**Merged** The Miz's US Title Discussion

Firstly Madico while Im not saying your idea isnt great it just kind of makes no sense. I mean Miz dropping the title to Orton, which isnt that bad... BUT then you have Miz vs Orton for the WWE Championship, when the PPV is meant to be EVERY Title on the line, where would that leave the US Championship.

Ok now on topic, I personally think John Morrison will take the title off Miz, it wont be a clean finish though someone will distract Miz or something like that. They put on a great match on this weeks NXT and think it would make a great feud for Miz to do something while we wait for his Cash In.

P.S. I dont want Morrison to win it, it just looks like that is what will happen to me.
Honestly, like most people have said, I think that Evan Bourne should have it. Before he loses momentum. Another one is John Morrison. I know he isn't liked alot by the ICW but he is a very talented wrestler. He could really make a good champion if he changes his finisher, and if he prevails in his feud with DiBiase!
Evan Bourne, the guy was on a roll for abit until he was stopped in his tracks.Bourne appeals to younger kids and Miz is taking off with Money in the Bank.I think Miz should drop the title soon nd focus on the WWE Championship.But than you have DiBiase who has his gimmick which I like, giving him a run would be great as if wouldn't have to carry the Million Dollar Championship anymore.So either DiBiase or Bourne could win it and it would give these two young guys a chance to rise.
Assuming that Truth and the Miz will still be able to feud after the elimination tag match at Summerslam then I think there is a good chance that he could be the one to take it off of him before he cashes in MITB. Their story had everything, anger, revenge, 2 guys that seemingly hate each other, and both of them can put on some good matches in the ring. It is one of the few things that would actually make sense to happen and I believe that Truth honestly deserves a respectable title run since his last one got cut unbelievably short and he is getting pretty over with the crowd, much more than his team mate Morrison that would be another choice, a horrible one at that, to take it off of the Miz.

If Truth does not get a chance to restart his feud with the Miz then I think that the only other choices to take it from him would be DiBiase, Morrison, or Bourne. Now DiBiase and Morrison are getting about the same reaction from the crowd, which would be next to none, and have both had extremely lackluster singles runs and IMO they would be horrible candidates to be in a program with and defeat the Miz. Bourne on the other hand would be a great choice to defeat the Miz, regardless of the squash match, because the crowd loves him and he has a great high flying style that, aside from Tyson Kidd and Justin Gabriel, Raw has been severely lacking lately. Bourne is one of the few guys that can constantly lose week in and week out and the crowd will never stop cheering for and with his recent big wins it could be his time for gold.
I agree with the poster above me and say R-Truth. He stopped Miz from winning the WWE title from Sheamus a few weeks ago so they have some unfinished business. I think no matter what happens on Sunday Miz should come out and say he has a score to settle with Truth and challenges him to match. Then Truth makes him put his belt on the line and then wins. I think he deserves a respectable run with the title because his last run was kind of a joke. I know he couldn't win cleanly though. Depending on what happens Sunday, someone can make a run in and give Truth the upset. The maybe Morrison can finally turn heel and they can have the feud a lot of people have been wanting to see.
I always thought Evan Bourne. But I don't see why an Evan Bourne push should come to be as I haven't seen any personality with him yet. I see an overload of mid-card talent on Smackdown that should be on RAW. But none the less, I say give the title to some transitional champion, and then to Alex Riley. I see alot of potential in Riley and alot of room to improve. As with The Miz.
I think that The Miz should go to cash it in at Summerslam and then once again cancel the match. After Summerslam there then would be a fued between the miz and jomo over the title leading into Night Of Champions. Have John Morrison win the title of the miz and then later in the night have miz cash it in after a match. Simple.
I'd like to see Evan Bourne beat him, but that wouldn't be the most realistic thing seeing as he just got squashed by Miz. JoMo has been looking good as of late, maybe he could push his way past Ted and pick up the belt off Miz. Maybe Miz will just drop it and vacate it, if and when he becomes the WWE Champion. There are a ton of good options, but at the moment there isn't any point and time where the belt can be dropped.
I think John Morrison should be United States champion because he is the most deserving of all the people who could win it, because he has been in the company for years now and has been loyal to the company, he was great as Intercontinental Champ on Smackdown so he might be good as US Champ. Another good option is Evan Bourne, I'm not the biggest fan of his to say the least, but he might be great as champ and maybe that will push him.
I think the best way to deal with the US title is to have The Miz lose it to someone like R-Truth. I know it has been done already and he had his run, but it would be transitional and you could then move to either Morrison or Dibiase having a run. Miz could move on to the main event with Sheamus, Orton, Cena, Jericho, Edge, and Barrett and have the mid-card revolve around Bourne, Morrison, Dibiase, Truth, Henry, Zac Ryder, a couple from Nexus (Gabriel and Sheffield for example) and maybe Danielson if he ever comes back.
In my opinion, the Miz should drop the US Title to Wade Barrett. Barrett has gotten good recognition with the Nexus angle, and will be a future main eventer. A US Title run would give him more credibility, and line him up for some good feuds. Nexus could use a member who holds a title, and Wade Barrett is the only one in the group I can see to carry the weight at this time.
WTF he still has that thing.......anyway I see a scenario this can work for any Ppv.Now hav the miz defend his title and lose it then hav him come back after the main event and win the Wwe title. Wat do u think
I was almost certain Evan Bourne was going to be getting an eventual shot at the US title. Also I believed that when he did get his shot, he was going to win and take the belt off of The Miz you know due to this new "push" he's receiving. However I was completely baffled when Miz basically squashed Bourne in a quick match this past Monday. Now I am in doubt if Evan will even be given a title shot. I think it is important that Miz drops the title sooner than later because it seems that he is too busy to put any focus on the US title at all.

Which is why we need somebody to take it off of him and defend it regular to let the mid-card division on RAW flourish once again. When the title isn't competed for it lowers interest after awhile, which is not good. Maybe after SummerSlam R-Truth may reclaim the title from Miz or maybe Evan Bourne will get his long deserved shot at the title and win. What ever the case maybe I welcome it because The Miz absolutely needs to drop the US title as soon as possible.
Miz will lose the US title at Night of Champions to Bourne, Bryan or Truth but Cash in money in the bank and become WWE Champion on Orton.
With the return of Danielson it appears that he will enter into a feud with The Miz and could be geared to take the title off of Miz so that the Miz will finally be able to be thrust into the main event and cash his MITB title shot to pull an Edge or just keep it for a while longer building himself up to being Mr. Money in the Bank. The kayfabe hatred from their rookie/pro failed relationship during the first season of NXT gives them more than enough reason to want to kick each others asses and with the Miz causing Danielson to get eliminated in the elimination tag match it just adds the fuel to the fire. If creative does anything other than this it would make absolutely no sense unless the Miz/Danielson feud has ended already. As big of a Bourne fan as I am I believe that Danielson is the more realistic choice here seeing as how Bourne was practically jobbed out to the Miz last Monday. Bourne's still young though, he'll have his chance eventually.
You can bank on it that Bryan Danielson will be the new US Champion at Night of Champions. He was attacked by Miz tonight after he was owning the Nexus and you can bet your ass that Bryan is the guy to beat Miz making Miz able to use his MITB to cashe it in.
R Truth or Bourne would be great choices right now. Either one could score an upset pinfall and get a shot the following week. Guys like Morrison, Rhyder and DiBiase would def need some build up and all 5 of these guys need to be shown more often if it's going to happen. Someone needs to take that title off Miz now. He's just about ready for that shot!
At this point I would expect Cole jumping from the announce table and Low blow whomever gets close to Robbing the Miz of the US title..... but he does have to drop it before calling in the money in the bank. Would be poetic justice now if Bryan took the belt off him.
I agree that Daniel Bryan is a clear cut choice to be the next US champ. He was on fire last night until the MIZ punished him w/the briefcase shot. I actually think that a good way for this to happen would be for Michael Cole to try to interfere at a point in the match where it looks as though BD is going home for the win. They could make it so Cole is trying to cost BD the title, but somehow manages to botch it and end up costing Miz. This would be a good way to get the belt off of Miz before he cashes in the briefcase w/out making him look too weak. It would also capitalize on BD's momentum coming off of last night. I really think it could work.
I hate to sound repetitive but yeah it has to be Bryan. I think tonight will continue with what started at Summerslam last night. Miz will have Alex Riley with him tonight and I can see Riley vs Bryan with the idea being Bryan needs to beat Riley to get to Miz at NOC. The sooner Miz gets rid of the US Title we can then really start to focus on him cashing in MITB anyway. If Bryan isnt going to beat him, and maybe just cost him the belt, I wouldnt mind seeing Ted Jr or Morrison with it. Morrison has never beat Miz so It would fit that Bryan costs Miz the belt to JoMo.
Ok I started a thread alittle bit back about the The Miz vs. Christian for the U.S. Title being advertized and I asked the Question "How do you feel about The Miz still being US Champ in October" and all I heard is how much prestige he adds to the title by just holding it. Now will someone PLEASE tell me how when you defend a title every 3 to 4 months MAYBE you add Prestige to a title. If you want to see a title getting some prestige added go watch SD! with the fued Kofi vs. Mr.Ziggles there having GREAT matches and Guess what he's actually defending the title. Now dont go on here saying Im a Miz Hater Im not I Like Miz but I just dont see how he adds prestige to a title he defends every 3 or 4 months MAYBE. I mean his 1st reign he had it for what 8months and defended it what 3 times thats sad and he's defended it this reign what 1 or 2 times thats sad. Now say what you like but Hell even Sheamus talked abput the 30 day rule for the titles but I guess if its Miz holding a title the rule dont count. To me a title needs to be defended more than every 3 to 4 months Maybe to add Prestige to it.
So the Question is How Does The Miz add prestige to a title he Slings around like he bought it on WWE.com and Hardly defends its
You, sir, are a perfect example of why The Miz is a great US champion.

You hate him because he doesn't defend the title. You think a title is supposed to have honor and prestige, but it's just a prop. Miz having it and barely defending it (on TV) pisses people off. It's doing a great job of getting him over as a hated heel with the audience, and he gets some of the most negative reactions out there.

It's not about defending the belt; it's what holding a belt can do for a wrestler.
Ok I started a thread alittle bit back about the The Miz vs. Christian for the U.S. Title being advertized and I asked the Question "How do you feel about The Miz still being US Champ in October" and all I heard is how much prestige he adds to the title by just holding it. Now will someone PLEASE tell me how when you defend a title every 3 to 4 months MAYBE you add Prestige to a title. If you want to see a title getting some prestige added go watch SD! with the fued Kofi vs. Mr.Ziggles there having GREAT matches and Guess what he's actually defending the title. Now dont go on here saying Im a Miz Hater Im not I Like Miz but I just dont see how he adds prestige to a title he defends every 3 or 4 months MAYBE. I mean his 1st reign he had it for what 8months and defended it what 3 times thats sad and he's defended it this reign what 1 or 2 times thats sad. Now say what you like but Hell even Sheamus talked abput the 30 day rule for the titles but I guess if its Miz holding a title the rule dont count. To me a title needs to be defended more than every 3 to 4 months Maybe to add Prestige to it.
So the Question is How Does The Miz add prestige to a title he Slings around like he bought it on WWE.com and Hardly defends its

The title being held by someone this long adds to it's prestige. If anything, the WWE title was raped of all its glory during the Cena/Orton feud. On top of that, when he drops it, the guy who wins it will get a decent push from it; the US title is there to see if a midcarder can be elevated, not so they can feel special.
The United States Championship has more meaning then the WWE Championship, Miz holding the title since October minus a 3 week hiatus in my opinion only added to the Championship.

Fans expect to much in my opinion in regards to prestige, really the titles mean nothing, their just props, Shawn Michaels for example proved you don't need a Championship to be number 1, but Miz holding the belt since October has give him that untouchable mid carder-main eventer feel, he's had some feuds for the belt and retained so the belt has added to the Miz.

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