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WWE confiscating Zack Ryder signs?

WWE doesn't give a crap about the fans until they have to...that's all there is to it...if TNA were more competent then you'd see WWE listening to fans more..but as it is they don't have to do anything they don't want
I dont get it either. I guess he is just one of their jobbers, but he is still trying. Im not a fan of his by any lengths, but if enough people bring signs and the wwe sees that, why not give the guy some type of push. it doesnt even have to be a title win. just give him some exposure and some wins over someone like chavo or regal.
Does anyone think this might be an indicator that he's getting cut? Were there that many signs that they needed to do this? I haven't seen much of Ryder to really tell if he's good or not, but I commend that he's serious about his career as a wrestler and we all know without the fans they're nothing(character of course).
Personally I think WWE is dropping the ball with Zack Ryder (And he thinks so too. Just watch his videos. :)) The guy seems comfortable on the mic, and he's good in the ring. I don't know what they're thinking, not seeing his potential. He got stuck with a pretty ridiculous gimmick, but he makes it work. He's entertaining, and I don't understand why he's a jobber.

That being said, I think it's absolutely ridiculous that WWE is confiscating his signs. I don't understand why they would pull signs that support one of their current superstars. As long as the content of the sign is "PG", there shouldn't be a problem with it. Unless management REALLY doesn't like the guy, I don't see why they would cut a guys support from the crowd. Face or heel, the WWE Universe should be able to support whoever the hell they want. I hope they realize that what they're doing is completely asinine and stop confiscating the signs.
Honestly, is this even legal? I know they have been confiscating signs for years but I just thought about this. Aren't fans simply exercising their right to free speech?

If signs are allowed, don't contain anything vulgar or objectionable, and are in reference to people under contract, how can they take them away? How can they rightly say "a John Cena sign is okay, but a Zach Ryder sign isn't...because we said so." I just don't see how you can legally and ethically enforce something like that.
Under the guise of it being a conflict of interest for fans to give overwhelming support for a guy who isn't even on TV, I kind of see their point, but there should be a line. If someone has a sign that says something like "I'm in the Zack Pack!", there is absolutely no reason to take it away. If anything that's a conflict of interest in itself, because to me, that says that a the guy with the sign is enough of a fan of the product that he's supportive of one of their talent down to the last guy.

I saw a "Push Ryder" sign once, on TV, and can see why they would object to something like that. It basically states to the world, "I don't agree with their business practices". Yes, it's BS and arguably violates the first amendment, but I can see why advocacy against their current booking is frowned upon on their own show. There could be something relevant to this in the "fine print" sort of announcement they make before the shows.

If they're taking signs away that aren't violating the PG guidelines but show a perceived conflict of interest though, they ought to ban the usage of signs for commercial purposes to promote a product or service the fan is advertising independent of WWE. It seems to show up more than I'd expect, and you'd have to assume that your average stadium attendant doesn't keep track of which ones are promoting things the WWE doesn't stand for or are for the competition of sponsors. You'd think they'd care about this more than fan support of a talent they aren't currently pushing.
It's stupid, fans should be entitled to their own opinion and hold up a sign of their fav superstar whether hes on the particular show or not.
Maybe WWE should realise that the fans love him and he deserves a push, they're dropping the ball with him.
Think its totally disrespectful of the WWE to do this to it's own superstar.

I'm perfectly fine with it when they dump the TNA or Ex-WWE Superstar signs, but as an employee of a company, I would feel disgusted to see my company telling customers not to support me, because they didn't want me to be promoted (litterally and figuratively).

Their right or not, which it is, they're intentionally burying their own talent, Wassup wit dat?
I think it's showing that they don't care about him at all, and they're getting ready to toss him, so killing off any momentum he has left before they let him go, may steal ratings from another company that pursues Ryder.

Zack is doing one of the things that Vince and co. should be supporting, hes working on his character off the clock. He's showing his work ethic and dedication to his persona, it's just a different route, but the same effort that superstars like Cena and Miz have done to self promote in the last few years.

Outside of the Internet community, and Superstars fans (people actually watch Superstars?), I could see a good chunk of WWE's casual audience not even knowing who Zack is.
It just goes to show you how WWE has become a shell of its former self, you have all these WWE marks on here defending WWE to the death, but when a company starts to put constraints on one's freedom of speech (within reason of course, anything overly obscene I can understand not being encouraged to have a sign of) then I'm calling bullshit. Going back nine years ago to WWE SummerSlam 2002, I even experienced WWE's fickle nature with what they'll allow for signs in their arena. I wanted to bring an HBK sign (a pro one because Michaels is one of my top favorites) and the motif of having some of his Rockers pictures on there did not sit well with Vince's cronies so they yanked my stuff.

To be honest when the place was still called the WWF, they'd allow you to practically bring any sign in you want. Nowadays they'll take the stuff away from you, so much bullshit and one reason why I loathe the current WWE product. Let's all just be collectively grateful that the superstars we enjoyed during the Attitude Era came up in the time they did because with the way WWE is so anal and outright shitty upon how a fan can express him or herself who knows if yesterday's stars would be over today.

Again, if you're a WWE mark and you defend this then you're an idiot and not a true wrestling fan because the era I grew up in signs were encouraged not confiscated. I might be showing my age but hell I speak the truth, that's the era I grew up in and I know times must change but certain customs and traditions don't have to and signs are one of the ultimate indicators of fan enthusiasm and reaction.

SummerSlam 2002 was the last WWE event I have attended, it was the night Shawn Michaels came out of retirement and I don't regret having it be my last show I attended, for a former WWE fan it was a good note to go out on, but the more and more I see WWE denigrate into a disappointing shell of its former self I find it very unlikely I'll ever go to another WWE show especially since things only seem to get worse with fan expression. So again I challenge any WWE mark to defend this issue and explain why it's a good thing?

Zack Ryder might not be a favorite of mine (I have seen him from his first big break as an Edgehead to his repackaged self and have not been inspired), however if there are people out there that like him they should not be stopped from expressing that liking for him or any other superstar. Most of the time I scoff at these newsbits as being rumor but experiencing this firsthand, I got a good feeling this story is on the level and to be honest as a fan it just pisses me off, to hell with WWE.
While I don't think it is the best move on WWE's part, I agree with some others on why they likely did it. It doesn't look that great for them with signs promoting a person they aren't really using. Just causes confusion. Also, signs like "Push Zach Ryder" break kayfabe, as the kids that the WWE caters to have no idea what a push is. They just know their favorite is on that night or not.

Also, it is a bit contradictory. I said in another Ryder post that WWE must be OK with what Ryder is doing since he uses WWE copyrighted material on his youtube videos, and people like the Miz and Cena are openly talking about him. You would think if they wanted to squash the whole thing they would prevent him from using their stuff and tell the other superstars to not acknowledge him.

Just pretty confusing all around.
How odd. What a WCW-esque move. Do they not want Zack Ryder to get over? Even if his fate is already decided and they plan on releasing him anyway, it just seems weird they would go to such lengths of keeping the little man down. Maybe reports on this are exaggerated. There is a lot of political bickering and backstabbing in wrestling, but this move just seems pointless. Can't tell me other wrestlers feel threatened by Ryder.
I personally see this as a BIG SIGN that Zack Ryder is going to be FE'd. I won't hurt my feelings in the least, never have been a big fan of the jersey shore gimmick he is doing. Now I don't see how they can just take signs away from people in the first place. If i paid for a seat and my signs were confiscated they would have to give me a free shirt or my money back.
I was at the O2 Arena in London. I saw Zack Ryder signs and T-Shirts. I was also in Birmingham and saw them there also.

Don't believe everything you read.
This is yet another reason why i'm not into WWE that much anymore. I really think that he will be yet another to get the pink slip here in a few weeks, so the WWE doesn't want people to cheer him when they are going to get rid of him.
I don't think this is a sign that Ryder is about to be released, surely people in WWE would realise that he is able to garner a reaction from crowds and keep him.
I think instead that his contract may be close to expiring.
Think about it, he's trying to raise his popularity to ensure he gets a new contract and more money, WWE confiscate signs, keep him off TV to lower his value. Both sides then have a powerful negotiating tool.

WWE know that if they are able to lower his value by keeping him off TV etc, it will also make him a less attractive signing for TNA/ROH etc. That, plus Ryder's loyalty to WWE (as professed in his YouTube vids) mean WWE will end up signing him to a failry low value deal for a few years, then once his future is secured with them, maybe, just maybe, they can push him.
While I agree that this is stupid to do on the WWE's part, I believe in the long run it helps Ryder.

Look at the buzz that has took place just on this forum over this incident. Do you think less fans will show up with Ryder signs because of this? Of course not, more signs from the hardcore wrestling fans will continue to show up and at some point I believe this will at least be a factor in a push for Ryder.
Vince is losing his mind and needs to let Triple H take over. VKM hates it when people dont react to the product in the exact way that he wants. People like Zack could make them some money but he doesn't care. Same with guys like Bourne, Bryan, ect. But he knows ahead of time who he wants to push and wont stray from that. We're gonna keep getting Cena, Del Rio, Swagger, & Sin Cara no matter what. Not that they dont deserve to be but others do as well. Is a guy like Sin Cara better than Kaval? Not that I can tell but VKM just falls for certain people for whatever reason. He hates that people didnt accept Cole as the voice of the WWE so now we just get more and more of him in very large obnoxious unentertaining doses while Good Ol JR, who everyone loves, is trotted out occasionally to be shit on and humiliated.

Back when Raw was losing to Nitro an era was started that led to the most sucsessful in WWE history and it wasn't just b/c of "Attitude." It was b/c Vince was desperate and had to listen to the fans and push the people they cheered for. So we got Rock, Austin, DX, as well as healthy doses of all the other midcarders like Val, Godfather, Brood, Hardiez, D'Lo, ect. If not for the WCW threat Vince might have decided that Double J and Test were the real future and thats all we would've gotten no matter what the crowd thought or what the ratings were just like we do now with Cena and Orton.

Zack Ryder is just a perfect example of what is truly wrong w/ the WWE. He and others waiting to get pushed are like that song that stations just wont play b/c its not similar enough to what was popular before. It'd be like if Nirvana was never discovered b/c the evil tycoon who was contolling what we heard didn't want to let go of Warrant and Poison. As entertaining as a lot of the shows can be just imagine how much better it could become if they just start mixing in what the fans want along with their plans just a little. That could be the start of another wrestling boom or at least a minor one.
Just my 2 cents! We have to think outside the box. Vince isn't an asshole for doing this he is a genius. Zack Ryder has utilized Youtube and Twitter to get noticed and he has. However if you saw this week on superstars he is still getting some heat from the fans because he is used as a jobber and no one takes him serious. By Vince having security take his signs just makes ppl in the arena talk. They wanna know why Zack Ryder signs are being taken and who this guy is. Then they get home and find his Youtube Channel and guess what somebody else joined the Zack pack. Vince is helping feed his fan base so when he get's pushed which I think will be soon he get's a crazy pop. Vince isn't keeping him down...Both the Miz and cena have talked about him, Shawn Micheals Tweeted about him, Chris Jericho tweeted about him......Remember Vince is the best heel. The more Vince holds him back the more people will cheer for him. He knows what he's doing. Like others said, obviously he has the ok from Vince to do the youtube skits and such, especially because they are working. I think Zach Ryder will go far. He has a good look and some great mic skills, and his in ring ability is good as well. Woo woo Woo You Know It.
Yeah, the WWE is not that clever. From my time being a WWE fan a lot of the "Great" things that happened in the WWE was not forecasted by Vince; Austin, DX, The Rock, and even Batista etc were all fortunate accidents he just capitalized on.

On a side note: No man who would own a company and make a self indlging DVD of himself can be considered a great leader, much less genius.
Don't sell Vince short in that regard. Yes, he didn't come up with DX, Austin, Rock or Batista, but he was smart enough to recognize the potential when it began to show. That is actually what a good wrestling promoter is supposed to do.
Instead of coming up with everything himself (what Vince often tries), he is supposed to keep his mind and eyes open.
Other wrestling promotions have let great chances slip them by because it was not what the booker had initially dreamed up. The history of WCW is full of such stories. In that regard Vince really is a genius.

As for the DVD he made of himself: He was an important character of the show for years - that warrants a DVD. The DVD sold, that was its purpose. So why does that disqualify Vince from being a genius or a great leader? He never claimed to be a humble man.
They have had these rules forever. They probably tell security about what signs they can or can't use at the events and either the security follows it and takes away the sign or they don't follow it. I think this kind of like the HOF rule, where the fans have to be respectful and stuff, some follow, others don't.
They have had these rules forever. They probably tell security about what signs they can or can't use at the events and either the security follows it and takes away the sign or they don't follow it. I think this kind of like the HOF rule, where the fans have to be respectful and stuff, some follow, others don't.
They have had rules about confiscating lewd, vulgar, or offensive signs or signs about wrestlers not in the wwe. i've never heard of them confiscating signs supporting current wwe superstars though.
If people are really getting behind the Zack Pack and want to show their support; keep making the signs! Let WWE confiscate them. (Maybe we will see a Z! True Long Island Story where Zack finds all the signs :)

Anyways show your support for a man that is TRYING to get noticed, if they take the signs, start chants ala DBD. I think it'd be great during the diva's match to hear a "Where Is RYDER?" chant!
This is stupid. He's your own SIGNED superstar and technically by promoting himself he's helping to bring people to your events.....and you're upset about it!!?? This dumbest thing ever, this is TNA style stuff here man. What is going on with the WWE. Why are they mimicking TNA in terms of decision making (see WM27). People should have a right to bring signs of wrestlers who are in the organization.

Zack Ryder is more entertaining and even more talented than crap like Morrison and many others getting forcefully pushed. He should get support and fans should have the right to support him.

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