They'd rather pull him from his own home town than show him on Raw. I'll take a what a wrestler says over Twitter, like I take Dixie Carter's announcements. With a grain of salt and a pinch of rib.

Zack Ryder is more over than any other WWE Mid-Carder except Kofi Kingston and maybe Evan Bourne.

And if you take what a wrestler says over Twitter with a grain of salt, why not do the same with what a wrestler says over Youtube?

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