WWE WrestleMania XXVIII LD - The Time Is Now

Just got out from the stadium, complete hassle.

The crowd especially the guys around me were on fire all night. Plenty of them took their shirts off
when the Rock won. My lungs were on fire after the Hell in a Cell match and he atmosphere was incredible.
I hope your smarty pants college is going well for you. I enjoyed being the only Ricky in the roster. ;)

I definitely miss it from time to time. I would definitely not say you've seen the last of Ricky...I just can't handle having one more thing to write at the moment. My brain can't handle the creative overload!
-I have no idea why Sheamus and DB went nowhere. Maybe someone was hurt, not enough time, whatever. Honestly, I don't care. The build was shit anyhow.

-Orton did his best to bring a great match out of Kane, and it worked... sort of. Really good match given the limited build and time, but I don't get Orton losing. He was in a worst spot from last year, and didn't even win the fucking match. I don't care if he wins at Extreme Rules or not, that was fucking stupid. Stop shitting on this guy, seriously. It's getting fucking old.

-Big Show and Cody ended the way it should have ended. Cody shat all over Show for more than a month, and got what he deserved. The older guy shouldn't always lose. Get the fuck over it. It made sense given the story. Decent match.

-I pissed and grabbed a drink during the female fest. No one cares.

-The Undertaker/HHH match was fucking fantastic, best of the show easily. However, I must say one thing here - Shawn nearly fucking ruined it with his insane acting and weird actions. Fucking idiot. I love the guy, but he has a tendency to do this. He looked ridiculous, but then again, he shouldn't have been there in the first place. However, not even his asinine behavior could ruin this. On par with HBK/Undertaker I.

-The 12-man tag was what it was. Entertaining, solid finish. I'm sure it's not over.

-Jericho and Punk put on a nice show. I wouldn't call it a classic, but it was really good. I thought Punk was even sloppier than usual, but that's something I've come to expect. Honestly, I thought Jericho looked better and more ready, oddly enough.

-Rock and Cena blew the roof off. Listen - if you were looking for Bret vs. Shawn, you were never going to be happy. This was a glorified Hogan/Warrior scenario - two brawlers wanting to know who the tougher guy is. Period. It worked. Second best match of the night, in my opinion.

I don't care who won, it doesn't matter. I wouldn't have cared had Cena won. However, given this outcome, they're definitely wrestling again, which is more than fine with me. If this is the kind of match these two can give us, they should main event WM 29.

Great show, overall. I'd put it in the top ten, possibly top five, I'll have to see it again. Much, much, much fucking better than last year. Felt like a big event, something missing last year. Loved it.
I definitely miss it from time to time. I would definitely not say you've seen the last of Ricky...I just can't handle having one more thing to write at the moment. My brain can't handle the creative overload!

Come back when you can, I can safely say that everyone in WZCW would love to have you back at anytime.

But to give my two cents on Wrestlemania.

Other than the piss match that was the Sheamus/Bryan match, I had a blast. the energy in the building was simply ground shaking. It was honestly better than any event I ever went too. I didn't have a single care in the world, I was just enjoying myself in the biggest event of the year.

Now I can't wait for Monday Night RAW.
Decent Mania. I think this "best ever stuff" is kind of off though. It's not better than 26 due to that show's incredible depth and having more solid matches than this one. Keep in mind that MITB wasn't one of the better ones either and it was one of the lesser matches on that card. That said, let's see what we got:

Sheamus/Bryan - Eh. Kinda funny but I was banking on AJ turning on Bryan to cost him the belt. She's looked dumber than Zack Ryder lately as far as being treated like utter shit in a relationship yet staying in it. Sheamus definitely should have won here though so at least they got the winner right.

Orton/Kane - Better than I thought but was surprised Kane won. This is the start of the weird booking on this show as I'm not sure what's to gain from Kane winning here. If this costs Cody and/or Dolph a main event spot, I'm gonna be pissed. PS, the two masks still look fucking ******ed.

Big Show/Cody Rhodes - It's fine, provided Cody moves on to better things. Kid sold his heart out in that match and got more out of Big Show than I thought he could. Kind of amazing that just two years ago people were saying Ted Dibiase was going over Orton at Mania and becoming the break out star of that team. Good call.........

Divas go wild - If a celebrity goes out there and tries hard, I'm happy. Two straight years that has happened. We all would have preferred Shaq because he's a way bigger star, but Maria Menounos did just fine. Don't get her pinning Beth though. Then again, does that title matter for anything anymore?

Taker/HHH - Fun is the best word here. I got a lot of good laughs in this one from facial expressions and actions. When Taker did the sit up and Hunter fell back on his ass, I just lost it. HBK's reactions were way over the top but he wasn't the deciding factor in the match which is good. Not sure it's a 5 star like some are claiming, but definitely good fun and there were spots I legit thought the streak was ending. Good stuff and one of the two best on the card.

Team Johnny vs. Team Teddy - How stupid is Zack Ryder? I mean in kayfabe. Eve works heel in a match an hour earlier and acts like a total bitch then walks down with the babyface team? If he thought that match was ending any other way, he's just stupid. It works fine and it was pretty obvious the heel team would win but damn. She had already turned heel a month ago so this wasn't shocking. I do wonder who's balls hurt more though, Zack's from getting kicked or Cody's from getting punched in them when Show speared him off the Disaster kick. Not a good day for WWE testicles.

Punk vs. Jericho - exactly what it should have been. I loved the ending as it was great psychology in that Punk learned from something earlier in the match and used that to win. I wish they used the anger from the beginning more or at least went back to it once to show that Punk's temper could cost him but that's minor I guess. Solid stuff and the technical match it should have been. Not a classic but I liked it.

Brodus and his momma - OH YES! Couldn't stop laughing! The cutaway when he told the audience to call their mommas and you see the dude calling half in tears was just perfect. To all those who said Brodus should have been a monster heel, tell me if he'd EVER have a moment as memorable as that at Mania if he was?

Cena vs. Rock - Ah here it is. Could have done without the rappers, I would have preferred both guys coming up with their own cool entrances. I think it would have felt more epic that way. Then the match started and I legit got angry. Rock was dead weighting Cena for a while there. He didn't help Cena for a freakin armdrag and all of us watching together noticed. Either he forgot how to go with a simple move or he was making things harder on Cena on purpose. Either way it looks terrible on him and it's probably unprofessional. Cena did his best to fight through it though and he did. Match was good but not great. It's not Warrior/Hogan by a longshot though. The crowd wasn't as good as it should have been nor were there any truly memorable spots in the match. What I don't get at all though is the ending. This was billed as "Once in a Lifetime". If that was the case, you cannot under any circumstances have Rock win. The only leg people have to stand on with supporting a Rock win is that "Cena will get it bacK". If he does, that means they fight again and the "Once in a Lifetime" thing meant jack shit. It's really a no-win situation here as I think building a match for a year which you NEVER see anymore should have ended differently. I sat there in silence for a while after the finish because I just couldn't understand why it happened. Not only that, it wasn't exactly the strongest finish in the world. Not a great end to Mania at all.

Oh, and to those saying now it's "perfect" for Cena to "turn", other than CM Punk, tell me which babyfaces will work on top? Sheamus maybe, but Orton just lost to freakin Kane and your next 3 over babyfaces are Ryder, Santino, and Brodus. Good luck selling anyone on those guys competing with heel Cena. His heel act would get old after one feud with Punk, if that. Keep salivating, but the WWE is ill prepared to make such a move and if that was the plan and that's what led to the finish of the match, then they really didn't think this one through.

Overall a decent Mania. Definitely better than last year but behind 26 for me and by a decently wide margin. In comparison, the HBK retirement match was better than the HIAC match here due to the drama in it, the Cena/Batista match wasn't Rock huge but it was big and it was a better match, Edge/Jericho is about as good as Punk Jericho, and after that this Mania has ok midcard stuff. 26 had Punk/Mysterio and HHH/Sheamus which are both better than anything else on this card. Then you had Bret/Vince which is a better "non match" than Sheamus/DB due to the history surrouding it. I'd put this Mania somewhere in the "Good but not Great" area. I enjoyed it but there are definitely things that weren't so great about it.
Im very curious as to what will happen with HHH/Taker from this point-
im expecting we wont hear much from Taker, but idk.

Looking forward to raw.
I enjoyed it. Not the greatest, but highly entertaining for my friends and I.

We all loved Sheamus beating Bryan in 18 seconds. I thought it was great, simple way to see him not be able to cheat his way out of a match to keep his title.

Kane over Orton shocked the hell out of us. Did not expect the Super-Chokeslam though. Solid stuff.

Big Show and Cody was good stuff, though I barely remember it in the thick of things.

Divas match was decent enough. Had hopes for a different result, but it was what it was. My buddy was fawning over Maria for her Greek top.

Taker over HHH was fun. I thought the ending was kind of abrupt, didn't really seem like this epic conclusion that I thought the match was going to have, but that's likely on me for having probably unrealistic expectations. Highly enjoyable. Loved the group hug at the top of the ramp. Also, Taker's back got worked!

12 man tag, I had hoped for an elimination match, but it was what it was. Didn't want the heels to win, but it was fine. I felt for Zack's balls though. Terrible. Do not maim your friend's balls, people!

Punk over Jericho was my favorite of the night. Punk fan, duh. Loved the ending with Punk making him tap. "TAP YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Not a classic, but it was damn good work.

BRODUS!! SOMEBODY CALL MY MOMMA! Cutaway to the guy calling his mom was hilarious. We were all dying. His momma is in great shape to dance like that.

Wasn't huge on the MKG or whatever dude, nor Flo Rida doing their little bits before each guy. Would have just hoped for them having some crazy entrance, similar to Trips last year or something. No complaints but not much praise. As far as the match goes I was shocked as hell. Totally figured that Cena would win. Didn't really notice the intangibles of Rock lookin' gassed or anything, I was just into the match. I find it interesting that Rocky didn't really try doing any of Cena's moves, AA or STF, or I don't remember him trying, but Cena got caught trying to mock him with The People's Elbow and it cost him. Probably go into that on Raw. Potential "humility" lesson for John.

Overall it was a fun show. Not the best, but certainly better than the last few shows.
-Jericho and Punk put on a nice show. I wouldn't call it a classic, but it was really good. I thought Punk was even sloppier than usual, but that's something I've come to expect. Honestly, I thought Jericho looked better and more ready, oddly enough.

I don't know if it's just me, but I didn't like where the match was placed. I personally loved the match itself, but it was Smack dab in the middle of Hell in a Cell and Rock/Cena. I felt like the crowd didn't care much for the match because Rock and Cena was coming up next and they wanted to get through it as fast as possible.

Is it just me that felt this way?
However, I must say one thing here - Shawn nearly fucking ruined it with his insane acting and weird actions. Fucking idiot. I love the guy, but he has a tendency to do this. He looked ridiculous, but then again, he shouldn't have been there in the first place.
I disagree with this completely, I thought Shawn's presence made that match. It added an entirely new realm of "reality" to the match, and really sold the epic battle between the two, how neither man was willing to give up to the other. Shawn's constant "you know he's not going to give up" really put the story of the match in focus for the viewers.

Did HBK overact a few times? Well, of course, it's HBK, it's what he does. But the overacting was far better than not selling the epic encounter, and I think HBK's role in that match made a huge difference in the quality of it.
-Big Show and Cody ended the way it should have ended. Cody shat all over Show for more than a month, and got what he deserved. The older guy shouldn't always lose. Get the fuck over it. It made sense given the story. Decent match.

Thank you for this. People are saying Show buried Cody, its getting old fast.

Given the story it made sense. I think that Cody defended the title once all year, and it was during that feud with Gabriel that went nowhere, he wasn't doing anything with the belt and it seemed like they were ready to push him into main event status given his performance at the Rumble and his inclusion in the EC
WrestleMania was great. The Rock beating Cena was the most I've marked out since the Attitude Era when I was a child. Biggest suprise I've had in wrestling since Rocky's return.

Undertaker and HHH had the match of the night. Better than last year's match between the two because of Shawn's presence. Absolute classic.

CM Punk and Jericho was good. Nothing more really, it was a neat ending and Jericho put in some really cool counters. Glad Punk won, I was expecting this to be match of the night but the way HHH/Taker went... nothing was beating that.
I disagree with this completely, I thought Shawn's presence made that match. It added an entirely new realm of "reality" to the match, and really sold the epic battle between the two, how neither man was willing to give up to the other. Shawn's constant "you know he's not going to give up" really put the story of the match in focus for the viewers.

Did HBK overact a few times? Well, of course, it's HBK, it's what he does. But the overacting was far better than not selling the epic encounter, and I think HBK's role in that match made a huge difference in the quality of it.

Maybe when you get around a group of guys, things seem more ridiculous. That being said, we were actually laughing at Shawn throughout this match, especially when he was "feeling" the shots from the chairs. He looked like an overgrown abused child. Sitting in the corner like he had just watched his drunken father stomp his mother's head in. He went overboard, and yes, I understand that's what he does, but that doesn't make it any less ridiculous.

I'll watch it again, obviously, and maybe I'll find a deeper appreciation for what happened. Probably not, but it's possible.
Because your thread was trolling. You conveniently failed to mention others noticed your blatant attempt at trolling as well.

How come you can obviously troll Punk fans as you please? I don't see how it is trolling if I am talking about things that you deemed reasonable conjecture to add to this discussion here.

My comment wasn't intended to elicit any kind of response, but rather add to the reasons why Rock wasn't the same guy we remembered from all those years ago.

I am sure there was no intention to make a negative comment about the guy that just defeated the guy you love so much. :rolleyes:

Good idea. You've reached your response limit.

Good luck with that one :thumbsup:
How come you can obviously troll Punk fans as you please? I don't see how it is trolling if I am talking about things that you deemed reasonable conjecture to add to this discussion here.
It was pointed out for the obvious trolling thread it was, and you didn't make a single valid statement to support your obvious troll opening post.

Your thread was a failure. Deal with it.

I am sure there was no intention to make a negative comment about the guy that just defeated the guy you love so much. :rolleyes:
There was no intention of negativity. I like the Rock, always have. I enjoyed the match thoroughly, and have absolutely no problem with the Rock winning (which I've said on a couple of different occasions since the match was over, I believe). I've defended the Rock numerous times on a number of different topics.

Posts like these are why you should keep yourself to that two or three post limit.

Good luck with that one :thumbsup:
If only you had, you would have avoided making a fool of yourself again.
I like the Rock, always have. I enjoyed the match thoroughly, and have absolutely no problem with the Rock winning (which I've said on a couple of different occasions since the match was over, I believe). I've defended the Rock numerous times on a number of times.

Just out of curiosity, how do you feel about the inevitable rematch(es) which are going to happen now. One can only assume that for obvious reasons, once the Rock and John Cena are done with each other for good, Cena will prevail. A clean victory by the Rock would seem to suggest that there is more to come. Yet the match has been billed as "once in a lifetime" from the get go. How well does this sit with you?
Somewhere in this thread there is a mention of Steamboat Ricky from the Mick Foley segment at Mania. That was exactly what I thought when I first saw it.
Just out of curiosity, how do you feel about the inevitable rematch(es) which are going to happen now. One can only assume that for obvious reasons, once the Rock and John Cena are done with each other for good, Cena will prevail. A clean victory by the Rock would seem to suggest that there is more to come. Yet the match has been billed as "once in a lifetime" from the get go. How well does this sit with you?

Well, you see. In the wrestling industry, these limiting phrases are not hard and fast. Foley came out of definite retirement to fight in the Wrestlemania main-event (and for several more years), Savage came back after being retired by Warrior, Austin came back from firing, Vince came back from the dead, Punk came back after winning the title and "not re-signing" with WWE.

It's pretty easy for Cena to come out and cut a promo about how this should be a twice in a lifetime event or whatever.
Words and phrases like "retirement" and "once in a lifetime" don't really apply to wrestling. It's just a way to sell tickets at the time.
It was pointed out for the obvious trolling thread it was, and you didn't make a single valid statement to support your obvious troll opening post.

Nice dodge on the why do you get to troll issue. I reiterate, I said very similar things to what you did in a supposedly valid statement in this thread. We could waste everyones time and be stubborn about this for more posts but let's just let it be. I'll leave you the last word if you want it.

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