Vince McMahon Pulled Zack Ryder From RAW?

Young Money

Dark Match Jobber
The Wrestling Observer is reporting that "Internet Champion" Zack Ryder was not used on RAW because “Vince hates the internet” and thus he was pulled from the card. Original plans did have Ryder scheduled for a promo to turn him face and then allow him to promote his internet show "Z! True Long Island Story." The decision not to use him was seen as a rib by McMahon who doesn't like how Ryder takes shots at WWE for not using him.

Is there any truth behind this?
discuss please
Vince McMahon doesnt hate the internet he hates Zack Ryder. He hates the fact that he went over to youtube to get his fans and riot.
I'm personally not a fan of Ryder and don't get the big idea of the guy. I understand he gets good crowd reactions when he is shown on the screen but I think that mostly comes from being in the scene with Cena (most of the time its when Cena is walking to the ring), and his character looks cool because of his bright colors to the kids.

If it is true and Vince left him off the show on purpose which I doubt because that 3-hour raw felt like it had a lot of down time and he could have been stuck any where during the show, than I just guess Vince doesn't have faith in the guy.
I think it was a huge slap in the face to Ryder not being on Raw in his hometown. He got by far the hugest reaction of the night, and ends up being relegated to superstars. What a shame.
Im sorry but what is it with all the Zack Ryder love all of sudden? Yeah he has an Internet show and RAW was in his Hometown this week but anyone could have an Internet Youtube show I mean come on. Nothing against the guy,yeah he is entertaining and good in the Ring but I don't get the appeal.

And lord knows if its on the Internet its got to be true.
I think people are overreacting a bit, he usually isn't on RAW anyway, but it is a bit messed up that Vince would rib him like that. Ryder has been working his ass off to get pushed and Vince made him believe he was getting his big break, then took it away in an instant. It's a bit over the line, sure, but it's not as if this is the end of his career. I'm sure Ryder will get a push at some point, his crowd reaction is too much to deny at this point. The crowd chants his name, they hold up signs for him, regardless of what city he's in. He's arguably more over than most of the other guys on the show. Sure, what Vince did is wrong, but it's not the end for Ryder.
I don't watch Ryder's show, but if he does take shots at WWE for not using him why should he get pushed? Speaking your mind and bad mouthing your company never gets you anywhere. If he is told to bad mouth WWE as part of his character, then this story comes out saying he isn't pushed cause he is bad mouthing WWE when he is told to then this story is false. Since we don't know if he is told to make those comments, and it seems like most peoples reaction is that he is getting himself over with out the help of WWE then I can only come to the conclusion that he is taking shot at WWE and that is how he feels. In character or not if you bad mouth your company, wrestling or not, you won't get anything out of it. If I went into work everyday bitching about how nothing is being done right and said it in front of the boss(which is what he is doing since he is putting it online so anyone can see it) I wouldn't expect any kind of raise cause I was bad mouthing the company.

TL;DR If he is bad mouthing WWE in his videos what does he expect.
I'm glad they didn't use Ryder. Vince has a history of screwing people over in their home town.
I can't understand why ppl are so into this Zach Ryder guy.. Hes lame IMO.

And TBH, it would not surprise if vince were to do this.. No one should be surprised.
Ryder is lucky he was left off TV if this was the case. Vince isn't shy about humiliating someone in front of the entire WWE Universe. See the Montreal Screw Job.
Has anyone thought this was done on purpose. What way for an internet guy to gain attention, screw him over to get iwc to keep talking about him. I mean he wouldn't be allowed to do his weekly show without ok of some higher up and things like this just keep upping his popularity.
I think it sucks that Ryder was 'pulled' from the show on Monday. He truly does show that he wants the spotlight, and has tried to pave his own way. But in the WWE we all know you need that push, to really get anywhere.

Some people are saying he shouldn't criticize WWE for not using him. To hell with that thought, ever heard of 'the squeaky wheel gets the grease'? We know one thing, Vince McMahon loooooves him some money, so if Ryder were a money maker, there would be no option but to use him. WWE's past proves that.

To all those on this thread that say they don't get Ryder's popularity. I was with you for a long time. But when you see the youtube shows he does, it gives you something that we don't always get from RAW. It captures your attention, he has the talent to pull you in and make you watch. Considering how generally lame his gimmick is, I would say he's really doing something right to pull fans and gain in popularity.
I really don't know what they're waiting for. WWE management has to know that this man is clearly over and popular and they seem to give him the green light on Youtube and they are slowly merging him onto the flagship show, but why is it taking so long? It almost seems as if they want to tease us for as long as possible and then just explode with the Ryder Revolution. That may be a good idea, but if they wait too long then Ryder will be stale and they won't be a Revolution. IMO they should've put him on last night and started his push then, it was the perfect opportunity to in his hometown.
"I don't get Zack Ryder/I don't like Zack Ryder/Zack Ryder sucks because the IWC likes him, blah blah blah."

I don't have an opinion on Zack Ryder as a performer. I've never watched his youtube videos, and I've barely seen him outside of the "Edgeheads." That doesn't matter, because Zack Ryder is over. It doesn't matter HOW he got over, or WHY he is over, the fact is that he is over. A lot of wrestlers would kill to get the attention that Ryder is getting. Some guys on the WWE roster who are actually being pushed aren't getting as much love from the fans as Ryder. I don't give a damn if you like Ryder or not; it has nothing to do with the situation. The real question is, why should Ryder be punished for using unconventional means to get himself noticed? At least he showed some ingenuity, instead of just sitting back and watching his career die like so many have before him.

The WWE is in the entertainment business. I don't care if the fans want to see their hometown hero, or a panda bear riding a pogo stick; the smart thing to do is to give them what they want, so long as it's in your power to do so. Vince knows this. So if the fans wanted Ryder, and Vince didn't give him to them (and instead used the opportunity to deliberately spite the fans and Ryder), obviously there is something else going on here. Maybe Vince does hate the internet (he is an old man, and the internet is where spoilers, dirt-sheets, and smarks come from). Maybe Vince just hates Ryder. Maybe Ryder defied the natural order by refusing to watch his career fizzle away, instead taking the initiative to get himself over outside of the WWE machine. Either way, all I know is this; if Vince has no intention of using Ryder, he should let him go. I'd love to see what TNA could do with him.
Fact is the kid deserves a push. Seems like raw is the same crap week after week. How many times can I watch the Del Rio cut a crap promo, Cena talk about how loyal he is, Orton kick someone in the head, the same 7 to 8 legends make "suprise" appearances, Nexus crap has run its course, and now to top it all off go push Truth.......Really? Truth is horrible on the mic and in the ring.

Ryder should have had his chance this past Monday.
I can see vinces side to this if its true. As look vince hates the internet and how we know more at times that we arent meant to. And thats the large fan base Ryder has, so vince is just being childish and punishing him for it.
big shock...vince takes someone who is over with fans.and keeps them off tv just cause the fans are internet pretty much says if you want it i wont give it to you.ill tell you what you want..but the ratings show other wise over a 15 year period ratings have went from 4's and 5's to low 3's.vince has lost his touch sorry but its true.
You guys notice that the less they use Ryder, the more over he gets? I wouldn't put it past Vince to be masterminding this whole thing. As far as Vince not using him because he wanted to show that he hates the internet. That's a rather childish way to make a point. On top of that, I don't think he really cares about the 1%ers enough to instigate them. I mean he won't even acknowledge TNA and they make more waves than some fucks on a message forum.
I think it was a huge slap in the face to Ryder not being on Raw in his hometown. He got by far the hugest reaction of the night, and ends up being relegated to superstars. What a shame.

if it was a normal RAW I would agree but, he didnt fit with the theme of the show...

as for the squeaky wheel comment, ppl been released for less
Just wanted to throw my two cents in. Does anyone remember Johnny Nitro? Always coming out and rolling out the red carpet for Melina. Well it took him a while to get noticed. Sadly it had to happen with the demise of Benoit. But, he eventually got his push. The man I am talking about is none other than Morrison.

The point is, Ryder and Hawkins have been jobbing for a while now, just like Morrison, and it is about time for either one of them to start getting a push. Even if it is to the lower mid-card type role for now.

I think Ryder is on the brink of being a little bit greater than Morrison. He has done a lot of work outside of the ring to build up his fan base. He could eventually make WWE a lot of money!
I doubt this is the reason why he was used Vince knows the internet is huge and he knows he can draw in a huge cowed using it. Vince is not a stupid man he is a smart business man fact if he wasn't we wouldn't have WWE where it is. It probably is because Ryder is taking pot shots would you use someone who is bad mouthing the company on youtube no if Ryder keeps doing that then soon it will be bye bye
Initially, I wasn't a fan of Zack Ryder. When he debuted the gimmick I wrote him off many times. He was always on my "Future Endeavor" list. Then I hear he has an internet show...still didn't move my meter any closer in his favor. After that his t-shirt was selling out and his fan's signage was being removed by WWE order (at least once as reported).

When I heard that last piece I decided to take a look at his show...and it is actually entertaining. But in that I understood why WWE would not be in favor of promoting Ryder at this time. While tongue is firmly in cheek, he is still disparaging the company he works for. And bad mouthing your boss never gets you promoted.

As for Zack Ryder not being on Raw this week, I was kinda disappointed. But I am also not surprised. He is garnering a reaction undeserving of the character he is portraying. It's as if "WE LOVE SHEAMUS!!!" chant came out of nowhere. WWE wants you to have genuine reactions to their Superstars, yes...BUT not until they tell you it's okay to have those genuine reactions.

As for Vince vs. the internet...I can see some of this playing into why Ryder wasn't used. But not a major part. I think it's more Vince being stubborn against "being told what to do", especially by us "idiot fans"-(c)Hulk Hogan.

I would have liked to see him on Monday. It would've been different (which is needed), it was his hometown (good 'awww' factor), and IF THE RUMOR IS TRUE he would've turned face therefor justifying the positive reactions he would get from the crowd (stop the presses, something almost made sense in WWE!).

But alas...he crossed the boss, and when Vinnie "I beat God!" Mac is the boss you just don't do that.
Im sorry but what is it with all the Zack Ryder love all of sudden? Yeah he has an Internet show and RAW was in his Hometown this week but anyone could have an Internet Youtube show I mean come on. Nothing against the guy,yeah he is entertaining and good in the Ring but I don't get the appeal.

And lord knows if its on the Internet its got to be true.

You're right - anyone could have an Internet show. Zack Ryder has an Internet show. There is a huge difference between these two things.

TL;DR If he is bad mouthing WWE in his videos what does he expect.

It's a worked shoot, more than anything. I consider it on par with every other heel (R-Truth is a great example) who spends their time talking about the management is screwing them over, how they're conspiracy victims, so on and so forth.

It doesn't matter if you like Zack Ryder or not. In a completely objective sense, he is one of the hardest working men in the company. He's taken the initiative to get himself over, and guess what? It worked. Every week there are Ryder chants and Ryder signs, and the chants are not from some tiny little group of guys trying to get themselves over. There's an audible portion of the Raw crowds that want to see Ryder on their TV. So you basically have an extremely hard working, talented, and over wrestler, and what does he get? Not only does he not get rewarded, but he's the victim of a "joke" that humiliates him.

What kind of message does this send to the rest of the locker room? It tells them not to work hard to get themselves over and not to push the envelope at all. Instead, it obviously encourages them to do the bare minimum and politic backstage into getting Vince to like them, then taking their push that way, rather than earning it through hard work. It rewards hard work with humiliation. It's completely ridiculous and it's extremely petty on Vince's part. Meanwhile the WWE gladly takes money from Ryder's T-shirt sales which have no doubt seen a spike as a result of his Internet show. Shit, they're doing this as Tough Enough wraps up, a show where Austin spewed what is clearly bullshit about how you have to work hard to get to the top of the WWE.

It's all completely nonsensical, to screw over a hard working and over guy like Zack Ryder for no better reason than some grudge against the Internet. It makes no sense and it is, frankly, deplorable.
Has anyone thought this was done on purpose. What way for an internet guy to gain attention, screw him over to get iwc to keep talking about him. I mean he wouldn't be allowed to do his weekly show without ok of some higher up and things like this just keep upping his popularity.

i'm gonna have to agree ^

Plus, although he didn't get on RAW, he did have a dark/Superstars match, and won. Baby steps maybe?
Vince Mc Mahon, HHH, whoever is and idiot, why not use a hometown boy, especially a New Yorker to further and angel of some sort, especially on a three hour Raw??? Instead you get filler garbage on the show...three hours of the same stuff you get in two hours. WWE are notorious for screwing hometown heroes over, just ask good ole JR, he has be abused more in Oklahoma than anywhere else. No wonder the ratings are sinking faster than Kharmas career???? I am so fed up with the same old cookie cutter crap...I watch WWE classics and see great entertainers, great mic work, believable angles, interesting stories.....Even WCW and ECW had moments, not to mention WCCW. Zack Ryder has more personality in his fist pump than Ziggler has in his whole gimmick. cmon give a broski a break....

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