Zack Ryder intentionally left off of RAW as a rib?

I agree, but you cannot agree as well this is an incredibly low and un-classy way to go about it.

Listen, everyone does things differently. Vince is known to be a ruthless mother fucker from time to time. But when you deal in a business of egomaniacs and musclebound meatheads as your employees, you need to find more drastic ways to keep them in check. Vince has been doing this shit for a LONG time and his methods seem to be working. Whether I agree with these methods or not is irrelevant and it should be to you, too.

As long as Vince keeps providing us with entertaining programming, we should all be happy. And if his employees aren't happy, the internet is not the right place to air out their dirty laundry.
Wonder if there will be any ramifications from Cena confronting Vince?

Like what? What could he really do to Cena? Make him lose a match? No. Vince wont do anything to his Golden Boy, and nor should he.

Yes Vince called Jericho shit to his face, but lets face it, at the time Jericho wasn't at his best. If Vince would have pulled this with anyone else, I bet they would have Quit. CM Punk has not only not re-signed, but also bashed the WWE in WAY worse ways than Ryder in recent months. If Vince did this to him? He'd be gone before the week was out. Bret punched Vince in the FACE, and still was able to come back. Vince doesn't ALWAYS have the best ideas you know.. He wanted the storyline of him being the Father of Steph's baby after all. Maybe it's Vince who needs a McMahon filter of his own.
So let me get this straight. People here think that Zack Ryder climbing a fence saying "I'm trying to get over" or the whole PSAs about WWE Missing the boat with Zack Ryder" and whatnot are him taking shots at WWE? Are you HIGH or something?

What do you want him to say about his current position with the company? You want him to say "I'm happy with being occasionally on Superstars, a show that no one watches."? Fuck that shit, Vince should fire people that are content with being lowly occasional jobbers on Superstars. ZR is trying to get noticed, and since they REFUSE to give him an opportunity to be creative and get over (even just putting his show on, which is now Miz/Morrison got over), he did it himself. Now WWE is punishing him for getting himself over because they don't like that he occasionally said that he is is underused (which he HAS been).
I'm not a Ryder fan but I don't see why he can't get a little push considering your top midcard faces are Kofi and Bourne.

Because although they have the personalities of wet mops, Kofi and Evan are FAR more exciting to watch in the ring than someone who shouts "bro" and "woo woo woo".
So I've just read this. It's pretty hilarious and I can believe it but I dont want to believe it because its so petty and pathetic.
So let me get this straight. People here think that Zack Ryder climbing a fence saying "I'm trying to get over" or the whole PSAs about WWE Missing the boat with Zack Ryder" and whatnot are him taking shots at WWE? Are you HIGH or something?

What do you want him to say about his current position with the company? You want him to say "I'm happy with being occasionally on Superstars, a show that no one watches."?

This is quite simple. He should say nothing. Who is he to dictate what the WWE should or shouldn't do with him? Who is he to tell Vince how to write storylines? Not everyone becomes John Cena overnight. Everyone eats a little bit of shit in this business and takes a huge slice of humble pie. The difference between those guys and Ryder is that those guys kept their traps shut and didn't bitch and moan like little women to the public.

Ryder's biggest downfall is also his biggest asset... his mouth.
Guys who stay quiet get nowhere. Guys like Austin, Rock, Jericho, and Cena were all vocal about wanted to get a push. They wanted more, and voiced their opinion on the matter. Of course the internet wasn't as big then. If it had been? I bet they would have done the same thing.
What kind of business "genius" would intentionally piss off a section of their customers and punish an employee who is trying hard to become sucessful, all for a joke? Vince is a cunt, but then we all knew that anyway.
Guys who stay quiet get nowhere. Guys like Austin, Rock, Jericho, and Cena were all vocal about wanted to get a push. They wanted more, and voiced their opinion on the matter. Of course the internet wasn't as big then. If it had been? I bet they would have done the same thing.

Not really. In fact, at all.

Austin was The Ringmaster and he got a call being told that they had nothing much for him, he said he'd come back to them with an idea. He got the name "Stone Cold" from a term his wife used to describe his tea, as she left it out for him as he was thinking of names.

He recites it all on many of his DVDs. His push came because WWE noticed he had a good heel personality, which is why he won KOTR and then he said, " "You sit there and you thump your Bible, and you say your prayers, and it didn't get you anywhere! Talk about your psalms, talk about John 3:16... Austin 3:16 says I just whooped your ass!"

THAT is what started his push. People reacted to that and they reacted a lot harder than what is going on for Ryder.

The Rock was again, completely different. He said that he wanted to stop the "Die Rocky Die!" chants, and that he felt more capable on the stick. He rose in time, he didn't go to a WWE Creative meeting, break down the door and demand a push. He earned it, and he earned it with talent and skill.

And John Cena did the same. Cena was pushed because he got instant heat, he was a good heel and an even better face. His merchandise sold a bomb and he was way more over than Ryder is now. He never went to someone and demanded a push. He earned it.

Ryder has to earn it, and it seems that Vince McMahon doesn't care what the internet wrestling based fans think about Ryder. Because at the end of the day...

...It's what Vince McMahon thinks. And if Vince doesn't want to do fuck all with you, nothing will happen.
What kind of business "genius" would intentionally piss off a section of their customers and punish an employee who is trying hard to become sucessful, all for a joke? Vince is a cunt, but then we all knew that anyway.

You guys are missing the point. Stop viewing Ryder as a guy you like as a character and view it as a businessperson. It's one thing to "try hard." It's another to publicly defame your company on a public platform known as the internet.

Right idea, bad execution.
Just out of curiosity, who should Ryder be taking TV time away from? I'd love to hear him answer that question. Him calling for a push is obviously telling the creative department they are pushing someone they shouldn't be.

Zack Ryder is not better than any guy featured on Raw/Smackdown.

Oh, and Vince is nuts. Still.

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