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I am suing three (count 'em, THREE) defendants for disability discrimination.

See, I have Asperger Syndrome. That makes me extremely, EXTREMELY tactless. Sometimes, I say things I don't mean. The best way to accommodate this disability is to simply be patient with what I say. Sometimes, the customers might feel uncomfortable (and, that is the reason that one of these defendants discriminated me), but that doesn't count as a bona fide occupational qualification.

Another one of the defendants is a public school that kicked me out because they perceived me as a direct threat. However, they should've checked their law books before they did that. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 specifically says that a direct threat is a risk of harm or safety that cannot be eliminated by a reasonable accommodation. This college made absolutely no attempt to accommodate my disability, and, therefore, discriminated against me.

I am suing this public school - sovereign immunity be damned - for over $300,000,000 (yes, do not adjust your computer monitors. That is not a typo; THREE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS; I'm putting my pinky to the side of my mouth right now).

Would you support my endeavor?
This came to mind, actually. Don't know why.


Why that much cash though?
That is absolutely ludicrous.

You may have a disability but that is absolutely no reason to sue for $300,000,000. If you win, congratulations on taking away the futures of thousands of kids as the college financially crumbles. You need to get a grip of yourself.
See, I have Asperger Syndrome. That makes me extremely, EXTREMELY tactless. Sometimes, I say things I don't mean. The best way to accommodate this disability is to simply be patient with what I say. Sometimes, the customers might feel uncomfortable (and, that is the reason that one of these defendants discriminated me), but that doesn't count as a bona fide occupational qualification.
Let me get this straight, you want a job that deals with customers, knowing that you have a condition that would make the customers uncomfortable? Why the hell would ANY employer want to make their customers uncomfortable? They SHOULD not hire you/terminate your employment, disability be damned.

Another one of the defendants is a public school that kicked me out because they perceived me as a direct threat. However, they should've checked their law books before they did that. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 specifically says that a direct threat is a risk of harm or safety that cannot be eliminated by a reasonable accommodation. This college made absolutely no attempt to accommodate my disability, and, therefore, discriminated against me.
Did you do something to warrant yourself a threat? Even if it happened because of a legit disability, they have to worry about the safety of the entire student body, so you're out of luck there. Also, did you disclose your condition to them before you were enrolled? Regardless, if you made a threat, they can't guarantee that you wouldn't ACT on the threat at some point, so bye bye.

I am suing this public school - sovereign immunity be damned - for over $300,000,000 (yes, do not adjust your computer monitors. That is not a typo; THREE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS; I'm putting my pinky to the side of my mouth right now).
What the FUCK, man? This is the problem with the world today. You got a disability, and I respect that. However you're just trying to milk the disability for a free ride, and there is literally a 0% chance of you getting that number. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if you don't get ANY money, or even get forced to pay the other sides legal fees.

Would you support my endeavor?
Fuck no, I would rather support the defendants who are getting fucked over by someone abusing their disability.
That is absolutely ludicrous.

You may have a disability but that is absolutely no reason to sue for $300,000,000. If you win, congratulations on taking away the futures of thousands of kids as the college financially crumbles. You need to get a grip of yourself.
THEY need to get a grip on the fact that they can't discriminate like that, just cuz they feel like it!
Disability or not you can't just say anything you want to the customers. Like how Ricky Bobby thinks he can say whatever he wants if he says "With all due respect" first. He couldn't do it and neither can you.
THEY need to get a grip on the fact that they can't discriminate like that, just cuz they feel like it!

but it stands to reason that 300,000,000 from a public school is pretty much...far-fetched. Fine, you can sue them or something, but it stands to reason that what you're asking in damages.

Another question: You did disclose your condition to your employers, yes?
So let me get this straight... In the line of a massive budget crisis plaguing most schools, you have the gall to take away $300,000,000 from a school, and from the children who need that money far more than you.

Yeah.... You're going to find yourself in the seventh circle of Hell.

Edit: Holy Shit, Dave and Steve!
THEY need to get a grip on the fact that they can't discriminate like that, just cuz they feel like it!

It would be discrimination if someone without the disability did the same exact thing as you and wasn't kicked out. Maybe you should start taking responsibility for some of your actions, and not use a disability as a crutch.
That is absolutely ludicrous.

You may have a disability but that is absolutely no reason to sue for $300,000,000. If you win, congratulations on taking away the futures of thousands of kids as the college financially crumbles. You need to get a grip of yourself.
You're outraged in a way that makes me think you think he can prove $300,000,000 worth of damages.

I think that's just adorable.
You're outraged in a way that makes me think you think he can prove $300,000,000 worth of damages.

I think that's just adorable.

It's more for me that he's taking away money from public schools, or even more entertaining the idea, for his own greed. I think he'll get thrown out in court, but the fact he's even considering it is enough for me to give him an A in Douchebaggery.

.... Get it? Teacher humor...
If the Judge throws out your case, are you going to sue him for Disability Discrimination?

Shit man, I just repped you for your last point (and for the sig). Stop doing so many rep-worthy things at once.

The funniest thing about this is how he thinks that he was actually screwed out of 300 MILLION dollars by the discrimination from a customer-based job (retail?) and a public college.
It's more for me that he's taking away money from public schools, or even more entertaining the idea, for his own greed. I think he'll get thrown out in court, but the fact he's even considering it is enough for me to give him an A in Douchebaggery.
If he had a real case, I'd be all for it. It'd send a proper message to other public schools regarding discrimination.
If he had a real case, I'd be all for it. It'd send a proper message to other public schools regarding discrimination.

But for 300,000,000? He could claim the principal defecated on his desk and gave him syphilis, and I wouldn't award 300,000,000

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