Are the wasting time on Del Rio?

Wade's Public Transit Bomb

Championship Contender
One of the most used lines when it comes to WWE pushes is "wasted talented." If someone doesn't get a push, they are "wasted talented." Well, what about when someone gets pushed hard and still doesn't get over. Is there such a thing as "wasted push?"

Del Rio continued the tradition of debuting SD stars who had video packages leading up to their debut and a big push has proceeded:

- An over the top entrance that includes a personalized ring announcer, a expensive car, and lots of pyro

- He faced a carousel of popular faces on SD that includes Rey Mysterio, Christian, Kofi Kingston and the recently retired Edge

- He wins the match or has the last laugh more times than not

- He was the only guy that was on all TV shows leading up to the Rumble

- He won the Royal Rumble

- He has been given weekly segments to talk about his destiny since January

- He has been the last segment of SD for several weeks minus last week

All this within 7-8 months to boot. Yet, Del Rio just hasn't been connecting to the crowd as one would think. Last night, it was awkward to see this guy try to get cheap heat and the crowd not care. But that wasn't the first time the crowd just sat around waiting for someone else to come out. His matches are usually dead crowds too.

Anyone else notice this or it is just me?

I understand he was a big deal in Mexico. I understand a lot of people think he oozes charisma. However, I really don't think whatever star power and charisma he has is translating into the WWE crowd. Maybe a big push against Cena will get him over, but I think there's enough proof to have doubts about even that.
It's not that it's a wasted push it's more Del Rio isn't being creative with his segments. The crowd connects with you better if you mix it up. Example: two weeks after EC, The Miz kept doing the same promo over and over again to the point the crowd didn't respond at all. Because it was the same thing! He knew it and did something about it! He mixed it up, got creative, and was the main guy the crowd was rooting for against Cena. Now wherever he goes he gets cheers and a few boos.

Del Rio's problem is that with the type of character he has, it could became stale real quick. I mean how many times must we see him hold a fiesta to make fun of his opponents. Every feud he gets in it's the same thing: taunt, fiesta, beatdown. If he added a little Scarface to his character and made it more mexican mafia crime lord with Brutus as his right hand, it might get interesting. But the whole holy mexican rich dude routine with a body guard is getting old.
Well, he is getting a little bit boring in these days, but its not his fault!
First, his song entrance is awful, omg it is really very bad, just annoys me!!

Second, is promo last night was so bad, because of that stupid song that they put when he was presenting the "gifts" and i'm predicting one handicap company just complain about WWE -.-

Third, Brodus Clay + A. Del Rio = :die:
Nobody really understands that ...
Ricardo Rodriguez = Different, but annoying...

Now, Alberto Del Rio is pure gold, he can be a legend, dont even doubt about that, his finisher is really used in MMA and really hurts like shiit, so the part of credibility is their!!
His ring ability is awesome, c'mon, not a Kurt Angle, but very very good tactical wrestling and is very entertaining all of the moves, that enzigury looks badass!!
Mic skills, he is good, he has spanish accent, that his gold for the WWE business, im from Portugal and i like very much when he speaks a little of spanish cause i understand him and Ricardo, which is very similar to Portuguese!!
Charisma- 90/100
Gimmick - Best of 2010

So he only should change brodus and being beaten by Christian (who the hell gets beaten by Christian? XD)
Well, he is getting a little bit boring in these days, but its not his fault!
First, his song entrance is awful, omg it is really very bad, just annoys me!!

Second, is promo last night was so bad, because of that stupid song that they put when he was presenting the "gifts" and i'm predicting one handicap company just complain about WWE -.-

??!?! His entrance music is one of the best in the WWE because it has a lot more personality then the generic rock by numbers most WWE superstars have & I thought the music playing threw out the promo added something & I think he did a fantastic job with that promo, the was crowd noise but it wasn't as loud as the pops Kane & Big Show nor the heat as much as the Corree got threw out the night. But this varies from location to location, I agree Del Rio has got a little bit stale in some respects and creative need to shake things up a bit but he is still one of the strongest characters in the WWE, has tonnes of ability and is charismatic and is exactly the sort of person WWE should be pushing... because he stands out in a very generic line of main eventers.
I don't think the push is being wasted at all. Del Rio is a showman; he seems like a direct descendant of Gorgeous George in that he talks sweet while pulling off dirty tricks. (If Gorgeous George could have made his entrance in a Rolls Royce, that's exactly the kind of thing he would have done).

More classic villains in WWE would be refreshing, and Del Rio fits the bill. He acts like a blueblood, yet gets down and dirty in his matches and has the wrestling ability to mix it up with anyone. You could see him attacking heels as well as faces since he's like a nation unto himself.....he'll double-cross anyone.

Del Rio also reminds me of Bob Backlund after he went heel. You still see the same superior technical ability, yet the bad-guy flamboyance makes you boo him even while you enjoy his act.

What Alberto needs now is a championship. He'll get a lot of crowd reaction when the crowds are fervently hoping he'll get knocked off his perch. Yet, he'll be a believable champ because of the way he parades around with a title belt around his waist. Rooting against him will be even more fun.

I think WWE has picked a winner by hiring this guy.
he hasent even been a year in the company give it some time u cant expect people to get to know him and have history with the guy 7 months in. AND for those 7 months in hes done great didnt u hear the boo's he got from the crowd? little by little u draw and when u see the end result u have a beutiful painting. I feel del rio will bigger but with time all he needs is to kinda mix up his fueds a lil and his promos more. U know something out side the partys and assult promos
^^ Agreed. Give the guy some time to get over. It's not like they put the belt on him his first week. He's gonna be a big heel, hell he's already almost there. They need to just put him in a few more angles where he is just a treacherous son of a bitch and he'll get more heat.
I fail to see it. One crowd doesn't decide if a wrestler is over for one, and Del Rio certainly has charisma and can get a crowd to boo him. Two, his matches are usually fantastic, but it's a not his job to liven up the crowd during a match. That's the face's job.

While I admit, Del Rio's routine is getting a little stale, he's still an over heel. He just needs to mix it up a little bit.

But to even consider that he's just wasted effort is wrong. The man has virtually everything he needs to be a world champion in WWE. Charisma, technical skill, and character. He's got IT. WWE made the right choice in pushing him to the top.
Del Rio's push is anything but a waste of time. They now have a threat to the world title, somebody who wasn't even on the roster a year ago. He has a personal ring announcer who gets him heel heat by speaking in another language, an over the top annoying entrance that resembles JBL's, and he is great on the mic. But you already knew that. He won the Royal Rumble and has been in world title matches. Through all of this Del Rio became a threat to the world title. So, how is that a wasted push? Is it because he lost a few matches? No one is invincible. People lose matches. If it's becuase he doesn't seem to be connecting with the crowd, he's a heel and heels aren't supposed to connect with the crowd. You're supposed to not like him. That means he's doing his job. Would you rather they have pushed someone else instead of Del Rio? He deserved his push and it was not wasted because he worked hard to get up to the top of the card faster than most and they created a new potential world champion. Doesn't sound wasted if you ask me.

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