Why Is Del Rio Still Not Getting A Loud Crowd Reaction?


The United Kingdom Champion
I dont understand why he still isn't fully over with the crowd as of yet,His the WWE Champion and supposly "Injured" Rey Mysterio aswell as attacking Cena after the No.1 Contenders match and then the MITB cash in on Punk.Wouldn't you think that would be enough to get a LOT of heat,I mean he has attacked,Injured and cashed in on WWE's 3 biggest Faces at the moment but yet still no reaction?Is it to do with his current gimmick?Even in his matches the crowd is mostly dead until he locks in the Cross Arm-Breaker,The crowd don't appreiciate how good he is in the ring,his Moveset which is all aimed towards the Arm might be another reason the crowd is dead during his matches aswell.What do you think he needs to do/change to get a lot of Heat and why isn't he getting a lot of heat at the moment?
Because all though he is the WWE champion, all of the current focus is on the Punk, HHH, Nash angle. Thats the problem. The wwe championship is all but irrelevant and I hate to say it, but it is because HHH decided he wants to be the top angle straight up. He just couldn't leave the Punk thing alone could he? Now he is gonna squash him at NOC. Punk needs to go over clean here. and he wont. HHH will beat him clean, 123. or punk will win via dq or something. totally fucked up I know.

As for Del Rio. I think he should be over, but attacking and taking out Rey has been done SO many times that i dont think anyone cares anymore.
I don't know about crowd noise, but people in the audience certainly seem to be doing a lot of moving around and waving their arms for ADR, especially when he shows up with his latest car.

The thing is, he's more of a classic wrestler than most of the brawlers we're used to. His matches are entertaining to watch, but I don't know that old-style wrestling is going to inspire much yelling from the audience during the match.

People seem to be on their feet when he's executing his after-match attacks on opponents. I'm not qualified to comment on loud crowd reactions, but fans certainly seem to be involved with what he's doing.
It's because he is boring, It's as simple as that. When he comes to the ring i want to turn off my TV. Arrogance is a good trait to have as a heel, but his arrogance just pisses everyone off because he says the same lines EVERY SINGLE NIGHT.

"My name is Alberto Del Rio"
"blah blah blah blah Destiny Blah blah blah"
"I am better than you cause I'm richer blah blah blah"

While he may work well in the ring, His persona is terrible and I was sick of him the day he stepped into a WWE Ring.
I think its actually just a numbers game. WWE events attendance has dwindled in the last few years. I went to the Smackdown right before Summer Slam and there were only about 3000 people there. Thats about 1/5th of the capacity of the arena. Everyone was on the side that the camera saw and the entire upper level was closed off. And while RAW does about double that number, it still pales in comparison to the late 90's early 00's.
Because Alberto Del Rio is just not over yet with the audience. From a live crowd or Tv audience standpoint. He is very bland, is a little hard to hear whilst cutting a promo too. The WWE have shoved this guy down peoples throats.

He has been in WWE a year. He has won the "biggest" rumble match ever. Competed at Wrestlemania for the world title. Won raw's money in the bank ladder match, and finally cashed it in a month later at WWE's second biggest event, to win the biggest championship in WWE.

Too much too soon. Once upon a time you had to prove yourself to become a star, not get given a spot.
honeslty i think its because its hard to understand him on the mic and hes boring. He says the same thing over and over. At this point his announcer Ricardo Rodriguez gets more of a reaction from the crowd.
I actually addressed this in my State of the WWE thread in WWE Main.

Seems strange that the WWE Champion is so low in the rankings, doesn't it? I agree, but that's what Money in the Bank seems to do when it isn't built properly. The WWE did a brilliant job building guys like Edge, CM Punk, and The Miz as Mr. Money in the Bank before the cash in. Not so much with Swagger last year or Del Rio. Right now, Del Rio looks weak, but that isn't a good thing for a guy his size. When a 6'5" 250 lb guy who can wrestle with the best of them looks weak, you're doing something wrong. Del Rio is, ON PAPER, the best heel that the WWE could possibly offer. Then you see the reaction that he gets (or lack thereof) and you realize that something HAS to be missing. The question is, what? In my opinion, the missing link is that Del Rio never had a money feud to get him over. The Edge feud could have been that, but Del Rio ended up coming out of that feud looking just as weak as he did going into it. Then Del Rio lost a match to Christian (who looks pretty weak himself, nowadays) for the World Title. Then Del Rio got drafted to Raw where a roster shakeup had him a bit lost in the shuffle. The he had a very short feud with The Big Show and Kane which ended up somehow turning into Mark Henry's feud.

Next thing you know Del Rio is cashing in on a massively over babyface CM Punk at Summerslam, which would have added to his heat if Punk would have been the guy feuding with Del Rio after the match, but Punk went after Nash. So now we have a momentum-less, heat-less, basically faceless WWE Champion that doesn't draw a dime.
That about covers it, really. I personally think Del Rio's first feud as champ should be against somebody who is super-likable, like, say a John Morrison. Kind of like how Miz used Lawler to get over in his first feud as champion.
It's because WWE's target audience are lazy.

They get bland, watered down and generic looking matches and "superstars" and are given strong hints who to boo and who to cheer. You get the rebels who cheer Punk loudly because of his talent and what he's done over his career and you get the kids and females cheering Cena loudly for his lack of talent and what he's done over his career (all hinted by WWE to hail him as a god by the way) but Del Rio falls into that category of great wrestlers who just isn't worth a damn in WWE terms.

Give him a Rumble win, sure. Have him challenge for a title at WM. Make him win MITB. Successfully cash in.

None of that means anything if the company isn't behind you and if the company isn't behind you, the fans won't be either.

WWE pushed and pushed for Miz to be a top star despite his many failings and made him obnoxious enough for fans to take the hint and boo him out the building. Since losing the title and dropping off the title radar, WWE hasn't bothered with him and when he is on tv, the fans give him an almighty "meh".

Del Rio as a character also needs to be developed because saying "he's part of one of wrestling's most famous wrestling families, he held World titles as Dos Caras Jr" will mean a lot to people like myself at least but to the average WWE fan who Vince targets week after week, none of that will matter.

Take Bryan Danielson for example.

He was bullied on NXT by Miz and Cole with them ridiculing him for holding World titles and competing all over the world for over 10 years to make him a sympathetic character on that show but mostly to build those two as major heels.

After leaving that show and up until him winning MITB, I don't think I ever heard anyone outside of the internet fanbase who knew him anyway really talk about him. They're building him as someone who can do a few submission moves sure but that's not developing his character.

Chris Benoit was a pure wrestler but they pushed how intense he was, how his character and personality was so intense, he was intensity personified. Really putting him over.

Danielson and Del Rio just don't seem to have that company backing just yet. Everything still revolves around John Cena even when he isn't the champion (hell, it was the same even when he wasn't in the title picture at all at least a few times over the years).

That's why 95% of the current roster is so bland and boring, because WWE doesn't promote personality and prefers to stick to their tried and true formula of the same nucleus of wrestlers with occasional supporting players (Punk, Christian, Henry in this case).
Why is Del Rio still not getting a loud crowd reaction? Well, to be honest he DOES get a loud crowd reaction. His announcer, Ricardo Rodriguez, and my second favorite character on RAW behind CM Punk, is just louder by all the yelling he does on the microphone so you just can't hear it...
because he's booring plus the wwe championship match has taken a back seat we all know the match every one is looking forward to is tripple h vs punk
It's simple. The WWE put the top belt on a guy who isn't over. Nobody noticed when he was missing from RAW which says a lot. Fans want to talk about the "Reallity era" (A figment of the IWC's imagination) meanwhile we have a walking talking cartoon character "The evil foreigner" as the WWE champion.
It's because he is boring, It's as simple as that. When he comes to the ring i want to turn off my TV. Arrogance is a good trait to have as a heel, but his arrogance just pisses everyone off because he says the same lines EVERY SINGLE NIGHT.

"My name is Alberto Del Rio"
"blah blah blah blah Destiny Blah blah blah"
"I am better than you cause I'm richer blah blah blah"

While he may work well in the ring, His persona is terrible and I was sick of him the day he stepped into a WWE Ring.

Yeah, but Cena says the same lines every single night as well. And to top it off he's not even all that good of a wrestler. At least ADR can actually wrestle and do it well.
It's because he is boring, It's as simple as that. When he comes to the ring i want to turn off my TV. Arrogance is a good trait to have as a heel, but his arrogance just pisses everyone off because he says the same lines EVERY SINGLE NIGHT.

"My name is Alberto Del Rio"
"blah blah blah blah Destiny Blah blah blah"
"I am better than you cause I'm richer blah blah blah"

While he may work well in the ring, His persona is terrible and I was sick of him the day he stepped into a WWE Ring.


You hit the nail on the head my friend.

He cuts the same damn promo every show and I didn't even like it the first time.

There are two reasons why he's been GIVEN that spot on the card. Firstly, because WWE need a Mexican champion for their tour later in the year (Rey Mysterio is unreliable at best) and secondly, Vince McMahon has a chubby for him. Was he getting over with the crowd? No. Was he putting on quality matches? Not particularly.

Unfortunately this is the direction WWE have chosen to go in and as per usual, we'll get it forced down our throats until we claim to like it (just so they'll ease off).
I think a fued with CM Punk would have put Del Rio over as a heel way better than this BS with Cena. Cena doesnt even care enough to make this feud believeable.
It's simple. The WWE put the top belt on a guy who isn't over. Nobody noticed when he was missing from RAW which says a lot. Fans want to talk about the "Reallity era" (A figment of the IWC's imagination) meanwhile we have a walking talking cartoon character "The evil foreigner" as the WWE champion.

BINGO! That is the reason right there. The guy just isn't over. However with that said, I think this is the perfect time for him to hold the title due to his circumstance. WWE hyped him right off the bat as a contender for the title (which they shouldn't have but they did). Since they hyped him so much as a contender for the WWE Championship, they needed to give him the belt within a certain amount of time or all the hype they did about him being a contender would have went down the drain and so would his character and gimmick. I personally enjoy (not love) but enjoy his character and would have hated to see that.

So now, we have this amazing feud between CM Punk/Nash/HHH that isn't about the WWE Title. You also have the biggest name in the WWE, John Cena, not in a feud. Perfect time to give the title to Del Rio. Del Rio gets to hold the WWE title and feud with the biggest name in the business, but still not have the pressure of being in the main feud of the WWE.
Del Rio is awful. He is far over rated and its a matter of time before the IWC turn on him and start bashing him as they are seemlessly starting to do with Punk. Ride ADR coat tails as he's a major heel and will be the best heel and he has this and that. He really has nothing. No one knew he wasn't on Raw or Smackdown. Hell I didn't even notice he was missing if it was for the internt. The guy isn't anything special and what does he do in the ring that is so great??? His MITB win was a joke. He was on the floor a great portion of the match. He came in a stole the win. Oh yeah that makes him so great right? He gets his ass kicked and steals a win? Shitty in my eyes. ADR is not good in the ring. He has maybe 7 moves if that and he does the same Flash Kick, Beautiful Disater kick too. Nothing special and is ruining the move now. Alberto Del Rio will fail. All of Vince's choosen one fail. Sorry but I hope he loses the belt soon and he just goes away. I rather watch Ricardo atleast he draws heat.
That's just like asking "Why is CM Punk getting boo'ed in the crowd, he's the best in the world!" Or "Why do people cheer for John Cena? He sucks balls!". It's a persons opinion. I think he should be getting a better reaction from the crowd but you have to remember:

"Pro Wrestling is real, People are fake."
Del Rio does get a good reaction from the crowds. In typical IWC exaggeration, some of the posts try to make it seem as if you can hear crickets chirping when Del Rio comes out. The guy gets good heat from the crowds and they're constantly involved in his matches. Del Rio puts on entertaining matches that keeps the crowd interested in what's going on.

I will agree that his promo work gets a little repetetive at times but, then again, so did Ric Flair's back in the day. So did Ted DiBiase's, so did Hulk Hogan's. Del Rio doesn't project a huge amount of energy in his promos. He's not yelling or screaming all over the place because that's not his character. He's as "sophisticated elitist" with a huge bank account and sees himself as royalty and anyone not in the same socio-economic circles as peasants. That's exactly the way he tends to act in his promos and that's exactly how he's supposed to act.

If anything, I think the problem is that because Del Rio doesn't fit in with the "same old same old" is why some don't like him. Del Rio has a legitimately different style about him and it's a style that a lot of fans aren't used to. It's not what they've seen their favorites do and because of that, they don't like it. Broaden your horizons a bit people.

As for his feud with John Cena, Christ give it some time. There's been ZERO interaction between Del Rio & Cena because they haven't had a friggin' chance to get things off and running. He wasn't at Raw or SmackDown! due to some work visa issues and the week before that was when he jumped and beat Cena down. His feud has been "overshadowed" because the WWE hasn't had the opportunity to follow up on the Cena vs. Del Rio feud yet.
Everyone is saying he's boring I completely disagree. I think Alberto is one of the most entertaining guys on WWE TV. His character is a cross between the "evil foreigner" and the rich snob everyone hates and I think he plays it pretty good.

Now l'm not sure why he doesn't get much crowd reaction but I sure as hell think he's over enough. I think it's just that some hardcore fans can't accept the fact that some new guys are taking over and guys like Triple H and The Undertaker are ready to put some young guys over before hanging up their boots. And might I add Del Rio is very talented in the ring. His matches are always great if booked right and given the right opponent. I think Del Rio is gonna grab everyone's attention sooner rather than later. Though like I said he's definitely over right now not CM Punk over or Miz over but over none the less. But just give him some time and he'll be one of the most despised heels in the WWE.
Yeah, it's because he's very boring.. and i mean really boring.. his matches don't even entertain me.. and I don't hate him because he's heel and you're supposed to hate him.. i literally don't like him.. he's been annoying ever since he first arrived.. i think it was a bad idea to give him the title, he should have been the first person to cash in MITB and lose.. but noooo!! But his ring announcer on the other hand is great.. that guy cracks me up :)

You hit the nail on the head my friend.

He cuts the same damn promo every show and I didn't even like it the first time.

There are two reasons why he's been GIVEN that spot on the card. Firstly, because WWE need a Mexican champion for their tour later in the year (Rey Mysterio is unreliable at best) and secondly, Vince McMahon has a chubby for him. Was he getting over with the crowd? No. Was he putting on quality matches? Not particularly.

Unfortunately this is the direction WWE have chosen to go in and as per usual, we'll get it forced down our throats until we claim to like it (just so they'll ease off).

BINGO AGAIN!! You either get a reaction or no reaction. No, a little crowd noise during his entrance doesnt really mean anything. If you're over, then you get a reaction Simple as that.

Ppl seem to use excuses like the size of the crowd or that all the attention goes to cm punk blah blah. Im sorry but if Del Rio is truely over, then he should get a reaction no matter what like Heel edge, heel orton, heel jericho, heel cm punk etc. Its fair comparing del rio to those guys because well.. he is the wwe champion!!!

It is stupid how the e put the strap on del rio based the fact it profits from the mexico tour, eventhough he is not over and had no mommentum winning the title.

Theres a reason why DEL RIO lost at wrestlemania
Because he's boring? the WWE put the entire machine behind him and makes him look unbeatable way to much....

fact of the matter is, ADR IS talented but he has gotten to much to soon IMO. His promos are all the same.
the reason he gets little to no reaction is because wwe pushed him too quick when he debuted i thought he was gonna face someone like chris masters or JTG but when it was rey and he won i started to like him right away but then everything happened so suddenly he took rey out because of injury won the RR faced edge for the world title at WM then christian at extreme rules then wins the mitb breifcase then the wwe title it was so sudden that his promos never changed (stated earlier) and thats the probem in order for the wwe universe to give a damn he needs new things to say to captivate the crowd otherwise hes just as boring as the miz was near the end of his title run
I don't see where Del Rio DOESN'T get a good reaction. He gets great heel reactions everytime he comes out, through every single promo he cuts, and every action he makes. What exactly are you wanting from his reaction? He's a classic heel, more then anyone else in the WWE right now, and he's one of the few wrestlers who gets nothing but a HEEL reaction. No one likes Del Rio.. no one cheers Del Rio.. and that's exactly the way its suppose to be.

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