Crowd Reaction To CENA at Unforgiven.

SyStem, do you not realize that Adam Copeland plays Edge the character? Do you hate an actor who plays a villian in a movie? Honestly, I'm getting sick of this Canada bashing. Randy Orton is a heel, but he's American, that doesn't make Americans "homos." When the WWE comes to Canada, we boo wrestlers like Cena and cheer wrestlers like Edge. Because we appreciate WRESTLING. The Hart family, Jericho, Benoit, Edge, Christian, Lance Storm, Trish Stratus, seems like a talented bunch to me. To anyone who has anything codescending to say about the country of Canada, do yourself a favor and just shutup, your only furthuring your ignorace and embarassing yourself.
Canadians always cheer their own as well so it's no surprise Edge got a huge cheer in Toronto. He was also getting a big cheer in Montreal until he called the audience a bunch of kermits. That made me almost spit out my drink I was laughing so hard.

As far as Cena goes, I used to hate him but I've turned it around ever since he's developed the "screw you" attitude. Is why I made Cena my avitar. I enjoy watching him wrestle (even though he only knows a few moves...but so did Hulk Hogan and he is still mega-popular) and on the mic he makes me laugh.
marvinboutlier said:
Canadians always cheer their own as well so it's no surprise Edge got a huge cheer in Toronto. He was also getting a big cheer in Montreal until he called the audience a bunch of kermits. That made me almost spit out my drink I was laughing so hard.

Cena has been booed wherever he goes. Usually the only ones that cheer for him are the kids and the women (that also cheer for Randy Orton). Put Cena as heel, and you will hear the same cheers from the women.
wrestlemaniaxxx said:
Cena has been booed wherever he goes. Usually the only ones that cheer for him are the kids and the women (that also cheer for Randy Orton). Put Cena as heel, and you will hear the same cheers from the women.

just imagine the moment cena turning heel and just look at all the girls' and lil boys' faces. theyd be stunned and be crying out of the arena while the guys laugh and cheer about it.
Not all girls like Cena... anyways, I loved the reaction they had to John Cena. I booed right along with them. I'm American, but Canada does rule (and saying it's gay is very ignorant!)- they have much better crowds and Toronto is a pretty city, my aunt lives there. You really did get into the match, and it was a real shame that Edge lost. You really shouldn't lose the biggest match in your career.

Flames Out
I do not dislike any fans they are all cool with me in the end I have no real problems Besides you all know Toronto Is Backwards land!Remeber Come Sumerslam2004 Remember how Edge was boo'd out when He was still a Face but slowly turning heel?
PhenomenalStyles said:
SyStem, do you not realize that Adam Copeland plays Edge the character? Do you hate an actor who plays a villian in a movie? Honestly, I'm getting sick of this Canada bashing. Randy Orton is a heel, but he's American, that doesn't make Americans "homos." When the WWE comes to Canada, we boo wrestlers like Cena and cheer wrestlers like Edge. Because we appreciate WRESTLING. The Hart family, Jericho, Benoit, Edge, Christian, Lance Storm, Trish Stratus, seems like a talented bunch to me. To anyone who has anything codescending to say about the country of Canada, do yourself a favor and just shutup, your only furthuring your ignorace and embarassing yourself.

This is why we need to just BLAME CANADA.:robvandam:

Yeah I realize that Adam Copeland is "playing Edge the character." Do you honestly think I am that ******ed?

And it's called a joke, I dunno but last I heard they weren't supposed to be serious.
Canadians produce some of the best wrestlers alive imho.

Cena deserves the water in the face for what he's done to great canadian champions
i think that canada has produced some great wrestlers and deserves lots of crdeit. On a side note i m wondering how the invasion plans are comming

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