Edge's mixed reaction... Does it say more about Edge or the crowd?

Many have somewhat said it already in this thread. The boos come from the crowd's doubt. Edge may be a tweenish face at the moment because of his return, but the crowd is probably expecting Edge to turn heel again sometime very soon. Its in his character to not trust him or what he says, so everyone is waiting for the "Just kidding, screw you fans! Gotcha!" And it will probably be after his win at Wrestlemania, no matter who the opponent is. Then the audience will groan as we see the evil Edge return back to his old antics.

Don't get me wrong, I think Edge is great. But I don't want to see him as a heel for a while. He has been a heel for years, all stemming from the fans rejecting him at Cyber Sunday (remember that PPV?) about 4 or 5 years ago and not voting him to get a title shot against HHH. (The fans chose an injured Shawn Michaels instead, who should have never wrestled that match...Shawn went for surgery right after that too). We know what Edge can do as a full blown heel, but now we need to see what he can do as a top face.

The grey area they have put Edge in is confusing to the audience, especially the kiddies. Edge's current actions are not giving a hint to which way he is going either. Spearing the Undertaker willingly (yes it was retaliation and the two have a good history of hate) won't get face votes. Having matches against heels is not making him a face either, because Edge is still in it for himself. Usually the faces try to get the crowd with them. Edge doesn't care, he hasn't changed.

I just hope they tip the scales one way or another, or else Edge will lose his momentum. We should either care about him or hate him for Wrestlemania. Keeping the crowd guessing will really screw up the hype.

But yeah...I still expect on the Raw after Wrestlemania for Edge to verbally flip us all off as he holds the WWE championship in his hands...
It's probably because he hasn't exactly been acting like a face. His promos all involve him and how great he is. Plus, in recent weeks, he's been feuding with Undertaker, while also feuding with Batista, Sheamus, and Jericho. So he might get some boos on Smackdown! for spearing 'Taker, but on RAW, he is only feuding with Sheamus, a heel, so he will get mostly cheers.

It is Edge's fault, because he is acting a bit like a 'tweener right now. Plus, Edge hasn't been a face in around 5 years, so maybe some people forgot what he was like as a face, and that includes me a little bit, too.
I still don't know if he is playing the face or heel role. He seems more like a tweener.
His mixed reaction is probably because the kids don't really appreciate how cool it is when a superstar returns and they still boo him because of what he did before his injury.
There is also booing because he is feuding with the Undertaker and when he said something about him making a career out of John Cena got him to get some heat too.
Overall I think it is thanks to the kids.
I think it's more Edge. He was an evil heel for a very long time and now all of a sudden he's back and a face and this is just supposed to be all ok? I think the problem is that it takes time for the transition to happen. A lot of people are likely waiting on Edge to act evil again and they're skeptical about cheering him for fear that he's going to be heel again soon and have them al be dupped by it. I'd think it's more on Edge as he was such a solid heel for so long and he's now a face for the first time in like 5 years.

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