Divas actually getting a reaction.


Future Diva, Womans and Divas champ
Well last night I watched Superstars for the first time in who knows how long and it was very interesting. I hope this is the place to post this since Superstars doesn't have a place here like Raw, NXT and SD does.

Anyways the main event for superstars last night was a diva match and I was like wow seriously, but the match was actually really good it was longer then the average diva match and it was great. It was a tag team match between Laycool and Tiffany and Kelly.

Now is it just me or did the crowd really seem to get into that match I haven't heard a WWE crowd get into a diva match like that in awhile. I mean I enjoy the fued between Laycool and Kelly {with Tiffany} and I really hope Kelly gets the title.

So the questions are, is the diva divison finally getting the crowd excitied again and getting a reaction, is the diva divison getting better and how do you feel about the divas fueds in the WWE.

I personally think that the divas are finally getting a reaction again and I think that the diva divison is getting better and better and their storylines are getting a whole lot better and more interesting.
Most people there usually think of a diva's match to go to the toilet lol

Yeh, I do think it can be taken seroiusly again, a lot of the divas now are actually improving..its a good thing as well, while they're not posing for playboy, they are working hard in the ring to entertain the crowd..

Now you mention Superstars, think about it, its not like Smackdown or Raw, its actually taped before either show, so its really to the crowd watching at home isn't it..When I see a diva's match, I always stay where am sat, and don't call me sad, but I analyse them, I can see an approvement in their in-ring work..if this keeps up, I think we can have our Trish/Lita days back in no time...
Well first off I don't know who the hell watches superstars. But to your question about the divas getting a reaction I doubt it because superstars is taped and wwe fixes the crowd noises for reactions. So im assuming wwe fixed the recording and added additional noises.
I had been observing Kelly because I always spot 2 if not more botches in her match. I was watching Superstars and it was much long than an average Divas Match, but it was a little harder to spot Kelly's mistakes.

But as of right now the knockouts r really BORING and I'd prefer the divas in my own standpoint. I also noticed WWE has been recruiting more TALENTED divas lately.
I've been saying for a while now how Superstars is the show to watch for women wrestling. The divas are actually given time and allowed to put on solid matches. I have yet to see one bad divas' match on Superstars over the past 2 months.

With that said, WWE clearly fixes the crowd noises because I see Primo come out and get more heat than Nexus.
I don't know about all the divas getting a reaction but I'm feeling Laycool. They are hot entertaining and improving in the ring each time out. I think the division is really gonna take off when Natalya and Snuka enter the fray and i wanna see what Serena can do too, she be wearing them damn jeans. Alicia Foxx is ok i can deal with her as champ but she not that sexy to be a diva or that good in the ring to be a hardcore female wrestler to me.
Agree completely, Laycool are very entertaining. This title-sharing idea that they have means they can gang up on the other divas. I think that Kelly will get the title from Layla soon but expect a couple of failed attempts first.

Back to OP, the divas scene has gotten a little more interesting lately - part down to Laycool, part the improving talent - but it still has a long way to go to get back to it's Trish/Lita heyday.
I can see an approvement in their in-ring work.

Makes me wonder if Finlay is training them again. Wasn't he doing that before they activated him as a wrestler? And now, he retires and the in-ring work of the divas seems to be better. It's possible.

The women's division used to consist of two types of divas.....wrestlers and models. The wrestlers could.....er, wrestle, but the models were generally hopeless in the ring. As I saw it, divas like Torrie Wilson and Stacy Keibler looked great but needed a true wrestler to guide them into a decent match. Even so, it didn't always work.

Today, there are what I consider to be "athletic models." Women like Michelle McCool, Kelly Kelly and Maryse fall into this category. They are athletic women who were taught how to wrestle in the last few years. Their forerunner was probably Trish Stratus, who looked hopeless as a wrestler during her T & A days, but was athletic enough to turn into herself a pretty decent wrestler.

I think it's great that WWE is able to combine beauty and ability in their divas division. Makes for a better show.

And anyone who uses the divas matches as a bathroom break is.........well.........full of shit.:disappointed:
Most of the Divas matches you'll see on Superstars are actually pretty decent. I'm not saying that they're setting the world on fire or anything, but they're definitely much better than the shit we see on Raw or Smackdown or from the Knockouts on iMPACT!. The WWE, in all honesty, does have some women wrestlers on its roster that actually can put on good wrestling matches. The main problem is that they're not given enough time on Raw or Smackdown to do anything serious. Several weeks ago, Gail Kim and Jillian wrestled a 6 or 7 minute match and it was probably the best women's match I've seen in either WWE or TNA this year. I was honestly and legitimately surprised at just how much Jillian has improved in the ring.

Superstars is pretty much a throwaway show, but you'll usually see pretty good matches there. But, most WWE fans don't watch it because you don't often have many major WWE stars on the show and much of what happens on Superstars isn't tied to anything relevant happening on Raw, Smackdown or even NXT for that matter.

But, I don't look for the WWE to really do anything serious or meaningful with the Divas. Women's wrestling has never been a draw in the United States, Vince McMahon knows this, so I can sort of see that side of it. There have been several times throughout the years in which the WWE has tried to have a serious women's division but it's just never really caught on. Still, the shitty 90 second matches we're often forced to endure on Raw or Smackdown do get annoying. If we're going to have to endure filler, at least make it filler that's actually watchable.
If you want to watch pure WWE wrestling without the promos, interruptions, disqualifications and so on then Superstars is the show to watch. I suppose the reaosn why the divas get a reaction could either be due to the fact that WWE fixes the crowd noise or that they actually wrestle properly on Superstars are the matches are longer and of better quality.
If you're stating that the Diva's are getting great reactions on Superstars, then you'd be telling the truth. Yet, it isn't an honest answer by a long shot. They tape and enhance the crowd reactions on that show by millions, so that when you see those wrestlers on RAW/SD you'd be wanting to cheer/boo for them. But, the matches on Superstars for the Diva's are the matches to watch if you want credible women's wrestling.

As for Diva's getting a reaction, they have been working to improve their skills in the past few months and it shows. You've got girls like Eve, Layla and Kelly who are at the top of their divisions... where a few months ago they were still quite sloppy and just getting by. People seem to start giving a shit about the girls and it's slowly progressing. SD's creative team and the girls being allowed to develop as characters have given that division life. The RAW roster hasn't got as much of a reaction as they use the girls as filler (considering the talent they have) and the already established stars are the ones that get a reaction. It's not bad, but it could get better.

The Diva's can improve if given the time, but I don't see them having a significant improvement with girls like Beth Phoenix and Melina on the shelf.
Oh how I wish we got Superstars here! I absolutely love Jillian Hall and that seems to be the show she is showcased on alot more so. I have seen a few matches online and it seems like Jillian is picking up again, and I hope she gets another "push" and a run for the divas title again soon!
I think it's worth noting that they usually tape these matches before the main shows start. If you go to a live show, people are usually into the first match or two no matter who's wrestling because it's the first match or two and they're just generally excited. Booking divas matches on RAW say in the 10:20-10:40pm range is a terrible idea IMO because by then everyone's been there a few hours and people could be getting tired/bored/ready for the main event/pissed off at how the show has gone thus far/needing a bathroom break/etc., etc., etc.

This is not a crack at the Divas, I'm a fan. If it were Santino vs. Goldust, it'd be the same thing. Just a different perspective.

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