What Match Would You Like To See Replace MITB @ WM27?

I don't want the MITB match to be replaced. If they do, then there's going to be a lot of deserving superstars who don't get to be on the card other than that meaningless dark match battle royal which doesn't get aired on PPV.

While a breakthrough battle royal isn't a terrible idea, MITB is far more exciting.
I love the Money In The Bank, but it has too many competitors. It needs to be cut down.

They should make it that the 4 runners up from the Royal Rumble get put in the MITB. Something like that would be interesting to see. Or like someone else said have a tournament and the winners face off in a ladder match.

A rule should be made that no current champions can be in the MITB. I like to see all the titles defended at WM and having IC and US champions in the Ladder match is kind of lame.
What about a street fight Fatal 4 way np holds barred? Although, I really hope it continues to stay at the grandest stage of them all Wrestlemania. And the Money In The Bank PPV gets thrown out the window wholesale or replaced. Of course a non gimmick PPV.
Getting rid of the money in the bank means having to find spots on the card for as much as 4 to 6 midcarders. It would mean more multiple wrestlers matches like tag matches, triple threats/ fatal four ways or handicap matches.

A simple solution would be to hold a fatal four way tag team title match. 8 guys in one match, similar to the money in the bank. The problem with this is having single wrestlers competing for the tag titles only during the Wrestlemania period is not the best option. I would suggest a elimination battle royal with 6 wrestlers to fight for being name a breakout star so the winner can use it in his promos in the future like a money in the bank winner.
If the MITB ladder match had to go at Mania
even though i dont mind seeing three MITB cases waltzing around
i think it should be replaced with the breakthrough battle royal like people have stated with 20 superstars mostly mid-carders in the match and the winner becomes no 1 contender for their chosen brands title at the next PPV
i think a battle royal at wm is the way forward and the winner could recieve a title opportunity at the next ppv, what do you think

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