Will the Miz cash in at Night of Champions?


Suck It!!!!
ok now stay with me:

The Miz says he will cash in mitb briefcase at summerslam on orton or sheamus but this will be very awkward considering he is the u.s champ and the next ppv is night of champions and the whole concept of night of champions is every championship will be on the line so if miz cashes in at summerslam he will have too defend two championships at N.O.C or he would lose one of them on raw and that wouldnt be the be the greatest thing for the new wwe champ :p

so here's my theory on when and how he'll cash in:
about 2 weeks before N.O.C evan bourne (or someone else) is the no1 contender for the us title and he and the miz go into a mini-fued before N.O.C and he stops talking about cashing in mitb and focuses on bourne.
now its N.O.C evan defeats miz in a back and fourth match and miz loses the title but later that night whoever is the wwe champ is "hanging on by a thread" after a brutal (pg) match :p then just as he is about to leave we hear "AWESOME!!!" the miz runs down and attacks the champ hits the skull crushing finale and he wins his first wwe championship (and forgets about the us title)

so thats my theory, do you think im on too something or do you think im miles off
Lets go with the senario he wins the WWE title. He needs to use the MITB by SS as previously reported. So He wins it a SS becomes the first to hold both the US title and WWE title at once. so in order to keep him from looking weak at NOC have him defend the WWE title first, then US title. This way he has the exuse of the first match was too brutal for him to survive a second one. But thats assuming he wins the WWE title, which he wont.
That actually makes sense, sure having him win at Summerslam would be better being the 2nd biggest PPV of the year but then he either has to defend two title or be made to look weak by losing it on Raw. This is a pertect way of doing it this way you can continue to push Bourne while putting The Miz in the main event.
This makes absolutely no sense. As learned in the past, when the United States champion or Intercontinental champion win the World title, they must , at that time, vacate one of the titles, which is always the lesser title. The Ultimate Warrior had to do it when Hogan and he did the Champion versus Champion match.
When the Miz wins the big one, a tournament will be held to decide the new United States Champion.
I don't think Miz will be cashing in the MITB contract any time soon, at least I hope he doesn't.

I think he needs to hold on to it for a while, hell maybe til next Wrestlemania. I mean he is one of the hottest things going in the WWE, and you could see that in the blink of an eye he makes everything about him, like he did last night.

I would have him just keep riding the momentum he has now with the MITB Contract and build his character up more and more and then have him cash it in and win at WM27.
What would be better probably is have him enter a feud with Evan Bourne leading up to Night of Champions without talking about cashing in. He loses the U.S. title to Bourne in say, the first match of the night. Then later on after the WWE title match, have Miz come out and cash in on whoever the champion is. That would probably be the better way to go, even though I think it should wait until after the Hell in a Cell main event, but the other could be a possibility.
I think he will cash it i later than NOC....like at Hell in a Cell. He will probably lose the US title between now and NOC and will fued with whomever he losesit to R-truth or Evan Bourne. Plus it is Hell in a Cell there is no way the WWE champion is 100% after that match regardless of the PG style Hell in a Cell matches (i.e head shots, no blood)
I think he will hold on to it until the rumble, but if he were to cashing at SS and win, he wouldn't have to look weak by losing on Raw or N.O.C. All that has to happen is he vacates and we have a little tournament for it.
i think miz is either gona fail his mitb at summerslam and be first to loose cuz i mean lets say is he cashes in at ss or a noc and becomes chamb,then that means he goes on to the hell in a cell ppv in the main event i mean miz in a hell in a cell match ? they should just have him wait at least tll maybe survivor series i mean every year it gets more predictible when the winner will cash in cuz the past years,punk cashes in 2 months later,swagger a week later,then kane the same night? when in the past edge waited almost a year? i mean the contract is for a year not 4 months
It would make sense for him to use it at Summer Slam since it's a major PPV but that seems a little too predictable in my opinion. The Miz currently has a lot of heat and attention from winning the MITB match so they would probably wait until he needs more attention to cash in MITB.
im with rated R superstar on this, i think he will cash in on hell in a cell, cuz that match is suppose to be so brutal and exhausting it would make sense, and the contract is never cashed on a big big event, and the whole night of champions ordeal with him having 2 belts is just a big cluster,so its either hell in a cell or even survivor series. But if he loses the us title at n.o.c. then he ll cash in that night
First of all...Puncuation.. OP..

Now to asnwer the question...No it has been said before, I think he will hang on to the briefcase until the end of the year at least...he will still be doing the same as he has been doing recently which would be teasing the cash-in..but I doubt he will cash it in anytime soon..
Hard to say, i am thinking WWE will run with this storyline for awhile, why wouldnt they? they have been told by everyone that the product pretty much blows, and has of late its been the best its been in years, so i imagine they will take something that is a set in stone storyline potential situation such as this, a long way. i would like for him to hold it until wrestlemania like they always talk about, and have him say hes going to cash it in then against whoever the champ is and then build it from there, then have him lose, that could give him maybe more of a repackaging, turning him into a crazed animal who waited for so long and got screwed, or they can keep having him tease the cash in, they can do alot of things with this really and im hoping they dont drop the ball
I would like him to hold onto it for awhile, we haven't seen someone hold it for a decent period since Edge back in 2005.It keeps you waiting for it and you have to ask yourself when is he going to cash it in.And Miz could do that, he could hold onto it and then after months of waiting we runs to the ring and takes advantage and becomes WWE Champion.It would be different from the most recent ones and as I said keep people wondering when he would cash in.
hmm.. you know what would be interesting.. if miz won the royal rumble.. while he still had his MITB contract.. that would be an interesting storyline, what would they do with it, thoughts?
Two thoughts:

1. The obvious - WWE who doesn't know how to write a good storyline, will have Miz cash it in as soon as SummerSlam on a tired winner. I hope this isn't the case because I would liek to see either Shaemus or Orton as champ - preferrably Shaemus only because I think some credibility of the title needs to be built and having a long term champion is needed.

2. Miz keeps it until WM. This is a long shot, but someone is destined to use it to to headline WM. Having constant sneek attack wins will make the MITB really stale. Someone needs to cash it in straight up - and that will be for a WM mainevent.

The problem is who, not when. When Miz does cash, who is going to be his fued? Look at Swagger - completely pointless, no good fued, lost the belt and done. If Miz cashed now, he would be staring at the likes of Orton or Shaemus or godforbit, Cena. If Orton, Miz wouldn't get through 1 maybe 2 PPV before Orton took the title. Thats why I honestly think this could be a Mania or Survivor Series cash in. That gives Miz several months to hold the title before losing it until a major WWE PPV. If he cashes at a filler PPV (liek HITC), then its pretty much a guarantee he's gonna drop an the next major PPV. As much as I like, and the WWE likes Miz, its still just a tad bit early to see him main eventing several PPV, especially when he hasn't headlined one.
i think maybe if he cashes it in on the winner of summerslam, i could see orton winning the title, then miz cashing it in on a beaten down orton then out of nowhere he hits miz with an RKO therefore giving orton an even bigger pop and showing how awesome he really is continuing to build orton then having a feud with miz as hhh returns sooner then expected to feud with sheamus ;) kidding, but it would be cool if miz cashed it in in the middle of the match when RKO and shameful are tired, then miz could say he beat both of them in the same night ?
I like the thought of cashing it in mid match - never been done and could be interesting.

As far as SummerSlam, I don't see it happening. I see HHH involvement in the outcome of Shaemus / Orton. Obvious outcome would be him costing Shaemus the title and setting up another program from those two allowing Orton to take the title and start a new program with someone else.

Theres a key factor in everything, especially Miz's direction. And thats the Nexus' "Bigger Picture". If it is Trips, then that could take him out of the Shaemus / Title picture. If it isn't Trips, then look for him to get involved with Shaemus and the title therfore couding Miz's path anytime soon.

As I mentioned in my earlier post, its not when, but who. With Orton back in the title picture after a few months, its not Miz's time to win it. MIts obvious with his growing popularity that Orton is goign to win the title, therefore no Miz title anytiem soon (which is a good thing for now).

Miz has the US Title and needs to drop it first. As a few mentioned, this will set the tone for his urgency in the title. With HHH returning, Cena / nexus outcome TBD, Shaemus / Orton, etc, the title picture for Miz isn't right at this moment.
I agree with him vacating the U.S. Title when it comes to his World Title win, which I too, don't feel will happen. If he does cash in at SS and the US title is vacated next night on Raw, not only can he brag about being the new world champ, but he can brag about how nobody could beat him for the US title and he had to vacate it. Personally, I feel the Miz is almost over, but he needs at least, at lease one high profile feud before he cashes in. Maybe he even loses to that person in the high profile feud, then cashes in, then as part of the angle that high profile feud comes back because the wrestler he feuded with states he should be world champ since he beat the miz. Remember Bret and Owen? Owen beat Bret, Bret beat Yoko same night, Owen came back saying he should be champ because he beat Bret on the same night Bret won the world title...

Just sayin...
As I stated. Miz hasn't even been in a main event or high profile fued. Him cashing it now would end as bad as Swagger. Swagger never had any fueds - just mid card crap. Now Miz is miles past Swagger, but to be taken seriously, he needs otu of the mid card first before he can cash.

And he is doing that. His involvement in Orton / Shaemus is perfect. Its getting his face in the main event picture slowly. By Survivor Series or Rumble, he will have had enought time to get rolling in the main event scene.

i REALLy like what they are doing with him teasing Shaemus / Orton. I think it hads TONS to his on screen character and is building him o the main event sceen very nicely.
i don't think that The Miz will cash in his briefcase anytime soon let alone Summerslam and I have a few reasons on why I think that..

1. Once Triple H returns from injury, he will be pushed as champion/ main eventer once again.. It can't be overlooked on how much Triple H has been so supportive of Linda McMahon and her run at the Senate... His good deeds won't go without anything in return.

2. Sheamus won't be loosing to The Miz... Sheamus whenever he looses the belt will be to a top star in the company, not someone with no main event history. Sheamus will hold the belt until the return of Triple H in my opinion..

3rd and final reason why in my opinion The Miz won't be winning the title anytime soon.. The fact which I said above... The Miz has not feuded with any major star one on one in forever... The closest thing he has done to a feud with someone not in the Mid-Level card is win money in the bank and have 3 weeks of very minor altercations with Sheamus and Orton.

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