WWE SD! LD On 6/10: Christian Finally Hit The Switch...From Face To Heel!

I'll prepare the floss then.

Pretty decent match so far. But um...why is it a no DQ match if they aren't going to do anything with weapons or shit? Seems obvious they just made it no DQ so that Christian can get involved.

You ate your words, didn't you? Well, only kind of, Christian did show up.

Decent? I thought it was very good. 3-4 stars in my humble opinion.
That was a great main event, a definite step up from their match last week. Very well structured, good pacing, hot crowd. Even the ending didn't hurt too much. All the ingredients for a good match. I'll go ***1/4 for it.

Good show, great main event.
That tag match was nowhere near four stars. It was like...**1/2 ish.
That tag match was nowhere near four stars. It was like...**1/2 ish.

That half is generous. The ending was cool, but the rest of the match was nothing special. I personally liked the 6 man tag better. The Usos wrestled a hell of a match, must be what hunger for TV time does for them.
Great main event, best Sheamus vs. Orton match yet. About as close to **** as they're probably going to get.

-Sin Cara still bores the shit out of me.
-Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel might be the worst promo guys in the business.
-Trent Barreta looks like he may have gained a few pounds, and that's a good thing. That guy has unlimited potential. A shit ton more than Zack fucking Ryder, no doubt about it.
-Remove Teddy Long, and do it quickly. I still love the guy, so, please, don't force me to start hating him.
Great main event, best Sheamus vs. Orton match yet. About as close to **** as they're probably going to get.

-Sin Cara still bores the shit out of me.
-Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel might be the worst promo guys in the business.
-Trent Barreta looks like he may have gained a few pounds, and that's a good thing. That guy has unlimited potential. A shit ton more than Zack fucking Ryder, no doubt about it.
-Remove Teddy Long, and do it quickly. I still love the guy, so, please, don't force me to start hating him.

Slater sucked, but Gabriel was fine. I think the problem with Slater is his voice, it just sounds so goofy. I'd say they should run a storyline where he goes mute, but he can't wrestle either.

And where do you see this Trent Barreta potential? I'll agree he has more in ring ability than Ryder, but he has yet to proven that he can get the crowd interested in him at all. Ryder isn't exactly the next John Cena, but he has more of a following than Trent does, that's for sure.
Slater sucked, but Gabriel was fine.

Again, we must be watching a different guy. In fact, I thought Slater was better than Gabriel. That's bad.

I think the problem with Slater is his voice, it just sounds so goofy. I'd say they should run a storyline where he goes mute, but he can't wrestle either.

I'd run a storyline where both were fired, and never follow up.

And where do you see this Trent Barreta potential? I'll agree he has more in ring ability than Ryder, but he has yet to proven that he can get the crowd interested in him at all. Ryder isn't exactly the next John Cena, but he has more of a following than Trent does, that's for sure.

1. His in-ring ability is far, far superior to Ryder's.

2. He hasn't been given the opportunity to impress the crowd. Hard to do so on Superstars, and only having a 3 minute match every 3 weeks on Smackdown.

3. I'm sure if he acted like a complete nutjob on youtube, he'd amass a following as well.
Again, we must be watching a different guy. In fact, I thought Slater was better than Gabriel. That's bad.


Give it a second watch. Gabriel sounds much more natural than Slater.

I'd run a storyline where both were fired, and never follow up.

And it would be vastly superior to anything The Corre has done.

1. His in-ring ability is far, far superior to Ryder's.

Not gonna argue that, though maybe I'd remove one of the fars.

2. He hasn't been given the opportunity to impress the crowd. Hard to do so on Superstars, and only having a 3 minute match every 3 weeks on Smackdown.

You can say the same for Ryder, though Barreta pops up on Smackdown more than Ryder does on Raw.

3. I'm sure if he acted like a complete nutjob on youtube, he'd amass a following as well.

Have you watched ZTLIS? He doesn't act like a nutjob, he just plays his character. It's a smart self-marketing tool, and I for one applaud Zack Ryder for trying to get himself some TV time. It seems to be working, too.
Give it a second watch. Gabriel sounds much more natural than Slater.

Think so? I think Gabriel stumbles over every other word, and that's common with him.

Not gonna argue that, though maybe I'd remove one of the fars.

I wouldn't, obviously.

You can say the same for Ryder, though Barreta pops up on Smackdown more than Ryder does on Raw.

People know who Ryder is because of his videos. And that's still a small portion of the crowd. However, if those videos didn't exist, no way he gets anymore of a reaction than Barreta. Even with those videos, fans have been reacting to Cena (during those Raw clips), probably not Ryder.

Have you watched ZTLIS? He doesn't act like a nutjob, he just plays his character. It's a smart self-marketing tool, and I for one applaud Zack Ryder for trying to get himself some TV time. It seems to be working, too.

I have watched two of them. And I was just using the term nutjob. I wasn't talking Eric Young-style nutjob.
Think so? I think Gabriel stumbles over every other word, and that's common with him.

I think that's just his accent. Another case of a potentially great worker being held back by his inability to properly speak the English language. He and Booker T should talk about that sometime. Yes, I realize the irony of that statement.

People know who Ryder is because of his videos. And that's still a small portion of the crowd. However, if those videos didn't exist, no way he gets anymore of a reaction than Barreta. Even with those videos, fans have been reacting to Cena (during those Raw clips), probably not Ryder.

I can agree with that. Though having Ryder alongside him probably helps with some of the smarks.

I have watched two of them. And I was just using the term nutjob. I wasn't talking Eric Young-style nutjob.

He can be pretty clever at times. Sometimes he's just goofy, but the stuff he does with his dad is always very funny. Then again, I just love self-deprecating humor.
And where do you see this Trent Barreta potential? I'll agree he has more in ring ability than Ryder, but he has yet to proven that he can get the crowd interested in him at all. Ryder isn't exactly the next John Cena, but he has more of a following than Trent does, that's for sure.

False my good man. Trent Barreta had a match with Tyson Kidd (among many) on Superstars many weeks back where he and Kidd were able to have a match where when it started the crowd didn't even know who they were, and by the time they were done they had people standing, cheering for the awesome match they were watching and popping for Barreta's babyface comeback stuff. I think it was their very first match, the one I'm talking about here. Anyways, watch any of the matches he had with Kidd on Superstars and you can see right there that he can play the plucky babyface underdog role perfectly, and gets the crowd invested into the match as it progresses and finishes.

Trent Barreta is mah fuggun nugguh.

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