**Merged** The Miz's US Title Discussion

The New Generation

Dark Match Winner
Before this weeks Raw, the thought was going into Summer Slam that The Miz would face Evan Bourne for the US Championship as they both didn't have matches and Bourne was suprisingly kept out of Team Raw.

This week we saw Evan Bourne get absolutly squashed by The Miz, getting only 2 offensive moves on The Miz, acouple of kicks and the sweet hurricarana. So we can guess Bourne will never get the US title off of The Miz. now with the Miz possibly being involved in the Nexus match, it is very unlikely that he will defend the US Championship.

So the US title probably won't be defended at SS, and with Night of Champions being the next PPV, The Miz has to defend it soon.

My question is, "Who can beat The Miz for the US Title?" I know I will get answers like Bourne, Truth, Morrison and Debiase, but with The Miz squashing Bourne, none of these guys seem like viable contenders for the title. If Bourne can beat Jericho in 2 out of 3 matches and then get squashed by Miz, then how are people below Jerichos level and at Bourne's level going to look good beating The Miz, who has been pushed as a near main eventer?
I'm still convinced that Truth still has a shot at taking the title from Miz. They still haven't finished their feud from when Miz cost Truth his MITB spot. In addition, Truth would be a viable contender. He's been borderline Main Eventer for awhile now. After all, he's semi-main eventing Summerslam with the whole Necus angle. IMO, if Miz doesn't get a US title defense at Summerslam, then I think Truth will be next in line for a title shot at the next PPV.
Good question. I would assume it needs to be fixed in a way that it seems like Miz is loosing it out of pure luck for the other opponent, in order for it to not hurt the roll that Miz has been on as of late. I'm not sure who could truly do that however, but I'm guessing Evan Bourne might be a good choice to take over after The Miz, or someone else who will be in the mid-card for a decent period of time to come.

You said it yourself however. How can any of the mid-card guys really do it? Like I said, it would need to be displayed like he was screwed out of the title. Or with time, when he becomes WWE champion (If he becomes WWE champion), then he could just play out the whole "I don't need this anymore" and vacate it. There's quite a few potential ways that Miz could handle this, but we need to make it work so he doesn't seem to loose momentum.
I think they might have bourne come back out next week to do commentary on Miz's match and after the match have him hit SSP and have the commentators say, "well looks like bourne is making it clear hes coming after the US title". This leads into a rematch next week and Bourne shows some aggresion and hits more offensive moves. Have him win by count out. Then have th mystery GM announce that miz will defend his title against bourne. Then have them each gain a little momentum each week till NOC and have Miz purposely get counted out and have bourne get pissed and beat the shit out of him and have the GM restart the match and have bourne win it useing this agression.
To me it shows WWE made a last second decision instead of their normal planning months ahead. They know as well as the IWC it makes no sense for the Miz to hold the US title. It would have made complete sense for him to drop the belt to Bourne a few weeks ago. Bourne had defeated Jericho, main evented Raw with Cena, and had a good showing in the raw MITB match. Granted it would have made Miz look weak losing to Bourne after winning MITB. But if he lost this week, have Nexus interfear, which gives him a reason to join team WWE at Summerslam.

I still feel as though Bourne will replace someone like Khali for the match at Summerslam, but honestly WWE can barely keep my attention. DiBiase, Jomo, Truth, none of them have the buildup Bourne has had in the past few months. So if Bourne doesnt take the belt it would make no sense to me.
I was thinking the same thing Ferbian was about how he might win the WWE title, and than just vacate the US title. The only thing is that the US title has already been vacated this year when Bret won it, so for it be thrown out again would de-value it even more. I know I have said it before, but I think it is a little ridiculous how the Miz constantly has a title, if he was a true main eventer he wouldn't need to have a title all the time. I know it's not up to him to decide what titles he has, and when he has them, but it is annoying.
This is just another case where WWE has "dropped the ball". They haven't completely destroyed Evan Bourne yet, but it may be coming. Why do they build people up like this and then let them get squashed? Evan Bourne was getting wins of Jericho, fueding with Randy Orton, and teaming with John Cena in the main event. Then he dissappeared and returned to get squashed by the Miz. WWE is stupid. They destroyed Matt Hardy, MVP, Carlito, Chris Masters, Mr. Kennedy, Umaga, and many others like this.

If they wanna push a wrestler do not let them lose momentum like this. It makes no sense.

I don't see Evan Bourne winning the US title after this.
Evan Bourne is still a possibility. I know it sounds outrageous, but thats ok because its my opinion, and I know what I want. So let the "douchebag" "fucking idiot" "moron" comments begin. I know many of you would prefer to use those words rather than debate and show me how I am wrong anyways.

Evan is a good inring performer and just needs that one little push that he only ever ALMOST gets. He is fairly over. And will only be believable as a mid-card title holder anyways. R-Truth does nothing for me, Morrison has not performed as I had expected. I thought he could one day the next Shawn Michaels, but not so much anymore. Maybe if he had a believable finisher. You know...one that looks like it could really hurt.

They would just need to setup Bourne's push as the surprise winner. The little guy who just got squashed but makes the comeback. They would need to do it like they did Jeff Hardy. Getting the chance for the title, but coming oh so close, just to lose in the end. But in the meantime he is putting on great matches that get the crowd into it. Then finally he wins. I think the Miz and Bourne could have a feud that could finally bring some credibility back to the US title. Then the Miz, would move on to the main event scene. He should be there anyways. He doesn't need to be winning the title or even fighting for the title. But he could be having smaller grudge feuds with the top guys. Then move on to the title scene after a while.
Evan Bourne is still a possibility. I know it sounds outrageous, but thats ok because its my opinion, and I know what I want. So let the "douchebag" "fucking idiot" "moron" comments begin. I know many of you would prefer to use those words rather than debate and show me how I am wrong anyways.

You fucking douchebag idiotic moron... are right. I think that Evan will actually win the title, as he's the only contender that can put a good match...
I really thought, and I still do, that the best scenario would've been for R Truth to beat the Miz @ SummerSlam, but the Miz cash in MITB @ the end of the night & walk out of the PPV as WWE Champion. This could have set up a feud with either Sheamus or Orton, or both. They could've had a triple threat match @ the next PPV. But obviously, WWE has decided to go in a different direction. It's really annoying that there will be yet another PPV where the US title is not defended. And a feud with R Truth would've made so much sense, since they'd set it up already.
what about Wade Barrett? it could make sense for the following reasons:

Wade does have a guaranteed title match contract for a PPV. maybe i missed it, but is that contract for only the WHC or could he challenge for any title? if he can in fact challenge for any title, then he could challenge Miz at NOC, when every title has to be defended.

Wade is the protoge of Chris Jericho, and so there is some history there if only thru association.

Wade could win in such a way as to not discredit the Miz or his momentum. Miz could simply get jumped by Nexus during the match and lose the title. but losing to 7 guys doesn't look that bad, does it?

it adds gold to the Nexus, which in turn could add a little prestige and a little dominance. they could start adding titles, such as the Tag Titles and then start challenging for the WHC later on.

it frees up Miz to move on to the main event.

way down the line, this could be the cause of the Nexus split. a very simple and yet believable jealousy angle or a power struggle. other guys want a title or the leadership or whatever, and then whenever you want to end the angle, you now have the reason to end it and even a belt to feud over.

just some thoughts. plus it puts somebody new in the scene, as opposed to the aforementioned Truth or Morrison, though either could theoretically work for me, if booked correctly.
I guess im alone in thinking that US title really doesnt matter enough for Miz to be sidetracked into a second fued. Miz will probalbly hold it until he finishes the MITB program then drop it depending on how that turns out.

It seems to me that the US title has taken the place of the old Euro title in that its a belt that people hold for awhile until they lose it in a flyby night fued or get a better title.
R-Truth seems, at least to me at this point, the best candidate for taking The Miz's US Title, because he has been a pretty good upper mid-card worker, but in my eyes isn't ready for the Main Event just yet, but with the Miz's big push towards the main event, and actually wins the WWE title, then we may see some sort of a tournament to crown a new US champion when Miz drops it due to not being able to hold 2 singles titles at a time.

However, there is a lot of speculation that the Miz will be the 1st person to cash in MITB and not win the title. If that were to happen, then i would expect a pickup of the Truth-Miz feud that hasn't properly ended yet, and maybe would result in a series of matches where R-Truth would win the strap. I would love to see Bourne pushed more, but after the total squash the Miz laid upon him, i dont see Bourne winning any titles on Raw in the near future.
Bryan Danielson, end of story!

We all know Vince and a lot of the guys are big on Danielson. He was only fired because if he wasn't the WWE had a chance of losing it's PG Rating, which they worked very hard at obtaining and even harder to maintain. Soon as his 90 days are up we all know they are going to offer him a bigger and better WWE Contract (people could say "Why not just suspend him", but it's not always that easy and sometimes you have to use someone as a Martyr and prove that you are serious about what you are pushing for). Since being released, Danielson's stock has risen so much, people who never knew who he was or how we worked, do now.

Danielson will be back in the WWE sometime in mid September/early October and honestly who better to bring him in against and start his first real feud in the WWE with other then his former Pro, The Miz.

It would be silly and pointless to involve Danielson in the Nexus angel with or against them at this point. He doesn't need them and they don't need him. He is more then capable of standing his own in the ring and on the stick.

The way I see it happeniong, is Miz goes for a MitB cash in and out of no where through the crowd Danielson runs in and attacks Miz before the bell can ring (there by saving Miz's MitB Cash In). Let a solid two or three month feud begin and take the focus off of Miz having MitB all together (so that when he does cash it in, it brings back the element of surprise as most people will have shadowed the thought of the MitB briefcase). After Danielson has won the US Title (and he will if they were to bring him back in this fashion), then and only then have Miz seriously cash in the MitB.

If this were to happen it would be a Win/Win situation for Miz, Danielson, Vince, and the WWE Universe.
I could either see one of two things happening...

1. The Miz does not loose his title for a long time and in the process possibly setting a record for how long he has held the title for.


2. I could see one of the Nexus members getting a belt, Skip Sheffield or Michael Tarver come to mind.. Nexus wont just go away after Summerslam so I could really see one of them winning that title or a combo of Nexus winning the Tag Title to further push their "dominance" and "take over" of wwe until Survivor Series or Bragging Right's PPV
I dont get what they are doing with Bourne. He was gaining momentum and I guess they are turning him back into a jobber. He just got squashed by Miz. They made him look real weak. It reminded me of one of his matches against Sheamus.
Bryan Danielson, end of story!

We all know Vince and a lot of the guys are big on Danielson. He was only fired because if he wasn't the WWE had a chance of losing it's PG Rating, which they worked very hard at obtaining and even harder to maintain. Soon as his 90 days are up we all know they are going to offer him a bigger and better WWE Contract (people could say "Why not just suspend him", but it's not always that easy and sometimes you have to use someone as a Martyr and prove that you are serious about what you are pushing for). Since being released, Danielson's stock has risen so much, people who never knew who he was or how we worked, do now.

Danielson will be back in the WWE sometime in mid September/early October and honestly who better to bring him in against and start his first real feud in the WWE with other then his former Pro, The Miz.

It would be silly and pointless to involve Danielson in the Nexus angel with or against them at this point. He doesn't need them and they don't need him. He is more then capable of standing his own in the ring and on the stick.

The way I see it happeniong, is Miz goes for a MitB cash in and out of no where through the crowd Danielson runs in and attacks Miz before the bell can ring (there by saving Miz's MitB Cash In). Let a solid two or three month feud begin and take the focus off of Miz having MitB all together (so that when he does cash it in, it brings back the element of surprise as most people will have shadowed the thought of the MitB briefcase). After Danielson has won the US Title (and he will if they were to bring him back in this fashion), then and only then have Miz seriously cash in the MitB.

If this were to happen it would be a Win/Win situation for Miz, Danielson, Vince, and the WWE Universe.

I love your points you make.. WWE has made big efforts to make the program PG rated, there is even an article in my local newspaper about it because I live in CT where Linda was going for Primary today.. Vince McMahon felt compelled to stand up for his company because her opponents have been using negative moments against her such as when she kicked JR in the nuts and the sex with the dead person angle from 2002.. So to your point I too can see Bryan Danielson being brought back to feud with The Miz/ Cole again
Bryan Danielson, end of story!

We all know Vince and a lot of the guys are big on Danielson. He was only fired because if he wasn't the WWE had a chance of losing it's PG Rating, which they worked very hard at obtaining and even harder to maintain. Soon as his 90 days are up we all know they are going to offer him a bigger and better WWE Contract (people could say "Why not just suspend him", but it's not always that easy and sometimes you have to use someone as a Martyr and prove that you are serious about what you are pushing for). Since being released, Danielson's stock has risen so much, people who never knew who he was or how we worked, do now.

Danielson will be back in the WWE sometime in mid September/early October and honestly who better to bring him in against and start his first real feud in the WWE with other then his former Pro, The Miz.

It would be silly and pointless to involve Danielson in the Nexus angel with or against them at this point. He doesn't need them and they don't need him. He is more then capable of standing his own in the ring and on the stick.

The way I see it happeniong, is Miz goes for a MitB cash in and out of no where through the crowd Danielson runs in and attacks Miz before the bell can ring (there by saving Miz's MitB Cash In). Let a solid two or three month feud begin and take the focus off of Miz having MitB all together (so that when he does cash it in, it brings back the element of surprise as most people will have shadowed the thought of the MitB briefcase). After Danielson has won the US Title (and he will if they were to bring him back in this fashion), then and only then have Miz seriously cash in the MitB.

If this were to happen it would be a Win/Win situation for Miz, Danielson, Vince, and the WWE Universe.

I personally would love to see that. Ever since they did their thing on NXT, I had been waiting to see Danielson just lay Miz the fuck out! In fact, I think originally the plan was to have a Danielson/Miz feud after the former's stint on NXT. But then the WWE went with the whole Nexus thing and Danielson got fired and those plans went into the trash. But I'd love to see the American Dragon return and make an even bigger impact than he did before. But it would have to be done in a way in which both Danielson and Miz come out of it looking good. That way, both come out winners in the end.
what about Wade Barrett? it could make sense for the following reasons:

Wade does have a guaranteed title match contract for a PPV. maybe i missed it, but is that contract for only the WHC or could he challenge for any title? if he can in fact challenge for any title, then he could challenge Miz at NOC, when every title has to be defended.

Wade is the protoge of Chris Jericho, and so there is some history there if only thru association.

Wade could win in such a way as to not discredit the Miz or his momentum. Miz could simply get jumped by Nexus during the match and lose the title. but losing to 7 guys doesn't look that bad, does it?

it adds gold to the Nexus, which in turn could add a little prestige and a little dominance. they could start adding titles, such as the Tag Titles and then start challenging for the WHC later on.

it frees up Miz to move on to the main event.

way down the line, this could be the cause of the Nexus split. a very simple and yet believable jealousy angle or a power struggle. other guys want a title or the leadership or whatever, and then whenever you want to end the angle, you now have the reason to end it and even a belt to feud over.

just some thoughts. plus it puts somebody new in the scene, as opposed to the aforementioned Truth or Morrison, though either could theoretically work for me, if booked correctly.

While this may sound a little strange, I think that Barrett is already above the US Title. I know he's very new but this Nexus angle is so huge that with him as the leader it's believable that he can steal the WWE Championship at this point. Then it wouldn't even surprise if they do something ridiculously crazy like having all 7 of them defend it together. Ladies and Gentlemen, presenting your Co-WWE Champion The Nexus.

But back to the topic. This latest semi-squashing kind of brings Bourne down but not out of the realm of possibility. R-Truth still has unfinished business with The Miz while Morrison is having a war of words with him on NXT. It really could be anyone. I'll have to go with what Ferbian said and claim that Miz will get screwed out of the title in some form in order to keep his momentum going.
Bryan Danielson, end of story!

We all know Vince and a lot of the guys are big on Danielson. He was only fired because if he wasn't the WWE had a chance of losing it's PG Rating, which they worked very hard at obtaining and even harder to maintain. Soon as his 90 days are up we all know they are going to offer him a bigger and better WWE Contract (people could say "Why not just suspend him", but it's not always that easy and sometimes you have to use someone as a Martyr and prove that you are serious about what you are pushing for). Since being released, Danielson's stock has risen so much, people who never knew who he was or how we worked, do now.

Danielson will be back in the WWE sometime in mid September/early October and honestly who better to bring him in against and start his first real feud in the WWE with other then his former Pro, The Miz.

It would be silly and pointless to involve Danielson in the Nexus angel with or against them at this point. He doesn't need them and they don't need him. He is more then capable of standing his own in the ring and on the stick.

The way I see it happeniong, is Miz goes for a MitB cash in and out of no where through the crowd Danielson runs in and attacks Miz before the bell can ring (there by saving Miz's MitB Cash In). Let a solid two or three month feud begin and take the focus off of Miz having MitB all together (so that when he does cash it in, it brings back the element of surprise as most people will have shadowed the thought of the MitB briefcase). After Danielson has won the US Title (and he will if they were to bring him back in this fashion), then and only then have Miz seriously cash in the MitB.

If this were to happen it would be a Win/Win situation for Miz, Danielson, Vince, and the WWE Universe.

This is a great idea! And when Miz does cash in MITB, Danielson could be elevated into the main event where he shoukd be to challenge Miz...maybe even with Danielson winning before defending it against Barrett who wants to use his Title match and also bring him back into the Nexus storyline.
But it would have to be done in a way in which both Danielson and Miz come out of it looking good. That way, both come out winners in the end.

That's why I said a good two or three month feud. Let the two of them switch victories in various matches and let the Miz bless us more with his mic work at the same time; which can only help Danielson improve having to work the stick against the Miz. This combination is nothing but win for both Miz and Danielson at the end of the day.

Miz is well AWESOME on the mic, he is no Dwayne Johnson, but he is by far the best in the industry today. He's not half bad in the ring either. He could use more work, but compared to most of the roster, I think he is pretty fluid in the ring.

Off topic: Even if he was out of spot a few weeks ago for a RKO, he still sold the slap and RKO well. Orton is a perfectionist and if anything, I guarantee you Miz learned from it and Orton respects him more, cause it's no secret Miz is one of the hardest workers in the WWE right now.

I saw people say Orton is trying to hold down talent. Well, Kennedy/Anderson SUCKS in the ring, don't try to argue it. He has IWC Fanboy Syndrome attached to him. His Mic Skills are not enough to make him a Main Event Player. Kofi going to Smackdown! was a blessing for Kofi, he doesn't get lost in the RAW Shuffle.

Orton himself has said on numerous occasions, he doesn't want to grow old in the ring and wants to only stay as long as he is on top and not on a declining career like others who can't help but to hog the spotlight (doesn't mean being in the Main Event either, he means performance). HELL! He GAVE Kofi a GREAT rub honestly and well DiBease fails as a Heel, not Orton's fault and Rhodes is finally starting to do something with himself.

Sorry for getting Off topic there, had to be said and I didn't want to necro or start a new thread just for that.

Where as Danielson is amazing in the ring, most likely pound for pound the best active in the industry right now. Working promos against Miz can only help him improve in an area were he isn't that bad to start as is.

**That's NOT a Spoiler, just a good off topic rant IF you want to read it**
dibiase definetly need s a push and story to go with the maryse thing so they could have him win it in a multiple man match or something, but other than that bourne by all rites should have it, miz dont need no more cuz hes a main eventer,now sadly,and he still needs to have his break out match , but if they have him doing squashes like bourne, then there shouldnt be a point to him having it or he will never loose , i personally was ok with truth cuz he was something new for the belt and him and ted s story could have rose on that, so once again its stuck between bourne and truth,
That's why I said a good two or three month feud. Let the two of them switch victories in various matches and let the Miz bless us more with his mic work at the same time; which can only help Danielson improve having to work the stick against the Miz. This combination is nothing but win for both Miz and Danielson at the end of the day.

No doubt. I agree with you on the feud to take place over a couple of months. These two could do great stuff together, especially considering they come from two seperate worlds. Considering the Miz no longer needs the United States Championship to get himself over, why not give it to Danielson, who could do wonders with it. That is if Danielson does agree to come back, but there's a strong chance that he will.
The Miz has to make a mandatory defense at Night of Champions. I see this happening in either a Fatal-Four-Way or a Championship scramble featuring Evan Bourne, R-Truth, JoMo and Ted DiBiase.

As everyone has said before me Evan Bourne is the one whose been allowed to get over enough that he makes a credible champion. I think in the case of a Championship Scramble, Miz would pin Ted DiBiase with like 15 seconds to go and then start celebrating only to turn around to see Bourne hitting Air Bourne on DiBiase and R-Truth takes out The Miz and let's Bourne get the 3 count to win.

After the match The Miz gets on the mic as he walks up the ramp. Says something like "I don't even need that anymore because I've got this" *holds up Money in the Bank briefcase. R-Truth gets vengance, Bourne gets a deserved title chance and The Miz loses the one thing holding back his attempts at WWE Championship glory.
I think that the perfect option is to have Randy Orton beat Miz for the Title AFTER Miz becomes a double Champion, this way it wont make Miz look weak when dropping the title because he is dropping it to a credible superstar whilst WWE Champion. Think of it like this.


Randy Orton defeats Sheamus to win the WWE Title
Miz Cashes in MITB and wins the WWE Title

The Next Raw:
Triple threat match for the WWE Championship, Miz retains by cheating orton out of the title,

The Raw before NoC:
Orton beats Miz for the US Title

Miz vs Orton WWE Title Match which Miz wins.

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